Marathon Weekend 2020

In marathon training fashion, my shoes have the last few runs. They only have about 150 miles on them, so I'm not sure what is up. They are exactly the same model and color that I ran almost 400 miles in over the summer and fall.

So, I went out in them yesterday and felt fine until I drove home and got out of my car. Plantar fasciitis flare-up in left foot. Noooooo! I haven't had PF in like two years. So, I'm sidelined until it calms down. Still hoping to make 10.5 miles on Sunday in my older, trustworthy pair. Also have a new pair on order.

My training for WDW has been less than stellar. I really need to stop doing a November and January marathon together. Gets to be too much!
I know the golden rule is not to change anything that you do for race day. I have competed several marathons, always wearing a full fuel belt, even though there is water / Gatorade on course. I'm actually contemplating not wearing the belt, and really utilizing the water stops instead. I may just carry one bottle in case I want a sip between stops. Your thoughts?
I used to do long runs carrying a water bottle, and then just rely on water stops at the (Disney) marathon itself. It always worked out for me. And I'm a toward-the-back-of-the-packer. Now I don't even train carrying a bottle, I run a 4 mile loop and grab a drink off my car each time I pass. It's been fine.
I’m going to give the new course the benefit of the doubt except for the last mile or so in Epcot. We will need to detour off the route in order to get our finish line margaritas. ;)
Honestly, the major detour for finish line margaritas is my biggest concern about the new course!
We need to start lobbying Disney to bring up a margarita cart to where the course is about to go backstage. That, or we can put my friend in the text group and text him when you're coming and make him go pick up the margaritas and bring them to the course to hand off to you.
Hmmm... 🤔 📱
From the Tutto Italia menu:

  • Italian Margarita - Limoncello, tequila, fresh lime juice
It's frozen, if that makes a difference.
Unfortunately, frozen makes a big difference. I would totally go for it on the rocks!
In marathon training fashion, my shoes have the last few runs. They only have about 150 miles on them, so I'm not sure what is up. They are exactly the same model and color that I ran almost 400 miles in over the summer and fall.

So, I went out in them yesterday and felt fine until I drove home and got out of my car. Plantar fasciitis flare-up in left foot. Noooooo! I haven't had PF in like two years. So, I'm sidelined until it calms down. Still hoping to make 10.5 miles on Sunday in my older, trustworthy pair. Also have a new pair on order.

My training for WDW has been less than stellar. I really need to stop doing a November and January marathon together. Gets to be too much!
Ugh this is exactly what happened to me! Not PF but another foot injury. My shoes had about 150 miles, but didn't feel right, and I kept telling myself, just another week and I'll switch out. Then boom I was off my feet for like 3 weeks. What was the model of the shoe? Mine was the Asics Nimbus 20 I think. I had bought FOUR pairs of the same shoe and this was the third I used. The previous 2 were no problem.

The moral of the story is to listen to that feeling. Good luck on your 10.5 miler.
Ugh this is exactly what happened to me! Not PF but another foot injury. My shoes had about 150 miles, but didn't feel right, and I kept telling myself, just another week and I'll switch out. Then boom I was off my feet for like 3 weeks. What was the model of the shoe? Mine was the Asics Nimbus 20 I think. I had bought FOUR pairs of the same shoe and this was the third I used. The previous 2 were no problem.

The moral of the story is to listen to that feeling. Good luck on your 10.5 miler.

New Balance w890 - I have run in them since I started running seriously (took a one to two year break when they were discontinued), so I'm not sure what the deal is!

I'm hoping to get out on Sunday but will continue to rest if it still hurts. I'm wearing my arch support band and taking it easy.
Saw this mentioned on Facebook and it's a very good point.

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The reminder states to arrive at EPCOT by 3:30am. That's not uncommon because rD usually recommends being to the course about 1.5hrs in advance of the race. The catch though is this year the course runs through the EPCOT parking lot at mile 2.

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Which means there might come a point where crossing the parking lot becomes more difficult for late arrivals to the race. By someone else's math, the wheelchair athletes could be crossing the parking lot at 5:06am, and make it to the cross point with the "walk out" at 3.8 miles around 5:12am. So just something to consider on race morning and when you decide to make your way to the start line.

Actually I would push all of that back by an hour. Here's why (and admittedly I'm basing this on my experience doing the walkover for the 5/10, this year will be my first doing all four so this might end up being different.

This is the crucial piece of evidence:


Note the time stamp. This is after the walkover is complete for the 10k. That’s a full 30 minutes ahead of the start even with us being released about two minutes ahead of the first wave of A.

