Is it okay to put family first? (Response to royal family stuff)

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But they are all in the U.K and that is the difference. Also many times open to the public as historical blgs when not in use. Not like Charles has a 5 th Ave apartment or a house in the Hollywood hills. Had Harry gotten a country home in BFE in Scottland who knows where to escape to,there wouldn’t be the out rage.
There would be outrage regardless of what they did. Location of the mostly vacant houses makes no difference.
Many...who? American RF experts?:scratchin
Because most in the UK understand how Charles distributes his income is his decision. :thumbsup2

And there is basically zero chance of H&M ever becoming "self funding." ::yes::

Yep, many of the self-proclaimed Royal Experts both here and commenting on other sites. "If they want an independent life, they should receive no funding."

Many on the UK Daily Mail site are expressing the same sentiments. Even if they understand that it's Charles' decision how to spend his money, they're against it.

You may be correct about H&M ever becoming self-sustaining, at least to the level of which they've been accustomed.
They were on the dole until a few years ago. They are HRH's also. I think they are a prime example of why you shouldn't keep "spares". Andrew has been pushing of them to be full time working royals, but Charles appears to phasing them out. The younger one appears to have a job while the other seems to be searching for what she wants. Andrew should have done what his sister did and let his girls carve their own path.
:confused: Did you not read this or do you just not believe it?
Another magazine cover. DW receives US Weekly.


Oh, Harry would have received $88 billion if he remained a working royal?

Battle for the throne? Harry abdicated?

The story inside is the usual nonsense with "inside sources" and "royal experts" revealing their opinions or their imaginations.

"The biggest bombshell to hit the monarchy in decades." Gee, I guess the Andrew scandal is a mere trifle.

"Queen is furious" and is afraid H&M will do a tell-all interview painting the royals in a negative light. "The Queen's worst nightmare." Probably a well-founded fear.

"Charles is "livid" and blames Meghan." Gee, what a surprise. Always the woman's fault.

Kate is upset over the chaos. :sad:
Another magazine cover. DW receives US Weekly.

View attachment 466288

Oh, Harry would have received $88 billion if he remained a working royal?

Battle for the throne? Harry abdicated?

The story inside is the usual nonsense with "inside sources" and "royal experts" revealing their opinions or their imaginations.

"The biggest bombshell to hit the monarchy in decades." Gee, I guess the Andrew scandal is a mere trifle.

"Queen is furious" and is afraid H&M will do a tell-all interview painting the royals in a negative light. "The Queen's worst nightmare." Probably a well-founded fear.

"Charles is "livid" and blames Meghan." Gee, what a surprise. Always the woman's fault.

Kate is upset over the chaos. :sad:
That's pretty good when the latest kaffeeklatsch tidbits come straight to your door!
Brew a cup of tea and enjoy. 😊
I'm not sure why this thread has gone on so long, or why it's so controversial.

Question: "Is it okay to put family first"?
Answer: "Yes, the family you create comes first." Period.
Big difference in putting something first and discarding everything else. Especially in a very public and hurtful way. It really shouldn’t have to be either or....
First of all, it's not automatic. Read some what has been said about her over the past year. I realize understanding what I said requires thoughtfulness. I'm curious what you find unlikable about her. You don't know her or her husband. Finding someone unlikable based on your outsider perceptions...well that's kind of smug.

People have opinions of celebrities both good and bad based on very little knowledge. And celebrities use that perception to their advantage to make money, we go see their movies, buy the products they endorse for just that reason. And that includes the RF. Their patronages are helped by their association, not because they are there slogging away in a soup kitchen each day but because, as long as they are likeable, their presence alone is promotion.

They are choosing to play that game, share a cute story, photos etc to suit their agendas, the flips side of that is that it opens you up.
For example you cant invite everyone to your wedding and then be upset when they want the gossip on your divorce.

;) Maybe they're still too humiliated that Harry forced Granny to kiss Meghan's butt. ;)
Did Granny though? They got a lot of what they wanted (and after yesterday's announcement more than I thought they would) but reading between the lines of the statement, I am not sure they are getting the half in half out they wanted (I.e. royal tours).

::yes:: Chances are very good that you've got this right. Their situations are night-and-day different. And let's not forget William's eventual bride was long referred to as "Wait-y Katie" during the years he spent weighing his options. She really wanted that Prince, and didn't let anything (including his apparent lack of urgency) deter her.

They were much younger, the fact that Charles encouraged William to wait may well be why William spoke to Harry about moving so fast.

This is the thing, people are saying how unfair the coverage Meghan has got. But Kate really had her fair share of negative press (such as waity Katie)
I know a comparison has been done over a specific period which makes it look as though Meghan has had much worse coverage, but it doesnt take into account that Kate had already been with William nearly 20 years, she has made missteps and had negative coverage.
Kate also "toes the line" which some people say as a bad thing.

Meghan had almost universal praise at the start of the engagement. The coverage changed based on her actions.

Hollywood is not in Canada...

Vancouver is in fact Hollywood north.

But they are far away from it now. Harry didn't do a title for his son. Charlotte and Louis' kids won't have titles. Let's get modern here Yorks. I know Andrew has been desperate to have his girls in the picture, but it's gotten quite pathetic. BTW, how is it that there is more vitriol for Harry for not wanting to hang on as a spare and become Andrew then there was for Andrew's scandal?

