It's a Small but Magical World - a Thanksgiving 2018 Trip Report

I don't know why but I love this picture. DD4 looking back is so cute!

I felt like we were still moving. I wanted out of the flashing lights as soon as possible but we were stuck for several minutes.
I would not want to be stuck in that room. Space Mountain in Disneyland has something similar and it totally threw me off.

I think there might have been something wrong with my laser. I’ve never come even close to scoring this before and don’t believe my aim was that good! 680,600? I'll take it, though!

HA! Everyone always say something is wrong with there guns when they loose not when they win. You probably hit one of the high point tagets and didn't even know it. I NEVER do well on this ride. And I have just accepted it.
I don't know why but I love this picture. DD4 looking back is so cute!

I love this one too! They are two peas in a pod and I think this picture capture that, down to the looks they're both giving me.

HA! Everyone always say something is wrong with there guns when they loose not when they win. You probably hit one of the high point tagets and didn't even know it. I NEVER do well on this ride. And I have just accepted it.

I guess I'm not supposed to complain when I won, right?! I must have hit something big without realizing it. I usually do terrible on this one. I like TSM better because I feel like I have more control over what I'm doing. But I'll take the high score!
Be Our Guest

We ate dinner at BOG last year, but decided to try it for lunch or breakfast this year. When I first made my ADRs at 180+ days out, I wasn't able to get any reservation for BOG. I was disappointed, but I was pretty active on some Facebook boards and managed to find someone who was dropping a breakfast reservation for later in our trip. I was happy to take any reservation I could get! A few months later, someone else was dropping a lunch on this day, Saturday, and that was what we had really wanted originally, so I picked that one up as well. I asked Pat which one we should keep, thinking I would let one of them go. He surprised me by asking to keep both! He said he loved eating in the castle (mostly because our daughters loved it so much) and said we could try both the breakfast and lunch menus this way.

Lunch was first with breakfast scheduled a few days later. Spoiler alert… we ended up dropping the breakfast reservation while eating lunch here. We still love the castle, but decided once was enough for this trip, and dropping it would give us more time for rides on Tuesday morning.

We checked in for lunch 15 minutes early, at 11:10am. I asked the hostess why I wasn’t seeing BOG on the app for mobile ordering and learned that you have to place mobile orders 24 hours in advance at this restaurant. With all my careful planning, I should have known that! So no skipping the line for us. Even though our reservation wasn’t until 11:25, they let us get in line right away.

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We waited maybe 10 minutes to get to the desk where we could place our order. I wanted to order a kid’s grilled cheese for the girls. It comes with turkey noodle soup. I explained they are vegetarian and asked if I could substitute the soup for potato leek soup. I was apparently the first person to have asked this (at least to this cashier)! She called the kitchen while we waited, and whoever she spoke with said that was fine.

After placing our order we went to find a table in the main ballroom. That was easier than I thought it would be, as tables seemed to be turning over quickly and there were several options open. They give you a red rose to put on your table that must have a sensor to tell the servers where to bring your food. The sensors must not work very well because SEVEN people came to our table with food, only to check our ticket and realize they were at the wrong table. One even joked that if he didn't find the right table soon, we were going to get the cupcakes he was carrying around.

DD2 was unimpressed with my attempts to distract while we waited :rotfl:

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We finally received our food at 11:52am, more than 40 minutes after we had gotten in line. And they brought the wrong soup for the girls (they brought the turkey noodle soup). The server tried to tell me it wasn’t an option to substitute the soup, but I explained the vegetarian thing and that the cashier had already called the kitchen to ask if it was okay, and so they eventually agreed to go get a potato leek soup for the girls. You will notice that they let me substitute the green beans for applesauce with no hassle.

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My MIL ordered the carved turkey sandwich and Pat ordered the French dip sandwich, and then they split both. Both came with (cold) fries. I asked Pat how the food was and he said, “It was okay.” *Shrug*

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I wasn’t very hungry so I just ordered a bowl of the potato leek soup. It was amazing! I would go back just for the soup. The girls seemed to like it too. DD2 likes soup as much as I do! I later realized my lack of appetite was because I was coming down with a stomach bug. Thankfully it only lasted a day or so.

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We also ordered two cupcakes to share. We got the lemon meringue and strawberry cream cheese cupcakes. Not my best picture, but I had to snap it quickly because everyone wanted to dive into these!

