Rise of the Resistance BOARDING GROUPS Superthread Part 1 *No Ride Spoilers Please* *PLEASE READ POSTS 1-4*

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Doh! We are not lucky enough to have a grandparent along when we go.

Lol we had grandparents and I could tell my mother was going to run my husband down if he attempted to ride first 😂😂😂 Grammy was getting on ROTR. Ha. My poor husband stayed with the kids while I rode with my parents. He then had to leave to go to the airport for a conference. But we are local and my parents aren’t, and he’s a Star Trek fan (gasp!) so I think it all worked out properly!

My point is the OP has really nice grandparents! 😂
Anyone have any experience with using xfinity mobile trying to get a bg? I've only seen people mention the big service providers, Verizon, Sprint, AT & T and T mobile.

I'm wondering this as well... I may have missed it but I think I still haven't read anyone mention trying to get a BG with xfinity? We are actually thinking of switching sometime soon, but maybe not as soon if it makes any difference in Disneyland!
I'm here at DHS hoping the process is basically the same here as discussed on this thread. I spent an hour on my phone last night with tech support, removing people from my app that I haven't toured with in years.

Crossing my fingers!
The glitches/errors would be especially frustrating when you are familiar with the process of how to get a BG. I have to wonder about the people who are less in-the-know, and what those statistics are. Just thinking of my SIL who is going in a few months. I needed to correct a lot of info she has received regarding BG attempts. Glad I had this thread to prepare me before I went last week.

my daughter and son in law will be at DHS in the summer.
Today when were were working out her schedule so that she could book her ADRs today, i opened up my app to show her how to get a BG.
She refused to even look, claiming they won't be doing it that way in the summer.
Time will tell, but i can't see the demand going down any time soon, so i don't know why they would change the process.
But she was adamant that she didn't want to see. Oh well. She has time before then, but i didn't quite get why it was such a big deal. I'm not going until October (to DL), but i still find it all fascinating.

Did you read your post before sending? You have an hour fifteen both cases. And why show up at 8 when you don’t need to be there til 8:55?
I don't know how closely you've been following this thread, but getting to the gates at 8:55 am for a 9 am opening isn't going to get you anywhere NEAR the turnstiles in time to be inside DL when the BGs are released for the day. It's fine if you don't want a BG. But if your goal is to ride ROTR, as the OP's goal was, then you need to plan for plenty of time to park, go through bag check, get to the gates, wait in the line (which might be all the way back to DCA and curving back around), get through the DL turnstiles, and find a spot with good cell reception -- all before park opening so you can be ready to go to get a BG. All of that is not going to happen if you show up at 8:55 for a 9:00 opening. And with two special needs kids in tow like the OP had? Playing it safe with more time is wise.
My first ever trip to DL is coming up near the end of this month. I will be solo and can do what I want, when I want. I am hoping to get a BG for ROTR and am crossing my fingers that the process smooths out a little more before my trip. I will be driving 😬 by myself, from our airBNB near Beverly Hills to the park. I am not familiar with the route, traffic (although I know it's HORRENDOUS), easiest parking, etc. Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Also, what else in the park is a must-do for a first time (possibly only time) visitor?
My first ever trip to DL is coming up near the end of this month. I will be solo and can do what I want, when I want. I am hoping to get a BG for ROTR and am crossing my fingers that the process smooths out a little more before my trip. I will be driving 😬 by myself, from our airBNB near Beverly Hills to the park. I am not familiar with the route, traffic (although I know it's HORRENDOUS), easiest parking, etc. Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Also, what else in the park is a must-do for a first time (possibly only time) visitor?
For traffic, use Google and Waze -- and look at them before your visit to get an idea of what the traffic might be like on your travel day (date, time, etc.). Coming from BH, you'll most likely be parking in the Mickey & Friends/Pixar Pals structures. As the first page information states, the structure/s open 90 minutes before park opening. Parking is $25/day, with in/out privileges. From there, you'll go through bag check and either take the tram or walk to the gates -- your choice.
It seems you have WDW experience, so this thread will have good information for you: A DLR Guide for WDW Vets .
For first time visit suggestions, try asking in a new thread so this thread doesn't get sidetracked.
ETA: We have many solo visitors to DLR -- many of whom are regular solo visitors! -- who will be more than happy to help you with planning your day. Do a search on this forum for solo visits/solo trip planning. You'll find lots of information.
With AT&T, Plaza Inn is one of the spots in the parks with the fastest network speeds. You should be fine there.

