Something About Nothing............ #14

I say we get the bus ready to go and we all head north for agavegirl’s house

She’s cooking....

I guess we now need to recruit dishwashers....
:wave2: Doing a quick sop in on a Saturday night.

Amazon. The closest Timmies to us is over 8 hours. My love for their coffee runs deep.
We do have Tim Hortons in the UK.........
I'm not a coffee fan...but I do love their teas. Steeped or an earl grey is perfect!!!! The hubby likes the tim's coffee...I would probably like it with Bailey's in it :o :rolleyes1
I’m not a coffee fan either
I only like coffee with Bailey's in it. I think work might frown on that lol Usually coffee is my lake beverage.
Need to drag out a (gasp!) sweater & jeans for the first Friday Night Lights of the season. It’s a bit chilly today. If one more person feels the need to mention that fall is only 30 days away to me, I just may do murder.
Keisha...I feel the same way. I am trying to accept the changing of the seasons...but all the pumpkin spice needs to go AWAY!!!! lol
Little one called, dealing with school issue we are helping her with.
That's always harder. I hope that you get it sorted soon.
And another hen not feeling well-think she has an ingrown feather by her pineal gland (oMG i've learned more about chickens than I ever wanted to know!).
I hope your hen is feeling better. I have a couple of friends who have feathered friends too...and they worry just as much as I do over our senior dog. Sick pets are NOT fun
I’ve been under the weather today so was not around much
Doing better now
I hope your feeling better now. I hate being under the weather.
Son and daughter in law bought me a gift certificate to a fun cooking class place for Mother’s Day in May.
That sounds like an awesome gift!!!! Have fun!!!!

@schumigirl I hope your birthday party for Tom goes great!!!! Happy birthday to your main squeeze.

Had a busy day today...and I'm pooped. I deep cleaned the youngest boy bedroom, steam cleaned the carpet in there, and started purging some things in the basement. Finally a weekend I was home, not working the second job. So it was nice to get some things done. Tomorrow I might tackle our bedroom closet and purge some things and reorganize it.

Just relaxing, got done watching our favorite CFL team win tonight...which was nice.

Hope everyone gets a good nights sleep.
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I nominate charade for dish duty

I don’t want to break a nail but could load a dishwasher

Come to think about it a dishwasher wouldn’t hold all the dishes if we all showed up

Hey maybe we will just use paper plates instead

Agavegirl that might work as long as you don’t serve soup

In the meantime when all the homies go to a fast food place, grab as many plastic knives, forks and paper plates and napkins you can

If someone is cooking the meal it’s. It nice for them to appoint others to bring deal with all the cleanup

It’s only proper that we brings items to help out
I say we get the bus ready to go and we all head north for agavegirl’s house

She’s cooking....

I guess we now need to recruit dishwashers....
I had to wash dishes 4 times and run the dishwasher once. I go through a lot of dishes. My dream is to have someone wash the dishes. I like a clean workspace.

I need to try out a few of my menus on you guys. I do appreciate a good cheesecake recipe as I like a unique take on cheesecake flavors.

ETA...I am with with Bailey’s.
:bday: For Tom, Schumi’s main squeeze

I thought Tom’a birthday was Sunday but the party is to be today for him

Glad I saw Robo post!
Would not want to be late for birthday wishes

Hope Tom has a great birthday and celebration

Thanks mac...….You were is his birthday......we just had the surprise party yesterday as it was more convenient than a Sunday for some, plus he wouldn't expect it......and he didn't!!!!

Very lazy Saturday. The thing that hit the middle child Tuesday, and the boy yesterday got me today-not as bad just feel 'bleh' with stomach hurting. An excuse for laying around while it rained all day anyway.

Big :bday: to Tom!! Hope the party was smashing success!!

I am all for private chef, cleaner etc. Is there room for my feathered pets? They can provide all the fresh eggs we need. Used the bowl of eggs for french toast this am.

Think the hubs is going to get pizza for dinner.

Yeah Robo! have a similar countdown!

They are a bit high but kinda a no brainer for me lol!

Why does Saturday fly by so much faster than work week??

