Third Wave is Here...

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DD12's school just had their first case. NS is booming right now, Halifax area in particular. We are doing close to 10,000 tests per day at this point and catching 50-60 cases, so pretty good percentages.

Her and I will get tested Tuesday just to be safe.
:( Oh my, the news is certainly grim from Alberta this weekend. 1,500 cases on Saturday and another 1,400 today. Almost a 9% positivity rate with the large majority now being variants. Hospitalization rates are still manageable but it's nail-bitey for sure. Waiting and watching for new announcements - can BC style restrictions be far behind?

And I'm heartsick watching the news tonight reporting on the conditions in India. I'm so confused about why there has not been more vaccine deployed there since many of the largest manufacturing facilities are in that country. It's a small comfort to hear that Canada is preparing a substantial shipment of PPE and ventilation equipment for their relief. Godspeed.
h my, the news is certainly grim yrs from Alberta this weekend. 1,500 cases on Saturday and another 1,400 today. Almost a 9% positivity rate with the large majority now being variants. Hospitalization rates are still manageable but it's nail-bitey for sure. Waiting and watching for new announcements - can BC style restrictions be far behind?
This does not surprise me.

Alberta as a whole, has a population who are younger. Alberta did not get hit hard in the first wave, because our senior population is lower. I know in my city especially, we have a very young aged population compared to other cities across Canada.

Since the B1 variant is growing fast here, which is affecting the younger population, it would explain why Alberta is seeing such a high spike of cases.

We are just being extra vigilant right now as a family. We have our first shots, but at this point, it doesn't mean much for the next 2 -3 weeks.
We are in Peel region and this past weekend I noticed 3 Tim Hortons that were totally closed! Our Son has just graduated from his college program and was to start a job in field this week but has been delayed because of an outbreak.
Ooof! NS is in pickle now. Highest numbers of the pandemic to date this week, with mass testing, however, so that at least keeps the percentage low. But the exposure notices are a lot to take in now. The Halifax Regional Centre for Education (50,000 students) went to at-home learning for two weeks as there are too many teachers out for covid or as a close contact.

I know this is not even a drop in the bucket compared to our Central and Western provinces, but it is a real wake up call for us that covid is not gone from our region and can explode at a moments notice.

I read today that NB has identified a case of the new India variant.

Stay safe my fellow DIS'ers...
We are in Peel region and this past weekend I noticed 3 Tim Hortons that were totally closed! Our Son has just graduated from his college program and was to start a job in field this week but has been delayed because of an outbreak.

I know ......I know .....and also my McDonalds closed for half a day too!!!!
Things are bad when your Tims closes.
I just ordered a 30 pk of Keurig Tim Pods from curbside Canadian Tire pick-up.
I know ......I know .....and also my McDonalds closed for half a day too!!!!
Things are bad when your Tims closes.
I just ordered a 30 pk of Keurig Tim Pods from curbside Canadian Tire pick-up.

My McDonalds too!
Didn't they say at the beginning that this was the same as the Spanish Flu, and that lasted two years?
I read on the CDC website Spanish flu began Spring 1918 and ended (as a pandemic) summer 1919 without a vaccine but yes I fully expect more or less 2 years from start to when life will get back to “normal”. Hoping for semi normal by Fall with the vaccinations.
I totally get this! Or people walking around in a store without masks. I'm like, WHAT alternate universe are you living in!?

