Dis Old Fogies Clubhouse – Six of One, Half Dozen of the Other. Makes No Difference!

Still warm here. We haven't hit peak summer yet.......

.....the authorities are saying its going to be bad again this weekend. I can't imagine living in one of those areas in the bushfire zones right now. So sad. I have had to stop watching the news. It's heartbreaking enough seeing the people that have lost homes but its devastating seeing what has happened to the wildlife and their habitat.

I know what you mean. I can't even watch the coverage of the fires here. When they walk through the ruined homes it just kills me. I never watch the news in real time so that I can forward through those segments. I have to do the same for what going on down there. There's nothing I can do to help and it's just so sad.
I'm finally setting up my laptop and printer I purchased a while back, I just need to transfer documents from my old laptop to the new one tomorrow so making progress. Changed internet providers and it's great to actually have service that's reliable for a change.

From left: my middle DS, Jesse, his GF Jessica, my CM Dylan, DH Ron, me, my DD-in-L Judy, and my oldest DS Todd.
[It's been more than 18 years since all 5 of us were together at WDW]
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Just checking in to see how the Fogies are faring.

@PrincessInOz, y'all have been in my thoughts and prayers.

@kimmar067, nice pic!

Nothing much happening in my neck of the woods. Mother Nature can't make up her mind if we should be having a mild winter or mid-spring. I'm either sporting shorts and a t-shirt or long sleeves and heavy jeans. :furious:
.....the authorities are saying its going to be bad again this weekend. I can't imagine living in one of those areas in the bushfire zones right now. So sad. I have had to stop watching the news. It's heartbreaking enough seeing the people that have lost homes but its devastating seeing what has happened to the wildlife and their habitat.
....any good news? How heartbreaking....
Checking in to see how everyone is.

Stay safe.

Looks like borders are closing so international travel will be out of the question for at least a year. Please post every so often so that we can keep in touch.
:wave: Hi @PrincessInOz and all of the other Fogies! How is everyone faring? Is your area shut down other than essential services?

I'm at home while the rest of the family is at work (working for essential services -- none medical). I work from home, so being at home during the day is nothing new for me. Having to stay home, other than supply runs, is new. It's the knowing that I can't/shouldn't go out that is starting to give me cabin fever.

We're advised to stay home except for essential supply runs or to receive medical assistance. Schools are closed and the children are using remote learning to go to school. They're using school buses to deliver free meals to the children. No gatherings of 50 or more people. Restaurants are take out, drive thru, or delivery only. Grocery stores are closed for restocking at night and the first hour is for seniors and those in the other high risk categories only. Several cities have implemented a curfew from 11 p until 6 a. Only essential personnel are allowed to travel during that time.

I may grab my camera and head outside for a few minutes. It rained last night, so the pollen has been washed away for now. It'll be back covering the ground and everything else like snow by lunchtime. Ah-choo!

Stay safe, my friends!
We're advised to stay home except for essential supply runs or to receive medical assistance. Schools are closed and the children are using remote learning to go to school. They're using school buses to deliver free meals to the children. No gatherings of 50 or more people. Restaurants are take out, drive thru, or delivery only. Grocery stores are closed for restocking at night and the first hour is for seniors and those in the other high risk categories only. Several cities have implemented a curfew from 11 p until 6 a. Only essential personnel are allowed to travel during that time.

Same for here, but it's supposed to be no more than 10 people. I postponed my Jury Duty to this week and so far I haven't had to report. Obviously. The smallest amount of people would be once they had selected the 12 jurors. The last time they grouped us in groups of 30-50, and the first twelve got selected to be "Quizzed" by the lawyers. Once they had dismissed a few, they took a few from the gallery and kept at that until they found 12 they liked.

I'm a little sad that I didn't get to go (only one day left), cause the process seemed interesting, but the last time I was called, I was so busy with out of town guests (different folks all summer) that I didn't want to sit for several days on a trial. I've got nothing going on right now, even before this "social distancing". I'm just cooking up a storm, and like you Yo-Yo, staying home every day it's much different than my regular life.
Hi! Glad to see you here, PIO, and I will be reading to catch up with folks. We are a resort town, not many full time residents, and it’s quiet. Schools are closed, that means no senior swim, which I really like. Today I weeded an area of our garden.
Hi Alison!

Sorry to hear that jury duty is postponed, perhaps cancelled. It's an interesting process. The last time I had jury duty, they called me up. The prosecution wanted me on the jury; the defense did not. Since it was early in the process, I had to sit back down.

Hi @bobbiwoz!

I've been making up freezer meals so we'll eat well later. And I've been cooking too. Tonight's offering is beef bourguinon in the electric pressure cooker. I'm trying recipes that I haven't tried before. I've made beef bourguinon, but not in the instapot.
As Pio already knows, our April 9-May 3 New Zealand/Australia trip has been canceled. We had an Auckland to Sydney 11-night Celebrity Cruise which was scheduled to stop in Melbourne AU where we had planned to spend the day together. :woohoo:

We were also going to fly Sydney to Wellington NZ and do a South Island road trip with son and DIL.

