Coronavirus and DCL Megathread - Suspension of Departures for the fleet until early November. Booking only available from early December.

I'm so sorry for the stress this is causing you. I'm a medical worrier, so I think I can relate. It might help to focus on these thoughts:
#1 - Even most people who get tested do NOT actually have the virus.
#2 - Worst case, if you do have the virus you have a huge statistical chance of recovering just fine. Even in the worst risk group of 80+ year olds with a 15% mortality rate...that still means 85% of 80-year-olds recover. So think how good your situation is even if you had it! (I've presumed you're under 80 based on your mention of children.)

I am not someone who thinks the virus is no big deal. To be honest, I am shocked by the sad reactions of posters when DCL cancels cruises and believe everyone should cut as much "public time" out of their lives as possible to prevent an Italy situation....but I still recognize the statistical health risk to each individual is very low. Hang in there and try to rest up and let your body kick whatever it's dealing with.
Yes, I am in a low risk age group, so I am trying to stay positive. Feel like hell though. I am obviously staying home to avoid spreading anything, but since my kids school is cancelled they are home too and I worry about them even though I know kids are low risk too. I had one coworker come back from Japan two weeks ago and coughed repeatedly during a meeting with me (said it was allergies) and another coworker come back from traveling internationally with a fever but she did not get tested either because she said she was feeling better. I want to get tested mostly because I am sad we still have no idea how widespread this is in the USA, and because the not knowing aspect is stressful. If I had a negative test, I could at least have peace of mind.
Yes, I am in a low risk age group, so I am trying to stay positive. Feel like hell though. I am obviously staying home to avoid spreading anything, but since my kids school is cancelled they are home too and I worry about them even though I know kids are low risk too. I had one coworker come back from Japan two weeks ago and coughed repeatedly during a meeting with me (said it was allergies) and another coworker come back from traveling internationally with a fever but she did not get tested either because she said she was feeling better. I want to get tested mostly because I am sad we still have no idea how widespread this is in the USA, and because the not knowing aspect is stressful. If I had a negative test, I could at least have peace of mind.

Edit - Sorry! I went back in the thread and read your post. I see you have called.

Please try not to worry. Easier said than done, I know. I am hoping you will have a mild illness. Keep us posted, if you feel like it.
Yes, I am in a low risk age group, so I am trying to stay positive. Feel like hell though. I am obviously staying home to avoid spreading anything, but since my kids school is cancelled they are home too and I worry about them even though I know kids are low risk too. I had one coworker come back from Japan two weeks ago and coughed repeatedly during a meeting with me (said it was allergies) and another coworker come back from traveling internationally with a fever but she did not get tested either because she said she was feeling better. I want to get tested mostly because I am sad we still have no idea how widespread this is in the USA, and because the not knowing aspect is stressful. If I had a negative test, I could at least have peace of mind.
You need to make sure and let your coworkers know you have it... I hope they feel guilty! These are strange times, but I'm sorry, having just come from a pandemic hotspot with symptoms and they not only went back to work, but to meetings? Unbelievable! 😲

I hope you feel better, soon. Maybe phone in a few days to see if you can get the test. Things may change on that front, too.
Yes, I am in a low risk age group, so I am trying to stay positive. Feel like hell though. I am obviously staying home to avoid spreading anything, but since my kids school is cancelled they are home too and I worry about them even though I know kids are low risk too. I had one coworker come back from Japan two weeks ago and coughed repeatedly during a meeting with me (said it was allergies) and another coworker come back from traveling internationally with a fever but she did not get tested either because she said she was feeling better. I want to get tested mostly because I am sad we still have no idea how widespread this is in the USA, and because the not knowing aspect is stressful. If I had a negative test, I could at least have peace of mind.
We are all thinking of you and wish you a speedy recovery!
You need to make sure and let your coworkers know you have it... I hope they feel guilty! These are strange times, but I'm sorry, having just come from a pandemic hotspot with symptoms and they not only went back to work, but to meetings? Unbelievable! 😲

I hope you feel better, soon. Maybe phone in a few days to see if you can get the test. Things may change on that front, too.

In fairness to them, the situation in those countries when they came back two weeks ago was not anywhere near as bad as it is today (or at least, we did not know at the time how bad it was). Insane how much has changed in such a short time. My office also started last week instituting more protocols around work from home for people who traveled and are taking it very seriously, so hopefully if there is COVID circulating that will put a pause on new infections.

I think your point on calling back in a few days is a good point--if I am still sick later this week, maybe tests will be more readily available then.

