January 2019 -Everyone needs deadlines! Diet & Fitness monthly W.I.S.H chat

After falling completely off the diet / fitness wagon, My new years resolution is to get fit so I can go to the pool with my girls without being embarrassed this April when we arrive at Disney. My weight loss journey started in 2016 when I hit my all time high of 269 lbs. I thought Jeez I am getting fat! I have been a pro roller skater all my life and my weight was taking all the fun out of skating. So after a lot of research I bought a Bowflex Max Trainer and over the next 11 months I took off a ton of weight before our December 2016 Disney trip. I hit the parks at 199! 2017 we went back in September and I was 210. September 2018 I was 230 when we took our Disney trip and at 239 when we went back to Disney this past Christmas. I seen the road I was going down and I started digging out old clothes because I couldn't fit into all my jeans from last winter. On New Years day I got back on the My Fitness Pal app and fired the Max Trainer back up and haven't missed a day working out since. I'm back on my 1500 calorie a day "lifestyle" (because diets don't work) and after my shower tonight I am at 230! My motivation is my family. I am 52 and need to be here for them and be able to take them skating, hiking, jump on the trampoline or take them to the pool or beach without worrying about what others are saying about "The fat guy that wears his shirt in the pool". I have a very realistic goal of loosing 2 lbs per week so it's safe and healthy and reward myself with one cheat day where I can have a meal out with the family and enjoy a dessert. My April Disney weight goal is 200 lbs. I have exactly 14 weeks to get it done. I keep telling myself it worked last time and I just need to stick with the plan and stay away from the junk food. wish me luck!!
:welcome:@johnaalexis, @elaine amj, and @Jimmy Mouse Sounds like you're off to a great start.

I'm just plugging along. Finally am starting to have more energy as this cold slowly goes away. I'll go to class at the gym tomorrow. That'll be the first time in weeks. Getting up at o'dark thirty is no fun when you're sick! I've been logging my steps and food and am doing all right. Not terrific, but definitely not horrific, either!
Sorry for not posting today. Having crazy busy day as we are preparing our place for sale. The estate agent was happy with our redecoration - looking forward seeing the professional pictures.

Congrats on the home redecoration and decluttering. I started the school year with helping my parents move/downsize. They used to live 2 hours away and are now only 10 minutes away. But moving out of their old house was hard (it was my childhood home). My siblings and I had to go through all the stuff from our childhood that they saved and decide what was keep, donate or trash. Took a lot of work to get it ready to sell. So I know how good it feels to be done (or almost done).

So far this month I'm sticking to my eating goal of healthy choices and maintaining my calorie intake. I've been getting up and exercising every day. I'm counting my steps and pushing myself to be more active.

The thing I need to work on is getting more sleep.
Topic Thursday:
What I'm doing well so far is getting a few things done that have been nagging me from my to-do list for awhile. One of them is to find a new doctor, and I think I have found someone I want to work with.

What I'm not doing well is getting more things on my list done, or at least started. I've only written in my dot journal once so far, last night I did read the next two chapters in my book-of-the-month... I had to because we have our first book-club meeting today. I've been forgetting to have my daily green drink, and the past few days have forgotten to do my stretching. I'm also not making much progress on house clearing, and really haven't addressed poor eating at all.

Warning, long story ahead:

Last night I went up to the natural pet store and got some wet cat food that is good for kidney support. When I put the food down for them to sample, they licked the plate clean - hallelujah! They got two cans worth for dinner, and again licked every last morsel off of the plate. During the evening they were both relaxed and happy, and right before bed time got a case of the zoomies and played chase with each other. This got me to thinking that this new food is of such a superior quality that their little bodies are humming with happiness, and that if I could/would feed myself in the same way, I'd probably get the zoomies too and actually get things done instead of being totally drained and lifeless by the time I get home. Being the sub-par cook that I am, I'm not sure how I'm going to accomplish this, but it is very clear that I really need to up my game, not only by reducing calories and limiting the things that don't suit me (dairy, gluten), but also by improving the quality of food I'm eating.
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For me, the good - I counted calories daily. I didn't go over. Home renovations were complete at very short timelines and limited budget, I am not meeting my steps goals but I keep my steps over 10k a day and I did my workouts every 3rd day. I managed to cook ahead and this saved me!

