“That’s just a weird thing to be happy about”: A Backstage Magic ABD TR! UPDATED 11/24 X3 & COMPLETE

Sounds like a fun breakfast!

And a great time at DCA! Love all your pics of Pixar Pier and Cars Land!

It must have been so cool going behind the scenes at Soarin. I have a soft spot for Over California too.

Sounds like a nice time at Lamplight Lounge!

I'm with you on water rides..now that I'm older I hate having my clothes get wet and being uncomfortable!

The rest of your evening sounded amazing!
Wow, another great day on the tour! I've said it before, but the more you talk about this tour the more I'd love to go on it. I have no idea when on earth I'd be able to do that... but it would be awesome to do it someday!

Hooray that you have another park day once your official tour is done!
Wow, another great day on the tour! I've said it before, but the more you talk about this tour the more I'd love to go on it. I have no idea when on earth I'd be able to do that... but it would be awesome to do it someday!

Hooray that you have another park day once your official tour is done!
It was such an incredible time, I hope you get to go soon!
It must have been so cool going behind the scenes at Soarin. I have a soft spot for Over California too.
It was super neat! Especially watching it from behind the screen.

I'm with you on water rides..now that I'm older I hate having my clothes get wet and being uncomfortable!
SAME! Jon doesn't understand it. He's like you'll dry out eventually... But I don't want to have to dry out :P
Bright suns, y’all

In all my planning I had intentionally avoided video or detailed photos from SWGE so that I could experience it all first hand. I tried to only learn and look at as much as it took to make a successful game plan. And wow. Guys it’s so cool.

[It's also very photogenic]

I know by now that it’s not really breaking news to anyone but when we went it had been open less than two months. It still had that new ship smell.

We walked around and took it all in, noticing details and staring up in wonder. We didn’t have too much time to do that, though, because we had a reservation at Oga’s to make! It was time to get space crunk.

We checked in for our reservation and were handed a menu while we waited in line. I didn’t write down how long we had to wait but I feel like it was around 15 minutes, which was plenty of time to decide what we wanted. When we got called in we ended up at the bar. Well, we ended up near the bar. They were actually placing people two deep at the bar and they told us when we were ready to grab the bartenders attention and if we saw space at the actual bar open up then we could take it.

Not very Disney-like but okay.

At first I wasn’t sure how I felt about being at the bar because my feet would much rather have had us seated. But one unexpected upside to the bar was that it had the best lighting, because the bar itself is lit up.

When the bartender came over I asked them if I could please have a Yub Nub but in a regular glass, not the souvenir mug (which is a thing I ask for all the time at other Disney bars). But they told me that if I wanted that drink then I had to get the souvenir mug. But at $44 it was definitely not worth it (although I’ll admit I thought about it. But Jon gave me the look and I knew it would be best to decline). So instead I went with the Fuzzy Tauntaun and Jon got the Hyperdrive. There was another drink he wanted but they were out of it.

Both drinks were really good and the foam definitely made my lips tingle. I highly recommend it! I’m going to make a reservation for when I go back in November (Ann, remember to make a bet on whether or not you get this posted in time for November. Woohoo I did post it in time!) so I can try some more drinks, because nothing says classy lady that has her life together quite like drinking alone in a Star Wars bar.

After finishing up our drinks we walked around, taking pictures and videos and just kind of browsing. We listened to some of Rex’s sets and I’m so glad we stuck around because he ended up playing a remix of the song from the Cantina in A New Hope.

We left Oga’s and then left SWGE altogether. We knew we would have most of our last day to come back and hang out so we wanted to take advantage of our FPs while we had them.

The best plan of action for us was to hop over to DCA (for the first time on this trip). First thing we did was go grab a paper FP for Guardians of the Galaxy, since our FPs didn’t count for that ride that day. FPs in hand we went back to Pixar Pier.

The last time we were at DCA it was still called Paradise Pier so it was really neat to see it all Pixar-ed up. I wasn’t super sure how I would feel about it since I loved the feel of Paradise Pier so much. All in all I don’t mind the Pixar. It makes it fun and colorful, which I’m all about.

