Hey y'all! Unfortunately I will not be making it to Marathon weekend this year, even though I've already paid for the marathon. Long story short, my travel partner (mom) is having surgery to put a plate in her foot and pins in her ankle so we have cancelled our trip. I have the below FPs that I still need to cancel, but wanted to check and see if anyone wanted to try and grab them before I cancel. They are all for two people (sorry in advance we don't like a lot of the super adventurous rides, LOL).

Saturday, 1/12: Kilimanjaro Safaris (11:45-12:45), Meet Disney Pals (12:50-1:50), FOP (2:35-3:35)
Sunday, 1/13: Pirates (11:45-12:45), SDMT (1:10-2:10), BTMRR (2:25-3:25)
Monday, 1/14: Star Tours (9:45-10:45), Frozen Ever After (11:00), Slinky (12:45-1:45)

I hope you all have the best time and I hate I won't get to meet you! :sad::sad::sad:
Hey y'all! Unfortunately I will not be making it to Marathon weekend this year, even though I've already paid for the marathon. Long story short, my travel partner (mom) is having surgery to put a plate in her foot and pins in her ankle so we have cancelled our trip. I have the below FPs that I still need to cancel, but wanted to check and see if anyone wanted to try and grab them before I cancel. They are all for two people (sorry in advance we don't like a lot of the super adventurous rides, LOL).

Saturday, 1/12: Kilimanjaro Safaris (11:45-12:45), Meet Disney Pals (12:50-1:50), FOP (2:35-3:35)
Sunday, 1/13: Pirates (11:45-12:45), SDMT (1:10-2:10), BTMRR (2:25-3:25)
Monday, 1/14: Star Tours (9:45-10:45), Frozen Ever After (11:00), Slinky (12:45-1:45)

I hope you all have the best time and I hate I won't get to meet you! :sad::sad::sad:
Noooooo!!! :(

Wishing your mom an easy surgery and fast recovery!
SAFD: Not sure yet on my strategy for pics. I'm not even sure yet if I'll have my phone with me to take pics... I've never stopped before so I'd like to this time since I'm not going for time doing Dopey. We'll see...

In other news, still sick. Hoping to feel better by Wednesday so I can do the last simulation weekend. Not feeling too confident at the moment. If I can at least get a 20 miler in on Saturday I think I'll feel prepared.
After reading that Artist Point review I'm super excited now. It looks really fun! And that made me remember a question- I have an ADR there at 5:50 on Monday night. What are the chances I can make it back to MK in time to see the fireworks at 8:00?
After reading that Artist Point review I'm super excited now. It looks really fun! And that made me remember a question- I have an ADR there at 5:50 on Monday night. What are the chances I can make it back to MK in time to see the fireworks at 8:00?
Pretty good chances. Park hours were moved to 9PM so I wonder if they will move HEA to 9 as well which would give you even more time.
Hey y'all! Unfortunately I will not be making it to Marathon weekend this year, even though I've already paid for the marathon. Long story short, my travel partner (mom) is having surgery to put a plate in her foot and pins in her ankle so we have cancelled our trip. I have the below FPs that I still need to cancel, but wanted to check and see if anyone wanted to try and grab them before I cancel. They are all for two people (sorry in advance we don't like a lot of the super adventurous rides, LOL).

Saturday, 1/12: Kilimanjaro Safaris (11:45-12:45), Meet Disney Pals (12:50-1:50), FOP (2:35-3:35)
Sunday, 1/13: Pirates (11:45-12:45), SDMT (1:10-2:10), BTMRR (2:25-3:25)
Monday, 1/14: Star Tours (9:45-10:45), Frozen Ever After (11:00), Slinky (12:45-1:45)

I hope you all have the best time and I hate I won't get to meet you! :sad::sad::sad:

Oh no!! Sorry to hear that. That must have been tough to have to cancel.
My Dad is having back surgery (outpatient) on 1/18 so a few days after we return.
Hey y'all! Unfortunately I will not be making it to Marathon weekend this year, even though I've already paid for the marathon. Long story short, my travel partner (mom) is having surgery to put a plate in her foot and pins in her ankle so we have cancelled our trip. I have the below FPs that I still need to cancel, but wanted to check and see if anyone wanted to try and grab them before I cancel. They are all for two people (sorry in advance we don't like a lot of the super adventurous rides, LOL).

