The ABC's of a BSN Celebration! Trip Wrap up; Final Thoughts (7/11)

It has been awhile. I just didn't want to read TR's knowing that I was not planning on going back any time soon. The pandemic made me overly cautious since my husband has multiple issues that put him in the high risk category and my daughter was on the front lines as an ICU nurse. Happily we are getting better with this and I am willing to venture out again. I have a trip planned for the 2 of us in December.

Totally get that for sure. I went dark for a bit too while I slogged away at that degree and had no plans to travel for quite a while too. Since Italy was a no-go, I was pretty down about travel in general. Totally get the want to be careful too with health issues and multiple risk factors. :hug:

I have never had the pleasure of meeting MEK in person believe it or not and we only live about 90 minutes apart. She was so gracious to do that favor for me as I knew I couldn't get down and didn't trust the postal service.

Oh, very close! I hope one day you can meet her. :)

I need to remember to take my 50mm lens. I try and travel light but I will have to carry the extra lens again. Thanks for the info.

You bet! :)

And congrats on your BSN. My daughter got hers right after nursing school and she said it gives her more opportunities. I know it was a lot of work.

That is certainly the hope for me too. I have NO idea what I'll end up doing once I move, but hope it opens some extra doors.
Nothing official yet. We're looking at SoCal next summer, so Disneyland is a possibility. I was just saying in general, I'd be pretty bummed if I planned a trip, spent thousands of dollars, and got shut out of the ride.

Oh neato!!! And yes, it would be really a huge bummer to have gotten amped up and hopeful, and spend a lot $$ only to be dashed.
They just leave it there and paint over it with next year's mural.

Now that is certainly plausible. Or maybe they just put up another construction wall and... oops, it WAS on a construction wall.

Those are a lot of fun! Love the idea.
I think Drew would super enjoy them!

Sigh...I miss Horizons. That was such a great ride.

I was never lucky enough to ride it. :(

:rotfl2:Hey, you found my drawing!

I think those are a lot more fun than the butterfly selfies. Maybe it's just me.

I just can't ever figure out where stuff is being on the inside of them, and end up doing some stupid random pose that doesn't line up with... anything.

Yeah, that's definitely you! Nice find.

Was really happy to have found it. :)
I love those murals! One day I am going to squeeze in a long weekend for FArts. Thanks for the book recommendation. I am building a list for when I am quarantining at the my cottage in PEI.

That should certainly give you time to sit back, relax, and read!
I love looking beyond the obvious. There are so many details to delight and inspire when you take the time to look for them.

That's one of the many things that is so appealing about Disney to me!
I adore visual art and the talent for it. Not something I was blessed with to be sure.

Same, same!
I love the way you posed your arms as the butterfly antennae!

I really had fun with these!
Oh I would love this. I am huge musem/behind the scenese geek and would love taking in all the detail.

Soul was one of my favourites too!

I confess I read all the little signs and loved learning about the artists/musicians.
I NEED that print in my life. Absolutely perfect!

It's going to look GREAT in my 5th wheel!!!
She said the way the mist was settled over the lake and the reflections of the Skyliner were just perfect. :)
You all did a much better job at drawing than I would have done. ::yes::

They make it so easy!! Draw this, add a little this to there, now do this....
I wish I had seen the chalk art, and most of the rest of the festival. You make it look better than it was, I think. ;)

Heh, I don't know, there was a TON of stuff offered and most really fun. I just wish it'd been warmer. The chalk artists aren't there everyday during the Festival; on days it rains, it's a no-go.
I didn't know this was in there. The Mrs Potts tea pot is really cute.
It was brand new for this Festival and I don't know how long it'll be in there. Probably a bit, I'd imagine?
Love this shot. Great intro. Left me wanting more... and I got more, too! :)
I hold a special place in my heart for the Festival of the Arts, affectionately known as FArts.
A special place in your what? Oh! Heart! I mis-heard. Rhymes, though.
I have the sense of humor of a 5-year old, so that makes me giggle.
Apparently, me too.
despite the changes that Covid brought, I will emphatically say that 2021 was immensely enjoyable, and I daresay even better in some regards, than my previous visit.
Really! Huh!
I would not recommend trying to do all that we did into one day.
This sounds like a personal challenge.
I’d already mentioned Carol- the Disney Pianist who plays some extraordinarily beautiful piano sets that are about 10-15 minutes long. She was also there during the Flower and Garden Festival, so perhaps she will also be performing as a regular guest as long as there are Festival Kiosks set up in World Showplace. If so, it would be well worth your time to rest your feet and listen to her Disney classics.
I did listen to the link you posted. Very nice.
It killed some time and prevented us from freezing to death
Higher praise... :rolleyes:
Another minor activity I enjoyed by myself when the other girls went back to the room was the community mural which offers the best price you’ll find in Disney- free.
Heard of this, but don't think I've really been drawn to it.