Our first ride at DCA was the Incredicoaster, which was fun! But mostly it was fun because it’s a thrilling roller coaster. I feel like the overlay could have been so much better. It just felt really slapped together. But hey I’ll take Disney coasters when I can get them.

Next we went right next door to ride TSMM. We went back and forth with who was in the lead. One round it would be me, then the next it would be Jon. It was really neck and neck but I pulled through in the final round and won!

Floating on air from my victory, we left Pixar Pier and cruised on over to Radiator Springs to do a little racing. I love Radiator Springs so much. Not only is the ride incredible, but the theming is some of Disney’s best. It also brings back a lot of nostalgia for me because I remember watching Cars with my little brothers over and over again when they were young.

After winning our race it was time to park hop once again (man I seriously love how easy it is to park hop, especially since you don’t have to go through security every time you do it), since we wanted to get a decent spot for the special birthday cavalcade they were doing that day.

But first I wanted to get a photo of my outfit and I thought in front of Ariel's Undersea Adventure would be thematically appropriate, but there was no good spot. So I just picked a spot and asked Jon to stand in my place so I could check the lighting. Doesn't he make a great test subject?

When we got back over to DL we found a decent spot in the shade, on a walkway from the hub toward the Matterhorn. It would have been an amazing spot, had the parade been traveling the other way. As it was, with the sun where it was in the sky, all my photos are backlit. BUT that didn’t make the parades any less cool! Here are some highlights of the cavalcade:

The cavalcade was pretty much just a bunch of characters and a lot of them were fairly rare. We didn’t realize that the cavalcade was going to stop in the hub and do a little performance thing, so we weren’t able to watch that since it was around the corner. Oh well!

After the cavalcade we stayed put because the final Mickey’s Soundsational Parade was going to start soon! I’d seen the parade once before but Jon never had. It’s not my favorite parade, but it’s a decent one as far as Disney parades go and it was cool to see the very last one.

As the parade was reaching us a CM darted out and took off running down the parade route. Like a full-on sprint, wither her radio pack bumping up and down. I have absolutely no idea what was going on but she was on. it.

When the parade came into view a little girl next to me pulled on her mom’s arm and said “Look Mama, a fiesta!” and it was probably the cutest thing ever.

Other than that, I don’t have any notes on the parade. If I remember correctly the family next to me kept sticking their phones out really far to get video, which naturally got in my shot. I think I was still able to take quite a few good ones. And since this was the very last Soundsational, I’ll go ahead and share way more here than any of you probably asked for or wanted. I'll post those all in a separate post so you can ignore them if you don't enjoy parades or fun things in life.

When the parade/fiesta was finished we hopped parks once more because we were hungry again and we knew the only thing that would satisfy us were some carb-filled bread cones from the wonderful Cozy Cone Café. I got my favorite, the bacon mac and cheese, and Jon got chili cone queso. Both were delectable and this was the first time I was actually able to eat the whole thing. Mmm I can taste it now.

While we were eating we got a text from Trevor that said some people from the group were meeting up later to ride some rides. But first we needed to help our favorite Guardians break out.

As ugly as the ride building is, I absolutely love this ride. It’s so fun and thrilling and I can’t help but feel super happy when I come off of it, which I feel like is the end goal for any Disney attraction.

The group was meeting in Disneyland so we hopped again to meet up with them. As we walked through town square we were behind a really big group of high school students that kind of had the band kid look about them (as a former band kid, I feel like I’m allowed to describe other band kids as such).

The Disneyland Band came marching out in front of us and the band kids and they were playing Hey Baby, which I’m pretty sure every pep band in the world has to play in order to qualify as a pep band. Anyway, my suspicion that they were band kids was confirmed when one of them heard the song and said “Excuse me, what? Excuse me, WHAT?” and they all started singing along.

Now, granted, you don’t have to be a band kid to sing along to Hey Baby, but I stand by my assessment.

