Venture outside your comfort zone: the rewards are worth it! KSellers88’s Journal (Comments Welcome)

A training plan...what's that??


That is how my mind and body felt after nearly three months off of training. I think it probably did a lot of good because I was beginning to feel burnt out, but I am afraid I've lost some fitness. I've still been running, doing body pump, Pilates and Transform:20, but I've also been eating what I want. Either way, I plan to put in the work and see what happens. I am hoping and shooting for a 5K PR in the next few months, current PR is 23:04 of a 7:26 pace. It is two years old and I've been working on distance races since then so I am not sure if that will help or hurt me. I've got some new paces this training cycle, that make me slightly sick to my stomach when I look at them. :rotfl:


The plan technically started on 2/25, but life has been madness since then so I haven't had time to here's what's happened so far:
2/25: 4 miles @ 9:53

2/26: 6 miles @ 9:12

2/27: rest day

2/28: BLIND PROGRESSION! 20 minute warm up + 15 minutes fast + 10 minutes faster + 5 minutes fastest + 20 minute cool down...results were: 2 miles @ 10:38 for warm up, 1.7 miles @ 8:48 pace for 15 minutes fast, 1.22 miles @ 8:13 pace for 10 minutes faster, and .62 miles @ 7:43 pace for 5 minutes fastest + 1.4 mile cool down to round out to 7 miles total. I loveeeeee progression runs and I really like this concept of blind progression. I did run the warm up longer than 20 minutes because I realized I didn't have an elapsed time screen on my watch and had no idea how long I had been running, so I just did two miles then added that data screen.

3/1: rest day!

3/2: 4 miles @ 9:10 pace

3/3: 6 treadmill miles @ 8:30 pace...this was supposed to be 7 miles @ LR and 2 miles @ HM Tempo, but we had some horrible weather come through on Sunday so it got cut short. I was able to get six miles done on the treadmill until we went under a tornado warning. Then 1.5 hours later when the weather was finally clearing out I was too drained from anxiety to finish it. We had two tornadoes touch down within 5-10 miles of my house that destroyed hundreds of homes and took the lives of 23 people. It ended up being classified as an EF-4 with 170+ mph winds. It has been amazing to see our community come together to help each other, but to see the devastation is just so sad.


3/4: 4 miles @ 9:53 pace with Barkley. :love: He is doing so well with running/walking with me. He would keep running for much longer if I would let him. I swear he is part Energizer Bunny or something.

3/5: missed run...I was supposed to have a speed workout on Tuesday, but work got in the way. I had all day training from 8-5 and just wanted to lay down and not move once I got home, so that's basically what I did. LOL.

3/6: rest day!

Upcoming Training Schedule:
Th: 6 miles @ EB (9:13) and Strides
F: Rest Day!
Sa: 6 miles @ EB (9:13) and Strides
Su: 2 mile WU + 5x1 mile @ T (7:41) w/1 min. RI @WU + 4x3 min. @ I (6:59:eek:) w/3 min. RI + 1 mile CD
M: 4 miles @ EA (9:53)
Tu: 2 miles @ WU + 3x3 min. @ I w/2 min. RI @ WU + 1 mile CD
W: Rest Day!
I'm so glad you and yours are safe in the tornado - I'm originally from AL (Mobile), and so my social media feeds have been filled with all the recovery in Lee County the last few days. So scary!

Also, wow, your paces! Can't wait to see the next round fo training.
I'm glad you were not affected by the storm. I have an aunt living in Pike Road, just outside Montgomery. She was actually spending the weekend with us when those storms hit.
I love Barkley, what a good running partner!

Yay for a new training plan! You're going to rock it as usual! :)

And I've told you this on insta, but praying for your community and state. So glad you all are safe!
I'm so glad you and yours are safe in the tornado - I'm originally from AL (Mobile), and so my social media feeds have been filled with all the recovery in Lee County the last few days. So scary!

Also, wow, your paces! Can't wait to see the next round fo training.

Thank you so much! It is crazy to see the devastation, I just can't imagine wind that strong.

Hoping I can make some of those paces! LOL.

Happy to hear you all are safe. Keep up the great work!

Thank you so much!