It has been very challenging start of the year, full time job, home renovation to put on sale, trying to figure out finances to move - and local housing is in big crises and very upsetting situation in work that I don't know how to deal with right now. I can't sleep as I have been worried and there was another disappointment by finding out I someone is being very dishonest with me. I am so upset and hurt and trying to deal with all that is bit hellish and I am overwhelmed by it.

I need to try to deal with the anxiety over everything that is happening and while not directly lined to my weight, it is priority to focus on it. Daily outdoor walks will be good starting point for me.

Eat little less too

You are dealing with a lot of stress-so considering all that, you are doing so well with diet and exercise-do you find getting out for a walk is a stress reliever? I hope so. Take care of yourself!

I think my eating is mostly back to pre holiday, but I need to be better with my activity level! I have used my cold and the weather as convenient excuses (wind chill of 17 degrees today!) but I could be doing something else-I have a free membership to the YMCA and a local gym through my health insurance. I will check them out Monday because I already see a difference in how my clothes fit even though my weight hasn’t changed. That will be my Motivation Monday!
Topic Thursday:
What I'm doing well so far is getting a few things done that have been nagging me from my to-do list for awhile. One of them is to find a new doctor, and I think I have found someone I want to work with.

What I'm not doing well is getting more things on my list done, or at least started. I've only written in my dot journal once so far, last night I did read the next two chapters in my book-of-the-month... I had to because we have our first book-club meeting today. I've been forgetting to have my daily green drink, and the past few days have forgotten to do my stretching. I'm also not making much progress on house clearing, and really haven't addressed poor eating at all.

Warning, long story ahead:

Last night I went up to the natural pet store and got some wet cat food good for kidney support. When I put the food down for them to sample, they licked the plate clean - hallelujah! They got two cans worth for dinner, and again licked every last morsel off of the plate. During the evening they were both relaxed and happy, and right before bed time got a case of the zoomies and played chase with each other. This got me to thinking that this new food is of such a superior quality that their little bodies are humming with happiness, and that if I could/would feed myself in the same way, I'd probably get the zoomies too and actually get things done instead of being totally drained and lifeless by the time I get home. Being the sub-par cook that I am, I'm not sure how I'm going to accomplish this, but it is very clear that I really need to up my game, not only by reducing calories and limiting the things that don't suit me (dairy, gluten), but also by improving the quality of food I'm eating.
Yes, you deserve good quality food-and meals that you enjoy!

Start with simple-a nice piece of seafood, a small lean steak. Anything with loin in the name is a good choice. Roasting vegetables is quick-I love small cubes of sweet potatoes and halved Brussels tossed with a little olive oil, balsamic vinegar and herbs. Add sweet onion if you like. The good thing about these kind of meals is they come together in 20 minutes. After working all day that was my priority. Weekends I would make things that took a little more time-I have a turkey chili recipe and a ziti that can be thrown together in less than an hour that gives me several meals-and bigger portions and much tastier than a Lean Cuisine!

I bet once you get started, you will find cooking relaxing-
I'm still going strong. My mother and I purchased a membership yesterday to our city pools and have gone to aquafit classes a couple of times this week. Plan to get into a routine of 3 times a week. Helps that aquafit is fun! I am following it up with a 30 min lap swim which I also enjoy a lot. On off days, we are going for long walks in the neighborhood.

Also still logging my calories, which is a huge win. The whole ************ thing looming in the back of mind continues to be a motivater, which is great :) Hopefully it will sustain me when the initial January excitement starts to wane.
Yes, you deserve good quality food-and meals that you enjoy!

Start with simple-a nice piece of seafood, a small lean steak. Anything with loin in the name is a good choice. Roasting vegetables is quick-I love small cubes of sweet potatoes and halved Brussels tossed with a little olive oil, balsamic vinegar and herbs. Add sweet onion if you like. The good thing about these kind of meals is they come together in 20 minutes. After working all day that was my priority. Weekends I would make things that took a little more time-I have a turkey chili recipe and a ziti that can be thrown together in less than an hour that gives me several meals-and bigger portions and much tastier than a Lean Cuisine!

I bet once you get started, you will find cooking relaxing-
Thanks @sjrec... there's a new cooking school in my neighborhood and they just posted classes for Jan/Feb, and one is for single pan dinners where you roast the veggie and protein together, so I'm going to sign up for it.

Love this quote!

And welcome to the additional folks just joining in!!

Topic Thursday (Day 10):

What is one thing you are doing great so far this month?

Drinking more water has actually been going well. :)

What is one thing you can do better next 10 days?

