Cruise and Theme Park Operational Updates due to Coronavirus

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I just do not see Disney announcing their opening plan in a task force meeting like Universal just did. It's so.... not Disney. I'm expecting them to ask to present their proposal privately and then they release their press release like they normally do everything else.
The Governor laid out 1 option. That's not the option he laid out.
The next Task Force meeting, and Disney's next opportunity to present a plan, is next Wednesday, 5/27. I would assume they will not release anything ahead of time in case the Task Force, Mayor, or Governor reject their plan. They may also choose to continue to wait.
They can submit without a formal presentation.
Honestly...? I see the parks not opening until after the NBA is done. So... perhaps August, September. I mean, we've already got half of June cancelled. They've also already said/indicated several times it will be a staged re-opening...
Disney isn't staying closed until August or September. The NBA will have no bearing on when WDW reopens.
I guess they don’t care, but ppl who have flights booked & other nonrefundable things that got cancelled by Disney might end up at UO now & maybe permanently. For a company who used to try every trick in the book to keep you on property so you don’t wander off to their competitors, it seems like a bad move to let UO open way earlier (if that’s the case).
Universal is much easier to plan for and I think that Universal's top rides are generally better as a group than those of Disney. If Universal had better dining options (I'm not a huge fan of their dining) then we might do a Universal-only trip anyway. I suspect next trip -- probably in 2021 since there's going to be another virus surge in the fall -- we'll split our time equally between the two, whereas in the past it was usually 80% of the time at Disney. But that has nothing to do with how Disney has handled the pandemic response, since I think they've been spot on.
Honestly? Disney knows (or should know) their silence is ticking off a lot of people. They're giving their guests, many of whom have a lot of money, time, effort and energy tied up in these vacations, absolutely NOTHING. With all the other parks now starting to submit plans, request openings etc... I do agree, it looks quite bad on Disney that they're still postponing/continuing the silence.
Picking an opening date and missing it will tick off more people. At this point, it you have a vacation booked in June, you should know the situation.
Universal is much easier to plan for and I think that Universal's top rides are generally better as a group than those of Disney. If Universal had better dining options (I'm not a huge fan of their dining) then we might do a Universal-only trip anyway. I suspect next trip -- probably in 2021 since there's going to be another virus surge in the fall -- we'll split our time equally between the two, whereas in the past it was usually 80% of the time at Disney. But that has nothing to do with how Disney has handled the pandemic response, since I think they've been spot on.
I'd disagree with that statement. What are Universal's top rides? Hulk, Hagrid's and Gringotts? I'd say ROTR, FOP and Everest are better than those.
And if this is the case, we will be done for good. I have no interest in continuing to support a company who ditches its loyal customers for a one time pay day all the while stringing those customers along in hopes of a bigger pay day.

ETA: The best part is some ppl thought their hesitation to open too early was the bad PR it would bring. But I have to think a move like this would bring equal or worse PR.
This isn't going to happen.
I don't mean this to sound callous, but most of those people will get over it once Disney opens.

Yes. And DVC members can’t do much against legal things Disney chooses to do except sell/rent (to another person who will keep coming) and/or vent their frustrations. They’re the ultimate example of someone who’s going to keep coming back regardless (or have someone in their spot coming instead).
I'd disagree with that statement. What are Universal's top rides? Hulk, Hagrid's and Gringotts? I'd say ROTR, FOP and Everest are better than those.
Without getting too off topic, I'd say Hulk, Gringotts, Mummy and Forbidden Journey (haven't been on Hagrid's) and I think those are better than Everest or FOP. But I know that others will definitely disagree with me so concede that you could be right.
Hmm I think an interesting thing to walk away from this is that UOR opening plan still needs to be approved by DeSantis.

There is a chance that this may not be approved, and they don't make that June 5th mark, and then there are going to be a lot of unhappy people who took today's meeting as set in stone.

I think THAT is the reason Disney will present their proposal privately and release the information on their own terms.
Hmm I think an interesting thing to walk away from this is that UOR opening plan still needs to be approved by DeSantis.

There is a chance that this may not be approved, and they don't make that June 5th mark, and then there are going to be a lot of unhappy people who took today's meeting as set in stone.

I think THAT is the reason Disney will present their proposal privately and release the information on their own terms.
100% DeSantis will approve UO
Maybe it's time ppl put their money where there mouth is and stop giving it to the Mouse. Ppl need to take off their Mickey coloured glasses. Take a Dollywood or Cedar Point vacation instead. Or if you want to go to Orlando give it to Universal.
No one is ticked off about Universal because Universal is a locals park. I've taken a day to go to Universal during our last two trips. Both times, we were able to do everything we wanted to in both parks in less than a day. At the same time, Disney was fairly busy. Universal doesn't draw nearly the same amount of people as Disney does because it's not as good. If not for Harry Potter, we wouldn't bother going there at all.
Picking an opening date and missing it will tick off more people. At this point, it you have a vacation booked in June, you should know the situation.
I'm genuinely curious: Do you think Disney is totally in the right by offering a promotion to incentivize people during a pandemic, then hear crickets from them on whether their vacation is still happening, then slowly send out a generic cancellation email to those same people with 2 weeks notice, with no indication that they will be offered anything else, and they cannot modify their vacations? I don't hate Disney, I just do not believe this was handled as well as it could have been for guest recovery. But I also realize that Disney's #1 duty it to their shareholders, period.
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