Rise of the Resistance BOARDING GROUPS Superthread Part 1 *No Ride Spoilers Please* *PLEASE READ POSTS 1-4*

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I do not really agree that it is as hard as you are making it out to be.

Earlier in this thread I posted an experience with a friend who was at DLR last weekend to ride ROTR with his DS13 and DW and knew nothing about BGs or really DLR. He was successful. Basically this was the minimalist advice I gave and he followed:
  1. Show up at 6:45 at security for an 8AM opening (I emphasized this)
  2. Before you arrive, have the latest DLR app downloaded on your phone and as many people in your family as you can manage - with everyone on your account
  3. Have your park tickets linked in the app beforehand
  4. Read/scan a strategy blog ahead of time so you know what the screen will look like for BGs beforehand (this is optional - I sent him one from DisneyTouristBlog)
  5. Have everyone start trying for a BG at 8AM sharp
He got BG28 that day.

If the hardware and software all work, the stars align, and the person doesn't panic, then I agree that getting a BG shouldn't be too difficult. Stressful, yes. Difficult? Not overly. But... we've had reports of people "doing everything right," and still coming up against glitches that they didn't foresee, e.g. frozen apps, greyed out buttons, tickets that couldn't be deleted, etc. -- and when these things happen unexpectedly, people can panic. And that can make getting a BG very difficult when the seconds are ticking away.
Example: a friend and her son went last Sunday, got up at 5:30 am to be in line at the gates by 6:30 am, ready to go on Main Street by opening. Followed all your points -- and at 8 am got a pop-up saying that her ticket showed she wasn't in the park. Ugh. All that time and prep for nothing. Never occurred to her to test earlier by using MP to get FPs. So in a situation like this, getting a BG looks like a very difficult process. (If the time pressure weren't so great, I think this whole process would be much easier for people -- even having 5 minutes instead of 1 would be a help -- with a few minutes, she could have gone to a plaid and maybe gotten a Backup Group.)

BG 39!! Thanks everyone!

I got group 19 from the kiosks at splash. Was the 4th pass in the machine.
But wow, you gotta take a jolly little jog to get there early enough
Thanks for reporting back on using the kiosk and congratulations!

Group 15! At and T on IPhone 11 Pro Main Street train tracks

WOW this is a super long thread and I apologize for not digging through it to find my answer but I am hoping it's a quick question.

My question is - you have to go through the Disneyland gates with your ticket before you are able to join a boarding group once they are released at official park opening time for the day? You cannot be in DCA and do this?

I did read the first three posts but it didn't specifically say if you scan your ticket only into DCA you are out of luck so that is why I wanted to make double sure. Sorry to have bother anyone with my question.
It does say that you have to scan into DL first. The first three posts get updated regularly, so the info can change (especially if the BG process changes) -- keep checking those first posts for the latest info! And be aware that CMs may tell you that it won't work to scan into DCA after first scanning into DL to get a BG; but they are incorrect.

Just seeing if I'm understanding correctly as there have been numerous posts about removing tickets and AP's from your account prior to attempting to get in the virtual line but that is really not positively necessary and is just what some people have done or recommended in order to speed up their ability to select the guests that are in the park? The app will select everyone you're linked to that has tickets even if they have not entered the park and you then have to deselect and select the ones who are in?
Be careful about special event tickets and pre-paid parking, too -- If you've bought them, those will show up in your app and will need to be deselected!

... I really do think people are getting overly stressed out about the BG process. I tend to be a tad "detail oriented" (my wife would say "pain in the ***") so I'm all about the "best" way. But in the end, it's probably not a significant delta.
At this point, the "best" way is the way that works best for each person. We've shown in this thread that there are "better" ways that work for Android, for iPhone, for data, for free wifi, on days with MM, on days without MM, etc. People just need to figure out what works for them and go with that.
They don't need to know EVERYTHING, only what will work for them and some basic prep.

If we're honest, theme parks are ridiculous altogether. But they're fun.

This process is ridiculous, but the attraction it's apparently amazing enough that thousands of people embrace the madness.

Have I spent way more time and effort than I probably should have?

Yes. Research is part of my religion.

This is the way.
And in the process of all this ridiculousness, I like to think that we've all made some friends here, 'embracing the madness' together! Because who wants to embrace the madness alone? You point the way... and we will follow. :)

Something I learned today. I had to go by Guest Relations anyway to get my DAS so I decided to do it at DCAs version of City Hall. And I asked about it removing my old pass I’ve long lost the physical copy of. So I wouldn’t lose time tomorrow accidentally selecting the lost pass. They were able to remove it from the account. So if anyone else needs to remove an old ticket/pass from their account for BG and have time to do it before they try for ROTR this is something you can do.
I've updated the first page (FAQs) with this information. Thanks for posting! (And DCA's City Hall is Chamber of Commerce!)
@theluckyrabbit Thanks! I was tired yesterday from the travel and could not recall the name for the life of me what the Chamber of Commerces Name is!

No line at Harbor security when I went through a couple of minutes after @durantigger . Glad I decided to go ahead and bring my walker this morning. Now just wishing I had brought some actual bags or breakfast.

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sometimes takes a minute to recognize in park. quit app and reload before that city hall line. Also order mobile food and grab your fast pass too while your waiting!
I got group 19 from the kiosks at splash. Was the 4th pass in the machine.
But wow, you gotta take a jolly little jog to get there early enough

i'm surprised they're letting people race over there..
i saw a video of people running for those kiosks...
i thought the CMs don't allow rope drop running anymore..
SIAP...how soon can you get/test MaxPass in order to see if your RoTR strategy is going to work? Let's say official park open is 8 a.m. local time and I scan into park at say, 7:15...do I have to wait until 8 am. to test grap a FP?
I want to cry. We are backup group 111.

Used two phones, both Pixel 3a, one T-Mobile, one Google Fi.

We left our hotel, Grand Legacy, at 6:20am, got to security at 6:25am. In line at Line 13 at 6:27am, line was almost to monorail.

7:03am line was almost at DCA.

7:06am gates open, 7:09am they started letting in, 7:11am we were in!

I don't know what happened, we both kept getting a red bar that it was full. Finally my husband got the back up.

Cheers everywhere made it so much worse.

I'm super worried since yesterday only got to low 90s.

FYI, Gates 13-16 didn't split before we got in.
We pulled BG 44 this morning. Anyone have a guess what time that # usually gets called around? I’m worried because our group’s Itinerary is set and I can’t change it. So if it happens between 11 and 12:30 we are screwed.
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