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We split both 5 ways and it was the perfect amount for a little something sweet after lunch. The strawberry one was good but the lemon was my favorite.

The food was fine – I really liked the soup, but the fries came out cold and everyone else was just “okay” with their meals, and service was slow. I knew the breakfast was going to be really expensive, and at this point, was worried we would be disappointed if the food wasn’t amazing. The main point of eating at Be Our Guest, to us anyway, is to enjoy the beautiful atmosphere, which we were able to do at lunch this day. So we decided we would drop our breakfast ADR for a few days later and just soak up the castle while we were there for lunch.

I made bathroom runs with both girls, and then we walked around the castle, I mean restaurant. I always love checking out the West Wing. We won't eat in there anytime soon because it's a little scary for the girls, but it's fun to be able to walk around and they'll usually duck in briefly with me. I tried to re-create the floating rose for the girls’ birthday party last year. Not the same, but I made a good effort!

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The girls loved that it was “snowing” in the ballroom. There was a beautiful tree set up. I tried my best to get some good pictures here, but the girls were in a goofy mood, so this is the best I got!

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My MIL and I were both wearing Beauty and the Beast earrings I had made – we almost forgot to get a picture of them in the restaurant!

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We took one more picture on our way out.

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I’m glad we ate here because I really love the ambiance at BOG and was so glad I tried the soup. However, once is definitely enough per trip for us, and we're likely going to skip it on our next trip. If we do go back for lunch, I will most definitely order our meals online 24 hours in advance to save some time.
The noodle soup looks a little pedestrian, but that said my girls would probably love this for lunch.

My MIL ordered the carved turkey sandwich and Pat ordered the French dip sandwich, and then they split both. Both came with (cold) fries. I asked Pat how the food was and he said, “It was okay.” *Shrug*

The the sandwiches look that just ok. We have a lunch reservation for our net trip and I keep going back and forth on whethr to keep it. Everyone keeps saying how the food is just that just ok. But I do want to go in the castle again. It has been a long time since we have been inside!

I later realized my lack of appetite was because I was coming down with a stomach bug. Thankfully it only lasted a day or so.
Oh NO!!! I always get so paranoid of illness leading up to our trips.

The food was fine – I really liked the soup, but the fries came out cold and everyone else was just “okay” with their meals, and service was slow. I knew the breakfast was going to be really expensive, and at this point, was worried we would be disappointed if the food wasn’t amazing.
We had breakfast here a few years ago and it was most def just ok. Everyone was rushing as well, because they wanted to eat and get out to get in line for Seven Dwarfs Mine Train. So, it was NOT a nice eprierence.

I love it! Good job!
The the sandwiches look that just ok. We have a lunch reservation for our net trip and I keep going back and forth on whethr to keep it. Everyone keeps saying how the food is just that just ok. But I do want to go in the castle again. It has been a long time since we have been inside!

I think it's worth eating here every so often just to go inside the castle, because it's so beautiful! But I don't think I'll ever be going back here for the food (except that potato leek soup - I could go back and just get that again).

Oh NO!!! I always get so paranoid of illness leading up to our trips.

I managed to get a stomach bug AND a cold mid-trip this time. It was pretty miserable for a few days but I powered through. No time to be sick at Disney!

We had breakfast here a few years ago and it was most def just ok. Everyone was rushing as well, because they wanted to eat and get out to get in line for Seven Dwarfs Mine Train. So, it was NOT a nice eprierence.

It sounds like we made the right decision to cancel it. I was happy to get to see the castle but didn't need to see it twice in less than a week.
More Rides

We had a 12:50pm FP for Big Thunder Mountain. DD4 was feeling brave and announced she would ride it with us. I was surprised but happy she wanted to try it! We scanned our magic bands for rider swap. DD2 was just about asleep in the stroller and too short to ride anyway. She’s my dare devil, so I think she actually would have liked the roller coasters. Pat, DD4 and I rode first, and we decided that Pat and his mom would ride second. The thing with rider swap was we always had to know who was riding twice before we rode the first time, so they could set up the magic bands.

DD4 got a little nervous right before boarding, and I suggested all 3 of us ride together in a car. At first we weren’t sure if we would all fit, but then I reminded Pat that we rode with another adult friend of ours once, so I was sure we would fit with a 4-year-old. And we did with no problem.

