Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

I agree with barkley I also noticed all of the handbags when she was packing for the Bahama trip. I seem to recall that she talked about the theft of them 2 episodes ago, so she must have replaced the bags quickly:rolleyes1

someone asked her about it on wwhl following the episode. she was adamant they were replacements and then commented that she was shocked and insulted about all the allegations on social media that questioned the robbery.

did anyone catch the premier of 'mexican dynasties'? is it me or does the one mom (the 'joan rivers of latin america') look/remind you of mama dee from rho dallas? (down to nitpicking her adult daughter's clothing/weight). seems like an interesting cast to say the least (the game of thrones reference to the brother and sister had me shaking my head in agreement).
This whole dog storyline has thrown me for a loop. I've never felt something to be more contrived and producer driven. It's clear to me that Rinna is stirring the pot, possibly at the direction of producers, to get a rise out of LVP and turn the other girls against her. I'm not an LVP fan, but I think it's a stretch to say that she setup the whole thing with the dog being shown by her employee to Teddi for the purpose of making Dorit look bad. I think LVP's employee was mad about it, was friends with Teddi, and that's why the dog was shown to her (and Kyle) when they were there. I have a hard time believing LVP told the guy to do that. It would be odd.

And why WOULDN'T Lisa be upset about what happened? Even assuming Dorit did have a nice family lined up to take the dog, if she's such a good friend of Lisa's, why not tell her that the dog has bitten the children but she's found a nice family to re-home it to. Perhaps at that point, LVP could have told her to give it back to Vanderpump Dogs instead per the contract. Or if not, Lisa would at least be on notice that Dorit gave the dog to another family which would make her off the hook for it ending up in a shelter. I'm glad Camille caught that everyone was favoring Dorit and not understanding why everyone was mad at LVP. I really didn't get it either, especially since LVP kept saying to drop it and that she was over it. Everyone kept pushing and made a mountain out of a molehill - which wreaks of producer intervention to me.

And Teddi - what the heck did she get so mad about? And why would LVP think she was gossiping, when she witnessed the guy bring the dog out to her. She knows Teddi is friends with the guy and can't help what he tells her. Ugh.

Lastly, the sympathy card from Erika. Ay yi yi. It did seem a bit impersonal, but LVP has bigger fish to fry than being bothered by that. And the fact that Erika had a photo of it is odd. She knew it would be a problem? Then do something more, or do something better if you think it will be a problem. Again, the weirdness of it and the fact that there's a photo of the card seems producer driven to me too. And I can't get over her glam squad, the outfits, the full face of makeup for a day at the beach, the hair extensions. I have to wonder if this is all because she's filming or if she truly vacations that way. Dorit also comes off as an Erika wannabe with her glam squad lite and the heinous choice in clothing.

Thank God for Denise this season. She's a breath of fresh air. I love that she felt underdressed. She seems the most normal and down to earth, which is ironic because she's probably the most famous and recognizable.
Thank God for Denise this season. She's a breath of fresh air. I love that she felt underdressed. She seems the most normal and down to earth, which is ironic because she's probably the most famous and recognizable.

i hope her father appears on the show. i remember him from her short lived reality show several years ago-seemed like such a sweet man (and had a great sense of humor).
I think Rhinna was right about LVP setting the whole thing up to stir up trouble. LVP is a trouble maker (so is Rhinna). LVP loves to setup drama and then step back as if her hands are clean. That was the gist of the discussion on Reality Checked yesterday on Radio Andy, too.
I think Rhinna was right about LVP setting the whole thing up to stir up trouble. LVP is a trouble maker (so is Rhinna). LVP loves to setup drama and then step back as if her hands are clean. That was the gist of the discussion on Reality Checked yesterday on Radio Andy, too.

I think Rinna is setting up LVP to look like she was setting it up! LOL! I do think LVP is a trouble maker, but to go as far as to tell her employee (who has no affiliation with the show) to present the dog to Kyle and Teddi to stick it to Dorit is odd. I can't see LVP contriving a situation like that behind the scenes, involving someone else who she's not that close to. Plus, LVP's reaction when that scene occurred at Vanderpump Dogs was standoffish. I don't think she was acting.