We got to the meeting spot just in time and there were a handful of others there. The wait for Buzz was pretty short so we decided to take a shot (get it? Because you shoot…lasers…) at defeating Zurg. Trevor used to be an attractions CM on the ride so he told us his tips and tricks, which I promptly put into practice to dominate Jon once again.

Zurg defeated, we all realized we had at least one FP left so we decided to ride BTMRR. Trevor told us about The Goat Trick, which I had never previously heard of (those CMs coming in clutch, I tell ya). In case you are like I was and are ignorant of the goat trick, it is simple. At the top of one of the lifts there is a goat. Then you go down the hill and it’s one of those hills that curves. The trick is to keep your eye on the goat for as long as possible. It makes the drop feel weird since you are focused toward the center rather than the front.

And now you know.

As we were going down another drop that passed near a viewing area Trevor started yelling, “Mom, mom, mom, hey mom!” just to see how many people would turn to look.

That Trevor is a hoot, y’all. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so much on BTMRR.

After the ride Trevor had to skedaddle so that he could get some stuff prepped for later. The group decided to split up and Jon and I went to use our final FP at iasw (I checked beforehand to confirm that it did indeed have FP). It’s such a lovely ride at DL, and so long. I like the outdoor parts near where you load and unload, and I love the Disney characters scattered throughout.

It wasn’t quite time for fireworks yet but there also wasn’t enough time to really do anything else so we headed toward our meetup spot for the fireworks, figuring we could just sit on the ground and chill for a little bit. Which is exactly what we did.

But the guides surprised us with some birthday cake Rice Krispie treats as a way to continue the birthday festivities. Birthday cake is one of my favorite flavors ever and I was STOKED, but I didn’t eat it right away because, ya know, braces.

Our fireworks spot was superb thanks to the magic of ABD. Just like for Fantasmic! we had a lot more space than we needed, which was perfect for dance parties (of which we had many). The show that night was Disneyland Forever, which was the show they created for the 60th birthday. Neither of us went during the 60th so it was a new show for us.

It’s a super fun show, with lots of music and fireworks. The coolest part is when Tink comes out because she actually stays out there for quite a while and even goes back and forth. Nemo also swam around up there for a bit.

I didn’t take too many pictures because I’m not good at fireworks photos and also if it’s my first time seeing something I would rather just enjoy it. So here’s what you get.

The show was over but we weren’t quite finished for the night- we still had room for another snack. We decided to brave the crowds at Gibson Girl for some ice cream. Jon got a cookie sundae and I got a root beer float, which is quickly becoming my Main Street ice cream go-to. All the seating was taken so we squatted on the window ledge outside. I also took advantage and finally ate my Rice Krispie treat. Sooo delicious.

With our tummies full the only thing left to do was drag our exhausted selves back to the hotel! It had been a long, full, and wonderful day celebrating 64 years of Disneyland magic.
I did this trip in mid September and while half our group did not ride the Incredicoaster (don’t judge, I just had no interest in going upside down) we were laughing at the ones who did. The ride broke down and they were stuck on the ride at the top of that first tunneled hill. We laughingly accused them of breaking the ride.
I did this trip in mid September and while half our group did not ride the Incredicoaster (don’t judge, I just had no interest in going upside down) we were laughing at the ones who did. The ride broke down and they were stuck on the ride at the top of that first tunneled hill. We laughingly accused them of breaking the ride.
Oh no I bet that was not fun!
See ya real soon

Our call time was a bright and early 7am because we had to take a hike over to the Disneyland Hotel for breakfast at Steakhouse 55. Which I thought was a weird choice for breakfast, but what do I know?

I’ve been to Trader Sam’s before but never inside the hotel. It’s so cute! I love the theming and how the buildings are a different theme and I ADORE the Monorail pool. So stinking adorable.

The menu was *surprise* set for breakfast, with only a few options. I got the American because I knew I needed some protein. Jon got the French toast, which surprised me because he usually doesn’t like sweet foods for breakfast. But he also doesn’t like eggs and there aren’t many options that don’t include eggs.

We sat with the couple that we went bowling with (and I think we also sat with them at dinner at Carthay Circle. They’re pretty rad humans) and I remember talking a lot about cruising. During the meal we got our final pin of the day, which was a very appropriate “See ya real soon” pin.