See what I did there??
Perhaps on an exec’s wall?
Um... no. Can't see that happening. At all.
Kindling for the dumpster fire that ticket prices are right now?
:laughing: There ya go.
They direct you to an area and you get to paint 5 little squares of the mural,
That's it??? I was under the impression that it was significantly more.
Which I’d highly recommend, by the way! It’s called a Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles. Very, VERY well written.
Excellent novel. So well written. I was in awe of his prose.
she is a completist like her mother and all 11 Figment Art Pieces were found with much glee and excitement.
:) Glad she had fun with it.
Next up were all the little additional painted characters you could hunt for around the World Showcase. I had a blast with this one- moreso than the Framed Art Hunt as I’d done that one before.
These are sometimes super easy, and other times... man, it was like hunting for the truth in a news story.
It looks like it would've been pretty challenging. Those characters don't look overly big.
Yes, I found them all, but can't find my photos, which means the morning champagne had probably induced a little photo-apnea.
Wow! That's really well done. Who did that one?
One of the displays highlighted a couple of Disney concept artists which contrasted their work side-by-side
Interesting. I like the idea of showcasing them like that.
Given the task of presenting my own vision and experience with the various EPCOT areas, I wonder what my renditions would have been. I’m thinking something sorta like these:

That second one especially!
Of the 2 real artists, which style do you prefer?
Both! Sounds like a cop-out, but on some I much prefer the one on the left... but in others, it's the one on the right. And by a lot, in some cases.
the chalk art was incredible to admire.
Chalk art is something that makes me shake my head. In admiration. Not just of the end result, but of the willingness of the artist to pour forth the effort into a product that will rapidly disappear.
Kinda like ice or sand sculptures.
I know we all have our gifts, but fine arts is one I am a bit envious of.
Yeah... me too.
Really like this one. :)
And this one too!
I’m a bit more intimidated by these as pretty much 100% of the time I step into one, I become a Class A Dork.
People probably walk by and say to each other, “Did you see that doofus back there making George Washington wish he’d never crossed the Delaware?”
I was a good sport though and did a great rendition of George wishing he’d never crossed the Delaware.
Atta girl. And you look just fine, too.
Yes, I’m one of those geeks who actually enjoys museum exhibits and spent about 15 minutes seeing the costuming from Beauty and the Beast and other productions.
That's one that I don't think I would've been overly interested in.
The other new exhibit is in the American Showcase and is dedicated to the history of jazz music in America. Highlighting jazz origins from New Orleans, New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and Puerto Rico it was fun to read of the jazz greats who birthed a uniquely American style of music
That's cool, though!
Satchmo's horn?!?!? How cool is that?!?!?!?
Here it is, Folks, the piece that screamed “Take me Home!!” I obeyed and now this beauty is waiting to be moved across the country and framed appropriately. Huzzah!
It's perfect! I'm so glad you bought it. If I'd read "I didn't buy it and now I wish I had"... I would've been shaking my head.
Thanks for enduring such a long, meaty update. I know they take a bit of time to read but thank you so much for sticking with me!!
Lots of fun and great photos as always! :)
Holy crap that's pretty.
You will continue to be scrutinized.
I ADORE a Ronto Dog. But thinking it's time to bust out of the Ronto Rut and try a couple other things I"ve heard are yummy.
Such as?
Oh, you've morphed to skedaddling from sashaying. A bold move!
I am a man of many locomotions.
Feeling the exercise wheel routine these days?
Sometimes! :laughing:
Fine, be that way...

Would you be willing to specialize in treachery and mayhem? We can use you as a decoy.
Who says I'm not already doing that??
Then you will have to rely on your transportation luck. Of which you are world-renowned for.
Sometimes. Other times I have to wait up to 2-3 minutes for a bus!
You can probably find most languages of the galaxy there. But the French is mainly heard in the bathrooms when a toddler has a blowout.
Not exactly. I used the app translator which can be used there OR at home. We super enjoy diddling around with the app games in Batuu!
Ohhhh... I didn't even know that was a thing.
Mmmm, with a shot of rum. :cloud9:
Double yuck, then.
Hope you will still like it.
I'm actually optimistic about it.
You have NO idea. Memes abound....
The memes, I've seen. Wondered if it was just a meme... or based on reality.
Totally get that for sure. I went dark for a bit too while I slogged away at that degree and had no plans to travel for quite a while too. Since Italy was a no-go, I was pretty down about travel in general. Totally get the want to be careful too with health issues and multiple risk factors. :hug:

We had to cancel our Alaska cruise twice. Hopefully next year will work.

Oh, very close! I hope one day you can meet her. :)

I would like that

That is certainly the hope for me too. I have NO idea what I'll end up doing once I move, but hope it opens some extra doors.

My daughter could only get a job in a nursing home at first but quickly got into the hospital but the psych unit. She liked it there but didn't want to be stuck there forever. Once she got her BSN she was able to get to the ICU and now she is in the OR. She likes her job but hates her hours right now. She has to work 5 days a week and rotates days and nights. She has 3 boys that she can't spend as much time with as she would like. Next year she can put in for part time. I think she will be happier that way. She also hates the "Mean Girl" attitude she gets from some of her co-workers. She doesn't want to snag a doctor and some of them are hoping for that, they try to make some of the other nurses look bad. It's not an easy job but I am immensely proud of her. She has talked of getting a masters when the boys are a little older. Who knows? She also talked of quitting and going to the police crime scene unit.
Pssst… hey you. Yeah, you!


