Does anyone else walk, run while packing heat?

Speaking of safety, due to Covid-19 many unsavory characters are being released from jail before serving their time.
These are strange times. Be safe ya'll!
We have like eight, I kid you not, eight sex offenders for this county that can not be located right now. Unreal.
We have like eight, I kid you not, eight sex offenders for this county that can not be located right now. Unreal.
Gratifying for me to read your comments and see a women that realizes she is the only person that can possibly protect herself in all the situations she encounters. Gratifying to see a women that accepts personal responsibility for her own protection. Male attackers are nearly always stronger and have experience in predation on females. A gun definitely can be more than an equalizer. Do everyone a service and shoot true to kill so that at least one predator can always be readily located still lying in his grave. Nothing lower than a man that preys on women and/or children. Forcible predation has been increasing again for several years and the reported cases in 2018 were back above 10/hour in the US.
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Statistically you are more likely to mistakenly kill someone you think means harm.
There are typically 500 accidental deaths per year from firearms in the US. This is a very small total number for an entire year and equivalent to less than five hours of forcible predations. I have no idea where your statistics came from.

In any event thank goodness for the right to bear arms and I applaud any woman that realizes it is ultimately her responsibility to defend herself. I realize fully that there are no statistics nor real life situations that could dissuade you from your view and that is fine with me. It is your right to believe as you choose and it is any law abiding citizen’s right in the US to have a firearm to protect themselves and their family from predators.
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Thank goodness the US isn’t as bad as Wales and England. They combined have 16% of the population of the US but 60% of the forcible predations. So per capita they have 400% more reported forcible predations per year than in the US based on their 2019 statistics. A defenseless woman is four times more likely to be preyed upon there than in the US.
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Maybe it is a regional thing, but I have never seen anyone except a police office with a holster on walking around. I live just outside of Boston. If I had a gun in a holster on me on my walks it would definitely seem out of place and bizarre. Would never even occur to me to do that. No judgement- just thinking how different certain areas are as far as guns go.
It's not necessarily a regional thing as much as it is a state, and in some states, a county thing. Some states allow open carry of a firearm without a permit, some require a permit and some disallow it completely. I would be willing to bet that you've bee around quite a few firearms in holsters and never knew it. Around 10% of MA residents have a valid License to Carry. And while open carry is not specifically prohibited as a license holder, there are numerous instances of holders open carrying and then having their licenses revoked. Statistically speaking a holder of a valid carry permit is less likely to commit a felony than a police officer.
Threads like this make me sad for our once great nation.
I agree fully! It is sad that we have degenerated from a nation of independent thinkers advocating for personal responsibility, individual liberty, self determination and self protection to this sorry state of big government intruding into and dictating our daily lives while so many demand that we give up the few liberties we have left.

I don't get to dictate OP's rights or desires based on my "feels" any more than OP should be able to dictate mine. OP is choosing to protect himself/herself rather than relying on someone else (remember- when seconds count, police are only minutes away).

Kudo's to you OP-- get training, be responsible, and find something in stainless....
I am not even really sure what to say about this thread.

I skimmed through it but I certainly would never run with a gun. The thought would never cross my mind. If I felt the need to do that I would never run. What about pepper spray or something smaller and lighter? I hunt so have used guns plenty of times but running with a gun would have me concerned for my own safety even more. I certainly think a treadmill would be a better option or driving to a location that is safer to run.
This thread is pretty interesting. The comments stating “Oh, I’d never run with a gun, and if I had to, I’d run inside/move” are likely being made by men. Men who most likely have not been subjected to harassment during runs on a daily/weekly basis. There’s a huge difference in running as a single female runner and single male runner.

While I would never run with a gun, over time I have had to start wearing the least flattering running clothes I can find; carry pepper spray in hand; and run with the largest, most protective, athletic dog. The only thing that drastically helps is running with my husband.