After eating came the awkward goodbye part. I absolutely hate goodbyes. My usual move is to quietly walk to the door, turn around and say “Goodbye everyone” then leave quickly. That way, no one can I say I didn’t say goodbye but I didn’t actually have to talk to anyone. It’s perfect.

But unfortunately it wasn’t an option in this scenario, which led to some long, drawn-out goodbyes that included trading Instagram handles and taking turns giving the guides their tips. Finally it was our turn and we said a fond farewell to Shannon and Trevor, thanked them profusely for an amazing week, and gave them their tips.

I brought some Mickey thank you cards to put their tips in, but they give you tip envelopes in the welcome packet you get when you check in, just FYI.

On our way out we saw a little girl in a Belle dress trying to climb the stairs on all fours and failing miserably. It was hilarious.

I know it seems rude that we were in such a hurry to get out of there and leave everyone in our dust, but Smuggler’s Run was calling us and we still had to finish up at the hotel! So we scurried back to our room and dropped our bags with bell services.

While Jon did that, I talked to the front desk to secure parking when we went to pick up our rental car later. To my delight I found out that valet parking is included with the ABD! They gave us a ticket to use when we came back with our car later.

With that everything was squared away and we were free to head back to Batuu!

We got to the park a little later than I had hoped and it was about 9:30 when we were passing through the tapstiles. By the time we got back to SWGE the wait for Smuggler’s Run was 95 minutes.


What a hike from the 45 minutes we had seen earlier in the week! That was our one goal of the day and since I didn’t know if the wait time would go down we just sucked it up and got in line. The first part of the queue that we were in was some classic Disney switchbacks made from tape on the ground. It was all outside and none of it was shaded. Thankfully it wasn’t a boiling hot day, but the sun definitely felt warm pretty quick.

I tried to take pictures of every queue section for TR documentation and to fight the boredom. Then we got the great idea to finally open up the Play Disney Parks app and see what they had for SWGE. There’s so much to do! There wasn’t a ton to be done in the queue but I knew that I would need to explore it later on.

At one point in the tape section there was a really big surge forward so they must have opened up a big section of the indoor queue. Eventually we made it to the covered/indoor part of the queue behind the Falcon. At that point the queue was actually really neat! Lots of droids and ship parts to look around at, and tons of little sound and light effects. The main queue area has one big engine looking thing (engineering term there) and is definitely the focal point of the queue. You learn a little backstory of the ride from listening to what’s going on around it.

Following this will be a ton of photos of the queue that you never asked for but that I took anyway because I was bored. You’re welcome.

At long, long, long, loooooong last we made it inside the Falcon. Words can’t describe the experience of walking into the ship for the first time. To look around and see the chess table, the luggage, the lights, everything, was just amazing. Naturally the lighting is awful so pictures are eh, but I took them anyway because that’s just who I am as a person.

We didn’t have a ton of time in the ship before we were called into the cockpit. Jon and I both got engineer and soon we were strapped in and out on our mission! The ride is incredible, but I don’t much like being an engineer (ironically enough). Maybe it’s because our pilots were absolute trash at being pilots, but I had to push a lot of buttons and it took away time from watching the screen and taking in the story. We ended up only riding it that one time, but when I got back in November I’ll try to ride it at least once more (hopefully multiple times with single rider).

Since we didn’t do too well on our mission, the lights in the exit corridor were flickering and there were some announcements about needing all hands on for repairs or something, so it definitely is customized based on your experience!

Now it was high time to explore all this special merch we had heard so much about. I had specifically been avoiding photos and videos of merch and whatnot so that I could explore it all on my own first. And I took a TON of merch photos so if you’re like me and you want to experience it for the first time on your own, try not to look at these pictures. But if you’re not like me, then please enjoy.

I also took some time to just take pictures of the land. Jon took advantage of a quiet moment to sit in the shade for a while and chill. So here is my series on SWGE.

During my merch hunt and photo sesh I ran into Kylo Ren and some Stormtroopers just walking around doing their thing, intimidating kids. You know, dark side stuff.