Thanks Monyk…… sounds so good!!!! Hope you feel better today.....always sucks to be laid low with something...….any countdown is good!!!!

I would love to cook for my SANS peeps! I have never used a caterer for any of my dinners or parties.

I must admit, we never have before...….I host a boxing Day party most years and several other large gatherings throughout the year and always do everything ourselves.....but, as this was a surprise, I couldn't cater for 40 people without him suspecting something. Sure, friends would have helped, but didn't want I`m glad we did as I could just enjoy it and let someone else do all the work for a change......I`d definitely use them again....they were wonderful.

:wave2: Doing a quick sop in on a Saturday night.

I'm not a coffee fan...but I do love their teas. Steeped or an earl grey is perfect!!!! The hubby likes the tim's coffee...I would probably like it with Bailey's in it :o :rolleyes1

I only like coffee with Bailey's in it. I think work might frown on that lol Usually coffee is my lake beverage.

Keisha...I feel the same way. I am trying to accept the changing of the seasons...but all the pumpkin spice needs to go AWAY!!!! lol

That's always harder. I hope that you get it sorted soon.

I hope your hen is feeling better. I have a couple of friends who have feathered friends too...and they worry just as much as I do over our senior dog. Sick pets are NOT fun

I hope your feeling better now. I hate being under the weather.

That sounds like an awesome gift!!!! Have fun!!!!

@schumigirl I hope your birthday party for Tom goes great!!!! Happy birthday to your main squeeze.

Had a busy day today...and I'm pooped. I deep cleaned the youngest boy bedroom, steam cleaned the carpet in there, and started purging some things in the basement. Finally a weekend I was home, not working the second job. So it was nice to get some things done. Tomorrow I might tackle our bedroom closet and purge some things and reorganize it.

Just relaxing, got done watching our favorite CFL team win tonight...which was nice.

Hope everyone gets a good nights sleep.

Thanks was a fabulous evening......I used to drink Bailey`s sometimes in coffee and mostly as an after dinner drink, but went off it a few years ago.....strange as we did love it...…a good cup of tea is worth it`s weight in gold!!!! It`s my morning drink of choice every day.

It is nice to have some time to clear things out and organise at home.....I like doing that weirdly.....

Robo…..our little happy club is expanding!!!! A little bit like my butt..... :rotfl:

Hope you had a lovely lunch yesterday....sounds like a fun time there....

So, the surprise worked out well. Everyone (mostly) arrived before we did so they were all there when we got back.

He was most surprised and it showed...….especially with the I`m so glad I did go with that option as if he had seen me even prepare any dishes, he`d have guessed....

The whole evening was lovely, mostly everyone arrived and only three cried was lovely and everyone had a wonderful time and the weather was so warm, we were outside most of the night.....

I did show a friend this website and she had never seen it before.....she doesn't go the internet in any way shape or form......except for work.....she was tickled by some of the posts she read, I did show her one or two special posts that always make me giggle!!!!

Everyone was gone by midnight, a few stayed till around in bed by 2 wasn't too bad.

Only one birthday cake.....long story......but who needs cake.....we put some candles on one of the desserts and sang Happy Birthday to that.....

I won`t ramble on but, it was a super evening and one we`ll remember for a long time.

We have dinner booked for tonight and look forward to that, especially as we all slept a little later..…...spent the morning so far opening gifts and having a giggle...…as with any get together, there are always stories to digest and dissect.....and he is thrilled with all his gifts.

But, thanks for all his birthday wishes....appreciate it........
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I had to wash dishes 4 times and run the dishwasher once. I go through a lot of dishes. My dream is to have someone wash the dishes. I like a clean workspace.

I need to try out a few of my menus on you guys. I do appreciate a good cheesecake recipe as I like a unique take on cheesecake flavors.

ETA...I am with with Bailey’s.

I love tasters of cheesecake…...can`t eat a lot of it, but love it......there`s a place near us, little deli who has a Unicorn flavour one......I was intrigued and found out it`s a candy floss flavour…….cotton candy for that sounds delicious!!!! I do love cotton candy.....haven't tried it yet though…….

I detest untidy workspaces…….one of my friends once asked me where do I store everything as all worktop space is always tidy with only a few essential items around......I told her to look at all the cabinet space I have and a huge utility room!!! That`s where everything is! I hate clutter......

