Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

Yes, but didn't they say it went to a new owner after Dorit, and they were the ones that dropped it in a shelter? Did I miss hear that? Or are you saying, that Dorit never should have given it to someone else, she should have returned it to Lisa's place?

Yes, according to the contract, Dorit never should have given the dog to someone else. It should have gone back to Lisa's shelter to rehome.
I'm too trusting, I guess. I expect everyone to have my values. This is an interesting twist.

I understand them wanting to give up the dog that is biting the children and adults. Very well could have been that Dorit took it to another shelter. Silly, really, since Vanderpups would have taken it back AND since Lisa would find out.
I don't see Dorit and family as dog people to begin with. In my mind, the dog was probably stressed out as I can see them letting their kids do whatever to the dog and it probably bit all of them out of fear. Really, all that is neither here nor there, but I can see Dorit dropping the dog off at a shelter or having a house employee do it and then spinning her story.

I am not always a LVP fan, but she has been through a lot losing her brother and she is very invested emotionally with her dog rescue. Dorit is my least favorite as I feel like she lies or spins everything to look like the victim when she is often the instigator.
The story does seem off. Some random woman shows up to take the dog. Where did they find her? How did people know the dog was available? They didn't get a name or anything? I think it is a lie.
I think it seems that Dorits kids can do whatever they want, and aren't they just so cute:rolleyes1. The dog probably couldn't handle the stress and snapped back. I can't believe she got rid of the dog. I also agree that either her or PK just had one of the staff take care of it and didn't really know where it went. Don't know why she just wouldn't give it back to Lisa.

I find it interesting that her house was robbed and she had all of her handbags taken. When it happened to Kyle you knew about it before it was on the show. Never heard a peep about a robbery at Dorits. However I hear quite a bit about their house being up for sale and how they keep lowering the price.

I feel sorry for Lisa V. She just seems so sad.

I think Denise Richards is going to be a good fit for the rest of the housewives. She seems like she gets along quite nicely, but will not be bullied.

And then there is Erika, is it just me or is she even louder and more obnoxious this year.
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I find it interesting that her house was robbed and she had all of her handbags taken. When it happened to Kyle you knew about it before it was on the show. Never heard a peep about a robbery at Dorits.

it was mentioned on 'million dollar listing los angeles' this season. it was the reason given for the home being taken off the market for a period of time.

the robber was caught-he had hit a number of other houses, casing them out by going to open houses for the properties. the bulk of what the police believe was stolen was recovered (he had most in a storage facility).

And then there is Erika, is it just me or is she even louder and more obnoxious this year.

NOW, i think it will be interesting to see if there's any mention of the MEGA lawsuit her dh has been slapped with. seems he borrowed $15 million for what was supposed to be his law firm but he's failed to repay it and it's being asserted that the money was used in large part to fund tom & erika's lavish lifestyle. no repayment occurred and when they renegotiated the terms back in august he agreed to start making monthly payments but he's failed to do so.
NOW, i think it will be interesting to see if there's any mention of the MEGA lawsuit her dh has been slapped with. seems he borrowed $15 million for what was supposed to be his law firm but he's failed to repay it and it's being asserted that the money was used in large part to fund tom & erika's lavish lifestyle. no repayment occurred and when they renegotiated the terms back in august he agreed to start making monthly payments but he's failed to do so.

Dang! Whats up with that? I watch RHOBH because it seems like most of them are actually rich. lol
Dang! Whats up with that? I watch RHOBH because it seems like most of them are actually rich. lol
There's nothing classy about Erika. She's a miserably obnoxious and rude witch who contributes absolutely nothing to society. Tom should just cut her loose, pay off his debts, and live a more modest lifestyle. If he is no longer wealthy, Erika will move on to another sugar daddy.
Dorit probably loved the idea of getting a puppy from Lisa and having no clue how hard it is to train. All puppies will nip, bite chew on everything and anything. When I first got a puppy, I googled 24/7 on how to take care of a puppy. The biggest one is kennel training, or being with them for at least 2 solid weeks, training them on going to the bathroom outside. Keeping them on a leash with you in the house, you have to be their alpha. Even then puppies still pee in your house, bite and chew. This is why so many dogs end up back in shelters, the cuteness wears off very quickly.
I find it interesting that her house was robbed and she had all of her handbags taken. When it happened to Kyle you knew about it before it was on the show. Never heard a peep about a robbery at Dorits. However I hear quite a bit about their house being up for sale and how they keep lowering the price.

Yep. There's speculation on Reddit that she actually sold off all her expensive handbags and jewelry to help them through their current financial troubles. Its very ironic/convenient that essentially the same thing happened to Kyle months before.
Yep. There's speculation on Reddit that she actually sold off all her expensive handbags and jewelry to help them through their current financial troubles.

it wouldn't surprise me. they filed for bankruptcy in the u.k in 2013 thinking it would wipe the slate clean BUT it hasn't as far as some of his u.s. debts. he's been successfully sued for non repayment of $3.6 MILLION in gambling losses by the bellagio and another private party has sued him for an unpaid personal loan of $1.2 MILLION. the bellagio has already been granted the right to garnish as well as seize their properties, the second party is seeking the same rights.

on a side note-unless they filmed the packing of suitcases for the bahamas scene PRIOR to the robbery-dorit seems to have restocked her supply of designer bags in record time b/c she had a nice, big selection to choose from sitting there.
I can't stand Erika. She dresses so oddly, who is her stylist? She seems to only wear over sized shirts. She's very arrogant too.

I am not a fan of Denise Richards, she seems pretty bland so far. I also wish they would stop having Camille on the show. She is a nobody.

So did Kyle's 2nd daughter actually graduate from college or did she just come back home and start working for Daddy?

Teddy has no class. Why was her son peeing in the pool???? Gross. She is a pot stirrer. I wish she wasn't back this season.

Dorit is a total poser but I still like her for some reason.

I think Lisa is the most selfish in the group. Everybody has to bow down to her and keep her happy.
This season is off to a very slow start. Here's hoping for some drama in the Bahama's :thumbsup2

Dorit annoys me but at the same time, fascinates me. I do like that she and Rinna have formed a "new" friendship. Rinna was quite remourseful and such last season, but I think she's back to her old fun times later this season :bounce:

The thought of Denise Richards and her boyfriend (now her husband I believe) having sex is some of the best porn Erika can imagine? Da-faq??:confused: Um.....ok then. I'm pretty much over Erika now. She's pretty blah as well. Sigh. These chicks need some sort of FIRE lit under them. They need to take a page out of the Jersey Housewives handbook. :cool2:
Teddy has no class. Why was her son peeing in the pool????

Teddi said on IG that her son was peeing in the grass, not the pool. I know it was conveyed that way on the show, but ya know, editing.

What makes you say she has no class? Ironically, I think she probably has the most class. She seems the most down to earth and the least fake. I don't think she intentionally stirs the pot, but she's not afraid to back down or drive her point home. I haven't yet found that she does it in a way that comes off as trashy or classless. But, I do think she's better suited for OC housewives. The money and lifestyles in the Beverly Hills franchise seem to be on an echelon above her.
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I just watched last weeks episode. I liked Lisa R a lot better last season when she wasn't so witchy. Seems she is back to her pot stirrer :stir:self.

I agree with barkley I also noticed all of the handbags when she was packing for the Bahama trip. I seem to recall that she talked about the theft of them 2 episodes ago, so she must have replaced the bags quickly:rolleyes1


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