As far as I can tell and remember we started the trip over about 4:40. I remember snagging a photo with friends and then scurrying over to the tent just making it by a couple of minutes before the walkover. So if the full walkover is anything like it’s shorter counterparts we’re going to be moving around 4.

I’m going to go through some of the photos in the Adaptive group I’m in to see if I can further verify it. But yeah people take the start time seriously.
For the marathon there will be two banana stations, a couple sports beans or gels(I can't remember if they still do gels), and then yes they have been handing out candy as you go into HS. Also there are usually people along the way handing out candy or other food, although a lot of that was in the WWoS parking lot.

I copied this from the 2018 event guide -- this year was the first race with Sports Beans and no Clif products. And I like how the guide states Chiquita bananas -- not just any old type of banana. :banana:

Mickey 2018: Beverage and Food Stops
"A total of 19 beverage stations will be set up along the course offering DASANI® water and POWERADE. There will be five food stops located along the course. Chiquita bananas will be available at Mile 12.1 and Mile 18.3. Sport Beans® Energizing Jelly Beans® will be distributed at Mile 15.9 and Mile 20.1. Sponges will be provided at Mile 17.9, and candy will be available at Mile 23.2 "

Here's my guess for this year using the map -- I updated my original post to include the missing stop at mile 13.4 (thanks to @DopeyBadger):

Mickey 2020: Beverage and Food Stops (mile estimation from current map; food type based on prior races)

Beverage stops (19): Mile 1, 2.7, 4.8, 6.3, 7.8, 9.1, 11.3, 12.2, 13.4, 14.1, 15.8, 17.3, 18.6, 19, 20.3, 21.7, 23.1, 24, 24.8
Food stops (5): Mile 11.2 (banana), 17.2 (beans), 18.9 (banana), 21.6 (beans), 23.2 (candy)
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Actually I would push all of that back by an hour. Here's why (and admittedly I'm basing this on my experience doing the walkover for the 5/10, this year will be my first doing all four so this might end up being different.

This is the crucial piece of evidence:

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Note the time stamp. This is after the walkover is complete for the 10k. That’s a full 30 minutes ahead of the start even with us being released about two minutes ahead of the first wave of A.

As far as I can tell and remember we started the trip over about 4:40. I remember snagging a photo with friends and then scurrying over to the tent just making it by a couple of minutes before the walkover. So if the full walkover is anything like it’s shorter counterparts we’re going to be moving around 4.

I’m going to go through some of the photos in the Adaptive group I’m in to see if I can further verify it. But yeah people take the start time seriously.

In the past, the walkout to the starting line opens for the HM and M about 75 minutes before the race starts. So with a 5am start time, the estimated opening of the walkout for the marathon would be 3:45am.
In the past, the walkout to the starting line opens for the HM and M about 75 minutes before the race starts. So with a 5am start time, the estimated opening of the walkout for the marathon would be 3:45am.

Well then I was off by a bit then. As said this is my first year starting in the adaptive corral for the entire event. So I wasn't entirely sure what the half/full walkout was like. Knowing when the walkout usually happens is super usefu and takes away some of the uncertainty I was having. I was planning to get there early anyway but knowing when things get moving gives me a better handle on what to expect on race morning.
I know the golden rule is not to change anything that you do for race day. I have competed several marathons, always wearing a full fuel belt, even though there is water / Gatorade on course. I'm actually contemplating not wearing the belt, and really utilizing the water stops instead. I may just carry one bottle in case I want a sip between stops. Your thoughts?
I, too, am leaning towards just wearing my SPI belt with no water. Like others have said, there are plenty of water stops at Disney races. That said, I still packed my water belt for this past January's marathon and was glad I had it with me because of the hot weather.

One other related thing I'll throw out there: If they pass out sponges during the race (they did last year), don't throw it away when you're done with it -- hang onto it and reuse it at the next water stop(s). I threw mine away this year as soon as I used it, and could have really used it later in the race.
I'm looking at the course maps, and I don't see a 13.4 water stop. I see one at 7.9 ( which is close to the loop near 13.4), but no water stops are listed between mile markers 13 and 14.

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Seems like there is a discrepancy with their cartoon map then:

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The 2019 marathon also had a water stop in that same location (albeit a different mile marker on the course). So maybe it's just missing on the interactive version? Hard to say definitively.

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Another interesting thing I notice, it appears the marathon does not run through the Magic Kingdom toll booths (green is the marathon course). Caution runners, speed bump not ahead?

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