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DD4 did great! She said afterwards that it was scary, but she liked it. However, she was not interested in riding it a second time. We went to swap with Grandma, but not before taking DD4 to the bathroom for the millionth time this day :)

I watched the girls while the others rode. DD2 was sleeping by this point and I pulled out a coloring book for DD4. I chatted with a woman nearby until the rest of her party came to get her. I love chatting with other people to pass time! Aside from the rude guests from the day before, I find that most guests at WDW are super friendly and part of the reason I love Disney. While I was sitting there, I picked up a 4th FP for the Laugh Room later in the afternoon.

When the others got off the ride, Grandma commented that she couldn’t believe DD4 had ridden that roller coaster! To celebrate, she suggested we get a Mickey Ice Cream Bar. DD4 and Grandma had split one on our last trip and were looking forward to splitting one again. We headed back toward Adventureland and Pat got a strawberry bar while they had their ice cream. I wasn’t hungry for anything (again, probably because of a stomach bug - I'm not one to pass up ice cream).

I’m not sure what this look was – maybe surprise we handed her an entire bar??

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Meanwhile, DD2 was continuing her nap.

Then DD4 dropped the Mickey Bar on the ground. It was more than halfway eaten, so I suggested we not buy another one right then, and tried to distract her with another ride. Oh look, the Tiki Room has no wait! Let’s go there!

We didn’t visit the Tiki Room on our last visit, I think it might have been closed for refurbishment? So we got in line and were toward the front of the line. We were standing next to a couple who seemed really into Disney. The husband had Mickey on just about every item of clothing he was wearing, and DD4 loved that. He told us there was going to be a pre-show where we were standing, with birds. “Real ones?” I asked. Of course not, this isn't Animal Kingdom.

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While I was getting excited for the pre-show, DD4 said she needed to go to the bathroom again. Urgently. I ran her out of the line and asked the CM at the front if we had enough time before the next show. She told me the show was about to start and we had exactly 7 minutes before they would close the doors and we would miss it. Challenge accepted!

I rushed DD4 to the nearest bathrooms, which were on the other side of the Magic Carpet ride. I rushed her as much as you can possibly rush a 4-year-old in the bathroom, and then told her we needed to run back. This was confusing to her because she is told at school that you’re not supposed to run. So she was trying to lecture me to not run while I was dragging her back. Phew, we missed the pre-show but made it just in time for the real show!

The show was short but I’m not sure I’d like it to be any longer. It’s cute and one of those songs that is still stuck in my head. In fact, I was singing it earlier today!

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Up next, it was back to the bathrooms… but this time for another outfit change! Who would we be meeting next?
Meeting Merida

I really wanted to meet Merida on our trip last year! But it was a hot day, she had a long line, and we never ended up waiting in it. This year I had it on our short list of “must do’s” for this day. I even got the girls matching Merida dresses for the occasion. We love watching Brave and Merida is one of my favorite princesses. Well after this meet, she’s especially high on the list!

The CMs said the line was about a 30 minute wait, which is a long time for the girls, but we decided to stick it out. We all got in line and I made 2 bathroom runs while we waited (1 for DD4 and 1 to change my own t-shirt). The girls were a little antsy but were being cute playing while we were in line.

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Once we got inside the castle area, the line moved really quickly. It was our turn in no time. Merida was just awesome with the girls, but especially with DD4. She got down to her level and invited DD4 to sit on her lap and chat. She didn’t rush us at all. This was probably our favorite meet of the trip! We got so many awesome photos from the photographer. In fact, the photographer must have been snapping away, because we got over 50 pictures in the 2-3 minutes we spent with Merida. DD4’s expression says it all:

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Merida signed the autograph book while cuddling with DD4.

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I didn’t catch their entire conversation, but Merida had DD4 laughing.

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I eventually brought DD2 over for a quick chat, and then we got a few family pictures.

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It was an awesome meet! Here’s a short clip of the interaction:

We checked in for lunch 15 minutes early, at 11:10am. I asked the hostess why I wasn’t seeing BOG on the app for mobile ordering and learned that you have to place mobile orders 24 hours in advance at this restaurant. With all my careful planning, I should have known that! So no skipping the line for us. Even though our reservation wasn’t until 11:25, they let us get in line right away.
Good to know! I swear we did pre-ordering only an hour before lunch in Sept 2017, but maybe we ordered earlier than that? Anyways, I will make sure we get our order in well in advance!
Oh my goodness, those pictures of your daughter with Merida are wonderful!!! We haven't met her before, it looks like a fun meet.