I also saw Chewie and Rey doing what can only be described as a Wookie off. They were pulling two people from the crowd at a time and having them each do their best Wookie call and then Chewie would crown the winner. Some were super believable and others were….not. One of them was even so bad that it made Chewie bend over laughing.

Eventually Jon and I met back up and decided to sample some blue milk, which we both thought was delicious but pricey. Very refreshing, though!

I also had to stop and and get some photos of my outfit because I was very excited about it! I made the skirt myself and got the ears from Isn'tItNeatBoutique on Etsy!

After those grand adventures we had a little break before our late lunch so we decided to head out and pick up our rental car from the place on Katella. Picking up the car was a breeze but there was a small snafu because we decided to change from valet to self park because I didn’t have any cash for tips. Eventually we got it sorted, got parked, and made our way back to the park.

There was still a bit of time before our lunch reservation and Pirates had a short wait so we spent a few minutes with our favorite swashbucklers. The choice of ride was not arbitrary since it shares a building with our choice for lunch. I decided that by our third trip to Disneyland it was high time to have a meal at Blue Bayou.

Before going in we put our flashy anniversary buttons on to see if any more pixie dust would come out way. Jon decided not to leave such things to change, though, and just straight up told the waiter it was our anniversary. The guy gave us a tiny bit of side eye and said “We don’t have anything for anniversaries but we can make something up.” So hey being awkward pays off sometimes.

Even without looking at the menu we both knew what we wanted- the Monte Christo. For years I had heard of its legendary status among Disneyland’s Best Things To Put You In A Food Coma. And boy oh boy does it ever deserve a spot at the top of that list. But I’m getting ahead of myself. First we started with some very lovely bread, which you may be able to see in this photo if you turn your brightness all the way up and get real close to the screen.

Because this place is dark. Like can barely see the person next to you dark. I should have realized this since I’ve sailed past this restaurant countless times while riding Pirates but it’s still weird to eat in such a dark place.

Anyway it didn’t take very long for our sandwiches to make their way out and we immediately realized we should have shared one. Those things are huge! I mean I still managed to eat every single bite but the last few were a little unpleasant, I’ll admit.

PS does anyone know what that weird yellow berry thing is? I could not for the life of me identify it.

After we force-fed ourselves the last of our sandwiches the server came out with our special “we can make something up” anniversary dessert, which was just two of the birthday desserts presented very prettily with a candle.

I almost wish Jon hadn’t said anything about it being our anniversary because at this point I was uncomfortably full and no matter how delectable that dessert was, I was not going to enjoy eating any of it. And trust me, I know how this sounds. Oh boo hoo, the girl doesn’t want her free dessert after all wah wah wah. But all my overeaters out there feel my pain. I know you can relate.

The few bites of the dessert that we had were nice. It was a very rich chocolate fudge/mousse type thing and I’m not a huge fan of straight up chocolate but I’m a pretty big fan of free dessert so those two things kind of balanced each other out.

We finished up in the restaurant and emerged, blinking and stumbling, into the bright afternoon sun. Bewildered by the sudden change in lighting and already slipping into our food comas we did one of those “well what do you want to do now” routines oh so common on vacations when there’s a break in the plans.

We decided to keep with the nautical theme and take a ride on the Sailing Ship Columbia, a first time for us. As we were getting on the CMs were repeating a message not to mess with the single black cannon at the front of the ship. They seriously said it like 10 times. Well we made our way to the front of the ship to start and as they were making the announcement (again) we watched a man go up to the cannon and start messing with it (my notes specifically say he was fondling it, for whatever that’s worth). I assume he didn’t speak English very well and he just didn’t get the message, and I shouldn’t laugh but I definitely did. It was just great timing.

We set off on a nice relaxing ride around the Rivers of America. We sailed around Tom Sawyer’s Island and saw all the neat little details around the river. And we found out why you aren’t supposed to fondle – I mean, touch – that particular cannon. It actually goes off during the ride! Toward the end they made an announcement that there was still time to go below deck and look around, which is not something I thought you could do! They have it set up with what different areas and bunks might look like on an actual ship.