We have family in Florida and they recently had other family from Europe visit and everywhere they went to they wore masks, every store, hotel and attraction requires them where my family lives near Orlando. Even though Florida as a state doesn’t require them.
Is it bad that I hope that vaccine passports will be a thing? Not for every day activities but the more crowded ones and travel. I am of the belief that everyone absolutely has the right to do what they feel is right for their families when it comes to a vaccine but I am also fed up with the population out there who is being vocal about the whole conspiracy theories and how the vaccines will kill us all and if not now then 10 years from now...
I saw someone comment under my friend’s FB post where she shared her getting vaccinated something along the lines of “oh good get the vaccine silly people, so they can lift the lockdowns and leave the rest of us alone”... just made me so mad!
If you can’t get one fine but if you are refusing one but counting on others to get it so that you could go on with your own life?
I don’t know why it’s making me so mad lately. I stay out of politics and vaccine discussions but now I have secretly started to hope that those that get it will have at least some more privileges. At least when it comes to travel, flying etc.
Is it bad that I hope that vaccine passports will be a thing? Not for every day activities but the more crowded ones and travel. I am of the belief that everyone absolutely has the right to do what they feel is right for their families when it comes to a vaccine but I am also fed up with the population out there who is being vocal about the whole conspiracy theories and how the vaccines will kill us all and if not now then 10 years from now...
I saw someone comment under my friend’s FB post where she shared her getting vaccinated something along the lines of “oh good get the vaccine silly people, so they can lift the lockdowns and leave the rest of us alone”... just made me so mad!
If you can’t get one fine but if you are refusing one but counting on others to get it so that you could go on with your own life?
I don’t know why it’s making me so mad lately. I stay out of politics and vaccine discussions but now I have secretly started to hope that those that get it will have at least some more privileges. At least when it comes to travel, flying etc.

I feel the same and have to watch myself in work meetings because I don't want to say something to the people I work with but oh if they don't get their shots it just makes me rather frustrated/mad. I have blocked/ignored quite a number of people on many forums because I can't handle it. Can't get one is quite different from choosing not to. I have a few friends/family who are reluctant on the AZ because they think they have higher risk for blood clots, but they do intend to get one of the others when they can. I can be ok with that, since AZ seems to be running so low right now any way.
I feel the same and have to watch myself in work meetings because I don't want to say something to the people I work with but oh if they don't get their shots it just makes me rather frustrated/mad. I have blocked/ignored quite a number of people on many forums because I can't handle it. Can't get one is quite different from choosing not to. I have a few friends/family who are reluctant on the AZ because they think they have higher risk for blood clots, but they do intend to get one of the others when they can. I can be ok with that, since AZ seems to be running so low right now any way.
I would rather not get any vaccine I think most of us feel the same but this is what needs to be done for us to end this pandemic.
We don’t talk about politics or vaccines at work at all (work policy) but I hear it everywhere else. Even some of my extended family has been “warning” us that the vaccine can really hurt us down the road. To me that’s the ultimate low. Telling others that something bad will happen to them if they get it. At least people should keep their mouths shut.
I am 39 this year and I’m kinda glad that I can’t get AZ because that one has me worried a bit more, but I also know that I will get one of the other two, whichever one is being offered to me when the time comes. When will that be by the way? Haha. Can’t wait!
I feel the same and have to watch myself in work meetings because I don't want to say something to the people I work with but oh if they don't get their shots it just makes me rather frustrated/mad. I have blocked/ignored quite a number of people on many forums because I can't handle it. Can't get one is quite different from choosing not to. I have a few friends/family who are reluctant on the AZ because they think they have higher risk for blood clots, but they do intend to get one of the others when they can. I can be ok with that, since AZ seems to be running so low right now any way.
Is it bad that I hope that vaccine passports will be a thing? Not for every day activities but the more crowded ones and travel. I am of the belief that everyone absolutely has the right to do what they feel is right for their families when it comes to a vaccine but I am also fed up with the population out there who is being vocal about the whole conspiracy theories and how the vaccines will kill us all and if not now then 10 years from now...
I saw someone comment under my friend’s FB post where she shared her getting vaccinated something along the lines of “oh good get the vaccine silly people, so they can lift the lockdowns and leave the rest of us alone”... just made me so mad!
If you can’t get one fine but if you are refusing one but counting on others to get it so that you could go on with your own life?
I don’t know why it’s making me so mad lately. I stay out of politics and vaccine discussions but now I have secretly started to hope that those that get it will have at least some more privileges. At least when it comes to travel, flying etc.

I don’t think it’s bad - I think vaccine passports will become a thing in one way or another and so they should. It doesn’t need to discriminate against those who don’t get vaccinated.... i think the option to travel will be to show proof of vaccination or proof of negative test which makes it inclusive.
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