I'm sorry to hear about the stomach bug! We had something go through too, as you will see soon if you read my trip report lol. This was the first time we've ever gotten sick at Disney but I've had many friends who have spent half their Disney trips in their hotel rooms with puking kids. :( So I've always been worried about it!

We missed out on BOG this year. I was doing all these reservation trackers but it just never worked out. Sounds like it was just ok for you guys!
Great Photo!

I have heard nothing but good things about the Merida meets.

Thank you! We were really impressed with her.

Good to know! I swear we did pre-ordering only an hour before lunch in Sept 2017, but maybe we ordered earlier than that? Anyways, I will make sure we get our order in well in advance!

It's possible that the 24 hour policy is new since last year! It surprised me. But definitely get your orders in early for BOG! That was the only mobile ordering we tried to do that had to be done in advance - everything else we could do right at the restaurant if we wanted.

Oh my goodness, those pictures of your daughter with Merida are wonderful!!! We haven't met her before, it looks like a fun meet.

I'm sorry to hear about the stomach bug! We had something go through too, as you will see soon if you read my trip report lol. This was the first time we've ever gotten sick at Disney but I've had many friends who have spent half their Disney trips in their hotel rooms with puking kids. :( So I've always been worried about it!

We missed out on BOG this year. I was doing all these reservation trackers but it just never worked out. Sounds like it was just ok for you guys!

Merida was a lot of fun! She would probably love your boys too since she has 3 brothers :) I was grateful I was still able to make it through the days at the parks while not feeling well and that it was me with the stomach bug and not the girls! I feel so bad for people who can't enjoy their Disney trips due to illness while they're there. I got both BOG from Facebook group users, neither from the reservation trackers I was using. I got lucky but also think it's something we plan to skip on our next trip!
Fast Pass after Fast Pass

It was finally time for our FP (#4) at the Laugh Room. This was another first for us! It was hilarious. They called a 7-year-old boy out in the audience and asked him what he wants to be when he grows up. He immediately said, “A bug.”

I think the actors were speechless but they recovered quickly. “What kind of bug?”

“A mosquito.” He didn’t even need to think about it! Another long pause.

“Okay, what’s the first thing you need to learn to become a mosquito?”

“To suck blood.”

I was almost in tears! The actors did a great job. As we were leaving I heard a Cast Member say, “Holy smokes, that was good!”

It was just after 4:00pm when we got out of the show, and I was hungry for a snack. I had been eyeing the Christmas cookie milkshake on Thanksgiving day, and my DH, being a dear husband, knew that I really wanted to try that. So he went to pick one up and all 5 of us shared it.

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It was just as amazing as it looks and sounds! I didn’t know it would come with cotton candy and a marshmallow, which I let the girls have. I really liked being able to split snacks and sweets 5 ways, because I felt like we got to sample more foods without stuffing ourselves silly.

While we were in line at the Laugh Room I had made a 5th FP for Mickey’s Philharmagic, so we headed there next. We got inside, picked up our glasses, and then… you guessed it… DD4 needed to go to the bathroom again. I’ve half-joked that I spent about as much time in the bathrooms at WDW as I did actually riding rides.

This time we weren’t so lucky with the timing, and she and I missed the show. The CM at the entrance was really nice and agreed she would let us and the rest of our party through the FP line again so we could watch it together. However, Pat and his mom didn’t think it was that great and didn’t think DD4 would really enjoy it, so we decided to skip it. I enjoyed it the year before but didn’t want to make everyone else wait on us.

I started checking the app to see what else I could get a 6th FP for and saw one open up to meet Rapunzel and Tiana. DD4 had been asking to meet Tiana earlier in the day, so I grabbed that one right away! We had a short wait, maybe 30 minutes, until our window would be open. We grabbed seats on a bench nearby and just hung out until it was just about time for the meet. I realized we could swipe our bands about 5 minutes before our actual FP window.