A very happy birthday to Tom.

Fabulous, that the party went well, Schumi. And so warm out, was nice all could enjoy some outside time too. And good food and friends, to celebrate, fun was had, I am sure. And a surprise is a good thing, sometimes, like here. Happy reasons.

Another sunny day to start this Sunday. Second load of wash is in. I am the only one up. By 12:30am last night, I asked that all lights and devices be turned off. I was tired. And yeah, by 3:45am, I was awake. It will surely be an early bedtime tonight. Alarm reset for the next day. Routine. Yep. Well, at least until a break at the end of next month. Woot, another countdown. And I did get the hint. Received an email from Universal, that asked why don’t I enjoy the bonus time I got when I renewed my pass last year? Actually, it was planned almost a year ago, but I did know of the bonus time, and was glad to get it, as I don’t renew until it expires this month. Last year, I did it in the park. All the other times, I call. And a odd thing, the app still shows my pass expiring this month, with the old expiring date. Asked the phone called Universal guy, why the app does that, as I was concerned about what was my expiration date, as I had also got, before the bonus one, a your pass is expiring email. He said it’s just a glitch, and indeed your pass does not expire until 3 months later. And when I said I am coming for HHN, I got my ticket for that too. So, a quick pick up, and all is set for visit number 3 with my pass this pass year. Woot.

Beep. Gotta go, wash is done, and hanging and removing load one from the dryer, and some of load two goes in.

And yes, I am enjoying a cup of tea. A cool feeling 60 says the phone. But yay, shades on again.

Have a super Sunday. And yay, Agavegirl is 🍳 cooking. 😊
Morning Schumi and Lynne....we are the only ones up this morning so far :wave2:



Pretty dull but the roast in the oven with fresh rosemary smells wonderful.

Wow......sounds yummy.......we have a lot of good cooks here on the Sans.

I would love a themed dinner at Hogwarts Robo. My mind is racing with the possibilities.

Me would be awesome if they did the meal at the Castle during Halloween season at HHN. I have lots of ideas for that.

The thing that hit the middle child Tuesday, and the boy yesterday got me today-not as bad just feel 'bleh' with stomach hurting. An excuse for laying around while it rained all day anyway.

Sorry to hear you are ill Monyk A good sprinkle of mummy dust coming your way for a fast recovery.

Yeah Robo! have a similar countdown!

I know it will be here before you know it. It’s seems like the days are flying by.

Sending good wishes to Keisha and her crew for a safe day of travel and a great time on her vacation.


That sounds like an awesome gift!!!! Have fun!!!!

Thanks pumpkin. I had a good time with daughter-in-law and granddaughter.

I need to try out a few of my menus on you guys. I do appreciate a good cheesecake recipe as I like a unique take on cheesecake flavors.

I would happily be a tester.....I don’t make cheesecake as hubby does not like it. I buy one sometimes for Christmas Eve celebration because some of the kiddos in the family like it.

Hope you had a lovely lunch yesterday....sounds like a fun time there....

It was very nice. I always like being with my daughter-in-law and granddaughter. It was a nice presentation. Chef was good and she prepared a lunch with all her finds from farmers market except the tuna. We had crostini with eggplant salad (dip) and tuna nicoise salad. Not something I would make at home, but everything was fresh and very flavorful.

He was most surprised and it showed...….especially with the I`m so glad I did go with that option as if he had seen me even prepare any dishes, he`d have guessed....

So glad to hear your party was a hit and Tom was suprised. Have a great day today as you continue to celebrate your sweetheart. Wishing him many more happy birthdays.


To all the Sans family have a great restful Sunday.
Good Morning Robo, so nice a fun time with the girls in your family. Fun to try food you would not make at home.
Good afternoon. Not much going on here. Church in the morning, then lunch. After lunch dh and I stopped by the dorm to take something to B. When we got there she was filling out a voter registration application. Once back home a friend brought me some lemon cupcakes that another friend of hers had made. They were so good. This woman is trying to start her own cupcake business.

Hey maybe we will just use paper plates instead
I’m all for that.

