Debt Dumpers 2021

Phone Update: the second one will be going back tomorrow! Ended up with a $79 one for now. I know it sounds cheap but we were so frustrated and were D O N E

What kind of phone did you get? I need a new phone mine has a crack in the camera and I really don't want to lug my big camera to Disney this summer. I keep holding off but I think the time has come.
What kind of phone did you get? I need a new phone mine has a crack in the camera and I really don't want to lug my big camera to Disney this summer. I keep holding off but I think the time has come.
Straight Talk Samsung A01. Nothing fancy. DO NOT get the 11. Was told 90% of them either wont or dont activate correctly.
Good luck.
No real update here. We were thinking of adding on DVC points but my husband had a good point in this discussion: he said our kids are already 8 and almost 6 and it doesn’t make sense to get another 100-150 points for less than 10 years when we can just as easily use our RCI points to stay elsewhere. We aren’t people who have to be in the “bubble” and we rent a car and drive offsite often anyway. I really wanted to add on but he does make good points. So it looks like we may very well save that money and not add on.

I am going to take some of what we would have spent adding on and get a full bath put in the basement. It would just be convenient to have a bathroom down there instead of the kids having to come up to the first floor to use a bathroom when they’re playing in the basement. But it may not be any time soon since it seems contractors locally are fully booked all summer long and one bathroom is a small job. Hopefully, we can find someone willing to take on the job as a small weekend job.

Our sunroom is finished! The porch is also finished. Unfortunately, we are waiting on the stone siding to come in so parts of the exterior of the sunroom aren’t sided yet. The delivery just keeps being pushed back. First, the rest of it was supposed to come in April, then May 4th, now May 18th.
May check in. I couldn't find a full check in for April, maybe I didn't do one? Anyways...

° Discover balance in January $6,311 Paid in January keeping this on here cuz I'm proud to have gotten rid of it.

° AMEX balance $8125 in January- Current Balance $1464.08 almost there!

° Start a Roth IRA for myself. Picked a plan but still need to open account. Seriously, I am forcing myself to call this week.

°Keep money in savings! Took some out see below under "Landscaping"

°Purge the garage- work in progress. It's really been a hot hot mess in there lately.

°Eat better and drop a few pounds- 0/20 I still don't really want to talk about it. I laugh but it really isn't funny. I need to start walking at least to get park stamina up.

° Disney August 14-22 at Copper Creek in a 2 bedroom villa for $6444. $200/$6444. 6 day hopper $1204/$1204. SW round trip now (since Jet Blue cancelled my flight back) $517/$517. Still no real budget here as it is still coming together with several "maybes". Total paid vs. outstanding so far is $1921/$8165. I am giving my friend until June 1 to decide if she is coming because I don't want to miss my dining window. If she decides not to come then I'll probably change room choice to something smaller, maybe even book over at Shades.

°Landscaping-Some action here but not what I reported last month since that wall ended up pricing out way above what I wanted to spend. DH and I started to dig out the dirt in the flower beds and realized that it was way too difficult due to so many rocks and the ground is very hard. So I found a guy with a mini excavator who charged us $450 and it took him 2 days to dig out about 10 yards of dirt and rocks. Best $450 I've spend in a while. Looks like a mess because it is all dug up but this guy also does landscaping and I presented my newest idea to him. He came back with a price of $4200 including material and labor. He starts in 2 weeks. I'll share some pictures when it's done but I am really excited about it. Took the $450 out of savings, however we overpaid our county taxes and with the refinance we had $5126 overage in the account so they issued us a refund. Split that with my parents and we will use our $2563 towards the landscaping.

°Other things on my mind:
-Still chugging along in my current job. I applied for a new position, a promotion. Really hoping I get it 🤞. Funny thing is I don't even know how much of an increase it would be.
-Easter in Grapevine was really fun. Didn't spend anything extra on food since my parents paid for the meals. No other getaways in the near future.
-Haven't even thought about a new vehicle lately. Feeling ok with my vehicle for a while longer.
-Opted out of taking a long weekend back east. I don't want to use all my Jet Blue points for a quick trip and other flights were just too pricey with wonky times. So between DS at day camp for 3 weeks between June and July, DHs mother coming for 10 days in July, and Disney in August, I think it'll be a busy summer.
-Going out to eat less and ordering less take out. Doing ok here, but we are not fully committed yet.