Rapunzel was up first. She asked DD4 if Merida was her favorite princess (sadly, I hadn’t brought their Rapunzel dresses from the day before since I didn’t know we were going to meet her again). My daughter said yes and when asked why, she said because of the red hair! Somehow it came up that DD4 is taking dance lessons, so Rapunzel tried to tap dance with her. When it came to signing our book, Rapunzel was going to just add a note to the page where we already had Rapunzel’s signature, but I asked her to sign a second time. We use the photo books and I tried to explain that we would have 2 pictures of them meeting, so I wanted her signature on a separate page.

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DD2 was sleepy (hence the pacifier in her mouth – we usually only let her use it at bedtime now but made exceptions while on vacation), but she eventually decided to go see Rapunzel too.

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Group hug! Melts my heart.

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I didn’t realize until looking through the pictures just now, but I think DD4 was trying to pose with her foot out like Rapunzel!

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She was a great Rapunzel!

Tiana was next. When DD4 saw her, she turned to me and asked, “Where is my Tiana dress? I need to put it on!” Maybe I was getting too good at the outfit changes. But I was also a bit sad we didn’t have a Tiana dress with us.

This Tiana was perfect. She really was Tiana and had the accent down perfectly. DD4 was a bit shy but she made a great effort and my daughter was all smiles. For some reason a lot of our Photo Pass pictures with Rapunzel and Tiana came out blurry, so I’m sharing some of the better ones.

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Tiana asked DD4 if Mama Odie made her dress. She also tried to get DD4 to twirl with her. Tiana’s dress was beautiful!

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Here’s a short video of the Rapunzel and Tiana meets. I was so glad we decided to do this on a whim and am now questioning why I didn’t have it built into our original plans!

While we were waiting to meet the princesses I grabbed a 7th FP for Pirates of the Caribbean. It was for later in the evening, which was perfect, since we wanted to watch Elsa light up the castle and grab some dinner before riding anything else.
While we were in line at the Laugh Room I had made a 5th FP for Mickey’s Philharmagic, so we headed there next. We got inside, picked up our glasses, and then… you guessed it… DD4 needed to go to the bathroom again. I’ve half-joked that I spent about as much time in the bathrooms at WDW as I did actually riding rides
I hear you on that! Our first trip, I felt that way!

I didn’t realize until looking through the pictures just now, but I think DD4 was trying to pose with her foot out like Rapunzel!

I love it!!!!!

Tiana was next. When DD4 saw her, she turned to me and asked, “Where is my Tiana dress? I need to put it on!” Maybe I was getting too good at the outfit changes. But I was also a bit sad we didn’t have a Tiana dress with us.
Oh, I love it! She is all into the wardrobe changes!
There was one family ahead of us, but while we were waiting, a mom and her daughter literally just jumped in line ahead of us.


The mother and daughter jumped up for their turn like they didn’t hear the question, so we told him, “It’s fine, they can go first.”


She quietly said that if the problem was what she thought it was, it might be just a 15-20 minute wait, but to not repeat that to others because they couldn’t make any guarantees. From what I could tell, she only told this to the first few parties in the FP line, and they seemed to be discouraging others from joining the line. We decided we would wait.

From a Jim Hill and Len Testa (disneydish) podcast, I found out that Disney, aftering learning their lesson with the Everest yeti and large animatronics, put the Navi person on a track system so she can be wheeled out quite easily if something isn't working. I did not know that they had a backup screen though.
It was finally time for our FP (#4) at the Laugh Room. This was another first for us! It was hilarious. They called a 7-year-old boy out in the audience and asked him what he wants to be when he grows up. He immediately said, “A bug.”

I think the actors were speechless but they recovered quickly. “What kind of bug?”

“A mosquito.” He didn’t even need to think about it! Another long pause.

“Okay, what’s the first thing you need to learn to become a mosquito?”

“To suck blood.”

I was almost in tears! The actors did a great job. As we were leaving I heard a Cast Member say, “Holy smokes, that was good!”
Hilarious! We had a little boy who said he wanted to be Spiderman! It was so adorable! And we even ran into that family later that night at Cinderella's Royal Table!

I didn’t realize until looking through the pictures just now, but I think DD4 was trying to pose with her foot out like Rapunzel!


Tiana was next. When DD4 saw her, she turned to me and asked, “Where is my Tiana dress? I need to put it on!” Maybe I was getting too good at the outfit changes. But I was also a bit sad we didn’t have a Tiana dress with us.
You've created a monster! :P
Oh, I love it! She is all into the wardrobe changes!

