Life After Marathons: A Running/barre3/Coffee/Life Journal

I kinda think of the runDisney part of the boards as both Fight Club and Mean Girls Club (*ducks*). Or just a really obnoxious clique.

Or you could be a grown-up and say these things instead of pretending like nobody reads your journal full of petty and vague comments, attacks and judgments. :sad2:
Or you could be a grown-up and say these things instead of pretending like nobody reads your journal full of petty and vague comments, attacks and judgments. :sad2:

I don't think I've ever been accused of being a grown-up before.
I don't think I've ever been accused of being a grown-up before.

Pick nits all you want.

You continue to call out and judge people who have done nothing but be nice to you and support you and actually went out of their way to do the ONE THING you complain about the most - include you.

I suppose it makes you feel better to say things over here, and that’s fine.

But take a step back and look in the mirror sometime and think about what YOU see in the reflection.
Pick nits all you want.

You continue to call out and judge people who have done nothing but be nice to you and support you and actually went out of their way to do the ONE THING you complain about the most - include you.

I suppose it makes you feel better to say things over here, and that’s fine.

But take a step back and look in the mirror sometime and think about what YOU see in the reflection.

This is who I am. I'm not an easy person to like, and I honestly don't understand why anyone would like me, but most people are better than I am. I've tried to be honest about who I am, and I'm sorry if I haven't reflected that here. It was never my intention to mislead people about who I am, and I am sorry if I did so.
Anyway ... I was gonna take a mini hiatus after the Staten Island Half to deal with some life stuff, but because I'm very close to achieving peak Sarah right now, I'm pushing that timetable up, with the hope that once I've gotten my life stuff sorted out, I can figure out what I want my interaction with this thread to be.

I'll be probably back when I've finished a few things. Feel free to keep chatting here while I'm gone, and drop me a line if you want to say hi. I'll probably be lurking around until after Chicago, and then probably again around Wine & Dine, and hopefully shortly after that I'll have my life stuff sorted out enough for me to feel like I can spend time on this again. So maybe expect a marathon training update in about a month and a half? We'll see how things go...

(Also, if you guys are just now figuring out what kind of person I am, even though I've said it many times, feel free to use this hiatus as an excuse to jump ship :))
Staten Island Half & The Hiatus

Just a few brief words (and some pictures) about today's race, the Staten Island Half Marathon.
Plan was to do this as a supported training run at Easy/LR interval pace (13:13). Finished in 2:39:40, with an average pace of 12:11. Even though I was too fast, it felt good. This is the kind of race day I wanted two weeks ago.




After the race, I got a selfie with Peter Ciaccia, the retiring NYRR President of Events, who is always at the finish line giving out high fives:


I also finished my guaranteed entry programs for both the 2019 NYC Marathon and 2019 NYC Half. I got to ring the 9+1 bell:

And ... pictures from the ferry ride home:



Now, as for this hiatus ...
In the last few weeks of Bronx 10 Mile training, as I was writing up my training week recaps (which I enjoyed/appreciated doing for that plan), I knew I wanted to take a step back for marathon training. Marathon training was going to be a big new thing for me, and I didn't think I was fully ready to share it with everyone.

Then there was the content of this journal over the last few months. As most of you know, I started a new job in February, and while I work with the greatest group of people ever (well, second greatest ... you guys are the greatest group of people ever), the work itself has not been what I was hoping it would be, and I kinda hate it. I've been complaining about it a lot on here. And honestly, I think that's part of the problem. I hate the project I'm working on. So I need to pass this project off to someone else and get put on a different project. But instead of trying to put my project in a state where it can be passed off and then figure out how to approach the higher-ups about getting myself on a new project, I come here and complain. I need to not do that. As long as I have a place where I can come and complain, I will do it. So I wanted to remove that and force myself to be more proactive about work (not that I've fully done that, but it's in progress. I WILL speak to one of my co-workers about it next time I see him).

I've also had some mild life stuff going on. Between a little bit of just general life sadness and the stress of looking for an apartment (hopefully that second stress is gone ... planning an October 31st move if all goes well), my mood has been all over the place and I've been struggling to not be negative. I know that the best way for me to deal with this is to create a "safe space" where I can be stressed and be as negative as I want and just get it off my chest, and I've been doing that here, which is kind of the opposite of what I wanted this journal to be. I wanted it to be a safe space where everyone feels welcome and can share whatever is important to them. It shouldn't be a place that stresses people out. So until I can find a different outlet for my stress and negativity and can come here and only share the things that make me feel good (and that I think will make others feel good), I'm not going to feel comfortable posting here.

