Cruise and Theme Park Operational Updates due to Coronavirus

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We'll see, they haven't so far but they were quick to add day of for purchase tickets

Obviously still time and maybe they adjust going forward but if I was a passholder that didn't get a reservation for today but could get there, but not able to get in while they are selling day of tickets I'd be a bit annoyed
wouldn’t be surprised if APs could go today and get in, until the reservations are full, would have to wait in that line though
I am glad she is leaving - just not good for her to be there now. There is no way things are going to be 100% compliant 100% of the time and if every tiny deviation will upset you (which is understandable) then best to not be there. Feel bad for her

Which is what a lot of us have said all along but have been deemed negative and alarmist and shifting goal posts to Disney not being able to enforce rules.

You will never have 100% compliance at all times. There will very likely be uncomfortable (short) moments here and there especially when you’re spending multiple days there. This is something people need to be okay with when traveling. The crowd who freaked out at the 7DMT pile up and are shocked it happened shouldn’t be going.
Yeah she is unfortunately an example of someone who should not be at a theme park due to personal issues. Obviously there would be lines and big groups together like those in the photos (and they don’t seem nearly as bad as they could be, I’m surprised at how spaced out they are). Maybe she didn’t realize until she was there that it would cause it her anxiety? Anxiety is not a joke, been there done that. You turn around and walk away.
This has nothing to do with anxiety. She is skeptical of Disney's ability to operate safely during a pandemic, in the new epicenter of the virus. So many people want to explain away any critical comments as negative; they are not. It's not complaining, it's feedback that should make everyone aware of exactly what is going on. This isn't as simple as "the line is too long for __________ attraction. Let me walk away." This line, where people are not maintain the minimum required distance, is to get into the park. People claiming she should just walk away must understand that due to guests/Disney's negligence in following/enforcing the safety protocols, people are at increased risk and may need to make the decision to abandon plans to even visit the parks. That is important information...not just someone who is overly anxious; this places blame on the individual, and not the ones actually responsible.
She has decided to leave. She doesn’t feel comfortable. I feel bad for her. She tried but her anxiety got the best of her.
Anxiety or not, she did the right thing.

With FL numbers its quite possible there were people with it that queue and they were not safe distances apart.

The one thing I dont get though is did she need to be in that queue or was she just watching it to report on it?
I understand needing to make money, but that's a pretty bitter pill for those with blocked AP's. At some point you have to factor in customer service instead of just looking at $$$$$. I think it's yet another indication of just how low demand is to go to the parks.

They gave us an extra month. While I’m not happy that I couldn’t be there for this historic day (not happy being a huge understatement), I will give them that month. But after that, they should be given zero slack from APs.
This has nothing to do with anxiety. She is skeptical of Disney's ability to operate safely during a pandemic, in the new epicenter of the virus. So many people want to explain away any critical comments as negative; they are not. It's not complaining, it's feedback that should make everyone aware of exactly what is going on. This isn't as simple as "the line is too long for __________ attraction. Let me walk away." This line, where people are not maintain the minimum required distance, is to get into the park. People claiming she should just walk away must understand that due to guests/Disney's negligence in following/enforcing the safety protocols, people are at increased risk and may need to make the decision to abandon plans to even visit the parks. That is important information...not just someone who is overly anxious; this places blame on the individual, and not the ones actually responsible.
Simply because Disney didn't expect a line such as this does not mean that they are being negligent, or that they won't have line markers by tomorrow. Her anxiety is a real issue, and she should have considered this before she made the cross-country trip. She hadn't mentally prepared for this before she arrived, and the fact that she didn't consider that there would be hiccups on the first day is a bit ridiculous.
If they have park availability for guests, AP's should be able to book a reservation right now and go. It's ridiculous that one would have to drive to the parks and just see if they could get in.

I mean that’s obviously not what’s going on lol. Serious grasping of straws on that posters behalf. Disney is not having APs line up at the gates to see if there’s room for them. In a pandemic. Where distancing and crowding needs to be controlled.

That is something they would adjust and allow to be booked online if they were letting it happen. The AP availability is what it is for the time being. They warned it would be hard to book at they weren’t joking. The ones hit hardest are the locals who went often and never needed a resort.
Could the activation of AP’s not be done automatically when entering a park? Why would one have to go to GS to do it in the 1st place? :fish:
The line is pretty much always long there. While opening up, I don’t really see what they can do w/ those people lining up.
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Could the activation of AP’s not be done automatically when entering a park? Why would one have to go to GC to do it in the 1st place? :fish:
The line is pretty much always long there. While opening up, I don’t really see what they can do w/ those people lining up.

Do FL residents have to prove residency before activating? Thats what we have to do with discounted Canadian tickets.
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