She really surprised me! Last year I had to do a bit of bribing to get some of the dresses on her and this year she was eager to change clothes each time.

Hahaha that is definitely how I was feeling as I politely let them go!

From a Jim Hill and Len Testa (disneydish) podcast, I found out that Disney, aftering learning their lesson with the Everest yeti and large animatronics, put the Navi person on a track system so she can be wheeled out quite easily if something isn't working. I did not know that they had a backup screen though.

That is interesting and a good improvement! I can't even imagine what it must take to deal with the Yeti when he's not working. We rode it once when he was "down" years ago and they had a strobe light effect going on him, but you could barely see him.

Hilarious! We had a little boy who said he wanted to be Spiderman! It was so adorable! And we even ran into that family later that night at Cinderella's Royal Table!

That is really cute too! I wonder how often they get really funny answers. This was our first Laugh Room but I am definitely including it in our itinerary for our next trip!

You've created a monster! :P

Ugh, yes I have. We'll see how involved she is in picking out dresses for her next trip!
Castle Lighting, Dinner, and More Fast Passes

After leaving Rapunzel and Tiana, we headed to the front of the castle just after 6pm for the 6:15 castle lighting. There were still plenty of spots available. We probably could have gotten a better view if we were there earlier, but I felt like we had a good view, just off to the side a bit.

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DD4 fell asleep as we were walking there. I was sad she was going to miss the show, but knew she needed the nap.

One quick rant. I could barely hear the show because so many people were talking right through it – it was so loud! At that point, I wished we were closer to the stage only so we could have heard the show before Elsa lights up the castle.

Rants aside, when the music and castle lighting started, it was really magical, gave me chills, and I was in a happy mood.

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At first I wasn’t going to take video because I wanted to just enjoy it, but DD4 was sleeping and we had been talking all day about watching Elsa’s castle light up, so I decided I would record it so I could share it with her later. I tried to keep my camera at my head’s level so I wouldn’t bother other people (you’ll see a few held up high in my video – didn’t Disney ban selfie sticks?!), and then tried to watch the show with my own eyes and not through the camera, which is why it gets off center at times. But here’s the video:

It was a good thing I took this video! When DD4 woke up later she asked me if she missed the Elsa show. I told her she had slept through it and she was so sad – until I told her I had recorded it for her! She watched it about 10 times in a row and kept telling me “thank you” for the video.

We decided to head to Columbia Harbour House for dinner after the show. It was a nightmare trying to get over to the other side of the castle with a double stroller! But we eventually made it. DD4 was still sleeping when we got there, so I asked a CM if we could bring the stroller in with us and she said yes.

We had a hard time finding seats. We got so excited when we saw an empty table in the very back, only to maneuver our stroller back there… and find that someone had left bags on the seats. We eventually saw a family who looked like they were packing up so we hovered to grab that table. I waited until we had found seats to place our mobile order. We didn't want to wait in the long line, but I also didn't want to place the order until I knew for sure we'd have a place to sit.

It was 7:00pm when we got our food and I wanted to be a good documenter, but we were hungry, so I snapped a quick picture of our entire tray.

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I was really excited to try the Lighthouse Sandwich, which is hummus with tomato and broccoli slaw. I think I wanted to order this on our last trip and they didn’t have it, but have since brought it back to the menu. It was really good!

I think my MIL had the tuna sandwich and Pat had the chicken and fish combo. I ordered a mac n’ cheese for the girls. I wasn't sure if DD4 would wake up to eat or not. I had ordered apple slices as my side in place of the chips (for the girls), but they accidentally gave me chips too.

DD2 was pretty fussy. I knew she was probably sleepy, but she also had been having some tummy issues and didn’t want to eat much. A Cast Member came over and asked why she was crying. I told her she was having some tummy issue and the woman (maybe a mom herself?) asked if DD2 would like some yogurt to help her tummy. DD2 said yes! This was really nice pixie dust, as it did settle DD2 down and she quickly ate the whole thing of yogurt.

We were still hanging in there, so we decided to head to our Pirates of the Caribbean FP - our 7th FP of the day! I had debated taking the girls on this, but I couldn’t remember just how scary it was and DD4 was still sleeping, so we decided to do rider swap. My MIL and I rode first and I was glad that we didn’t take the girls. I think the loud noises would have been a little scary. I really like the new auction scene!

