-It Takes People To Make The Dream A Reality- DCP Summer 2018 Highlights Trip Report! (COMPLETE 6/6!)

So for some reason I just realized how soon your move to Florida is! And you’ll finally get to see Pandora and Toy Story Land and Happily Ever After... so excited for you!

Lol I KNOW!! I'm so excited for all of them. Mostly Pandora. Will try to check them off within my first few days off. I already know DAK is where I'm going after Traditions, much to probably all my friend's chagrin but I DO WHAT I WANT AND THE BEST WDW PARK IS WHERE I'M GOING.
Lol I KNOW!! I'm so excited for all of them. Mostly Pandora. Will try to check them off within my first few days off. I already know DAK is where I'm going after Traditions, much to probably all my friend's chagrin but I DO WHAT I WANT AND THE BEST WDW PARK IS WHERE I'M GOING.
I approve heartily!
The NH Babes Meet Princes, Mapmakers and the Fairy Godmother
7/29/18: #NHBabes

The mid-day crowds were starting to hit as the shows began. We thanked our lucky stars that we weren't waiting in the line that had now formed in front of the Hall. There was oddly a zero wait line next door and I saw my friend Kevin was hosting a favorite ruffian of ours. Obviously, we'd be dumb not to go see both of them.

Ruffian-igans ensued.

Then we got let in on Flynn's favorite secret (not that I hadn't multiple times before). I had to move to block others views.

Bless Kevin for always getting the proper photos.

Then, of course, the more formal ones.

Poor Eugene was bored out of his mind it seemed. We were with him for quite some time and it seemed him and Kevin wanted for us to stay longer. Amanda and I both had work so we sadly couldn't, gave some warm Ruffian hugs and headed off for other adventures. Amanda was still shook she saw the crown though.

As we walked away, we saw Kevin and Flynn go watch the show and say hi to others in the area. Bless that they are able to do that when there's no line.

We wandered around a bit, not sure what really to do, checking to see who was coming out soon and if there was any word on Redd since Amanda said she hadn't come across her yet. At some point, we ended up taking these selfies in her phone's portrait mode.

We're dorks, it's true.

Eventually, we saw that Fairy Godmother was going to be coming soon. I hadn't seen her in awhile so we decided to wait for her at the entrance to the pathway by the Wishing Well since she usually walked through that way to meet there or in the little corridor or in the courtyard. She did show up and gave me a huge hug, but said she had to go check in at her boutique, but she'd be back out by the corridor. Amanda and I decided to wait when I started not feeling too good, probably drinking that Strawberry Acai quickly earlier and so I ran off to go to the bathroom. I ran into her coming out of the boutique and told her to go meet with my friend if she could while I went about my business.

I was in and out and found Amanda chilling with no Fairy Godmother. I was gone about 10 minutes so I was confused but she told me she stopped to sign her book but she had to leave. So sad. We'd catch her later. I checked the app and saw Aladdin was going to be by the Well soon so we went there. Before he got there, we decided to make some wishes and take photos while doing so.

Think of a wish...

Hold it in your heart...

Then set it free!

Amanda did it too but I no longer have those photos. I know I'm the worst. However, Aladdin showed up and we were right there so we met him first.

It was a pretty generic meeting and he refused to give me a hug after giving Amanda one so we don't talk about it. Apparently I made my street rat mad. SO NOW I'M CALLING HIM A STREET RAT, HAH!


After we went into Fantasyland and I checked the time realizing Magical Map was happening soon so we ran to go watch that. We got there basically as the show was starting but with only two of us got lovely seats (granted there is really no bad seats for Map).

Click to watch!

Click to watch!

Click to watch!

Click to watch!

It was almost time for me to go backstage and get changed so Amanda helped walk me out. On our way out, we managed to come across Fairy Godmother. She was leaving so we only had a moment for a quick photo.

