What’s your plan for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day?

Dec 23 - Get off work at 06:00, head to my sister's place at 10:00 to spend the day with my sister, my nephew (3.5) and my parents, go out to our favorite Greek restaurant for an early dinner (16:30) then to Zoolights. Both our husbands should be off work when we get back so we'll put little man to bed and hopefully have some family time (cribbage will probably be played, maybe some euchre)

Dec 24 - leave about noon to head to my in-law's ranch (about a 3 hour drive - we'll hope for no snow this year). They'll head to church just after we get there - I'll make sure the appetizers get into the oven at the appropriate time. Spend the evening with their family and friends.

Dec 25 - Christmas morning and gifts at the in-laws house then head down to my father-in-law's parents' home (also on the ranch) to do the big family dinner with the extended family (I think there's usually about 40ish people there) along with the grandparent presents and the family Secret Santa type gift exchange. More cribbage will probably be played. At some point (2200 maybe?) we'll start the drive back to the city.

Dec 26 - head back to my sister's place and do Christmas all over again (lucky nephew gets two Christmas mornings!) we'll exchange gifts with my side of the family and have leftovers for lunch and dinner. My husband works at 7pm so he'll change there and head in to work and I'll hope someone is sober enough to drive me home at some point. I'll stay up until the wee hours (hopefully 0400 or so) as I'm back to work at 1800 on the 27th.
Dh works Christmas Eve, middle DS won’t be home this year. I am not sure what oldest DS and DD are doing Christmas Eve. DH will be tired when he gets home, so he will go right to bed. I will watch Christmas movies and eat leftovers.

Christmas Day we are going to DSs house for brunch and presents from Santa for the kids.

I will come back to the house and fix Christmas Dinner. Oldest DS, DDIL, DD and grandkids will come to our house in the evening for dinner. DH has to work during the day, so I will watch movies while I fix dinner.

We will see my Dad and my brother and his family next week.

I miss my mom, she loved Christmas.
Christmas Eve - DH and I are going to see the new Mary Poppins movie.

Christmas Day - I do a hot/cold buffet through the afternoon and anyone who want to come is welcome. This year it will probably be DS #1 & DDIL, DD#2 & fiancé, DS#2, some friends, a single neighbor and my parents might stop in on their way home from my sister's house. Christmas is a bit different for us because we don't do presents. We all love to travel and we took our children and their spouses/significant others on a trip the first week in November (Universal, Islands of Adventure, Blue Man Group, Medieval Times, The Void, etc.) so that was their gift. Their gift to was the week of vacation time. Win/win for everyone! Christmas Day we eat, drink, visit, play board games and just have a fun and relaxing day with no stress/pressure.

12/29 - We all go to my mom's for Christmas with my side of the family.
Christmas Eve, we are flying back from a mini vacation to New Orleans (assuming everything works with getting there tonight!), and then spending the night at my in-laws' since the dogs and car will already be there, and they're our first stop in the Christmas Day rotation.

Christmas day, we'll celebrate Christmas with my in-laws in the morning, then head to my mother's house midday for Christmas there. Then Christmas at dad's. Then we will collect the dogs from my in-laws' and return home late that night. I'm guessing my husband and I will finally exchange our gifts the next day, because we don't usually get home Christmas night until 10 or so.

One of these years the mini vacation will include Christmas, and not just be pre-Christmas...


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