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I did take pictures of all the dogs I saw to show DD4 later. We had talked about her maybe riding POTC and she was excited when I told her there were dogs I think it was the only reason she was going to ride.

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Pat and I rode it together next. As we were walking through the FP line, I heard someone shouting, “Jessica!” several times. My first reaction was to ignore it because there are a LOT of people named Jessica (it was the most common name the year I was born) so it’s a reflex to not assume someone is talking to me when I hear it. But I finally turned around, and sure enough, they were calling for me! I had dropped my driver’s license when we first got into line. I forget why, but they had given me a paper FP for rider swap and I had pulled it out of the same pocket where for some reason I also had my driver’s license loose, so I must have dropped my license when I pulled out the piece of paper. I was so grateful that these people decided to call out my name rather than just turning it into lost and found!! Thank you, nice people!


When we got off the ride, the girls were awake and seemed to have gotten a second wind!

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So I pulled up the app to see what we could get a FP for and ended up booking our 8th and final FP of the day for It’s a Small World! According to Touring Plans, MK was a 7/10 this day. It felt very crowded but we managed to fit a LOT into our day, especially with all the extra FPs. It was a lot more than I had planned for a day we expected to be very crowded.

I usually take a lot of pictures on IASW, maybe just to keep myself entertained, but I tried to put my phone away for most of this ride and just enjoy the snuggles with my girls. DD4 did want to take pictures in the last room though.

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It was almost 9:30pm and finally time for us to go. I was tempted to try to squeeze in the Rapunzel lantern picture, but the line looked really long. I settled for this lantern picture instead.

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My husband jokes that when it’s time to leave a park, I suddenly notice lots of details I want to take pictures of. Maybe that is my stalling technique But I really liked this poster.

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We could have stayed for the fireworks, but we were all pretty tired. DD4 insisted she wasn’t scared, but we also knew she had seemed scared a couple of days before, and the possibility of beating the crowds out of the park was too appealing to pass up at this point.

We were on the ferry by 9:35pm but it was 10:40pm before we were back to the condo where we were staying. As we were leaving the park, DD2 said, “I had so much fun, Daddy.” Seeing the girls so happy really made everything worth it. This really was the best day ever!

Steps: 20,317
Miles: 8.21
It was a good thing I took this video! When DD4 woke up later she asked me if she missed the Elsa show. I told her she had slept through it and she was so sad – until I told her I had recorded it for her! She watched it about 10 times in a row and kept telling me “thank you” for the video.
Oh, Poor gal. Mommy to the rescue with the video!

I was really excited to try the Lighthouse Sandwich, which is hummus with tomato and broccoli slaw. I think I wanted to order this on our last trip and they didn’t have it, but have since brought it back to the menu. It was really good!
I think I had this and it is a really good sandwich. Nothing mind blowing but if you just don't want fried or greesy food. And they did take it off the menu at one point and put it back on. Cause I was super sad when they took it off.

DD2 was pretty fussy. I knew she was probably sleepy, but she also had been having some tummy issues and didn’t want to eat much. A Cast Member came over and asked why she was crying. I told her she was having some tummy issue and the woman (maybe a mom herself?) asked if DD2 would like some yogurt to help her tummy. DD2 said yes! This was really nice pixie dust, as it did settle DD2 down and she quickly ate the whole thing of yogurt.
What a nice CM and def had to be a mom.

I did take pictures of all the dogs I saw to show DD4 later. We had talked about her maybe riding POTC and she was excited when I told her there were dogs I think it was the only reason she was going to ride.
My daughters always look for the pig.

I was so grateful that these people decided to call out my name rather than just turning it into lost and found!! Thank you, nice people!
So nice. And at least you have an easy name to say. Works in your benefit that time!

So I pulled up the app to see what we could get a FP for and ended up booking our 8th and final FP of the day for It’s a Small World! According to Touring Plans, MK was a 7/10 this day. It felt very crowded but we managed to fit a LOT into our day, especially with all the extra FPs. It was a lot more than I had planned for a day we expected to be very crowded.
YOu got a LOT of fastpasses this day! I am impressed! Gives me houpe for being there this time of year.

My husband jokes that when it’s time to leave a park, I suddenly notice lots of details I want to take pictures of. Maybe that is my stalling technique But I really liked this poster.

This is our favorite poster in the park!!!


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