Keep up with my exercise plan! I'm doing scattered exercise, but I'm behind pace to meet my monthly minutes goal.
Hello Dearies! Welcome to the folks that have popped up the last few days!!!

My woohoos for this week include that I *FINALLY* went to the dentist (have been avoiding for an insanely long time, but a cracked filling was getting just-too-bad...) and there is actually less damage than I thought. So I have an appointment for repairs next week, but no root canals, yank-and-and-implant or anything like that... it will be a huge relief to go back to my old, imperfect smile, looking less like a meth addict!

Yesterday I weighed in and the scale was down 2 lbs from the week before (I most likely lost the water weight in the week before New Years, so I was happy to see things FINALLY start moving yesterday.) It's just as likely from me not being good about fiber over the days before than being any "real" loss, but it's movement and I'll take it.)

Things I have been doing well for the first 10 days of this year... checking off the to-do list and working on decluttering/purging

Things that need improvement: A short answer would be "more exercise," but a better answer is "getting into a routine." When the college is back in session in another two weeks, I'll be taking a class, so that will help add some structure. H was going to take a morning class on the days opposite me (because that newly retired man needs to get OFF of facebook and OUT of the house!!!) but they assigned the "bad" professor to that section, so he's had to move to an afternoon section on the same day. Darn! I was looking forward to 2 quiet mornings per week. With the afternoon class, he'll be gone, but the kids will be home... le sigh...

The weather has gotten cold here (by local standards, I know true northerners and mid-westerners would laugh, but is a relative thing...) so today I walked indoors at a mall... but only until my sister called me to pick up my sick niece from school... grrr… so yes, exercise is presenting a challenge. (But on the upside, sick nieces need soup, and there's a hotpot place near their new home, so a silver lining!)
@Zhoen It's such a fantastic feeling to see movement on the scale!! I hear ya about developing a routine. I'm trying to figure that one out too.

This afternoon I went for a 2hr run (ok ok - it was a super slow jog at the pace of a brisk walk, but I'll take it!!). I have never sustained running this long before. Usually 30 - 60 mins is my max. And just 3 years ago, I couldn't sustain a slow jog for more than half a block! But I felt good this afternoon so I just kept on going and going and going. I'm a bit sore tonight but should be recovered by tomorrow when I plan to go for aquafit+lap swimming.
After falling completely off the diet / fitness wagon, My new years resolution is to get fit so I can go to the pool with my girls without being embarrassed this April when we arrive at Disney. My weight loss journey started in 2016 when I hit my all time high of 269 lbs. I thought Jeez I am getting fat! I have been a pro roller skater all my life and my weight was taking all the fun out of skating. So after a lot of research I bought a Bowflex Max Trainer and over the next 11 months I took off a ton of weight before our December 2016 Disney trip. I hit the parks at 199! 2017 we went back in September and I was 210. September 2018 I was 230 when we took our Disney trip and at 239 when we went back to Disney this past Christmas. I seen the road I was going down and I started digging out old clothes because I couldn't fit into all my jeans from last winter. On New Years day I got back on the My Fitness Pal app and fired the Max Trainer back up and haven't missed a day working out since. I'm back on my 1500 calorie a day "lifestyle" (because diets don't work) and after my shower tonight I am at 230! My motivation is my family. I am 52 and need to be here for them and be able to take them skating, hiking, jump on the trampoline or take them to the pool or beach without worrying about what others are saying about "The fat guy that wears his shirt in the pool". I have a very realistic goal of loosing 2 lbs per week so it's safe and healthy and reward myself with one cheat day where I can have a meal out with the family and enjoy a dessert. My April Disney weight goal is 200 lbs. I have exactly 14 weeks to get it done. I keep telling myself it worked last time and I just need to stick with the plan and stay away from the junk food. wish me luck!!

Jimmy I relate to this post so much. Lets hope this time we get it done permanently but we need to do whatever needs to be done and if the scale goes up - we have to be honest and deal with it.

I am sorry you are feeling embarrassed. I hate how ashamed we feel at times when in reality it's nobody's business and we should just live without it. It's build in us to want to look in certain way or feel ashamed if we don't
:welcome:@johnaalexis, @elaine amj, and @Jimmy Mouse Sounds like you're off to a great start.