After I told her quickly that I was leaving, she was in a hurry but she stopped a moment to wish me well in case I didn't see her again then ran off before the line could form. Fairy Godmothers are so important to my life.

As we walked out we past by the Dapper Dans, which I video'd...

Then I requested some cute Main Street skipping/walking/sashaying photos. That was fun!

I'm way too extra for my own good, it's true.

After that, it was officially time for me to go. Amanda still had time. I'm also reminded here to make a correction that she wasn't working today. It was her day off. HOWEVER, she was starting to move out of Carnegie into her new apartment so she didn't stay the whole day. She did go back to the Hall one more time because a rumor was going around that Aurora was visiting. However, the star moment was Snow who asked about me. She didn't know my name but Amanda mentioned me leaving soon and she was like "Oh the skinny blonde kid, I love him!" Again, cue my tears falling on the keyboard.

Back to me though heading off to work. Today was actually my last day working in Bugs restrooms, second-to-last in restrooms, since I managed to trade away my last two shifts for area shifts. I was very happy about this since I'd basically been in only restrooms up until that point. So obviously this shift was followed by a celebration in the night. Stick around for that!

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...And Then There Was One Babe
7/29/18: #NHBabes

And there it is, the last snap I would ever put the words "Bugs" and "Restrooms" in the same sentence in that context involving a Strawberry Acai Lemonade refresher. Bless the Disney gods above making sure I didn't have to end my program there (edit: few more restroom shifts to go in actuality but I believe all in Pier). But also bless them because this was by far one of my best shifts in restrooms, at least in Bugs I mean. The person before kept up with them well and so it wasn't nearly that hard to close out or stay ahead of the gap. I also had a very helpful and attentive lead if I needed help with anything. I also had great stockroom buddies. Positives positives POS-I-TIVES! (sorry this was redundant but it felt good to know my last Bugs shift was a solid one)

Before I knew it, my shift had ended and I was headed back into Disneyland for the night.

I first had to go see my favorite puppy in the entire world (tied with my pups at home, Miss Schuyler).

Click to watch!

After that, I went over to Fantasyland, stopping by my favorite spot for some tranquil reflection...

Click to watch!

Only so much time left to be able to do this.

I then donned my beautiful iridescent ears to ride the fabulous teacups of Disneyland.

Click for some pixie dust!

I might've rode Small World after, but no photograph book so for all intents and purposes, I rode the Matterhorn and that closed out my night.

Click to watch!

Unfortunately, this casual ride ended up being my last ever. I didn't know it at the time but the next day the ride went under refurbishment so that was my send-off. It was a fun send-off riding it with my new ears on (them nearly falling off) and a selfie vid going past Harold the Yeti.

That is where my night ended. One of my few nights left, but just like any other. Boy would the end hit me like a freight train when it did (spoiler alert: it REALLY did).

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Perpetually behind = Me.

Lol well you're here now! That's what matters.

Ooh, what?? How cool!!

Yeah! It was a last minute offering for DCP participants but omg it was lovely. Fairytale Weddings people are the sweetest and coolest.

You have out-sassed Tink here ::yes::

I do what I can. *hair flip*

there is nothing wrong with that!!

I'm glad you can appreciate lol

So much magic in these last couple of days!!

Seriously and it only gets more magical!!

Oh my goodness beautiful people you look like you should be a Disney ad agghhh

Oh stop it, thank you! I thought I looked disgusting in them but Amanda said we looked cute so I'm gonna concede to y'all's opinions on this one I guess.
Oooh, so jealous!! The first time my son met Flynn, he asked about what was in the satchel, and he wouldn't show him!!! I was sad for Jimmy :(

Awww, that happened to me too the first time! He said it was Maximus's treats in his satchel and it was so awkward after. Luckily every time I've asked since he's pulled it out and had me and everyone within viewing distance gagged. Jimmy should try again next time he sees him, second time is the charm pretty sure.

Just a boy and his shadow! Love this one!

Thank you!