That's it for now. I enjoy reading everyone's check ins- thanks for posting!
Okay, so I did something not so budget savvy. I bought park hopper tickets for Disneyland. Lol. In my defense I’m trying to get my youngest to have fun and not ask about spending time with his cousin. It’s a long story, but my sister and I got into it as her kids were being mean to mine and taking advantage my kid is speech delayed. Anyways, everyone is going to her house and well, I needed something for him to really have fun and mommy not to feel guilty about him not hanging out with his cousins even the ones that aren’t mean.

Budget wise, I was able to pay off the tickets and continuing to pay whatever is left of my debt along with continuing to save. It was an extra month paycheck.
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Okay, so I did something not so budget savvy. I bought park hopper tickets for Disneyland. Lol. In my defense I’m trying to get my youngest to have fun and not ask about spending time with his cousin. It’s a long story, but my sister and I got into it as her kids were being mean to mine and taking advantage my kid is speech delayed. Anyways, everyone is going to her house and well, I needed something for him to really have fun and mommy not to feel guilty about him not hanging out with his cousins even the ones that aren’t mean.

Budget wise, I was able to pay off the tickets and not continuing to pay whatever is left of my debt along with continuing to save. It was an extra month paycheck.
My DD would do this, she does things financially often with emotion, and if she lived close to Disneyland I could definitely see her doing it! I'm used to hearing budget things that are done with more passion over planning. You'll know what to do going forward, don't worry about cousins. I've done crazy things that weren't budget savvy.

Hang in there!
End of April Update:

2021 Financial Goals:
DH’s Car payment: Used money from savings to pay this off. Will have that fully replaced after this week’s pay.

Mortgage: Refinanced mortgage to lower required monthly payments, however will continue to overpay to be mortgage free by June 2026.

Max out 401K contributions. Current contributions will meet this by year end.

Contribute $100/paycheck to my HSA. Current contributions will meet this by year end.

Contribute $2,500 to DS15’s 529. Done.

Grow savings by $5,000. Will do a final report at year end on this.

2021 Personal Goals:

Have a will drawn up – Not yet.

Focus on health – Finally made some progress on this. I did the Whole30 program (no dairy, grains, alcohol, added sugars for 30 days). I lost 10 pounds in that month and had a lot of other really positive benefits by resetting my system. Am currently doing a modified plan and hope to continue the progress. Now that the weather is warmer, I am going to get out in the mornings and start walking again.

Vacation plans – Currently have a long weekend planned with my sisters end of June. Will be able to do it on the cheap since we will split a lot of the costs 4 ways. Have time planned off for a family trip, but no actual plans made yet.

Back Patio – Got an extremely reasonable quote to expand our back patio so we are moving forward with that. New outdoor furniture will accompany it but will all be funded with money we have set aside. Really hoping this can be completed by Fourth of July – we have a great view of the local fireworks from our backyard (hoping they have them this year) and hope to invite my parents and sisters over for a little family barbeque that day.

Was a bit spendy in the past week but no added debt – the biggest expense being a new laptop (my previous one was 6 years old and S.L.O.W.), but also spent a couple hundred on new summer clothes for DS15 and a few new things for myself. Add in 5 birthdays (mom, dad, both sons, grandson), Mother's Day, our anniversary and 2 graduations in the span of a month and it's a pricey time of year.

Also received my vaccinations in April, so thumbs up for that. :thumbsup2
A while ago I posted that I was planning on paying off the lease on our car and then keeping it for a bit longer than we planned thanks to Covid seriously reducing our mileage. Well, I bit the bullet and did so. And the same day I increased our savings in to a tax efficient investment plan for the amount not being paid monthly for the lease, effectively paying ourselves back

On a different note we are lucky enough to own a property overseas as a combination of investment & holiday home. In July 2020 we placed an order for a new kitchen. The day after placing the order, and paying a 30% deposit, we had to leave the country to avoid having to quarantine when we got home and we haven't been able to visit since. Obviously this means the kitchen can't progress (the company has to come and do final measurements and then, 12 weeks later, the kitchen gets installed - assuming we have managed to take out the existing one). I knew there was something to do with a year involved with the order and was getting rather worried that if we hadn't completed the whole thing within a year we would forfeit the deposit.