I can imagine it would be frustrating to be a royal by blood, and be lower in the ranks than a couple of commoners that marry into the family.
Well, nice for them then, I guess, that they get all of the benefits of being royal with none of the responsibilities. It’s certainly changed my perception of them, not that either of them care.
I'm sure many were hoping that Charles would stop the handouts. I figured he'd continue for 3 to 5 years until H&M established themselves.

Honestly I would have liked to see it be reduced.
If it is a payment for being a prince, and he is choosing not to do the workload that comes with it....adding a lot of pressure onto William and Kate with his choice.

I am not going to sit here and bash them for wanting a different life for themselves.
I don't think people are bashing them for wanting a different life. It's back to the wanting the cake and eating it too (which btw is a dumb saying, who has ake that they don't want to eat....isnt that the point of having cake????)
If they were fixing up their title, and wanting to disappear into Canadas wilderness, without all the trappings of royal life I think people would be much more on board.

But they are complaining about media intrusion while still inviting it by posing for photo ops to try and rehabilitate their image...
Well, nice for them then, I guess, that they get all of the benefits of being royal with none of the responsibilities. It’s certainly changed my perception of them, not that either of them care.

What are you talking about? What benefits are you referring to? They will still need protection, not because he "works" for the royal family, but because he IS royal family. He can't help that. He will always be Prince Harry. And yes, there are benefits that come with that that have nothing to do with what kind of work they do or not. Do you think that they are the only ones in that family that are living off of the largesse of that family? I have no issue with them getting security paid for by the crown. There are crazy people out there that will kidnap their kid for ransom, or just kill him because they "don't like the monarchy". I do not envy them at all this life.
Another magazine cover. DW receives US Weekly.

View attachment 466288

Oh, Harry would have received $88 billion if he remained a working royal?

Battle for the throne? Harry abdicated?

The story inside is the usual nonsense with "inside sources" and "royal experts" revealing their opinions or their imaginations.

"The biggest bombshell to hit the monarchy in decades." Gee, I guess the Andrew scandal is a mere trifle.

"Queen is furious" and is afraid H&M will do a tell-all interview painting the royals in a negative light. "The Queen's worst nightmare." Probably a well-founded fear.

"Charles is "livid" and blames Meghan." Gee, what a surprise. Always the woman's fault.

Kate is upset over the chaos. :sad:

My inside sources tell me Fergie is giddy with glee over the situation.
Honestly I would have liked to see it be reduced.
If it is a payment for being a prince, and he is choosing not to do the workload that comes with it....adding a lot of pressure onto William and Kate with his choice.

I don't think people are bashing them for wanting a different life. It's back to the wanting the cake and eating it too (which btw is a dumb saying, who has ake that they don't want to eat....isnt that the point of having cake????)
If they were fixing up their title, and wanting to disappear into Canadas wilderness, without all the trappings of royal life I think people would be much more on board.

But they are complaining about media intrusion while still inviting it by posing for photo ops to try and rehabilitate their image...
This wish is a little unrealistic. I'd imagine old money generally flows from generation to generation. Mega-rich people live off the "family trust" and it's doled out from parent to child, even when those children become wayward or recalcitrant.
I do wonder if the rumored remarriage between Sarah and Andrew is likely now that he is out of the public life?
If the press, over the decades, is to be believed, that's doubtful as long as Prince Philip lives. He apparently reviled Fergie and forbid any possibility of re-marriage, even though the couple has been sort-of reconciled for quite a while.

:scratchin Interestingly, the Queen's own children seem to be the last generation that bowed to pressure of protocol and Royal command (at least on the surface). Both Prince Charles and Princess Margaret before him were coerced in their personal lives, resulting in much heartache. Of course King Edward III (The Duke of Windsor) did his own thing, but the scandal it caused was unprecedented and changed the course of British history. This Prince Harry thing is barely a blip in comparison.
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Some people talk out of their behind and have no clue. Why wouldn't he help Harry out, just like any other parent would. Harry does not have a normal life that he could do what everyone else does and go and get a regular job. He is still core member of the royal family and has to follow protocol. He has to dress a certain way, attend royal events, etc. All of the things that he has been doing his whole life. There is no way for him to have earned an income to be able to support what it means to be in that position. If he had a "regular" job, do you think that he would have been able to perform his royal duties? Oh sorry boss, I need 3 weeks off to go represent the Queen in another country. LOL That would go over well. I think some people can not even fathom what that kind of life is like and are thinking in terms of us "normal" people's lives.

Can you imagine having a regular ole job and having to bring your entourage of security with you? What place of employment is going to deal with that??
This wish is a little unrealistic. I'd imagine old money generally flows from generation to generation. Mega-rich people live off the "family trust" and it's doled out from parent to child, even when those children become wayward or recalcitrant.

If the press, over the decades, is to be believed, that's doubtful as long as Prince Phillip lives. He apparently reviled Fergie and forbid any possibility of re-marriage, even though the couple as been sort-of reconciled for quite a while.

:scratchin Interestingly, the Queen's own children seem to be the last generation that bowed to pressure of protocol and Royal command (at least on the surface). Both Prince Charles and Princess Margaret before him were coerced in their personal lives, resulting in much heartache. Of course King Edward III (The Duke of Windsor) did his own thing, but the scandal it caused was unprecedented and changed the course of British history. This Prince Harry thing is barely a blip in comparison.

Why does Prince Phillip hate Fergie so much?
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