I think Rinna sees this as an opportunity to shine a bad light on LVP, and knows that Teddi and Kyle will jump on board the anti-LVP train if they're made to feel like LVP is deceiving them. Rinna and LVP have always had an underlying tension. LVP is a big grudge holder, and even on the last episode she made a snide remark about how she intentionally didn't alert Rinna of the step when she tripped over it in the hotel room. I'm sure that was a joke, but LVP always makes those digs at Rinna, and I'm sure Rinna took this opportunity for some retaliation. LVP's M.O. seems to be to hold a grudge forever and constantly make half-joking half-serious snippy remarks at people who have slighted her. I think she would have done this with Dorit about the dog situation, rather than concoct a whole setup with her employee.
I think LVP has every right to be upset about the dog and I’m confused why all the housewives are siding with Dorit? It seems extremely strange to me that they met some random lady to give the dog to who happened to take it to a shelter. I don’t believe that story at all. Maybe someone else remembers but I don’t think Dorit had a glam squad the first season she was on. Funny that she has one now. Also strange her house was robbed after Kyles was. It seems like she tries to take attention off of other wives by doing the same thing as they do??? She’s a fake!
Lisa Vanderpump's passive aggressive ways would drive me crazy. However, I feel so much for her right now. It is evident she is really hurting. Sad to see but also nice to see her more emotionally open too. Either way I feel for her.

Lisa Rinna is back to her pot stirring ways. Don't enjoy it. Liked her change last season. And honestly liked the double Lisa's barbs back and forth last season as well. I guess Lisa Rinna didn't.

Kyle, oh Kyle, either accept Lisa Vanderpump as who she is or move on as nicely as you can (we all know that didn't happen). My gut says that her irritation is way beyond Lisa. Plus it was pretty shifty and ****ty to bring up the dog again when it was clear Lisa Vanderpump didn't want to talk about it and asked for that multiple times.

The dog. My thoughts - First, Dorit is lying. Second, Lisa Vanderpump wants to let it go now. Mainly because she is close to PJ and her brother's death and pain trumps that surface crap at the moment. I also think she didn't have a thing to do with the drama with Teddi and Kyle at Vanderpump Dogs. Maybe I'm naive but that is what I think.

I thought her advice to Kyle about being careful because it is awful when someone dies and things were overly dramatic and petty. And where that leaves someone in life - sage advice. I thought Kyle was too much into her poor me with Lisa energy, or defensiveness, to fully take that in. It's a shame.

Next week is about Teddi lying, I believe. Hence why she might have been so angry at the table - possible guilt. The preview showed Teddi's emails with Lisa's assistant. I think if she played out that drama it isn't really her way so much as knowing many find her boring (I don't) and she needs to create drama to stay.

There is a boatload of rage in Erika. It just sits there when she is angry. And I have said this before, her marriage with Tom is bizarre. Not because of age. Because of the way I saw her when Tom was angry with HER when another friggin' human being disrespected him. Erika openly told one of the women that he didn't talked to her, his wife who had no control over the situation, for days. What the hell?!?!? Hell is my good word there, laughing.

And my final thought - I am loving Denise. It is like she is us, a viewer, thrown right into the action. I find that very entertaining.

And those women's faces about her outfit, big fat sigh. Shows so much about their confidence level. Hysterical looks those women can give, that is if it wasn't a big cut and paste edit job.
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I think LVP has every right to be upset about the dog and I’m confused why all the housewives are siding with Dorit? It seems extremely strange to me that they met some random lady to give the dog to who happened to take it to a shelter. I don’t believe that story at all. Maybe someone else remembers but I don’t think Dorit had a glam squad the first season she was on. Funny that she has one now. Also strange her house was robbed after Kyles was. It seems like she tries to take attention off of other wives by doing the same thing as they do??? She’s a fake!

Not only did she not seem to have a glam squad her first season, she didn't seem to have those boobs either. Or she simply suddenly loves them more. :laughing::drinking1
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And those womens' faces about her outfit, big fat sigh. Shows so much about their confidence level. Hysterical looks those women can give, that is if it wasn't a big cut and paste edit job.

What's ironic about that is that Denise's outfit was the cutest! Some of the things Erika and Dorit wear make them look like circus freaks. I would 100% point and laugh if I saw someone in public wearing some of those things, no matter if they were rich or famous. Ridic.
What's ironic about that is that Denise's outfit was the cutest! Some of the things Erika and Dorit wear make them look like circus freaks. I would 100% point and laugh if I saw someone in public wearing some of those things, no matter if they were rich or famous. Ridic.