I'm glad you were not affected by the storm. I have an aunt living in Pike Road, just outside Montgomery. She was actually spending the weekend with us when those storms hit.

Thanks! Hopefully she did not have any issues either.

So glad you’re safe!!! Your training paces look scary! Your easys are my fastest! Lol

Thank you, me too! LOL, I'm hoping I can meet some of those crazy pace goals!

So glad to hear you guys are okay. My heart is breaking for the families who were affected.

Thank you so much, Sarah. It is so sad to see, but amazing how everyone has come together to work on a common goal.

I love Barkley, what a good running partner!

Yay for a new training plan! You're going to rock it as usual! :)

And I've told you this on insta, but praying for your community and state. So glad you all are safe!

He is the best running partner! So enthusiastic lol

I sure hope I can, really appreciate the vote of confidence!

Thanks so much! We can definitely use all the prayers.
Another week down...

Actual footage of me today getting to my car after yesterday's workouts. This was a rather uneventful week compared to previous weeks, and I was able to get all of my runs done with the exception of a Garmin charge issue that should be no surprise to anyone. Some good news is that I was able to get a partial refund from missing the Marathon back in January and I will be applying it toward a Wine and Dine registration! I am not sure if I will just do the half, Challenge or all three. I guess I need to figure that out. I'll be traveling to Asheville, North Carolina this weekend to run the Asheville half on the Biltmore Estate and I am very excited to check another state off my list!

So what happened last week?

3/7: 4 miles @ 9:03 pace

3/8: 3 miles @ 10:05 pace...supposed to be a rest day, but it was beautiful and I had to cut Thursday's run short soooo I ran. LOL

3/9: 6 miles @ 9:06 pace

3/10: I have no data from this run, and I'll give everyone a guess as to watch was dead. :rotfl: I had 7% when I went to sleep on Saturday and meant to plug it in and completely forgot. I am a complete failure. I did run 8 miles though.

3/11: 4 miles @ 9:53 pace
3/12: Workout was: 2 mile WU + 3x3:00 with 2:00 recovery + 1 mile CD...results were:

  • 2 mile warm up (10:11 and 10:10)
  • 1st 3:00 interval: .43 miles @ 6:55 pace
  • 2nd 3:00 interval: .43 miles @ 7:01 pace
  • 3rd 3:00 interval: .40 miles @ 7:26 pace
  • 1 mile cool down @ 10:31
Target pace for the 3:00 intervals was 6:59 so I am not too terribly disappointed in those results. I am clearly going to have to start tracking the T&D soon though because it was 80 degrees when I ran. We have no spring here in Alabama, we go straight from winter to summer. Based on this chart, we are currently in "So Much Pollen" season. :rotfl2:


3/13: Rest day! Praise the Lord because my legs are angry from yesterday's intervals, Body Pump and Transform:20.

Upcoming Training Schedule:
Th: Blind Progression! 20 min WU + 15 min fast + 10 min faster + 5 min fastest + 20 min CD
F: Rest day!
Sa: 6 miles @ EB (9:13) + Strides
Su: Asheville Half (11 miles @ EA (9:53) + 2.1 miles @ HM Tempo (7:54))
M: 3 miles @ EA
Tu: 1 mile WU + 4 sets of (.50 mile T (7:41) + 2 min I (6:59) + .50 mile T + 2 min I w/4 min recovery) + 1 mile's been nice knowing y'all because I'll be dead after this run. :eek:
W: Rest day!
Good luck on the race! I love Asheville, and it should be beautiful this weekend!

I am LOL'ing at the South's seasons - so absolutely true. Also, my friend Matt is one of the guys at It's a Southern Thing. I don't know if you watch the videos, but he's the bald/bearded dude. So hilarious in real life, and I'm happy that more people get to see that.
Good luck on the race! I love Asheville, and it should be beautiful this weekend!

I am LOL'ing at the South's seasons - so absolutely true. Also, my friend Matt is one of the guys at It's a Southern Thing. I don't know if you watch the videos, but he's the bald/bearded dude. So hilarious in real life, and I'm happy that more people get to see that.

Thank you! I am excited to visit!

How cool! I love their videos and know exactly who you are talking about, so funny!


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