I need to try out a few of my menus on you guys. I do appreciate a good cheesecake recipe as I like a unique take on cheesecake flavors.
I would happily be a cheesecake taster.

I love tasters of cheesecake…...can`t eat a lot of it, but love it......there`s a place near us, little deli who has a Unicorn flavour one......I was intrigued and found out it`s a candy floss flavour…….cotton candy for that sounds delicious!!!! I do love cotton candy.....haven't tried it yet though…….
That I haven’t eaten cotton candy in a long, long time.

Schumi - Glad to hear Tom’s party was successful, especially the surprise part of it. I have only planned one surprise party and it was exhausting.

No fall/winter Orlando trips for us this year, but we are looking at a possible day trip to Busch Gardens Williamsburg in October. I was also looking at annual passes for Busch Gardens, and the basic pass is very reasonable. It would pay for itself in just 2 visits. I think this is something worth looking into ..
Cotton Candy cheesecake? I am intrigued! My family prefers cheesecake to pie or cake for Christmas. They also love Apple Crumb Cake which is a Hebrides Dutch Apple Pie and Apple Crisp bar. I love it with homemade whipped cream (not too sweet). People tend to over sweeten whipped cream.
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Happy Sunday!
Sounds like Tom's surprise was fantastic!
Not a cheesecake fan... but the DH is! He'd volunteer for tester for sure!
Dinner tonight was caribbean chicken with pineapple/cilantro rice. Easy and tasty. Then decided to do the molten chocolate cake in a crockpot. Kid favorite, makes house smell yummy.
DH and kids got yard mowed before the storm. and after unproductive day yesterday got house cleaned, sheets changed and laundry (in process).

Ready for another chicken story? I swear you'd think 6 years into this I'd know more stuff: had one of my "babies" Tiana growl at me last night. She was in nesting box most of day, and when I went to close up coop. Well I don't allow sleeping in the boxes (trick to getting "clean" eggs not poo ones) so I went to put her on bar and she growled! I've not had a broody hen before but this is what they do to when protecting "maybe babies" LOL. Had to bring her in for a bit so she would eat and drink (after dark they don't). Fine this am but we pulled the "false egg" out of the box to not giver her any ideas. So one of my other "babies" Lola was upset this am-ran around all ticked off at something. Apparently she won't lay without another egg in a box so had to put "fake" egg back :rotfl2: . Lola is a monster who likes to get herself in places she shouldn't - this is the one who got on the roof. Other hen is being more herself now at least.. Neighbors got some eggs as I had 4 dozen.

Monday again tomorrow-WHy do weekends go so fast?
Hello everyone... I was happy to see we have a new home. I am also one who likes a beach view and a patio. However, I will be happy with what is available.:thumbsup2
I do enjoy club level. I have always enjoyed cooking but not as much anymore.

Thank you everyone for the well wishes with my eczema, that has seemed to clear up for now, and hopefully for good. I really appreciate everyone thinking of me:goodvibes

It has been cool here but unfortunately I still have to have the a/c on, my hot flashes are not being kind.

It has been a busy couple of weeks. Liv is doing better with on line college. She is getting into a routine and knowing what her professor's want. She is doing 3 classes now and starts a 4th one in two weeks.

It was nice last night Charlie wanted to make orange chicken. It was his first time cooking. Brian helped him and it only took 4 hours :rotfl2:. It was really good and he wants to cook more. I told him go for it.

Still struggling with some health stuff so trying to keep my head above water. Thinking about moving next year to Florida helps. We can't do any big trips this year but I am planning a few overnights.:goodvibes

I caught up the best I could and glad I did.

Mac... thank you for having a home for us to come too. :DI have enjoyed my time here very much. I am sorry about the black out and heat too. I am glad you got through it and thinking of you.!!

Schumi ... happy birthday to Tom:cake: . His party sounded awesome I am so happy for you it all was great:thumbsup2. Catering is a good way to go sometimes.

Monykalyn ... glad you had a nice trip:D. Great pic with Lynne. It always feels good when a move goes well. I hope your chicken feels better. I hate when fur babies are sick.