My marathon plan was written in two phases. Phase one culminates in a 16 mile run on November 18th. Phase two ends with the marathon. I figured that after phase one I'd evaluate how I felt about training, the boards, and this journal. If I feel like I'm missing something by not being able to share my thoughts, training, and planning, then I'll be back (which may or may not include instagram ... so far I'm still going, but we'll see how long that lasts). But so far I'm okay ... I may end up coming back to the runDisney threads, but not to this journal. Or I may end up not coming back at all. I'm still lurking a bit (I was reading all the Chicago and other recent race recaps ... exciting stuff!), but cutting down on that over the next few weeks as I get busy getting ready for the move and whatnot.
I'll make a decision in mid-November.

Originally it was going to start after the Staten Island Half, because I wanted you guys to be able to follow along as I finished 9+1, but I was getting busier and busier and more and more stressed and I ended up being extra b*tchy to people (although I stand by my use of this thread as a place to express the thoughts that I think would be too hurtful if I expressed them elsewhere ... I just need to find a less negative way to express those thoughts) and I realized that I needed that step back earlier than I thought I did. But I still wanted to come back and post a little bit about the Staten Island Half ... so here we are.
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Congrats on today’s race and the guaranteed race entries!

I appreciate you sharing more about your journal and what is/isn’t working for you. I have always enjoyed reading and feel genuinely bad when you are not having a good day. I am here for whatever positive encouragement I can provide! :hug:
Great job on the guaranteed entries! Glad you posted a race recap. I hope you don't decide to abandon the boards, but I respect the need to take a step back for a bit. Good luck on marathon training!
Way to go achieving the 9+1 target! Hopefully the target of offloading the crummy project is much faster and easier, it is great to have good coworkers but it is rarely enough to balance out staring at work you despise. Even a shorter commute from your new place cannot mask that kind of yuck taking up so much of your day.
I hope you can find a safe, positive outlet for frustration and find a bit more balance to enjoy all the things.
Congrats on finishing your 9+1 - a great accomplishment. Understand about needing to take a step back and hope you find what you are looking for.
Congrats on that 9+1, Sarah!! I hope things at work improve and that your move goes smoothly. That's a lot to be dealing with at one time! :hug:
So happy that you reached the 9+1 goal! I completely understand taking a step back and reevaluating things. Just know we will all be here supporting you in whatever you decide!
Congrats on the 9+1 accomplishment.

I've appreciated your journal for it honesty. Sometimes life isn't easy. And sometimes it remains difficult for a very long time. And there will be times when the challenges of life impact our running and our overall feelings about running.

But I also understand if you need to take a hiatus from your journal or these boards. Sometimes we really need to unplug for a few days.

Whatever you decide, best of luck. I hope you find the appropriate outlet to deal with the challenges and struggles you face right now. I'll be cheering for you come marathon weekend.
We interrupt this hiatus to tell you that my FP+ window opens tomorrow and I have no idea which parks I'm doing on which days. (DHS after the 5K is tradition, but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to follow tradition without Beth ... I'll have to ask her what she thinks. But beyond that, I got nothing)

Also, Rangerstown is on Sunday. This link may or may not be for tracking -
Good luck on your race Sunday!!

I also have FP day tomorrow, but do have my plan laid out for FP+. Just hoping it goes according to plan. :P
We interrupt this hiatus to tell you that my FP+ window opens tomorrow and I have no idea which parks I'm doing on which days. (DHS after the 5K is tradition, but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to follow tradition without Beth ... I'll have to ask her what she thinks. But beyond that, I got nothing)

Also, Rangerstown is on Sunday. This link may or may not be for tracking -
I didn't figure out my FP+ selections until yesterday afternoon. I decided to base them around the park my big meal of the day is in and go from there.

Have fun at Rangerstown.
Good luck on your race Sunday!!


I also have FP day tomorrow, but do have my plan laid out for FP+. Just hoping it goes according to plan. :P

Good luck - I hope all goes according to plan for you!

Have fun on Sunday!!!

Thank you!

Good Luck Sunday!

Thank you!

didn't figure out my FP+ selections until yesterday afternoon. I decided to base them around the park my big meal of the day is in and go from there.

So you're saying theres still hope for me...
That's a good strategy. Unfortunately... I didnt make any ADRs and I dont know what my meal plans are...

Have fun at Rangerstown.

Thank you!


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