I know. :rotfl2:

It took me ages to figure out what the hell was going on with some of their outfits. Oh wait they are merely having a late night drink. :laughing:
Wowza!! :rotfl2:

First and foremost, if Dorit had honored the Vanderpump Dogs contract, none of this would have happened.

Lisa R needs to shut it and Kyle is also a huge pot stirrer.

Sad to say, Teddi is no longer on my like list. She's terrible. Screen shot spin much? :sad2:

Erika to stay out of stuff that doesn't involve her and fire her glam squad for sending her out in public with a total orange face.

I never thought I'd see the day that Camille is the voice of reason.

Denise is adorable and rightfully confused by all this nonsense.

I feel badly for LVP. This whole situation was unnecessary and not what she needed after the death of her brother.
And Ken is my new favorite!! :flower1:
Its so funny how prior to the season starting, all the buzz was that LVP is the bad guy and its the entire cast versus LVP. At this point anyway, everyone is having sympathy for LVP. Myself included. I'm normally a Teddi supporter but will admit the text messages Ken received are not a good look for her. But from my understanding, what is still forthcoming is that the dog story was leaked to the press and the cast is assuming LVP leaked it, which she has denied. That's the actual downfall of LVP, and why everyone is feuding with her today.

On a related note, Teddi said yesterday on the Jenny McCarthy show that her and LVP conspired together to make Dorit look bad. Then LVP turned it around and denied involvement, which is why Teddi was so mad. If that's true, then she's still lying on the show. Her stance is she had zero involvement, which can't be true if she's now admitting they conspired together.

LOVE Denise Richards. Love how down to earth she is, I was not expecting that. From her casual clothes feeling under dressed around the other women to her love for basic food like burgers and fries, and not this weird fine dining stuff that they're always eating. Love that about her!
Its so funny how prior to the season starting, all the buzz was that LVP is the bad guy and its the entire cast versus LVP. At this point anyway, everyone is having sympathy for LVP. Myself included. I'm normally a Teddi supporter but will admit the text messages Ken received are not a good look for her. But from my understanding, what is still forthcoming is that the dog story was leaked to the press and the cast is assuming LVP leaked it, which she has denied. That's the actual downfall of LVP, and why everyone is feuding with her today.

On a related note, Teddi said yesterday on the Jenny McCarthy show that her and LVP conspired together to make Dorit look bad. Then LVP turned it around and denied involvement, which is why Teddi was so mad. If that's true, then she's still lying on the show. Her stance is she had zero involvement, which can't be true if she's now admitting they conspired together.

LOVE Denise Richards. Love how down to earth she is, I was not expecting that. From her casual clothes feeling under dressed around the other women to her love for basic food like burgers and fries, and not this weird fine dining stuff that they're always eating. Love that about her!

Did she think that was going to help her case? What a moron. :sad2:
I will admit my jaw dropped when Ken pulled out the texts with Teddi's name at the top. Good for him for standing by and protecting his wife.

I love Denise Richards also. And I never thought I would agree with Camille!! LOL She was so logical and saying what everyone should have been saying or at least thinking.

I normally like Lisa Rinna, but she is waayyyyy over the top with stirring the pot. I may have to put something on Twitter to her! hahahaha

Will be interesting to see how this plays out and I try to keep in mind editing does play a role.

Also, I am soooo over Erika and Dorit!! The first season I liked her. Now I just find her mean spirited and rude about everything.

Dorit is a twit and liar. And just because you "have money" (I choose those words loosely) doesn't mean you have fashion sense. Or her stylist should be fired.
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On a related note, Teddi said yesterday on the Jenny McCarthy show that her and LVP conspired together to make Dorit look bad. Then LVP turned it around and denied involvement, which is why Teddi was so mad. If that's true, then she's still lying on the show. Her stance is she had zero involvement, which can't be true if she's now admitting they conspired together.
I guess I've been in IT too long to believe what is printed. I thought that Ken and Blizzard concocted the text chain... until THIS!

What an admission! This had to have come out in filming at some point for Teddi to admit this on air.


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