I'm just plugging along. Finally am starting to have more energy as this cold slowly goes away. I'll go to class at the gym tomorrow. That'll be the first time in weeks. Getting up at o'dark thirty is no fun when you're sick! I've been logging my steps and food and am doing all right. Not terrific, but definitely not horrific, either!

considering you are not feeling the best - well done!
Congrats on the home redecoration and decluttering. I started the school year with helping my parents move/downsize. They used to live 2 hours away and are now only 10 minutes away. But moving out of their old house was hard (it was my childhood home). My siblings and I had to go through all the stuff from our childhood that they saved and decide what was keep, donate or trash. Took a lot of work to get it ready to sell. So I know how good it feels to be done (or almost done).

So far this month I'm sticking to my eating goal of healthy choices and maintaining my calorie intake. I've been getting up and exercising every day. I'm counting my steps and pushing myself to be more active.

The thing I need to work on is getting more sleep.

it's also very emotional to declutter isn't it? It does feel good I have to say, I am happy it's behind me

Well done for sticking with the plan!
Topic Thursday:
What I'm doing well so far is getting a few things done that have been nagging me from my to-do list for awhile. One of them is to find a new doctor, and I think I have found someone I want to work with.

What I'm not doing well is getting more things on my list done, or at least started. I've only written in my dot journal once so far, last night I did read the next two chapters in my book-of-the-month... I had to because we have our first book-club meeting today. I've been forgetting to have my daily green drink, and the past few days have forgotten to do my stretching. I'm also not making much progress on house clearing, and really haven't addressed poor eating at all.

Warning, long story ahead:

Last night I went up to the natural pet store and got some wet cat food that is good for kidney support. When I put the food down for them to sample, they licked the plate clean - hallelujah! They got two cans worth for dinner, and again licked every last morsel off of the plate. During the evening they were both relaxed and happy, and right before bed time got a case of the zoomies and played chase with each other. This got me to thinking that this new food is of such a superior quality that their little bodies are humming with happiness, and that if I could/would feed myself in the same way, I'd probably get the zoomies too and actually get things done instead of being totally drained and lifeless by the time I get home. Being the sub-par cook that I am, I'm not sure how I'm going to accomplish this, but it is very clear that I really need to up my game, not only by reducing calories and limiting the things that don't suit me (dairy, gluten), but also by improving the quality of food I'm eating.

cute story. Yes, I can see it in my son too. When he eats a lot of sweets he is really grumpy shortly after. If he eats well he is bursting of energy. Cooking is well worth it.
I'm still going strong. My mother and I purchased a membership yesterday to our city pools and have gone to aquafit classes a couple of times this week. Plan to get into a routine of 3 times a week. Helps that aquafit is fun! I am following it up with a 30 min lap swim which I also enjoy a lot. On off days, we are going for long walks in the neighborhood.

Also still logging my calories, which is a huge win. The whole ************ thing looming in the back of mind continues to be a motivater, which is great :) Hopefully it will sustain me when the initial January excitement starts to wane.

and it will :). I think the excitement always wears out so there must be plan for when that happens.
I don't have time to respond to reply to each post this morning - but really enjoyed reading all of them! Friday is free for all, so no specific topic as such. But I would like to ask and get tips on food prepping. Do you food prep? Any tips?
I would like to ask and get tips on food prepping. Do you food prep? Any tips?

I eat way better if I have salad stuff already prepped in my fridge! (either by washing/chopping what I can ahead of time or buying the bagged stuff)

Making a salad seems like such a small thing, but I find it's the first thing to go if I'm tired and busy in the evening.
I don't have time to respond to reply to each post this morning - but really enjoyed reading all of them! Friday is free for all, so no specific topic as such. But I would like to ask and get tips on food prepping. Do you food prep? Any tips?

I have to say it was very tempting to sleep in this morning and not get up for my workout. While I gave into temptation for an extra 10 minutes, I am up and did at least a partial workout. Not as much as I should have, but I feel like I didn't completely throw in the towel for today!

As for food prep, this is another important part of my routine. I usually do this on Sunday so my work week is easier. I do weekly grocery shopping. I make as much as I can for all my lunches for the week (salads in individual bowls, veggies in baggies, hard boil a dozen eggs, etc). I also have a small white board on the fridge that I write out the dinners for the week. Then I try to make sure I have everything ready for those meals. I'll move meat from the freezer to the fridge to defrost. I've also been knows to peel and cut up sweet potatoes and bag them to bake as a side for dinner. A friend of mine also recently told me you can buy frozen bags of chopped onions & peppers (that could really save me some time as well for some of my recipes...not to mention the tears from the onions ;) I'm always looking for new tips. Can't wait to see what everyone else does!


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