Pumpkin...Happy Anniversary:goodvibes. Flowers are wonderful. I don't get them very often but are always welcome.

Charade... glad B had a good first week.:thumbsup2 Season passes to Bush Gardens sounds great. I love that park. I know it helps to do our local parks when no trips planned.

Lynne I enjoyed your pics. I do miss Uni though. How did you like Hagrids? How nice for you and little one. Glad move in went good. I would have more than a few tears. I am a very emotional person. It is nice when you get a good deal.

Keisha safe travels and have a great time.:thumbsup2

Robo... the cooking class sounds like fun.:goodvibes I like the theme idea. Woot!! Your trip is coming up. I may have to enroll Liv in basic cooking classes for a long time, :teeth:she still has no interest.:sad2:

Agavegirl nice to see you post:D. I am excited for you for your trip, it has been too long. I love hearing about good recipes.

Sue ... glad you had a nice trip:) and catching up on stuff. I love summer and warm weather not looking forward to winter. I told Brian we have to have a hot tub in the new house. My muscles will thank me.:-)

Rapstar ... woot:cool1: your trip is coming up. Planning last minute stuff is fun.

Bethany ... :wave2:when I first met Brian he introduced me to Timmy's. I loved their coffee their donuts not so much. They have since left our state so it is only Dunkin for us. Love Amazon prime.

Tink ... Good for you that you were relaxed enough to fall asleep after a nice soak.:cloud9:.:goodvibes I hear you on theTV companies messing with channels. Woot!! 3 weeks to go, I use to love when the magic bands came in. I hear you on the weight loss, I have been struggling with it, but I think I will join the club with everyone else.

Disxuni ... Hi:wave:, I was reading your on line college stuff and was thinking of you and my daughter. It is good that you dropped the class for all the reasons you did. Anxiety is never a good thing. I see you live in northern Florida. I am looking into the Orlando suburbs next year. My daughter will be transferring to UCF from Eastern Floida State College on line direct to connect program.

Well Liv will be coming in from work, so I need to go. I am glad that I got to move into a new home today, it was a nice surprise. Have a great night!
Hope Mac, Monykalyn, and chicken are feeling better soon.

I just saw that there’s been a possible Measles exposure in Disneyland from a teen visiting I forget where from during the dates we were there. They also stayed at the Dessert Inn. Sure glad I wasn’t staying there!

:bday: To Tom!

Mac sorry about the black out! Must have been miserable with no AC. Have you thought about a generator? Hope no food soiled. A friend in Florida got one because of the hurricanes and power outs.

We had a fun weekend. Saturday night hosted 12 for a BBQ, our German rellies on husband maternal side of the family are here visiting. Staying at brothers-in-law house. First time coming to Canada and meeting them. Wonderful visit. 2 of our friends wanted to come over to meet them too. It was a lovely evening and weather cooperated so we could have it on our patio.

This morning church, then had a run to Home Depot and Winners (TJ Max) new fry pan needed. Got home mid afternoon for a nap! So tired today.

Monykalyn just read your new chicken story. Didn’t know chickens growl! And that Lola is such a Diva!

Bobbie glad your eczema is healing. And the kids are doing well! I’ve never tried to make orange chicken.

Counting the days to UO holiday! Anyone have a group Sans family meet up planned?
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Thanks Lynne........nice memes! Oh it’s a wonderful feeling getting the most out of an AP! We got the extra 6 months last time, so need to renew till next June.....will have had 6 trips out of one 18 month pass.....fabulous value for money.

Robo....thank you too........and glad the gift experience went sounds lovely......

Charade.....thanks......and Busch Gardens will be a fun filled trip! I love candy floss, but very rarely eat it......I keep meaning to have some from Honk Honkers in Seuss.......but never hungry or too early when we pass it......

Agave, I love Dutch Apple Pie.......tried it in Long Island a few years ago for the first is my favourite type of apple pie! We don’t get it over here......I have tried to make it, it was good .......but not great. I think the candy floss flavour cheesecake will be incredibly sweet, so would only have a small taste.......Tom will love it though I’m sure!