I realized that we hadn’t spent any time in Fantasyland yet that day so we went over to check wait times. Jon wanted to ride Mr Toad but the line was a tad long (or should I say a tadpole long??). Dumbo was a little shorter, plus I wanted to get some video on it for a super secret project that will probably never get finished.

While we were in line, @Lesley Wake texted us to let us know that she was in the park! This might seem like wonderful coincidence but it had been planned several weeks in advance. Sorry to burst your bubble.

We rode Dumbo but our particular Dumbo did not want to fly any higher than he had to, so we didn’t get to do the uppy-downy part of the ride (arguably the best part of the ride) but it was still fun! Before meeting Lesley we had a FP for Hyperspace Mountain so we went for a ride in space and came out with a real winner of a ride photo.

Our call time was a bright and early 7am because we had to take a hike over to the Disneyland Hotel for breakfast at Steakhouse 55.
Plus... you're not allowed to sleep past 7am on an ABD tour.
Which I thought was a weird choice for breakfast, but what do I know?
Steak and eggs?
I ADORE the Monorail pool. So stinking adorable.
That is cute! I like it!
The menu was *surprise* set for breakfast
No. Way.

I'd be all about those eggs benedict, though!
I absolutely hate goodbyes.
Not sure if anyone's a fan...
My usual move is to quietly walk to the door, turn around and say “Goodbye everyone” then leave quickly. That way, no one can I say I didn’t say goodbye but I didn’t actually have to talk to anyone. It’s perfect.
<Takes note. If ever meeting Ann in real life, be sure to grab her and sob on her shoulder while wailing "No! No! Don't leave!">
I brought some Mickey thank you cards to put their tips in, but they give you tip envelopes in the welcome packet you get when you check in, just FYI.
I don't like that, actually. Tipping should happen...
On our way out we saw a little girl in a Belle dress trying to climb the stairs on all fours and failing miserably. It was hilarious.
You're so mean! :rotfl:
To my delight I found out that valet parking is included with the ABD!
By the time we got back to SWGE the wait for Smuggler’s Run was 95 minutes.

:eek: nope!
The first part of the queue that we were in was some classic Disney switchbacks made from tape on the ground. It was all outside and none of it was shaded.
ugh. glad you didn't die from sun stroke
At that point the queue was actually really neat! Lots of droids and ship parts to look around at
I recognize that table. ::yes::
Nice skirt too. :)

(And... I had that in my head as a comment before I read on. FYI.)
You're excited... for engineer...
The ride is incredible, but I don’t much like being an engineer (ironically enough).
No. Engineer role... sucks.
I ran into Kylo Ren and some Stormtroopers just walking around doing their thing, intimidating kids. You know, dark side stuff.
I also saw Chewie and Rey doing what can only be described as a Wookie off. They were pulling two people from the crowd at a time and having them each do their best Wookie call and then Chewie would crown the winner.
That would be fun. I'd be all over that.
Some were super believable and others were….not. One of them was even so bad that it made Chewie bend over laughing.
Eventually Jon and I met back up and decided to sample some blue milk, which we both thought was delicious but pricey.

I made the skirt myself
And I'm impressed. I really am.
Really like this photo.
The guy gave us a tiny bit of side eye and said “We don’t have anything for anniversaries but we can make something up.”
Even without looking at the menu we both knew what we wanted- the Monte Christo.
Not surprised. Never had it there, but I have made it. Soooo filling!
First we started with some very lovely bread, which you may be able to see in this photo if you turn your brightness all the way up and get real close to the screen.
Lol.... <As the exceptionally bright bread explodes upon the screen...>
PS does anyone know what that weird yellow berry thing is? I could not for the life of me identify it.
Looks like a Golden Berry.
And trust me, I know how this sounds. Oh boo hoo, the girl doesn’t want her free dessert after all wah wah wah.
You poor thing! You poor, poor thing!!!!
Bewildered by the sudden change in lighting and already slipping into our food comas we did one of those “well what do you want to do now” routines oh so common on vacations when there’s a break in the plans.

