Will anti-vaxxers decline the coronavirus vaccine (when it's eventually available)?

:eek: Where did you get this information? I have not read or heard it anywhere and I've been looking/listening closely for it. Without a vaccine, this is VITAL for the development of herd-immunity and the slow-down of spread. Please provide your sources.

:scratchin I've not studied up on this and don't really know any rabid anti-vaxers personally. I've always been under the impression that it implies parents not accepting the normal childhood vaccines for their kids due to the fear of permanent neurological side-effects. Am I understanding it wrong? Are they generally against all vaccines?
It depends on the particular brand of anti-vaxer. The one I personally knew and her group are against all modern medicine. The “woo” they posted was astounding. When you start citing Susan Somers as your source it’s time for a little self reflection.
I think some will decline because they are against all vaccines, but I think many (the ones who evaluate each vaccine separately) will accept this one.
I think some will decline because they are against all vaccines, but I think many (the ones who evaluate each vaccine separately) will accept this one.

Yes, this vaccine will be hard. We will need to get it, but we rarely jump on vaccines as soon as they are released. My husband is a doc, so we are not anti-vaccine, but there are issues. I had a severe allergic reaction to pertussis vaccine as a kid as did my daughter. Our sons had seizure disorders as kids and the pertussis vaccine was contraindicated for them, plus with my history the family doc and we agreed not to do that one. We waited on the chicken pox one for out daughter until she was 5. ( The boys had it before there was a vaccine.) Other than that we have gotten them all. ( And more than most like yellow fever and typhoid for missionary travel.) But we like for there to be a track record. May have to just take our chances with Covid and get it anyway.
Yes, this vaccine will be hard. We will need to get it, but we rarely jump on vaccines as soon as they are released. My husband is a doc, so we are not anti-vaccine, but there are issues. I had a severe allergic reaction to pertussis vaccine as a kid as did my daughter. Our sons had seizure disorders as kids and the pertussis vaccine was contraindicated for them, plus with my history the family doc and we agreed not to do that one. We waited on the chicken pox one for out daughter until she was 5. ( The boys had it before there was a vaccine.) Other than that we have gotten them all. ( And more than most like yellow fever and typhoid for missionary travel.) But we like for there to be a track record. May have to just take our chances with Covid and get it anyway.
People in your situation are the reason the rest of us need to get vaccinated, to protect you.
Well, one I know posted an article that this virus is really a function of a foreign government implanting remote control devices in their population through a mandated vaccine and that the remote control is used to shut down your internal organs. So, I'm guessing no.
It depends on the particular brand of anti-vaxer. The one I personally knew and her group are against all modern medicine. The “woo” they posted was astounding. When you start citing Susan Somers as your source it’s time for a little self reflection.

Suzanne Somers is anti-vax? Oh, that sucks. Her garlic green bean recipe is terrific.
Suzanne Somers is anti-vax? Oh, that sucks. Her garlic green bean recipe is terrific.
That I don’t know but she’s 100% nuts. She claims to have cured her cancer with homeopathic remedies and encouraged other cancer patients to do the same. Very dangerous to people who are easily susceptible and desperate. This former friend believes in NO modern medicine. She started as anti-vax and went full on down the rabbit hole.
That I don’t know but she’s 100% nuts. She claims to have cured her cancer with homeopathic remedies and encouraged other cancer patients to do the same. Very dangerous to people who easily susceptible and desperate.

Yes, I do remember losing interest in her cookbooks when she stopped siting her experienced endocrinologist for some whacky scam artist.
I have an acquaintance who is not only very much ant-vax but also anti-anything that has any kind of chemicals... makeup, cleaning products, deodorant, toothpaste, etc.

She posts all kinds of articles & links on FB, swears by her essential oils, & refuses to go near a Clorox wipe or a bottle of Purell.

She is very much against getting the annual flu shot, so I’m assuming her family won’t be getting a COVID-19 vaccine either.

I will be a little wary of the vaccine because of how rushed it’s going to be, but I also don’t want to end up watching someone in my family struggle to breathe & maybe even die while thinking the whole time, “I wonder if we had gotten the vaccine, if he’d be okay right now?”
I have pondered the same question over the past weeks.