MonyK.......I love chicken with pineapple........I know some folks don’t like meat with fruits, but we love it!! One of my favourite dishes is stir fried spicy chicken with pineapple and fresh sliced ginger.......lush!!!

bobbie......nice to see you and glad things are better. I like orange chicken too, copied the recipe PF Chang’s use and it’s beautiful........Tom isn’t fond of it though......lemon and orange dishes like that are just for me!

Sue......thanks........yes, saw there had been the measles issue’s a terrifying thought!! Horrible disease that was almost eradicated here thanks to a wonderful vaccination process. Scary to think it’s on the increase.

It’s a Bank Holiday today.......and we have another scorcher of a day here.....

We live in a tourist hotspot and everyone makes their to areas like ours on days like of the reasons we never do anything on public holidays like today........seaside tourist towns and scenic country villages are always crowded beyond, quick pop out to a very non touristy grocery store and straight back home........our little village does get some of the traffic on days like this, so best to get home quickly......

Had lovely dinner out last night for Tom’s really was beautiful......we’ll go back to this little place......beautiful very old English style with beams and real fires.....not that they were needed yesterday! Boiling was excellent......Kyle and I both had steak which were cooked to perfection the way we both like them. Tom had a home made steak and ale pie......and we had proper deep fried chips (fries) chunky and tasty........we all had dessert too....Kyle had his usual dense chocolate fudge cake dessert, I had ginger sponge with custard and Tom had sticky toffee pudding.....came with butterscotch sauce and some cream......oh my goodness!! We waddled back to the car........Kyle was driving so we could have a bottle of wine......did some skywatching last night too. That was fun.

But today......back to normal.......will be grilling outside later as it’s just too hot to be inside or cooking......nice to have Kyle off work today too......he enjoys his long weekends too.......

So, hope you all have a fabulous Monday whatever you’re doing........

And thank you for all Tom’s birthday wishes.......
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Monday is here, and that predawn commute was dark as night, and a few cars. And what was that? Oh yeah, one of my neighbors down the street rides his bike, with a bright one headlight on it. Not expecting to see him as I came down the hill, as he was making a long left turn from his home one the other side of the road, to be just in front of me, facing the same way as me. Guess I was a little early or he was a little late. We tend to see each other in the little borough we go through, to get to the main road that goes into the city road. Not many in my neighborhood are out and about when I start my commute. By the time I hit the city limits, I have traffic in front of me. Worst are those huge construction trucks, and the bus, both city one and school ones. All three can be seen on my morning commute.

And, tissue box next to me. Seems a sore throat and runny nose. Hello drugs. Been taking you since last night. I do not like feeling sick. Tea is a good thing all day. Cooler, with 57 seen on the car’s screen as I drove. No need for AC this morning. Hence, long sleeve shirt and yep, eying that sweater too. Never know on a Monday, what the chiller is doing. Though they tend to not turn it on until even earlier today, I don’t take chances with light weight clothes today. Does feel almost too warm and smells musty. Eh, maybe I am warm fighting this bug causing me to feel icky.

Bobbie, glad Liv is getting used to college courses, and happy to hear you are feeling better. Move is a good thing to look forward to. Little one is settling in, and looking forward to class starting today. Hope all our kids do well this, their freshman year.

MonyK, funny. Yep, have heard my neighbor’s chicken growl. The bully one, usually when a squirrel gets in the pen. Enjoy hearing the antics of yours, including the fake eggs trick. My neighbor chickens are too old to lay eggs now, but yep, was nice to have fresh eggs for quite a few years.

Sue, nice to hear of fun weekend, with far away family visiting, and good food with family and friends. I like a good, home grilled bbq. That will be this weekend. For us, the Labor Day weekend is the unofficial end to summer. Hence, sales are already in swing, as they know lots of people will be buying more than usual food amounts, as party time is a given this coming weekend.

Schumi, what a nice, lush meal for Tom’s birthday dinner. Good to come home full of delicious food and drink.

With that, tissue needed, and more tea.

Good Morning homies!
Good Monday morning homies!

Happy Tom’s birthday went great!

Had to get up at 6 this morning as have a doc appointment at 7:15

Cats get fed between 6-6:30 in the morning so they were my alarm clocks today

I’ll catch up on reading here later today

Have a good one!


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