Rather foolishly I had been avoiding finding out exactly what the position was, in case my worst fears were confirmed. I had looked at the contract but wasn't 100% certain I had found the right section as my reading skills in a different language aren't necessarily as good as I needed them to be. However, I decided to grow up and just ask - to discover that the deposit is fine and will just sit there until we move forward. The price may change a little after a year, and they don't guarantee the availability of the white goods and sinks etc after that time so we may have to make a few adjustments but nothing too extreme. I was very relieved. And changes in the travel rules mean we may get there before the year is up anyway. Fingers crossed! We have the funds sat in savings to pay for this work as we have known we wanted to do it for many years but it will be good to get it sorted.
I haven't been here in a long time, but really miss you guys! Pandemic life with a baby, a toddler, and a full-time job has just been pretty busy. Hope everyone had an awesome Star Wars day. Obligatory adorable baby picture:


I didn't set out any financial goals at the beginning of the year. We have been ahead in some ways, but struggling with our budget in other ways.

Getting ahead:

We paid off our trailer loan last month. If you remember, we purchased the trailer 2.5 years ago with $10k down and a 7-year, $15k loan. We always planned to pay it off much earlier than the loan term. I am happy to have it gone now.

We have also paid off a decent amount on our HELOC for the basement finish. It was originally at $70,000 for the basement, but we have those costs now down to roughly $55,000. We have taken out a bit more for some other projects, so the total on our HELOC for home expenses is $60,000.

Some spending and some struggles:

We haven't made much of a dent in the second Riviera DVC contract that we purchased. It is currently sitting on a 0% credit card. I transferred it from one 0% offer to another when the first card's offer expired and paid a 3% fee. Still saving me money over a loan. I was using my per diem money from work travel to pay it down, but I haven't actually traveled anywhere lately . . . so not much progress.

We put down a deposit on a playset for the kids. We were late to the game, so it won't be available for another 2.5 months, but I am sure once it arrives it will be great. My parents gifted us some money towards the cost and then we plan to pay off the rest with the child tax credit we will be receiving at some point.

We have some other big expenses coming up too. We are booked at Aulani in September using our DVC points, plus a week on Kauai and then 3 nights at Grand Californian for Disneyland (fingers crossed they open DL to non-residents by then). We rented the points from another DVC member for Grand Californian, but that part is paid in full. My parents will be coming with us and will be giving us money towards the cost of the 2 bedroom villa which we plan to use to pay for our food during the trip. I already booked most of our activities and paid those off. I used Chase UR points for our airfare, car rentals and the hotel on Kauai, so most of those trip is now covered.

We have a cruise booked in December that was a reschedule from last year from our canceled April 2020 cruise to Italy. I am hoping they cancel this so that I can get a full refund. If not, we will be rescheduling it for something further out because I won't feel comfortable on a cruise until both of the kids are vaccinated.

And that takes us to March 2022. We booked a 6 night trip to WDW as a cash package staying at Caribbean Beach Resort. I wanted something on the Skyliner or Monorail, but we didn't want to spend a fortune. Because of the DVC points restrictions, we didn't have enough to book for enough nights somewhere we wanted, so I decided to just go this route. We are all crazy excited for Flower and Garden Festival.


Overall, we have been doing pretty well with budgeting but we always seem to come up short in certain categories like grocery. I increased the budget and we are still going way over. DH had been doing some of the shopping and I told him that I needed to start doing so I could get a handle on things. I think part of it is that we started going to Costco weekly for rotisserie chicken and then we always end up buying too many other things. I am now limiting those to bi-weekly trips. I have also been spending too much on kid stuff lately. I have been working forward to eliminate our deficit in all our categories and it should be all evened out by July as long as we don't go crazy in the next 2 months.
@Jen and Ashwin--So glad to see you posting! We have missed you here, although when I remembered your two little children, working full time, an unsettling pandemic and everything in between, I figured that you were really busy trying to juggle it all.

