The Running Thread - 2018

QOTD: Good morning folks and happy Halloween! I tried to post a question yesterday morning but the site or my computer was not having it :(. For todays question I wanted to ask what are you doing for Halloween? If you have kids do you take them to trick or treat or stay home and hand out candy? For those without kids, I think there should be adult neighborhoods that hand out tacos and margaritas! Anyone have and fun traditions? Hope everyone has a great day!

ATTQOTD: Weather pending, we will leave a bucket out with candy and we will stroll through the neighborhood with the kiddos. Going to reuse our costumes from MNSSHP. We did a trick or treat at LSU on Sunday, and DD decided she wanted to dress as Fancy Nancy lol.

We left a bucket of candy out while we took the kids around the block. We came back a little earlier than planned, because the daughter was just getting over a cold and exhausted and son was just getting tired. That bucket didn't even come close to lasting until we got back. We still had more to give when we got back to the house, but the large gangs roaming the neighborhood had already passed.
ATTQOTD: I dress up for all Disney races, but for me that mainly means a skirt or shirt that follows the theme of who I am plus a few accessories. I do not dress up for other races, but I try to follow themes. For example, for my half marathon that ends in Jordan Hare Stadium I always wear Auburn gear and for the half that runs on Fort Benning I always wear patriotic colors. I am all about matching!
Random Question:

Are there ever discounts for Lululemon? Like a coupon code or special sale?
Or am I just going to have to pay full price?
72 miles for October! My best month ever!:yay:

ATTQOTD: I’ve never gone full out costume for a Disney race, because I want to be comfortable. I do enjoy seeing all the creativity put into the costumes that people choose. My friend and I are walking the 5K and we are going to be wine and cheese-I bought a T-shirt that looks like Swiss cheese. I can’t get the cheese head to stay put though so I’m planning to just wear a chef hat. Guess I’ll be Swiss cheese! Lol
ATTQOTD: I dress up for our office annual charity costumed run. For the one Disney event I did, I had small running friendly horns like Maleficient’s for the 10k and nothing for the half. I am happy about the photo results.
October 2018
Total distance: 131km (81.5mi)
Average pace: 6:08min/km (9:50min/mi)
Happy about it. Best part was my two long runs from my home to my mom’s where DH and the kids would meet me with my clothes change for dinner! With the time change, that won't be convenient starting next week.
QOTD: Todays question comes from a fellow poster of this thread. The question reads "I am curious about how many dress up in costume for Disney races, do they wear the costume more than once, do they ever dress up for any other races during the year."
ATTQOTD: Dressing up for a Disney race is fun to do. It is a challenge to try to be creative enough for the costume to be recognized but still be in proper running gear which is the most important aspect. Last year, we just did Mickey/Minnie - black shirts, red shorts/red-white polka dot skirt, black tights, white gloves and hats with Mickey ears. This year, the kids want to dress up, too so we are doing a group costume for the half - (Pooh, Tiger, Eeyore, Piglet) but have not finalized the details yet.
I don't normally post my monthly mileage, but I hit my highest monthly mileage yet, which is really exciting!
91 miles for October

My husband commented that I have been talking about running a lot more, which I can totally see because I feel like training is consuming so much of my mind space. I am still in the excited phase though, so I hope that continues!
Random Question:

Are there ever discounts for Lululemon? Like a coupon code or special sale?
Or am I just going to have to pay full price?

As far as discounts, check the “We Made Too Much” Page - that’s basically their version of a sale. Otherwise, it’s full price or a visit to the outlet. Occasionally they’ll do coupon codes associated with an event or a holdiay, but even for Christmas last year I think it was just like free shipping or whatever.
October totals:

total miles: 211.4
avg. pace: 7:36/mile

That was higher than I expected--I cut back after Chicago with miles and pace. It took me some time to feel like normal (my normal aches and pains, not the marathon induced aches).

After NYC on Sunday, I want to take a real break for 2 weeks. I have said it out loud and I have a few people ready to throw it back in my face if I don't. Not sure if it will happen since I will need to do something to counter the 200 lbs. of Halloween candy collected last night. Fortunately, my oldest finally decided he is too old and didn't go out so that is 1/3 less than we normally have. I don't even really like candy but when it sits out on the counter....I am much more a fan of baked goods and prefer that as my empty calorie source.
ATTQOTD: I always dress up for Disney races - it's part of the fun. There are a few local races that I might wear a fun hat or sparkle skirt for, like the Irish Jig or the Groundhog half.
I've been away from the board for a while. I have a knee injury that's probably just muscular (quad above the knee) but it's not going away and my physical therapist doesn't want me running. I'm really bummed out about it and coming here is actually tough since I don't feel like a runner at all at the moment. I had taken 2 weeks off, did the physical therapy exercises and felt better. Then I did a short and slow run and the pain came right back. Now I'm off my feet again and I'mreally worried that my injury is going to be more long term. Anyway it all makes me feel like not participating in a running message board right now. I don't know if that's a typical feeling or not (and I don't know if I'm even doing a good job of explaining how I'm feeling), but there it is. Very bummed out running-wise right now. Thanks for reading and I'm glad to get this off my chest a bit...
@IamTrike Those are awesome!!!! Does that mean you can get people to the front of the pic stop lines during the race?

QOTD: Todays question comes from a fellow poster of this thread. The question reads "I am curious about how many dress up in costume for Disney races, do they wear the costume more than once, do they ever dress up for any other races during the year."

I always dress up for disney races, but usually with very easy costumes. I will wear a sparkle athletic skirt with normal running shirts/shorts that match a color theme for a character. And then I will add on little accessories. Like ears or wings. At a non-disney race the outfits would seem over the top but they are pretty low-key compared to how "all out" some people go. My next half marathon outfit will be my most elaborate since I'm tying birds to myself.

I APPRECIATE AND LOVE how many people dress up at disney races. It helps the miles go by (and passes time in the corrals) to people watch and it's fun when spectating to yell out character names enthusiastically at people.


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