The DIS Fit: 2019 thread. Join us in the New Hopes and Goals thread.

Well you know you've trained them well when you text the youngest son to ask what would you like in your christmas stocking in terms of your favorite gift card and he texts back
Air Canada Gift Card
Expedia Gift Card
Hotwire Gift Card and always Amazon.
Oh boy I was thinking A&W or Tims,,,,times are
It was a LOT easier-and cheaper- when they were little!
Something has been getting under my skin for the last little bit and I don't want to comment in the AM thread and be seen as "that person" but it sorta fits here because I think most of you have picked up on some of my personal monsters.
Self-scan checkouts at stores and why they are EXCELLENT for some of us:

I suffer from, what is at times, debilitating social anxiety that for a few years bordered on agoraphobia if hubby wasn't able to go everywhere with me. Shopping by myself was impossible, the thought of needing to interact with anyone (even if it was a store we frequent constantly and I know the staff) was crippling. Now I'm able to shop, by myself, on even my worse days, it's a godsend for me. I wasn't able to go to stores like No Frills because i would get stuck in massive lines (they never have enough tills open!) and I had no escape without needing to talk to people to let me thru the line (they lock off rows that aren't staffed). 2 weeks ago I needed something that only they carry, so i waited until Monday morning, 10 minutes after they opened and discovered (cue the harp music) SELF-SCAN CHEKOUTS!!!

And for those of you who are worried about it meaning the stores will cut staff because of these, I offer up this piece of info: the Metro we shop at every week has an employee who also suffers from social anxiety (that comes across as utter rudeness to most) now is able to work the self-check out rows because his interaction with customers in minimal. Before these opened he was working the night stocking shifts and HATED it, now he's able to work regular hours and we've become "store friends" (you know, you'd never be friends anywhere else but quite close) which has led to great conversations and sharing of baked goods!
My Mini Metro shopping rant
Keep in mind I like dogs and kids and Birt too!!!
My shop at Metro last night,,,uh I am a bit of a germaphobe .
Couple shopping with their dog and child,,carrying & touching dog and food products,,,yuck!!
Child eating a bun/yogurt and throwing it all over the floor,,yuck.
I tried going opposite direction of this family but kept meeting up on certain isles.
They ended up behind me at check-out. The clerk politely told them *for future reference NO dogs are allowed in the store*,,their response *well we can't keep him in the car*,,,oh boy..............................
Such a yucky experience.
Ok rant over
Thanks for listening
Something has been getting under my skin for the last little bit and I don't want to comment in the AM thread and be seen as "that person" but it sorta fits here because I think most of you have picked up on some of my personal monsters.
Self-scan checkouts at stores and why they are EXCELLENT for some of us:

I suffer from, what is at times, debilitating social anxiety that for a few years bordered on agoraphobia if hubby wasn't able to go everywhere with me. Shopping by myself was impossible, the thought of needing to interact with anyone (even if it was a store we frequent constantly and I know the staff) was crippling. Now I'm able to shop, by myself, on even my worse days, it's a godsend for me. I wasn't able to go to stores like No Frills because i would get stuck in massive lines (they never have enough tills open!) and I had no escape without needing to talk to people to let me thru the line (they lock off rows that aren't staffed). 2 weeks ago I needed something that only they carry, so i waited until Monday morning, 10 minutes after they opened and discovered (cue the harp music) SELF-SCAN CHEKOUTS!!!

And for those of you who are worried about it meaning the stores will cut staff because of these, I offer up this piece of info: the Metro we shop at every week has an employee who also suffers from social anxiety (that comes across as utter rudeness to most) now is able to work the self-check out rows because his interaction with customers in minimal. Before these opened he was working the night stocking shifts and HATED it, now he's able to work regular hours and we've become "store friends" (you know, you'd never be friends anywhere else but quite close) which has led to great conversations and sharing of baked goods!

I have a son who jumps at every chance to use the self scan service,,loves it,
I am so happy you are able to shop a bit more freely now using them and isn't it great to meet someone who shares a bit of your struggles and has overcome some of them. You should be very proud of yourself for all you have worked hard to overcome.HUGS
Hugs to you
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Something has been getting under my skin for the last little bit and I don't want to comment in the AM thread and be seen as "that person" but it sorta fits here because I think most of you have picked up on some of my personal monsters.
Self-scan checkouts at stores and why they are EXCELLENT for some of us:

I suffer from, what is at times, debilitating social anxiety that for a few years bordered on agoraphobia if hubby wasn't able to go everywhere with me. Shopping by myself was impossible, the thought of needing to interact with anyone (even if it was a store we frequent constantly and I know the staff) was crippling. Now I'm able to shop, by myself, on even my worse days, it's a godsend for me. I wasn't able to go to stores like No Frills because i would get stuck in massive lines (they never have enough tills open!) and I had no escape without needing to talk to people to let me thru the line (they lock off rows that aren't staffed). 2 weeks ago I needed something that only they carry, so i waited until Monday morning, 10 minutes after they opened and discovered (cue the harp music) SELF-SCAN CHEKOUTS!!!