I can just hear some, "I won't get a flu shot, but, give me that coronavirus shot.". What??? :confused3

We get every vaccine except the flu shot. We finally gave it up after our 5 year old got the flu (again) in 2017 (she got the shot in September 2016). Every year that any of us have gotten the flu shot, we have gotten the flu. And I mean EVERY year.

We did not get the shot in 2017, 2018 or 2019 and none of us have gotten the flu.

We used to get the flu mist when it was available and we didn't get the flu those years either. :confused3

We will get the coronavirus though because it seems, so far, like they are making it to battle a specific strain.

I know of at least one relative who is “light-vax.” Like she skipped the chicken pox vaccine for her kids, but did the MMR shots. She doesn’t do flu shots, but has been posting that she’s hopeful to get a coronavirus vaccine soon.

I think it should be mandatory that if you get the coronavirus shot, you also get a flu shot (baring medical reasons).


Watching my youngest (she was 5) vomit repeatedly for almost 6 hours before the emergency room could give her a stronger medication to stop it and then bawl her eyes out because they had to push fluids through the IV so quickly that she could feel it (painfully) moving into her vein means she will never get a flu shot again.

Every doctor we have ever had, has recommended we get the flu shot, but given our medical histories, do not FORCE us to do so.

We are not considered medically compromised when it comes to vaccines, and we wouldn't be covered under your bolded statement so we would be made to watch out children suffer just so they could get the coronavirus vaccine.

The flu shot, as it doesn't cover every strain of the flu that it is possible to get in a given year, should NEVER be mandatory. And you wouldn't say someone shouldn't be able to get the polio vaccine unless they get the flu shot, so what makes the coronavirus vaccine different?
I got the flu shot, and got some fun reactions from it. A few years later I got the shot, still got the flu (caught another strain) I work in a school so it's highly recommended that we get a flu shot every year. This year they ran out! Never did get the flu shot.

Regarding Anti-vax in our state they now make it a bit more difficult to claim (no vax) you have to get a signed thing from the dept of health, a few more hoops to jump through. I do hope that anit vaxxers see the light.
I know of at least one relative who is “light-vax.” Like she skipped the chicken pox vaccine for her kids, but did the MMR shots. She doesn’t do flu shots, but has been posting that she’s hopeful to get a coronavirus vaccine soon.

I think it should be mandatory that if you get the coronavirus shot, you also get a flu shot (baring medical reasons).
So.... moderately stupid, but not totally stupid.
Well, one I know posted an article that this virus is really a function of a foreign government implanting remote control devices in their population through a mandated vaccine and that the remote control is used to shut down your internal organs. So, I'm guessing no.
A friend of mine sent me a video where some kind of fake scientist earnestly claims that Coronavirus is caused by 5G WiFi. And that H1N1 was caused by regular WiFi, and Spanish Flu was caused by electricity or radio or something. Of course he skipped over trying to explain how the Black Death was caused by anything technology-related.
I’ve told this story before but back in October my younger DD had two back to back viruses. In the past on a couple of occasions when this has happened she’s woken up with hives but this time she woke up not being able to walk. Basically her immune system attacked her muscles. The ER doctor (not a pediatrician) was quite adamant that I get her tested for immune disorders while the ped for her follow up didn’t think it was necessary but gave me a referral anyway. Because she was just coming off of two viruses and her immune system going haywire I didn’t feel comfortable adding a flu shot to the mix and chose not to get it for her.

I think there are valid reasons for some to choose not to get certain vaccinations in certain situations but I’m not for the denial of ALL science and playing Russian Roulette with your kid based on obscure google searches. I would not hesitate to get a Covid Vax for my family but I would want clearance from an immunologist for DD first. If she’s not able to get it hopefully the rest of us getting it would help to protect her. (eta: she’s done fine with all previous vaccinations)
I think there are valid reasons for some to choose not to get certain vaccinations in certain situations but I’m not for the denial of ALL science and playing Russian Roulette with your kid based on obscure google searches. I would not hesitate to get a Covid Vax for my family but I would want clearance from an immunologist for DD first. If she’s not able to get it hopefully the rest of us getting it would help to protect her. (eta: she’s done fine with all previous vaccinations)

Agreed. I listened to an extended interview with a vaccine researcher (see below) where he says every child should be medically evaluated to look for contra-indications for vaccinating. He said that autism happens in the womb and can be traced to the approximate month. Thus debunking anti-vaccers.

