Cancelled our Spring Break at CCV, now we have an early August at OKW . . . but why would things be different then?

Mickey of the Villages

Can't have nice things
May 6, 2019
We had an awesome 7-nt trip planned for Spring Break. 2-Br at CCV. The longest trip our family would have ever taken at WDW. Everything planned for months. We cancelled it when WDW closed the parks.

At that time we thought "it must be better by August right"? So we took the CCV points and booked a 9-nt stay at OKW. An extra two-days to make up for our disappointment from Spring Break.

As I watch all this play out and see rumblings of a June 1st opening I just wonder . . . won't COVID-19 still be around in the summer? Why will it be safer to travel and be in large groups then in a way it isn't now?

Maybe I'm missing something but unless there is a vaccine there is no protection against getting this and potentially spreading it all over the country through the parks and hotels in Orlando. Folks from all over the world come to the parks - what am I supposed to think about that?

Am I living in a fool's paradise about my August reservation? Should I make one even later this year.

Look I want to be there on the first day they open the parks as much as the next guy. But I also do not want to go to the hospital, I don't want to be intubated (put on a vent) while I am awake or worse. I don't want to spread this to others.

What do y'all think?
Well, I think it will stil be around, but by then, from what I am hearing from all the experts, things will be much better and we can get back to doing things...even if it looks differently then it does now,

I have a June and a Aug trip scneduled...the early August a reschedule from well as October which is the reschedule d May trip.

I am not sure everyone will have the same comfort level with going to WDW. I do think that when they do, they will put in place safeguards that are supported by health officials recommendations.
I have a reservation at the beginning of July and really doubt it will be worth anything. Just keep an eye on things and be ready to cancel before it goes into holding. That's what I'm doing.
The more people that get it and recover, the harder it is for the virus to spread. We are working towards herd immunity right now. Hopefully, by the end of the summer, we'll have sufficient immunity for big groups to be not as big of a deal.

this. This is how it works with any virus.
Just my honest opinion,,
I just cancelled my Dec 2020 OKW holiday. Too many unknowns to be making plans that far away.
I am not even sure my Health Insurance would even cover traveling to the USA,,and if current airlines will still be operating (bankruptcy). We are going to plan something much closer to home,,,Disney will always be there when the time is right.
Being respectful to Health care systems now and in the future is also a consideration of mine.

I have a reservation at the beginning of July and really doubt it will be worth anything. Just keep an eye on things and be ready to cancel before it goes into holding. That's what I'm doing.

I have a July reservation, which includes 54 banked vacation points. For the past several days, I have been wondering if it would have been better to cancel and bank what I could instead of holding on to it.
I have a late October reservation that I will almost certainly be cancelling. A vaccine is at least 12-18 months away. Can't justify exposing myself, family or any of my friends & neighbors until then. I have a tiny sliver of hope (aka wishful thinking) and airfare booked, so I'll hang on until September before actually cancelling.
I have a late October reservation that I will almost certainly be cancelling. A vaccine is at least 12-18 months away. Can't justify exposing myself, family or any of my friends & neighbors until then. I have a tiny sliver of hope (aka wishful thinking) and airfare booked, so I'll hang on until September before actually cancelling.
Consider that there may be more treatment options, as well. If any of the anecdotal evidence shakes out, and pre-existing drugs are effective, we might have a much less dangerous virus on our hands.
Consider that there may be more treatment options, as well. If any of the anecdotal evidence shakes out, and pre-existing drugs are effective, we might have a much less dangerous virus on our hands.
That of course would be wonderful. Unfortunately, I haven't seen any anecdotal reports that the treatments worked for the high risk groups. They only worked for those with mild symptoms. But I really hope you are right.
The fact is that without a vaccine you will not have the full protection necessary to create true herd immunity. The fear/question of health care systems collapsing will most likely be over. Yes there will be some semblance of immunity but there will also be second waves because this percentage is not *that* high (this is why many argue for vaccination legislation). Will restrictions be lifted by August? Probably. Do you think you will personally feel comfortable travelling if you are booked for August and have not have Covid-19? The answer to that question will vary from person to person and only you know the answer.
ICU physician here (pediatrics though, so not feeling the impact quite as much).

Yes, COVID-19 will still be here in August, and there will still be considerable risk as everyone is naive against this virus. What will have changed, hopefully, is that we'll no longer be seeing a surge on hospital and critical care resources, plus we'll have widespread availability of rapid testing. It would be an added bonus if we had a reliable treatment option that could be given to prevent either hospitalization or need for the ICU. We'll also hopefully have data on the duration of immunity as well.

In an ideal scenario over the coming months, with rapid testing of both infection and immunity (which you'll see labeled as seroconversion, titers, IgG or IgM levels among other things), we'll be able to move from a system of widespread social distancing to one of aggressive quarantine of positive cases. People who have seroconverted will be able to go about their regular business, we'll be able to rapidly trace contacts of positives and it'll make it a lot safer to be out in the community. I anticipate that by the end of the year, most everyone will have had multiple tests for COVID until you know you've gotten it and have the documentation of seroconversion.

That rising herd immunity will further slow the spread and make it easier for hospitals to keep up with the demand.

The best news is that kids rarely get very sick with this virus. I'm on an international call of pediatric ICU doctors and follow a national database of US Peds ICU cases and it's rather astounding how few kids are getting ill with it. Even in NYC, there's been fewer than 30 kids (as of April 3rd when I originally wrote this post) who have needed the Peds ICU. Obviously more have been hospitalized, but still a very small percentage of cases. Don't get me wrong, there have been some very, very, very sick kids with this virus, but in the grand scheme of things, it's not very many.