And for those of you who are worried about it meaning the stores will cut staff because of these, I offer up this piece of info: the Metro we shop at every week has an employee who also suffers from social anxiety (that comes across as utter rudeness to most) now is able to work the self-check out rows because his interaction with customers in minimal. Before these opened he was working the night stocking shifts and HATED it, now he's able to work regular hours and we've become "store friends" (you know, you'd never be friends anywhere else but quite close) which has led to great conversations and sharing of baked goods!

I think peoples strong negative response to self checkouts is part of the big fear of industry changes overall.

Self-checkouts might mean fewer cashiers. But it also means more people designing software, maintaining the machines, etc. And think bigger—it could mean restructuring grocery stores in all kinds of ways, not just the single step of paying! I know lots of people who say they refuse to use the machines because it’s taking away good jobs. But it’s also creating them, it’s just jobs we haven’t seen before.

All of that to say is even this social butterfly likes self-checkout machines. I can small talk with the best of them. It’s actually a running joke between my wife and I (she also has social anxiety)—somehow in a crowd I’m always the one who gets sought out to ask the time or directions, and by the end of a 20 minute bus ride I usually know someone’s life story. I love talking and connecting, and there’s lots of ways to do that even when you check out your own grocery order.

Are you a podcast listener? I just heard a fantastic episode of 99% Invisible. Episode 356, The Automat. I love almost every episode of the show, but I think you’d really love some of the ideas behind automated restaurants in this one. Maybe something to do on your next TO trip!
My Mini Metro shopping rant
Keep in mind I like dogs and kids and Birt too!!!
My shop at Metro last night,,,uh I am a bit of a germaphobe .
Couple shopping with their dog and child,,carrying & touching dog and food products,,,yuck!!
Child eating a bun/yogurt and throwing it all over the floor,,yuck.
I tried going opposite direction of this family but kept meeting up on certain isles.
They ended up behind me at check-out. The clerk politely told them *for future reference NO dogs are allowed in the store*,,their response *well we can't keep him in the car*,,,oh boy..............................
Such a yucky experience.
Ok rant over
Thanks for listening

I love my dog and dogs in general. Love meeting them when I go for a walk at night. Never, ever would I take my dog to the store. I, like you, want to walk up to these people who do and say "whats up!". When I'm shopping it's all business, I'm in get my stuff and I'm outta there. There is a place for dogs, cats, birds, and its not the grocery store or RONA etc...
My Mini Metro shopping rant
Keep in mind I like dogs and kids and Birt too!!!
My shop at Metro last night,,,uh I am a bit of a germaphobe .
Couple shopping with their dog and child,,carrying & touching dog and food products,,,yuck!!
Child eating a bun/yogurt and throwing it all over the floor,,yuck.
I tried going opposite direction of this family but kept meeting up on certain isles.
They ended up behind me at check-out. The clerk politely told them *for future reference NO dogs are allowed in the store*,,their response *well we can't keep him in the car*,,,oh boy..............................
Such a yucky experience.
Ok rant over
Thanks for listening
Oh H E L L N O! I would have hunted out whoever was the manager on the floor and told them! Yes, I've done that before. That is not acceptable! Yes it's too hot to leave anything living outside right now but there's a way around that .. one of you STAY HOME!

I have a son who jumps at every chance to use the self scan service,,loves it,
I am so happy you are able to shop a bit more freely now using them and isn't it great to meet someone who shares a bit of your struggles and has overcome some of them. You should be very proud of yourself for all you have worked hard to overcome.HUGS
Hugs to you
Thanks for those words of encouragement! Even when I'm feeling good and hubby's with me we LOVE self scanning, it's an event for us! Beside Hubby is beyond anal when it comes to how things are packed in the bags so even if we're using a cashier he still bags, so why not just cut out the middle man :P
My summer vacation may start early. My parents are supposed to watch kiddo for a few days while I finish work, so I didn't have to put him in a whole week of camp for only needing 3 days. But my mom is sick. Like throwing up sick. Now I dont know what to do. We are supposed to go out and drop him off this afternoon. My dads health hasn't been the best for the past year. But Jackson really wants to go. And I have no back up plan. I dont want to use extra vacation days, and there are a few things i really want to finish at work. I hope it's a 24 hour thing and she is better by morning.
I had been dot journalling for a bit in the past months. For me, it was basically just a list of things to do-including eat breakfast, exercise, take supplements (glucosamine, vitamins), plan supper etc. I stopped when we went to Cairo in June and never got back into it. I have decided that I need that printed list to light a match under my, er, foot 8-). So back I go with the list written down. I'm hopeful that it will be the spark to get me to move, since I have not been moving for almost 6 weeks!
I had been dot journalling for a bit in the past months. For me, it was basically just a list of things to do-including eat breakfast, exercise, take supplements (glucosamine, vitamins), plan supper etc. I stopped when we went to Cairo in June and never got back into it. I have decided that I need that printed list to light a match under my, er, foot 8-). So back I go with the list written down. I'm hopeful that it will be the spark to get me to move, since I have not been moving for almost 6 weeks!