*a LOST boy (hehe)
More great character meets! I'm glad you were able to chat with FG if only for a few seconds! Love the pics of you skipping down Main Street :) Sounds like such a great time with Amanda- and your selfies together are adorable!
I continue to enjoy your character interactions. For some reason, I have never gotten big into meeting characters while at the parks. I meet them all the time when I go on a Disney Cruise. Maybe I’ll start meeting characters on a more consistent basis. I’ve always enjoyed my interactions with them though.

You are making me wish that I applied for the CP while I was in college. It looks like you’ve had a fantastic time! I’m sure you are looking forward to returning but to the other coast.
More great character meets! I'm glad you were able to chat with FG if only for a few seconds! Love the pics of you skipping down Main Street :) Sounds like such a great time with Amanda- and your selfies together are adorable!

Always such great fun with all them and what an angel Fairy Godmother is.

Thank you! They are some of my faves. I'm a total dork for taking them but they are 100% me.

We really did and thank you! Definitely a friend I miss dearly.

I continue to enjoy your character interactions. For some reason, I have never gotten big into meeting characters while at the parks. I meet them all the time when I go on a Disney Cruise. Maybe I’ll start meeting characters on a more consistent basis. I’ve always enjoyed my interactions with them though.

I never really got into them until I started getting into Instagram and saw all the videos of these crazy things characters would do. I wanted to be a part of it. Ever since my high school graduation present trip, that's what I love to do the most. I highly recommend for anyone of any age to really go all in for interactions because they are such fun and unique experiences that Disney does the best at.

You are making me wish that I applied for the CP while I was in college. It looks like you’ve had a fantastic time! I’m sure you are looking forward to returning but to the other coast.

I'm so glad I did it when I did, despite it pushing back my graduation and all that comes with that. I'm so happy to be returning in two weeks eeeeepppp
I'm so happy to be returning in two weeks eeeeepppp
How long are you going to be in your program? If you are going to be here the beginning of August, you might want to consider joining and registering for the Dreams Unlimited Travel 20 Years Anniversary Event. Over 1,000 DISers are already coming and we will be holding events throughout Walt Disney World. The only negative right now is the Pandora Party is already sold out. Just a thought for you if you would like to join us. :)
How long are you going to be in your program? If you are going to be here the beginning of August, you might want to consider joining and registering for the Dreams Unlimited Travel 20 Years Anniversary Event. Over 1,000 DISers are already coming and we will be holding events throughout Walt Disney World. The only negative right now is the Pandora Party is already sold out. Just a thought for you if you would like to join us. :)

I will be around and I listen to the DISUnplugged regularly so I did hear about that. I don't think any of it is for me though. I appreciate the offer but I'm really not that intense of a DISer. I'm sure I'll be excited to see the like around the parks though. :)


Yup, it was one year ago today that I had called up someone I only knew through a group chat (aka Katie) to pick me up from my bougie Hilton to go to Carnegie Plaza and check-in. Still think about this program every day. Gonna miss it forever more and I'm so glad I've managed to keep going to the end in retelling the tale of this memorable summer for all of you. Thank you everyone who has stuck around to hear all about it! Hope y'all will stick around just a little longer until the end and maybe through my soon-to-come adventure...

Also, just under TWO WEEKS until my third DCP back at WDW begins! Wow, life really comes at you fast.

Let's move ahead though and get into another wonderful day at the happiest place on Earth:

It Began Like Any Other Day...

7/31/18: #NHBabes Round Two

Timmy went about with his normal morning routine. Showering, shaving, packing his things and heading out to the resort bus by Carnegie (might've rode the city bus instead though)...

After arriving at the Disneyland bus loop, going through backstage security and stowing my things, I came into the Esplanade headed for Downtown Disney for my usual morning Strawberry Acai.

My morning usual in hand, I went to my favorite place in the entire universe and beyond.

And I went to my usual first visit: the Royal Hall!