Saturday, 1/12: Kilimanjaro Safaris (11:45-12:45), Meet Disney Pals (12:50-1:50), FOP (2:35-3:35)
Sunday, 1/13: Pirates (11:45-12:45), SDMT (1:10-2:10), BTMRR (2:25-3:25)
Monday, 1/14: Star Tours (9:45-10:45), Frozen Ever After (11:00), Slinky (12:45-1:45)

I hope you all have the best time and I hate I won't get to meet you! :sad::sad::sad:
I would love to get the FOP... what time are you planning to cancel?
Pretty good chances. Park hours were moved to 9PM so I wonder if they will move HEA to 9 as well which would give you even more time.

Is MK not typically open for an hour or so after fireworks anymore? That was the best time to do rides and get photos.
Is MK not typically open for an hour or so after fireworks anymore? That was the best time to do rides and get photos.
It depends. Sometimes yes sometimes no. With the usual MK 9PM closing HEA is usually at 9PM. When MK closes later than 9PM the fireworks won't move later.
Hey y'all! Unfortunately I will not be making it to Marathon weekend this year, even though I've already paid for the marathon. Long story short, my travel partner (mom) is having surgery to put a plate in her foot and pins in her ankle so we have cancelled our trip. I have the below FPs that I still need to cancel, but wanted to check and see if anyone wanted to try and grab them before I cancel. They are all for two people (sorry in advance we don't like a lot of the super adventurous rides, LOL).

Saturday, 1/12: Kilimanjaro Safaris (11:45-12:45), Meet Disney Pals (12:50-1:50), FOP (2:35-3:35)
Sunday, 1/13: Pirates (11:45-12:45), SDMT (1:10-2:10), BTMRR (2:25-3:25)
Monday, 1/14: Star Tours (9:45-10:45), Frozen Ever After (11:00), Slinky (12:45-1:45)

I hope you all have the best time and I hate I won't get to meet you! :sad::sad::sad:

This makes me soooo sad. :sad::sad::sad:

I hope your mom had a speedy recovery!
(Can’t wait for AP reviews to start coming out, by the way!)
I've already seen one. It was a mostly positive review. Some great food and some not so great food, really enjoyed the characters. Said it's one of the better character meals overall on property.

This week's Sundays are for Disney is about characters. For the runners planning on making a bunch of character stops, who do you hope to see along the route? For those of you on the fence/not planning to make character stops, which character or characters would get you to stop? For those of you who have run past races, who has been the best character you've seen along the course (in any race)?
I'm somewhat unique in the realm of character photos. I enjoy them and get some every trip, but I only focus on characters or movies that I really love. For races I tend to choose based on what I can absorb time wise and how much I really want the photo. I'll skip super short character lines if they don't interest me and wait in longer lines (5-10 minutes max) if they do interest me. Since the most important characters for me are also in the parks after the race, then I don't worry if the line is too long during the race if they're even out on the course.

Characters I've stopped for in races:

Prince Phillip and Princess Aurora, Darth Vader, Goofy, Chip and Dale, lots of Star Wars, Doctor Strange, Nick Fury, and Black Widow.

Would especially love to get my hands on a picture with Elvis stitch!
As an Elvis fan, I would so stop for that if I felt I could absorb the time hit. If not, selfie it is and move on.

I'm halfway tempted to carry the 5k medal for the rest of the races so I can get a picture of it with Oswald.

Vacation Genie is one I'm hoping will be out again and will definitely try to stop for.
I'd love a race photo with Oswald since he's on the medal, but the line will probably be insane for that same reason. I have photos from Disney California Adventure with Oswald, so I can skip that if necessary. Vacation Genie is one I would definitely consider if the line worked for me. Finishing is more important to me than being swept which means that sometimes I have to make decisions.

I have never stopped for a character picture during a race. That said, I do love to see them on the course. I really should try it sometime!
It really is quite fun. I find it's a nice respite.

