Something About Nothing............ #14

Lynne, its funny how you see the same people at certain times.....and hope you feel better soon....hope it`s just a little 24 hour thing. You have plenty of time to clear it up before your trip at least.....

Thanks mac...hope your day goes well and appointment too!! That's an early one......

It is hot!!!!!

We have 86F today, feels warmer in the garden.....tried sitting in the gazebo, good breeze but it is in full sun, think the wood on that needs a new coat to brighten it went down to furthest away seating area.….no power down we are back up on the patio beside the house where we are in the sun, but the big parasol is covering us Brits are never happy with the weather whatever it is.

Glad we are home......roads around us are gridlocked....everyone is trying to get to the beach. Would dread to try and park today......we got what we wanted from the store and straight home.

Burgers, pork and ale sausages (never tried them) and some bbq seasoned turkey for Kyle.......potato salad and some little snack items. That`ll do nicely...…..

Safe travels to Keisha too...….. :wave2:
Disxuni ... Hi:wave:, I was reading your on line college stuff and was thinking of you and my daughter. It is good that you dropped the class for all the reasons you did. Anxiety is never a good thing. I see you live in northern Florida. I am looking into the Orlando suburbs next year. My daughter will be transferring to UCF from Eastern Floida State College on line direct to connect program.

Thanks, the next step was telling my dad, he took it surprisingly well, but still was disappointed. To reassure him, I'm going to assist him on a website he's working on for someone he's volunteering for and watching the video's he had of the HTML class he took previously that way I'm better prepared for my HTML class and that way I'm still educating myself somehow. I'm about as northern central Florida you can get! It's cool that you're thinking about moving there and good luck to your daughter on continuing her education! What is she going for?

I wish it was cool enough outside to go into the parks. I'm jonesing. Happy Monday, everyone!
I love barbecue food!

My burgers, if I do say so myself are superb........tried a new sausage....pork with ale....won’t buy them again.....and a few spicy shrimp with pineapple......delicious. Ate far too much of my potato salad.

Now sitting on a recliner as the sun goes a little lower.......perfect way to spend a Bank Holiday.

Lazy night ahead, once it cools down, which will be soon we’ll head inside and watch some tv I think.......Kyle is back to work tomorrow so early rise again.........

Need to stretch out.........
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Image result for halloween memes

Is it Halloween Horror Nights yet!!!!!
:wave2: Doing a quick stop in. Sigh...I really dislike Mondays...especially Mondays I wake up with a bad migraine. OH well...dragged myself off too work. I got most of my important paperwork done. My eyes and head are tired, the boss is I will take it easy for the rest of today. Hopefully this migraine is a once and done. It's too early for me to be having my weather related migraines pestering me.

I have a chicken ready to pop into the instant pot for dinner tonight. I still have not made one in there and the dd says they are sooo good that way. Guess I will find out. I will probably add some oven roasted potatoes and a salad...and done. Not fussing to much tonight. Sold a few things on the facebook marketplace from my purging over the weekend, those items should be picked up tonight. :rolleyes1 I think those " funds " will silently go into my holiday fund lol :rolleyes1 I think I can find a way to spend them!!!!! hahahaha. I'm thinking this momma is going to need a little winter get away sometime this winter

Have a great Monday everyone!!!
Over an hour nap. Needed. Older one said what was for dinner. Um, whatever you will make. Took more drugs and back to bed I go. Pumpkin, hope your headache is gone. I have had one all day, but a sinus one. Was not feeling well all day.

Sunny day, and warm now. Was overcast all morning, but no rain.

Made tea, but too tired to drink it all. Going to close my eyes and see if older one knows what time it is. Thinking pasta, as easy.
Over an hour nap. Needed. Older one said what was for dinner. Um, whatever you will make. Took more drugs and back to bed I go. Pumpkin, hope your headache is gone. I have had one all day, but a sinus one. Was not feeling well all day.

Sunny day, and warm now. Was overcast all morning, but no rain.

Made tea, but too tired to drink it all. Going to close my eyes and see if older one knows what time it is. Thinking pasta, as easy.

Hope you feel better real soon Lynne!
Maybe more sleep will alleviate your pain and discomfort
Hope your migraine eased up
It is miserable trying to function when they hit you

Feel better real soon
Good evening. Today was such a Monday. I didn’t sleep well last night (kept having weird dreams that woke me up) and then overslept this morning. I still managed to get to work on time though. We got a new computer for the office which was good, except the boss didn’t get everything completely set up. First I couldn’t get anything to scan to the computer. We had to call someone in the fix that. Then I discovered that my boss hadn’t installed our billing software. I installed the software and then it kept telling me that my login information was incorrect. After troubleshooting with tech support for about 15 minutes I finally let them remote access the computer. It turns out that it was a simple matter of a wrong box being checked. Thankfully the rest of the day was pretty quiet.

MonyK - I had no idea that chickens could growl.

Bobbie - Glad to hear that Liv is doing better with her classes. No more big trips for us for a while too.

Sue - I had not heard about the measles exposure. I hope it doesn’t become a serious problem.

Lynne - Hope your cold doesn’t last too long.

Pumpkin - Hope your migraine is gone by now.

I’m starting to get sleepy, soI will say a quick hello to Schumi, Mac, Disxuni, Agavegirl, and anyone else I may have missed.
What a Monday! Had an "extra" day at one of my homes assisting in the kitchen, working on presentation etc. Bonus hours and kinda fun day.
Lynne hope you feel better!!
Charade you definitely had a "monday" lol!
Oh pumpkin hope you do get a winter getaway!
Schumi and Mac having delicious dinners...
And stress over classes/dropped classes/school-It all end up working out. DD dropped one of her classes that she didn't really need this semester-would have gotten her a second degree-said she can take it next semester if she wants. She has less hours next semester anyway. Saved her over a $1000-somehow some of these online classes are more expensive.