If you couldn't tell Ariel and I had the most fun. We thought me as a shark chasing her would be the best photo choice. I swear the ideas we have. We later amended it to be that I'm a shark prince out to protect her and Eric. Apparently, Eric's not that great of a swimmer so a shark prince would be necessary lol Also Cindy asked me about what I liked the

I went directly from there to the Wishing Well, a typical second location and lo-and-behold Aurora was visiting. Obviously I got in line to see my favorite queen of the castle.

I broke the news to her about me leaving and it ended up leading into a lovely conversation about what I'll be doing when not being able to visit. I told her I live in a more wooded area which she told me was the perfect place to find a dream prince. I said, "If only" being me and she told me something about dreaming about it and that it will surely come true. And that maybe dreaming about here too would bring me back. You never know. She also complemented me on the shirt, she called it her favorite. I asked for a hugging photo which led to a funny interaction as I tried to match her bevel if you couldn't tell and almost knocked both of us over. In getting my balance, I managed to lift Aurora up and keep us up for such a cute photo. Then we real hugged goodbye in case I wouldn't see her that lasted a bit longer than normal. She wished me well and I left feeling sad but also kinda happy. Bittersweet emotions all around.

I headed on back down Main Street to see if I could catch any princesses at the front of the park. On the way I passed by the Disneyland Band doing their cute set with the Main Street characters.

Click to watch!

At the Main Gate, I saw that both Snow AND Cindy were out. A host was at the end of Snow's line so I knew she was closed but Cindy was still opened so I went to see her. The minute I got in line Cindy went up and asked if I was seeing her. I told her "Yes" and she said I would be the last one and to tell the host when he got there.

Snow ended up leaving her spot around this time, way before I was all that near to Cindy.

Click to watch!

This is where things got a bit wild. The park was fairly crowded today especially at the front and when the host came out he was trying to control the line which I tried to help with but as a guest nobody listens to me. They also were being very rude to Cindy and me. In the midst of dealing with one lady that wouldn't budge and said some very non-Disney appropriate words about Cindy, myself and the host, I got cut off from Cindy as did the host and she got mobbed by some other people. You could tell she was not feeling it that day, it was so bad I don't blame her. I tried to make the best of the meet but kinda made things I feel a little too intense for someone who very obviously needed to go to her fairy godmother for a minute, asking her for pose ideas. She bolted out quickly and smoothly though so I'm glad at that.

At the very least, the photo came out nice. Hopefully if she did come back out instead of returning to the Hall, she wasn't mobbed in that same way again.

It was around this time, Amanda and Lindsey noticed my snaps and messaged me telling me they were in the park with Jessi and to meet up. They told me they were at the Wishing Well so I rushed over to go find them. The complete NH babes trio were about to have an actual adventure with the completed crew. This should be interesting.

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I don't think I realized you were officially doing DCP this summer? I know you alluded to it but wasn't sure. Congrats!! Do you know where you will be and what you will be doing??

Great character pics! Poor Cindy at the gate though, what a rough time!
She did go back to the Hall one more time because a rumor was going around that Aurora was visiting. However, the star moment was Snow who asked about me. She didn't know my name but Amanda mentioned me leaving soon and she was like "Oh the skinny blonde kid, I love him!" Again, cue my tears falling on the keyboard.
How sweet that they all know and loved you!
I don't think I realized you were officially doing DCP this summer? I know you alluded to it but wasn't sure. Congrats!! Do you know where you will be and what you will be doing??

Yes, I am! Thank you! I believe I snuck it in to an update so you might've missed it, but yes it's official. I won't know my location until next Tuesday so just a short while longer and I can tell y'all where I will be. :goodvibes

Great character pics! Poor Cindy at the gate though, what a rough time!

It was overwhelming, but in the end it was handled really well. Props to Disneyland Entertainment.

How sweet that they all know and loved you!

I miss them so much! My Disneyland fam :sad:


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