If you want to listen, the interview occurred on Joe Rogan's podcast. Just google it and Hotez's name. (Yes, the Fear Factor guy, but it's the most listened to podcast in the country due to his guests and Joe's willingness to present ideas, even one's he disagrees with)

Peter Hotez, M.D., Ph.D. is Dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine and Professor of Pediatrics and Molecular Virology & Microbiology at Baylor College of Medicine where he is also the Director of the Texas Children’s Center for Vaccine Development (CVD) and Texas Children’s
Yes, this vaccine will be hard. We will need to get it, but we rarely jump on vaccines as soon as they are released. My husband is a doc, so we are not anti-vaccine, but there are issues. I had a severe allergic reaction to pertussis vaccine as a kid as did my daughter. Our sons had seizure disorders as kids and the pertussis vaccine was contraindicated for them, plus with my history the family doc and we agreed not to do that one. We waited on the chicken pox one for out daughter until she was 5. ( The boys had it before there was a vaccine.) Other than that we have gotten them all. ( And more than most like yellow fever and typhoid for missionary travel.) But we like for there to be a track record. May have to just take our chances with Covid and get it anyway.

I had bad reactions to the flu shot when it first came out. Now, I don't have any trouble.

What, I think, I'll do first is get tested to see if I already have antibodies for COVID-19 before getting a vaccine for it. If I don't, then I'll get it and grin and bare it.
Of course they won't get it. Their elderberry syrup will protect them.

But in seriousness, I hope they change their minds. Enough of them, anyway.

The vaccines being developed are different than others using weakened strains of the virus. So far, they are developing RNA vaccines which work differently.

The one they are testing right now in humans (not an RNA vaccine) is actually an injection of the type of protein that sits on the surface of the SARS-CoV2 virus that binds with our own cell receptors. The vaccine is attempting to introduce these specific proteins so that our bodies learn to recognize and defend against it if a SARS-CoV2 comes in later. The proteins are specific to this coronavirus so if our bodies can recognize it as a foreign invader and be mobilized to attack it early, the virus will not be able to take hold and replicate quickly enough to make us ill. A vaccine like this has virtually no danger associated with it, it's just a matter of seeing if it actually causes an immune response that works when the virus is introduced later. I suspect phase 2 of this testing is going to include exposing these test subjects to the virus.

Watching my youngest (she was 5) vomit repeatedly for almost 6 hours before the emergency room could give her a stronger medication to stop it and then bawl her eyes out because they had to push fluids through the IV so quickly that she could feel it (painfully) moving into her vein means she will never get a flu shot again.

Every doctor we have ever had, has recommended we get the flu shot, but given our medical histories, do not FORCE us to do so.

We are not considered medically compromised when it comes to vaccines, and we wouldn't be covered under your bolded statement so we would be made to watch out children suffer just so they could get the coronavirus vaccine.

The flu shot, as it doesn't cover every strain of the flu that it is possible to get in a given year, should NEVER be mandatory. And you wouldn't say someone shouldn't be able to get the polio vaccine unless they get the flu shot, so what makes the coronavirus vaccine different?
So you have a medical reason to not get the flu shot.

ETA: This isn’t directed at you, but I don’t get arguments that someone decided to skip the flu shot just because it doesn’t protect against every strain of flu. Like, even if it’s only 40% effective, that’s still higher than 0% effective. So, again, baring a negative medical condition or reaction, what’s the point in skipped it?
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Yep, just a “glorified flu.” This set me off because my DH’s grandmother and my SIL’s mother both suffered from the effects of polio almost their entire lives. I had a “do not engage” policy with her but that kind of sent me over the edge.
My Grampa had polio as a child and suffered the effects until he passed at age 93. HE would tell us of how he was sick and in pain for months and never fully able to keep up with his brothers after he recovered. Mom and my uncle (his kids) got the Salk vaccine as soon a it was available so they would never have to suffer like he did.


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