This article is not the one I was actually looking to share, but you’ll get the idea:
To the OP, I can’t give you any advice about running with guns. My best friend tried it without much success when she lived in the mountains (more so to protect against wild animals). There are several other protective devices you can research. Stun guns, mace, etc. As I mentioned above, I carry the pepper spray since I feel it’s the least likely item I’ll hurt myself with. My huge Rhodesian Ridgeback is what has kept people away from me even if he doesn’t 100% stop the harassment, and being with my husband helps reduce the harassment. Good luck and do what you need to to stay safe.
Thank goodness the US isn’t as bad as Wales and England. They combined have 16% of the population of the US but 60% of the forcible predations. So per capita they have 400% more reported forcible predations per year than in the US based on their 2019 statistics. A defenseless woman is four times more likely to be preyed upon there than in the US.
I would be interested to read the evidence of this, particularly as ‘forcible predations’ is not a term used by the legal system here.
I am not even really sure what to say about this thread.

I skimmed through it but I certainly would never run with a gun. The thought would never cross my mind. If I felt the need to do that I would never run. What about pepper spray or something smaller and lighter? I hunt so have used guns plenty of times but running with a gun would have me concerned for my own safety even more. I certainly think a treadmill would be a better option or driving to a location that is safer to run.
I am amazed that the thread has been allowed to continue. I wonder how many people come to a Disney forum expecting to read about people running with guns.
I would be interested to read the evidence of this, particularly as ‘forcible predations’ is not a term used by the legal system here
Here you go. Sorry if this confused you-I didn’t expect that. I am just using that instead of the r word since this is a family forum and don’t want to use offensive language. Here are the stats for the r word then. You may have to use the address rather than the link since it is a pay service ostensibly. It shows nearly 60,000 in 2019.
I am amazed that the thread has been allowed to continue. I wonder how many people come to a Disney forum expecting to read about people running with guns.
Why? Does respectful discussion with differing opinions offend you? Sure, the potential for inflamed rhetoric exists but that hasn't happened yet. The OP asked a question about a topic that he/she has interest in- because you may have a differing opinion is no reason to silence the person or the response.

We all have risk in our lives. It is up to each of us to choose how we want to mitigate those risks.
I agree fully! It is sad that we have degenerated from a nation of independent thinkers advocating for personal responsibility, individual liberty, self determination and self protection to this sorry state of big government intruding into and dictating our daily lives while so many demand that we give up the few liberties we have left.

I don't get to dictate OP's rights or desires based on my "feels" any more than OP should be able to dictate mine. OP is choosing to protect himself/herself rather than relying on someone else (remember- when seconds count, police are only minutes away).

Kudo's to you OP-- get training, be responsible, and find something in stainless....

Gun deaths per 100,000 people / year

USA > 12
Canada 2
Italy 1.3
Australia 0.9

Compared to other developed nations, the US gun death rate is at least 5x higher.

I would say everyone in the USA has a say on guns, since it clearly is a public safety matter affecting everyone.
Why? Does respectful discussion with differing opinions offend you? Sure, the potential for inflamed rhetoric exists but that hasn't happened yet. The OP asked a question about a topic that he/she has interest in- because you may have a differing opinion is no reason to silence the person or the response.

We all have risk in our lives. It is up to each of us to choose how we want to mitigate those risks.
I haven’t expressed an opinion, regarding the OP’s question. I live in Wales and (thankfully) it isn’t an issue I have any need to consider, although as a matter of principle, when requested, I refuse to sign applications for shotgun and firearms certificates. It isn’t a responsibility that I am willing to assume.
I have questioned whether people come to a Disney forum expecting to read about people running with guns... and now rape.
I would say everyone in the USA has a say on guns, since it clearly is a public safety matter affecting everyone.
Absolutely. We have that right. We have the right to an opinion- but we DON'T have a right to dictate to others.
My rights end where yours begin- and vice versa. OP's situation is different from my own, which is different from yours. What you may think of the OP's choice is immaterial.

The OP has the ultimate authority to decide for themselves how to mitigate risk-- you nor I have the right to do that for them.


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