The answer is nap.
As we were getting on the CMs were repeating a message not to mess with the single black cannon at the front of the ship. They seriously said it like 10 times. Well we made our way to the front of the ship to start and as they were making the announcement (again) we watched a man go up to the cannon and start messing with it (my notes specifically say he was fondling it, for whatever that’s worth). I assume he didn’t speak English very well and he just didn’t get the message, and I shouldn’t laugh but I definitely did. It was just great timing.
While we were in line, @Lesley Wake texted us to let us know that she was in the park! This might seem like wonderful coincidence but it had been planned several weeks in advance. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Nice you guys got together, though. :)

And I won't comment on each and every photo... but you got some really good ones! I enjoyed looking at them and... for the life of me, mostly couldn't distinguish anything that was different from SWGE East.
Ooof, that's a long wait it line! I'm glad you enjoyed seeing everything in the interior section of the line even if your job as engineer wasn't your favorite.

Lunch at Blue Bayou sounds wonderful! I've read several reports where the mention the size of the Monte Cristo - I'm impressed with how much you ate! I'm pretty certain the yellow fruit is a Gooseberry.
Plus... you're not allowed to sleep past 7am on an ABD tour.
It's in The Rules

<Takes note. If ever meeting Ann in real life, be sure to grab her and sob on her shoulder while wailing "No! No! Don't leave!">
Once again

You're so mean! :rotfl:
She was literally trying to crawl up the stairs on all fours. I think my laughter was justified :rolleyes1

glad you didn't die from sun stroke
We came very close, especially since there are TWO suns. So should it be suns stroke?

You're excited... for engineer...
I was young and naive

Really like this photo.
I loved the colors in the park at that time of year. When I was there a couple of weeks ago there was a lot less bright color. The hanging planters have this like minty green fern in them with no blossoms at all so it was really boring.

<As the exceptionally bright bread explodes upon the screen...>
A bread explosion definitely doesn't sound like the worst thing ever

Looks like a Golden Berry.
Just googled it and yes, it certainly does! Thanks for solving that mystery!

You poor thing! You poor, poor thing!!!!
Finally, somebody understands my pain!

for the life of me, mostly couldn't distinguish anything that was different from SWGE East.
I've heard that it's painted in slightly different colors and that it's almost a mirror image as far as how the land is laid out but otherwise is completely the same.
Ooof, that's a long wait it line! I'm glad you enjoyed seeing everything in the interior section of the line even if your job as engineer wasn't your favorite.
It's definitely the longest I've ever waited in line but we didn't know if it would get any lower through the day so we decided to just suck it up! And since there was no FP the line was pretty much continually moving, so that helps it go by faster.

Lunch at Blue Bayou sounds wonderful! I've read several reports where the mention the size of the Monte Cristo - I'm impressed with how much you ate! I'm pretty certain the yellow fruit is a Gooseberry.
It's sooo good, but probably a one and done for us. It's so pricey and I actually don't enjoy eating in the dark hahaha. And yes, it looks like it's a cape gooseberry!
I'm not a fan of awkward goodbyes either.

Glad you got to ride Smugglers Run! You took so many awesome pics in Galaxy's Edge!

Sounds like a veryyyy filling but good lunch followed by a nice relaxing boat ride!
It's in The Rules
Once again
Am so doing this...
She was literally trying to crawl up the stairs on all fours. I think my laughter was justified :rolleyes1
:laughing: I've known a few women who do that while wearing fancy dresses...
We came very close, especially since there are TWO suns. So should it be suns stroke?
Suns stroke... sun strokes...

Why does this conversation seem so familiar?
I was young and naive
Ah yes. Back in the day...
A bread explosion definitely doesn't sound like the worst thing ever
Good point.
Open mouth and deliciousness automatically ensues.
Finally, somebody understands my pain!
:sad: :hug:
I've heard that it's painted in slightly different colors and that it's almost a mirror image as far as how the land is laid out but otherwise is completely the same.
Also just learned that the plants are for a drier climate West and more rainy climate East.


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