We canceled the trip right before the cruise lines announced they were canceling all cruises (until at least June) and NZ closed its borders.

It has been a nightmare trying to get refunds for all our flights and the cruise. That’s how I’ve been spending my days in isolation! :sad1:

Youngest DD and her husband both work at WDW so they’re both biding their time, hoping the parks can reopen soon.

I hope you all stay safe and well. I think we all knew something like this pandemic was a very real possibility in our lifetime, yet I am stunned that it’s really here now! :oops:
Angela checked in on FB and she got into San Diego on the Wonder today and flew home this afternoon.

Sorry to hear that jury duty is postponed, perhaps cancelled. It's an interesting process. The last time I had jury duty, they called me up. The prosecution wanted me on the jury; the defense did not. Since it was early in the process, I had to sit back down.

Yeah, I'm sorry that I didn't get the chance to experience it. They didn't call me for tomorrow.

As Pio already knows, our April 9-May 3 New Zealand/Australia trip has been canceled. We had an Auckland to Sydney 11-night Celebrity Cruise which was scheduled to stop in Melbourne AU where we had planned to spend the day together. :woohoo:

Sorry about that. It would have been nice, I know how you feel.

We were also going to fly Sydney to Wellington NZ and do a South Island road trip with son and DIL.

I forgot that your Son moved there...never been to the South Island.

Youngest DD and her husband both work at WDW so they’re both biding their time, hoping the parks can reopen soon.

I hope that they can keep their jobs!

I hope you all stay safe and well. I think we all knew something like this pandemic was a very real possibility in our lifetime, yet I am stunned that it’s really here now! :oops:

I don't think I ever expected that something like this could happen, it's crazy!
I forgot that your Son moved there...never been to the South Island.

Son & DIL's "1 to 2 years" has turned into permanent residency, but I think (hope!) they'll come back to the US in the next several years. We have a fair amount of their stuff stored in our basement!

I hope that they can keep their jobs!

Thanks! Pretty sure SIL's is safe. DD is on a TA (temp assignment) so she's more vulnerable. We're keeping the faith!

I don't think I ever expected that something like this could happen, it's crazy!

Yesterday, Dr Oz ran part of a show he had done in 2011 about the movie, Contagion. It was a wake up call back then that, today, is playing out in real time. I applaud California's Governor for shutting things down; I know it sucks, but I wish the entire country would just do that for 2-4 weeks.

Stay safe everyone!
Hi all!

We survived the WBPC cruise and made it home on Thursday evening.

Of course with my terrible immune system I broght home a cold/flu, but no fever just stuffy head, headache and achy joints yesterday and today. Our grandson has to stay with his Mom for two weeks to be safe. Our son is doing our grocery runs. All is well under the circumstances.
Hi all!

We survived the WBPC cruise and made it home on Thursday evening.

Of course with my terrible immune system I broght home a cold/flu, but no fever just stuffy head, headache and achy joints yesterday and today. Our grandson has to stay with his Mom for two weeks to be safe. Our son is doing our grocery runs. All is well under the circumstances.

Glad you're home, safe and sound! Feel better soon.

I just saw where there are approximately 30 cruise ships still at sea, trying to figure out where they'll be allowed to dock. My heart goes out to the people on those ships. I love to cruise, and will cruise again (hopefully this December), but for now I'm keeping my feet on U.S. soil!
I agree, I feel for those suck onboard. We have an August cruise booked, but I think we're going to have to wait until next year.
Just checking in to see how everyone is faring.

We did some mandatory grocery shopping today. DH kept apologizing to me when an item was sold out. I got what we needed. We won't starve and I'll get to try out some recipes I've been saving that use some of the family's not-so-favorite cuts of meat.

Stay healthy. Stay in, except for necessary trips. Wash your hands often and use soap. And maintain social distance. I kinda like having the Fogies around!
Hello everyone.

The state of Victoria where I live has announced a "shutdown" effective from Tuesday. Schools will finally be shutting; as will non-essential stores. There is a crackdown on indoor gatherings and all religious places are worship will be shut.
Supermarkets, convenience stores, pharmacies, banks remain open.

We've been told to not undertake any non-essential travel but there isn't any clear guidelines (yet) as to what this means. The best we can work out is that we can still head to the supermarket, pharmacies and banks should the need arise.

An exclusion zone of about 2 x 2 meters should apply around you. This means that there should be about 4 meters between you and the nearest person in any direction. I don't understand why there hasn't been a run on tape measures. I can still find them in all the normal stores. :scratchin

But in case anyone is wondering.....I am taking the situation very seriously. Work from home suits me right now. I do expect to be joining the unemployment ranks in about 2 - 4 weeks as large corporates start to digest what this means to business and cash flow.
Even more than ever....cash will be king.
I expect to find out more about the work situation in the coming days. For now, I'm still employed.

So. I'm guessing that I may be checking in on the Dis more regularly. In all honesty, I haven't got the disposition to not be social. 😞


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