Now, if you and your family have gotten sick, recovered, and the parks are open in August, then by all means continue on your vacation. If you haven't, then you'll have to make a risk assessment and decide what your risk tolerance is, keeping in mind that you'll likely be screened at the airport if you're flying and may be denied boarding your flight if ill. Do you take a shorter trip on the chance that you make it home before you get symptoms that keep you in Orlando? Do you decide to drive instead? Do you avoid large group settings entirely? Only you can make that decision.
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ICU physician here (pediatrics though, so not feeling the impact quite as much).

Yes, COVID-19 will still be here in August, and there will still be considerable risk as everyone is naive against this virus. What will have changed, hopefully, is that we'll no longer be seeing a surge on hospital and critical care resources, plus, we'll have widespread availability of rapid testing. It would be an added bonus if we had a reliable treatment option that could be given to prevent either hospitalization or need for the ICU. We'll also hopefully have data on the duration of immunity as well.

In an ideal scenario over the coming months, with rapid testing of both infection and immunity (which you'll see labeled as seroconversion, titers, IgG or IgM levels among other things), we'll be able to move from a system of widespread social distancing to one of aggressive quarantine of positive cases. People who have seroconverted will be able to go about their regular business, we'll be able to rapidly trace contacts of positives and it'll make it a lot safer to be out in the community. I anticipate that by the end of the year, most everyone will have had multiple tests for COVID until you know you've gotten it and have the documentation of seroconversion.

That rising herd immunity will further slow the spread and make it easier for hospitals to keep up with the demand.

The best news is that kids rarely get very sick with this virus. I'm on an international call of pediatric ICU doctors and follow a national database of US Peds ICU cases and it's rather astounding how few kids are getting ill with it. Even in NYC, there's been fewer than 30 kids who have needed the Peds ICU. Obviously more have been hospitalized, but still a very small percentage of cases. Don't get me wrong, there have been some very, very, very sick kids with this virus, but in the grand scheme of things, it's not very many.

Now, if you and your family have gotten sick, recovered, and the parks are open in August, then by all means continue on your vacation. If you haven't, then you'll have to make a risk assessment and decide what your risk tolerance is, keeping in mind that you'll likely be screened at the airport if you're flying and may be denied boarding your flight if ill. Do you take a shorter trip on the chance that you make it home before you get symptoms that keep you in Orlando? Do you decide to drive instead? Do you avoid large group settings entirely? Only you can make that decision.
Thank you for a very informative post.
Is the word naive in the first sentence "everyone is naive against this virus " an autocorrect?
My DH and I are more than likely going to cancel our November WDW trip and book a trip for November 2021. I'm a little bummed since we just purchased our first APs, and this was going to be my first trip after retirement. I was so excited to be able to start traveling in retirement, but our health is more important. We don't feel comfortable flying or being in large groups until there is a vaccine and/or treatment. We have a HHI trip booked for October. I'm not giving up on that just yet, as we can drive and there are way less crowds. But I'm getting ready to book a March 2021 HHI trip as a back-up just in case we do decide to cancel.
We had an awesome 7-nt trip planned for Spring Break. 2-Br at CCV. The longest trip our family would have ever taken at WDW. Everything planned for months. We cancelled it when WDW closed the parks.

At that time we thought "it must be better by August right"? So we took the CCV points and booked a 9-nt stay at OKW. An extra two-days to make up for our disappointment from Spring Break.

As I watch all this play out and see rumblings of a June 1st opening I just wonder . . . won't COVID-19 still be around in the summer? Why will it be safer to travel and be in large groups then in a way it isn't now?

Maybe I'm missing something but unless there is a vaccine there is no protection against getting this and potentially spreading it all over the country through the parks and hotels in Orlando. Folks from all over the world come to the parks - what am I supposed to think about that?

Am I living in a fool's paradise about my August reservation? Should I make one even later this year.

Look I want to be there on the first day they open the parks as much as the next guy. But I also do not want to go to the hospital, I don't want to be intubated (put on a vent) while I am awake or worse. I don't want to spread this to others.

What do y'all think?

I'm so glad you posted this. I have the exact same concerns as you. So I was interested to read all the replies. Although my feelings may change as time gets closer, how I plan to handle it is this-my September trip will mostly be a resort trip. It's scheduled as a split stay, BCV and AKL. I'm strongly considering avoiding Disney transportation, so at BCV, I'll probably just do Epcot. Then lots of sitting around SAB with a good book. Fortunately, AKL is my kind of "no parks" location-that resort usually offers such a wide variety of activities, plus, since I booked savannah view, I'll be happy just sitting on my balcony watching animals. Except when I do the "Dine with an Animal Specialist" at Sanaa, which I booked today.
Then I hope to go solo in January, at BCV )already booked that too), when I can enjoy all the parks in full.
I'm so glad you posted this. I have the exact same concerns as you. So I was interested to read all the replies. Although my feelings may change as time gets closer, how I plan to handle it is this-my September trip will mostly be a resort trip. It's scheduled as a split stay, BCV and AKL. I'm strongly considering avoiding Disney transportation, so at BCV, I'll probably just do Epcot. Then lots of sitting around SAB with a good book. Fortunately, AKL is my kind of "no parks" location-that resort usually offers such a wide variety of activities, plus, since I booked savannah view, I'll be happy just sitting on my balcony watching animals. Except when I do the "Dine with an Animal Specialist" at Sanaa, which I booked today.
Then I hope to go solo in January, at BCV )already booked that too), when I can enjoy all the parks in full.
Same here. Just rebooked for the second time for August-- points expire August 31. BLT for 4 nights, then BRV for five nights. I will be wearing a mask, and only going on monorail cars with others wearing masks as well. :) Cancelled our dream spring break, and dream June (first time for Poly), so hoping things work out! Good luck!


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