Since it's my first Marathon I'm not sure I'm going to stop for any characters. It really depends upon the line, how I'm doing time wise and how I'm feeling at that point.
I refused to stop for any photos during my first half because time spooked me. I'm tweaking that approach for my first marathon. I will stop for photos. They may be limited to photo opportunities in the parks with minimal lines, but I'm okay with that. I just want to have a visual reminder of the experience. The "missed" photos from my first half never came up again.

Also, Mittens from Bolt, mostly because I still haven't seen Bolt.
Rhino the Hamster from Bolt is my new running mantra coach.

The old ride vehicles are awesome.
That sounds like a great quick photo op.

I don't stop as much as I think I should in hindsight.
I've learned from Star Wars races at Disney World that I have more time to absorb than I think they do. I've still skipped some great characters, but that worked out okay in the end. I skipped Emperor Palplatine in the 2017 Dark Side Half, but I got an even better Imperial group shot including Vader and the Emperor in the 2018 Dark Side Half.

The Mime guy from Tangled
I love Tangled and that I would consider stopping for if the line was short enough.

Cinderella's mice
Gus Gus and Jaq rule. Almost Chip and Dale level cool.

SAFD: I probably won't stop. I have serious issues getting started again after I stop, primarily late in the marathon but I do love seeing the characters as I go by and I think this year, I'll probably take some selfies with the characters!
I did that with BB-8 at the Star Wars races at Disneyland. I was very happy when he was in the prerace area for Dark Side races and no selfie necessary.

SAFD: I love Chip & Dale and I have plans to finally get a castle photo!
I love my photo from the 2012 Wine & Dine Half with Chip & Dale and Goofy in their SpectroMagic costumes by the big piano from that parade.

What are good stops for non-character pics for the wdw half marathon? I am a fan of stopping for atmospheric pics especially if a CM is around to take one and also like their usual lack of long lines. At Tink I got a Mickey's fun wheel, a castle, a carsland, etc...all not with characters.
I love this because sometimes atmospheric pics can be just as memorable as characters. I got a great photo with a Tower of Tower bellhop and a luggage cart with the tower in the background during one of the Dark Side races this year. They also had a trapped in Tivan Collection photo op out at the 2017 Avengers Half. Almost no line at all.
Hey y'all! Unfortunately I will not be making it to Marathon weekend this year, even though I've already paid for the marathon. Long story short, my travel partner (mom) is having surgery to put a plate in her foot and pins in her ankle so we have cancelled our trip. I have the below FPs that I still need to cancel, but wanted to check and see if anyone wanted to try and grab them before I cancel. They are all for two people (sorry in advance we don't like a lot of the super adventurous rides, LOL).

Saturday, 1/12: Kilimanjaro Safaris (11:45-12:45), Meet Disney Pals (12:50-1:50), FOP (2:35-3:35)
Sunday, 1/13: Pirates (11:45-12:45), SDMT (1:10-2:10), BTMRR (2:25-3:25)
Monday, 1/14: Star Tours (9:45-10:45), Frozen Ever After (11:00), Slinky (12:45-1:45)

I hope you all have the best time and I hate I won't get to meet you! :sad::sad::sad:

Sorry to hear that! I hope your mom heals quickly. 2020 will be here before we know it!
For those saying they won't stop for characters if the wait looks too long, how can you tell? Number of people in line? I'd imagine people move through characters pretty quickly as well all need to keep runnin'?
For those saying they won't stop for characters if the wait looks too long, how can you tell? Number of people in line? I'd imagine people move through characters pretty quickly as well all need to keep runnin'?

Yes by how long the line is. You really just take your picture and keep going but the line can get long when a character is taking a break.
First of all, thank you everyone for all of the amazing info!! This is my first Disney run and I’ve signed up for the Dopey. It has been nothing less than a crazy these last two years and I am extremely looking forward to celebrating with my mom (also running the 5k and 10k) and all you other Disney nuts out there! :mickeyjum:goofy:

I do have a question I’m hoping someone can help with regarding pacing for the Dopey. Is the pacing requirements strict for each individual person or do you just not have to get passed by the ballon ladies? Basically, if I am in an earlier corral than my mom do I still have to finish in less than 16min/mile from the time I cross the start line or can we both just stay in front of the balloons?


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