And countdowns...and see that GE will have a virtual queue...glad I splurged on a throwaway room now, hoping we get a time that works.

Chicken growled at me again this am-had to take her out again but she's been out most of the day, and she layed an egg. Hoping she's over her drama, she still growled at me for collecting the eggs when she saw me in the coop (she was outside watching me). Good thing she isn't an aggressive one and doesn't peck me. My older hen is doing OK, but did order some medicine for her. Will see if that perks her back up to usual self. Haven't had to worm in a few years, but I think she has an infection from them. It's been so wet this summer, too many worms can cause issues.

Time for some tea and bed I think.
:wave2: Doing a quick stop in. Migraine has gone...thank god. We had a big wind come up with some quick as it came, it left. That was probably the reason for the migraine. I hate that I'm a weather barometer at times. Chicken was awesome in the instant pot...I will definitely make that again. Also tossed the chicken bones back into the pot with a few other thing to make some chicken stock. We will see how tasty that is for cooking with. Just more of an experiment to try.

Monkalyn...your chickens sound like a wonderful handful. They sure have personalities!!! I'm glad to hear the stress is going away for both you and your daughter over school. That is NOT fun.

Charade...isn't technology fun some days. When we really need it to work is when it seems to not work lol. Been there, done that.

Lynne...I hope your starting to feel better. I'm crossing my fingers that you will better in time for your trip.

Mac...have a good sleep.

Schumi...I hope you have a good morning cup of tea while we are all trying to sleep

Good night to everyone else...I hope you all have a good sleep
Lynne.....hope you feel much better today and back to normal......

Pumpkin......I love cooking a chicken in the slow falls apart, then yes, bones back in with other stuff for a fabulous stock for chicken noodle soup...…..yes, tea has been enjoyed this morning.....a nice Earl Grey......

Monyk…..glad your daughter is doing well.....and good luck with the GE stuff...….

agave...…..hope your rain disappears......we are to have no rain for the next week or so which will be nice for a change...….a little rain is good but, awful when it never seems to stop!

Charade....when I was a practice manager for my friend for a while, she had a new system put in......but, left it to non technical me to do everything and update systems......she laughed she knew I could do it......and she was right, but boy was it stressful as I had all patients details, dreaded losing them! Glad you got it all worked out though......

mac.....hope you got to sleep at a reasonable time and your weather begins to cool slightly......

Hope Keisha is having a wonderful start to her LA girls trip...…...

Good Tuesday morning...….

Into town this morning for a few things for Tom, and maybe me :rolleyes1 although when you go looking for something specific you never seem to find anything...….

Then hopefull sitting in garden this the shade of course...but right now it`s a little bit chilly even though the sun has just come up.....but it`ll warm up nicely.

Breakfast later...….bought some Danish Pastries for this morning and melon. Only a little melon though...….

Have a great Tuesday...…..
Lynne hope you’re feeling better soon. Maybe a day off to get some rest?
Labour Day is Unofficial end here too. But I’m in denial. We do bbq year round. Love it.

Schumi the birthday dinner sounds lovely.

Charade :badpc: sounds like one of those days.

Monykalyn you might have a problem with that chicken! Growler! I think you should re-name her!

Mac hope your appt went well.

Pumpkin hope your headache is better. I don’t get migraines but if a headache takes hold of me it can last 3 days.

To add to coffee/tea debate, I love my lol morning coffee. With milk please, no sugar. But after morning I switch to tea. Caffeine keeps me up and I have enough problems falling asleep.
Interesting goings on in the neighbourhood, the house a few doors up is being moved. I don’t know how they’re going to move it. We live on a hill.

Getting sleepy, better get to bed now!
Good morning, and thank you for all the well wishes. Think I broke my fever last night. Was achy, then way too hot, then feeling way too cool. Still a little elevated in temp, this morning, but at least not as achy now. Colds tend to last about a week, so I am hoping I am not weak enough to catch another as this one finishes. So, since my arrival is not for another month, I hope I am quite healthy by then.

Box of tissues will be by my side all day. Thankfully, a bit later start, as I have to go in town for training. Even nicer, older one has class later today, so he can drop me off at the train station before class. Then I will be quick out of the class, and hope a train is caught right away. Blonde I need to be, and wish now I had made that appointment a little later. But that appointment was scheduled before the training was announced. Sigh. At least that means an early bedtime tonight, and will most likely pick something to eat up, after the haircut.

The best Tuesday to you all, and don’t forget, Taco Tuesday is here. Mac will be thinking of her Taco Bell run today. Join her, 🌮 🌮 🌮 for the homies. Happy Tuesday.
Good morning. I got a decent night’s sleep last night and am actually up and ready to go early today.
Today’s excitement will be picking up an in-line order. I got new covers for B’s bed at home. I looked at the one she has now and realized that it does not fit the bed well. I don’t really like comforter sets. I prefer a one piece bedspread, but it seems like most of the ones available look like they belong on a great grandmother’s bed. I finally found one that I think B will like.

MonyK - Are they doing anything special for crowd control at Galaxy’s Edge in addition to the virtual queue? I liked the way they did it at Disneyland. I really kept the crowds down.

Pumpkin - Glad the migraine is gone. Yeah, technology is great, but not so much when no one in the office really understands how to use it.

Lynne - Continued well wishes.

No Taco Bell for me. I had an unfortunate incident there a few weeks ago and am still not ready to go back.

Time to get to work. Hopefully no more computer problems today.


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