Hi Hon
So today let's move a tiny bit--I challenge you to 5 minutes,,I'm game if you are?
Lists,,now why has no one in my family ever bought me sticky notes and list tablets,,,I make lists everyday,,,I couldn't survive without them.
Hugs to you!
My summer vacation may start early. My parents are supposed to watch kiddo for a few days while I finish work, so I didn't have to put him in a whole week of camp for only needing 3 days. But my mom is sick. Like throwing up sick. Now I dont know what to do. We are supposed to go out and drop him off this afternoon. My dads health hasn't been the best for the past year. But Jackson really wants to go. And I have no back up plan. I dont want to use extra vacation days, and there are a few things i really want to finish at work. I hope it's a 24 hour thing and she is better by morning.

Is your mom doing any better? DS was up throwing up last night as well. He stayed home from work today. We were in Syracuse overnight so I worried the whole way home.

I'm sure Jackson will be on his best behaviour for your parents if your mom is still under the weather. Sit him in front of the TV with a favourite movie. (not ideal but sometimes it's just what you gotta do to get through)
Is your mom doing any better? DS was up throwing up last night as well. He stayed home from work today. We were in Syracuse overnight so I worried the whole way home.

I'm sure Jackson will be on his best behaviour for your parents if your mom is still under the weather. Sit him in front of the TV with a favourite movie. (not ideal but sometimes it's just what you gotta do to get through)

She was napping when I dropped him off yesterday. They ordered pizza for supper and then he made her soup (and ate half of it because it smelled so good). Today he and my dad went for breakfast and are now at the beach. Mom is resting. So far so good, but we'll see if it lasts the whole time. I am sure both he and my dad will need a break when they get back from the beach. My dad has to be careful in the sun, he is on some medications that react badly in the UV. He had his heart shocked back into rhythm on Thursday (twice because the first one didn't work). Any way. Jackson is messaging me and having a lot of fun so hopefully that keeps up. My parents have a "real" computer (desktop) and bought him Rollercoaster Tycoon so he plays that when he visits, and has his tablet for youtube watching. They also have some nature channel he likes to watch.
Hi Hon
So today let's move a tiny bit--I challenge you to 5 minutes,,I'm game if you are?
Lists,,now why has no one in my family ever bought me sticky notes and list tablets,,,I make lists everyday,,,I couldn't survive without them.
Hugs to you!
Thanks, Mel! I needed that! I did 14 min GrowYoungFitness Knee therapy workout, and then made sure that I did my goal for steps. Last week's report said that I only made the 5500 once, so I am already on a roll. I missed yesterday's goal by 171, and I refused to have that happen to me again. I hope that you are enjoying your summer vacation (or did you actually retire this year). Again, thanks for the P*U*S*H* (Putting Us Simply Healthy)
Thanks, Mel! I needed that! I did 14 min GrowYoungFitness Knee therapy workout, and then made sure that I did my goal for steps. Last week's report said that I only made the 5500 once, so I am already on a roll. I missed yesterday's goal by 171, and I refused to have that happen to me again. I hope that you are enjoying your summer vacation (or did you actually retire this year). Again, thanks for the P*U*S*H* (Putting Us Simply Healthy)
Hi Hon
Well Done!!!
It looks like I need to get a PUSH,,
My steps are way down,,you've motivated me to try harder starting tomorrow morning.
I am off for the summer but go back in Sept,,,I am half days since last year and love it.
Thanks for the motivation.
Hugs to you
Last day of work for summer! Then 5 weeks off. Kiddo made it at my parent's until today, I am going to get him at dinner time. He had some rough times sleeping which my mother cannot handle. And he really exhausted my father, going swimming, to the park, playing basketball. I guess it will be my turn to be exhausted! I will also need to get off my but, we leave for Disney in 24 days so I need to get my steps back up. It's been so hot and I feel bad walking the dog too far in that weather, he's black and he gets so hot. I will be able to go early-ish morning so that will be good. Looking forward to at least a few days of sleeping past 7! Until Disney when we'll be up early and out late :) :)
@hdrolfe enjoy your holidays!!!!!!!!! Sounds like you have lots of fun planned. I will say, I'm envious of the disney trip!!!! I'm sure you two will have a great time!!!!


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