Your little guy is so darling--I hope that his big sis is loving having him to fuss over.

You sound like you are figuring out very well how to do the things that you want to and yet keep paying off things that are already on your plate. Congrats on the travel trailer!
Car update: It needs more work. Total is still less than what the car is worth. So frustrating.

So I am going to have to put a pause on extra payments and revise my financial goals :( Last night I canceled all unnecessary subscription services. Right now I am holding onto disney+ just to finish out Mighty Ducks: Game Changers then I will get rid of that as well as every little bit adds up. I also put feelers out for temp jobs. I will get through this.

ETA: So this isn't a complete Debby Downer post....from being vigilant with budgeting the last few months, my August Disney trip is completely paid for from airfare to park passes to food (Disney Visa Rewards.) So I do have that to look forward to along with my 90% paid bachelorette trip to Vegas next week for my soon to be sister in law (just need to cover uber/lyft plus some tips in person)
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  • Save $6000 for vacation fund Need to adjust this, as some of this was for the trip we just got back from. We have a WDW trip for October that is paid for minus dining and souvenir money (though I do have gift cards that will probably cover that part). We do plan on trying for a Disney Wish cruise for next year, so we need to at least have the deposit for that by next month when bookings are released, and then start saving for it's cost and the road trip we plan for next year too. Might split this into what we need for this year, and what part of 2022 vacations we want to save during this year. Have to think on it.

Ok, been thinking about this and we've also changed our plans for vacations for 2022 in the past few days, so gonna divide this goal into 2 categories, what we need for this year still, and starting to save for next year's vacations, cause one will be more pricey. So, edited goals for this year are:

2021 Financial Goals:

  • Pay off personal loan and 2 credit cards:
    • Loan: $1848.91
    • CC #1: $2765.42
    • CC #2: $2175.16
  • Save $2000 toward emergency fund. 2000/2000 saved ☑
  • Set up new personal Roth account for retirement
  • Save $2000 for Christmas 2021 fund
  • Save $1750 for 2021 WDW October trip- food, gas and misc as hotel and tickets are paid for already
  • Save $5000 toward 2022 vacation fund- planning on a road trip with the dog again late spring, and a 2 week WDW trip in the fall that may become more expensive but don't want to jinx it by saying anything else here since we might not be able to afford what we are thinking of adding.
2021 Personal Goals:

  • Eat healthier
  • Exercise more
  • Stress less
End of April Checkin:

Goal #1: Sell ”city” house. Not yet Paid extra $1000 toward principal on top of regular payment in April.
Goal #2 When city house sells, pay off the loan for the country house. Paid $2800 toward note in April.
Goal #3 Pay property taxes on both houses in January 2021. approx $6500. This is sitting in my bank account ready to pay. ✅ Complete January 2021
Goal #4 Cash flow all of daughter’s college tuition, fees, room and board. Winter Quarter ☑ Spring Quarter ✅
Goal #5 Pay off all credit cards to zero balance. I have three with a balance right now=total is $12648. Feb 2021—Paid off the smallest. March 2021–Paid off second smallest card, put $2800 stimulus check towards the largest card balance. Paid $500 in April. Current balance $3491.00. Plan to pay $500 per month to pay off before 0% interest ends in December.
Goal #6 Maintain $2000 emergency fund ✅
Goal #7 Update will. I hand wrote a holographic will which is legit in my state, just to have something. 🙄
Goal #8 Replace dishwasher in country house. No progress.

After the city house sells, the country house need some work. I already had to replace the roof, garbage disposal, and the dryer in late 2020. Once I have sale proceeds from city house:
goal #1 for country house: Remodel master bathroom to add a bathtub and update (new sinks/countertop, new mirror, new lighting, remove wallpaper, maybe add some better insulation, maybe add vanity/seat).
goal #2 for country house: New flooring throughout.
goal #3 for country house: Power wash porch and sealant on the porch Found someone to do this, but not started yet.
goal #4 for country house: Paint where roofers removed gutters and replaced some rotted boards. Maybe repaint all of the wood exterior, I’d kind of like a different color.
New goal #5 for country house—build enclosed fence in the backyard with a ramp from the back porch for the dogs.✅


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