I can confirm this. Our third and final day of the trip, we were back towards the Corn dog cart right outside Plaza Inn. I had the fastest upload and download speeds I’d seen (I downloaded the speed test app prior to the trip.)I have ATT. Although it was my friend on Verizon who actually got the BG first that day. So maybe it’s a good spot in general.
OK, I know that there are a lot of folks out there who think this ride is a hot mess. And for now, you're probably right. We've now been in operation for 3 weeks total.

Performance of the attraction in WDW does not inspire much in the way of hope. At the same time, there are variables at play between Batuu East and Batuu West that make comparison and forecasting based on what's happening at one and applying it to the other problematic.

So , on this 22nd day of operation, I present a few data points which might be early indicators that our attraction is making incremental improvements:

1. If we compare the first 10 days of operation to the second ten days of operation, We can see that the best days of the second ten days were better than the best days of the first ten days. We can also see that the worst days of the second ten days were better than the worst days of the first ten days. This holds true for boarding groups, rates of load, and time spent in delay.

2. The last four days of operation have seen decent morning reliability, with the first extended breakdown not happening until at least 4.5 hours into operations. If you look at the data for the 17 days prior, you see only 3,(maybe 4) days which meet that criteria,and they are not consecutive. If we see good morning reliability today, it will suggest that something changed this week with regard to the overnight maintenance, or some root cause of morning failure was tied off. Yes, it could be luck and noise, but when something changes for 5 days in a row it typically means something is improving.

3. Start times this week have also been more consistent. The last four days we have seen 3 days start loading 15 minutes after opening. All week we've seen low start numbers. If this holds, it is a good sign. Yes, we've seen this before, but in concert with #2 it feels more relevant.

4. This is kind of a small deal, but I mention it - for the first time yesterday DL increased the number of regular groups by 2. Contrast this to WDW decreasing their regular groups. It will be interesting to see if this holds today, or if they go back to the 71 groups we customarily have.

Now some of you will say this is all very premature, and you would be right. We really shouldn't be looking for statistically relevant improvement until we've been at this for a few months. We're really just setting the baseline here still...but I'm impatient and like to look at the data and try to predict trends.
my daughter and son in law will be at DHS in the summer.
Today when were were working out her schedule so that she could book her ADRs today, i opened up my app to show her how to get a BG.
She refused to even look, claiming they won't be doing it that way in the summer.
Time will tell, but i can't see the demand going down any time soon, so i don't know why they would change the process.
But she was adamant that she didn't want to see. Oh well. She has time before then, but i didn't quite get why it was such a big deal. I'm not going until October (to DL), but i still find it all fascinating.

It is possible that by summer we won't be doing boarding groups. Demand will be there, but if reliability rises to the point where breakdowns are further and fewer between, capacity will increase, and it could operate more like a regular attraction. I'm not sure if they'll get to that point quite so quickly, but it isn't outside the realm of possibility. Four months is a fair amount of time.
Twitter makes it look like the Esplanade is slammed. Can anyone report when they opened the gates today?
She got Boarding Pass 20. How do you know what passes they start with and when do they start calling passes?
On the app they have a "Now Boarding" section. She'll see numbers start popping up there when they start boarding. She can also go to "My Status" to get a status update.

This week they've started calling within the first 40 minutes of park opening. We'll see if that holds today.

Once the backup passes are gone, they will also indicate which passes are backups in the message on the app. This will give a clue to which pass they start with.
Sorry about your day! If you can get to the Esplande at 8AM you should be fine getting thru the DL tunrstiles for a 9AM park opening.

There will be separate turnstiles and lines for MM and EMH. Get in a regular non-MM/EMH line. DL will open those turnstiles probaby by 8:15-8:30 to let you into the park. But you will be held somewhere on Main Street or maybe as far as the hub.

Then follow advice here to find a place where your phone has good speed, make sure you have the latest DLR app downloaded, and work to get a BG at 9AM sharp.


HydroGuy, this is delayed, but thank you so much for your reply the other day. (Sorry it wasn't sooner - I fell asleep after reading your message and woke up at 5:45 to get to the park.) But with no experience with MM/EMH, having you share your thoughts about what to expect and 8 a.m. being sufficient to get in by 9 was very reassuring and appreciated. Thanks again!

I plan to share an update shortly about our second experience with the BG process!
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