We are all thinking of you and wish you a speedy recovery!
Thank you. Wishing the same to anyone else who is sick and their families.
Let's assume, for the sake of discussion, that the government had enough testing kits available for every man, woman, and child in the United States. The recent run on toilet paper shows that pretty much every man, woman, and child would rush out to be tested.

Rounded up, there are approximate 318 million people living in the United States. The coronavirus test isn't a pregnancy test. You can't simply pee on a stick and, 10 minutes later, know if you have the coronavirus. The tests have to be processed. How long do you think it would take to process 318 million tests? For the sake of discussion, let's say only 10% of the population got tested? How long do you think it would take to process 32 million tests?

When a vaccine is eventually developed, how long do you think it will take to manufacturer enough doses for the entire country? It takes months to produce enough of the annual flu vaccine.

In this age of instant gratification, whether or not we like it, it takes time to get things done.
I think your point on calling back in a few days is a good point--if I am still sick later this week, maybe tests will be more readily available then.
Where do you live? You know, as much shade as people in this country throw at the State of Alabama, most people don't realize that UAB is a top 20 Medical Center and that there is a huge Biotech industry growing up around it. The drug Resdemivir that they are using was in part developed with a researcher here at UAB. Also, our state has 6 drive-thru testing locations open today and expects 20 within the next few days. Also, as I posted earlier, Church of the Highlands, Alabama's largest church, is covering testing fees for those that cannot afford them, so anyone that needs it can get a test.

So, as much as we get looked down upon sometimes, I am extremely proud to say I am from Alabama at times like these...
In fairness to them, the situation in those countries when they came back two weeks ago was not anywhere near as bad as it is today (or at least, we did not know at the time how bad it was). Insane how much has changed in such a short time. My office also started last week instituting more protocols around work from home for people who traveled and are taking it very seriously, so hopefully if there is COVID circulating that will put a pause on new infections.

I think your point on calling back in a few days is a good point--if I am still sick later this week, maybe tests will be more readily available then.

Thank you. Wishing the same to anyone else who is sick and their families.
Our state just eased up on who can be tested, now that we have more labs that are able to process tests. Hopefully your state will also ease up soon! Sounds like they're only requiring a nose swab vs. both nose and throat--so that should increase the # of tests that can be done in all the states.

Is your doctor's office able to test you for flu? That is also still going around--and if you get tested for that you can at least rule out some possible diseases.

Take care of yourself--lots of fluids and rest. No matter what you have, your body needs the extra fluids.
Deleted. Wrong thread!
Just to let you know what's happening in Europe. Several countries like Italy and Spain are in lockdown, no one allowed out unless necessary. Others, like Germany, are closing their borders.

Other countries, like my own in the Netherlands, work from home if you can, schools, restaurants, gyms etc. are all closed. There is a list of jobs which are entitled to child care. In our opinion a lock down would take too many months to get the virus out, it has been chosen to let life go on, more or less, to try to build immunity among those who belong to the 80% with mild symptoms.
We have, 1413 people diagnosed (estimation 6.000 people actually have it, but not everyone get tested anymore) 24 deaths, youngest 59 years old. But also a 16-year old on intensive care.

It is good to see what it brings out people. There are many offering their help for those who need it. Students of medical schools offer to take care of the children of qualified medical staff, people offer to get groceries etc. It does unite us.
40% is awesome.. I am in the as soon as cruises and countries deem traveling safe, I am looking for the best deals!

Anyone think this will be somwhat "over" by Oct2020? Eyeing a replacement cruise for my yet not officially hawaiin cruise... I am waiting for them to cancel I want cash as my replacement is on the dark side.
40% is awesome.. I am in the as soon as cruises and countries deem traveling safe, I am looking for the best deals!

Anyone think this will be somwhat "over" by Oct2020? Eyeing a replacement cruise for my yet not officially hawaiin cruise... I am waiting for them to cancel I want cash as my replacement is on the dark side.

I think this is only available to folks on the Wonder cruising right now.
40% is awesome.. I am in the as soon as cruises and countries deem traveling safe, I am looking for the best deals!

Anyone think this will be somwhat "over" by Oct2020? Eyeing a replacement cruise for my yet not officially hawaiin cruise... I am waiting for them to cancel I want cash as my replacement is on the dark side.

I think we may have a vaccine by then but I don't think it will be widely available yet. Our cruise is that month so I'm not happy to be so pessimistic but until there is a vaccine I'm not cruising. We have vulnerable older people in our family.
With the conference today stating that we may be on the backside of this in July/August, I am even less confident now that the Magic will go overseas...


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