((((Turns head to see if anyone else is around))))

If you suck at piloting, your crewmates will surely let you know!

:wave: I suck at piloting!

Okay, let’s make our way in for your initiation into our community of freedom fighters. Don’t worry, you’ll have lots of help and support along the way. Even the birds and a giant sasquatch are here to aid you.

I need help and support....

RIGHT ON!! That 2nd coaxium. That’s how it’s done. The Mother-Daughter Team finds themselves as resident flight crew trainers,

Yay you! Are they seating different parties together in rides in Florida?

If you survive. I know of a secret base and our friends need our help. Follow me!!

OK. As long as you can get me in!

Quick!! Duck in here!! Behind the backside of water- that should conceal us well, and the winding caves can offer us some cool shelter out of the blistering Batuu Sun.

Hey! That's my lockscreen on my computer!

Steady, yourselves, things could get a little dicey in here. Look sharp and for goodness sake, whatever you do, don’t give away the base’s location!!!

I don't even know where I am!

To be squished under the foot of an At-At would have been most unfortunate. We’d have lost a valuable asset and Disney would have lost a few thousand dollars from that T-shirt you would have bought.

That would be....unfortunate.

NOW, it’s time for that well-earned celebratory drink, and this time you deserve the very best Oga’s can pour.

Is the Cantina open in Florida? Ours is all closed up. So sad.

Everyone guessed AK, which made sense, but nope!! I think the answer will surprise you! And now you have a mission.... does the DLR version have this?

No idea. They are not even using the indoor queue. They are completely bypassing it. All the queue is outdoors and you go right from outside the mountain straight through the Rey preshow room and onto the spacecraft. You can't be inside on a ride for more than 15 minutes in CA. That may change a week from today.

Disgusted that it's a coconut one.


I appreciate that it includes so many of the art forms from performing to culinary, classical to modern.

I guess I missed a lot of the Festival last time we went. I need a redo someday.

I’d already mentioned Carol- the Disney Pianist who plays some extraordinarily beautiful piano sets that are about 10-15 minutes long.

Never knew about this....

Basically, you stand in line for a brush, a pot of paint and a number. They direct you to an area and you get to paint 5 little squares of the mural, which over time turns into a big pretty picture.

That sounds fun!

Next up were all the little additional painted characters you could hunt for around the World Showcase.

Didn't know about this either....

It's one thing to LOOK at art; it’s quite another to actually create it. Or pretend to anyway. Which is what I do 99% of the time. Here is a bona fide photo of us pretending to be artists in a couple of different places:

I've never done any of those Animation Academy things either.

Okay, while the performing arts were fun to watch and the culinary arts delicious to devour, the chalk art was incredible to admire.

Yes, I did enjoy the chalk drawings.

By now, I’m sure you’re sick to death of “Butterfly Selfies”, but here are my renditions from FArts. I confess, I’m kinda in love with the butterfly wings to play with.

Another thing I've never done. Your pictures came out nice.

And how about these beauties? The corny fine art selfie stations.

I like thise, unfortunately we only got one of them in when we were there.

The other new exhibit is in the American Showcase and is dedicated to the history of jazz music in America.

Now that sounds cool!

Here it is, Folks, the piece that screamed “Take me Home!!” I obeyed and now this beauty is waiting to be moved across the country and framed appropriately. Huzzah!

That's perfect for you!
Love this shot. Great intro. Left me wanting more... and I got more, too! :)

I was so lucky with that shot. NO idea how I did it to get the dark shadowed background. LOVE IT, though, and it has very minimal tweaks.

A special place in your what? Oh! Heart! I mis-heard. Rhymes, though.


Apparently, me too.
WE make a fine crowd here, don't we?

This sounds like a personal challenge.
I did listen to the link you posted. Very nice.

I remember you saying you had. I have the Buena Vista Street from DLR playing right now.

Higher praise... :rolleyes:

You can't win them all. That's what makes the Festivals fun; something for everyone.

Heard of this, but don't think I've really been drawn to it.

See what I did there??


But admittedly, a good one. Nicely done.

Um... no. Can't see that happening. At all.

Auctioned off for another exec bonus?

That's it??? I was under the impression that it was significantly more.

No, but I do wonder if they adjust the number depending on use/popularity?

Excellent novel. So well written. I was in awe of his prose.

So good. I'm making my way through it like a snail, but am so enjoying the couple pages I read each night.

It looks like it would've been pretty challenging. Those characters don't look overly big.

No, and some VERY well hidden! Also, some pavilions had multiple ones to find.

Wow! That's really well done. Who did that one?

Mikki did that one - she got her Dad's side of the family's talent.

That second one especially!

I has skilz.

Both! Sounds like a cop-out, but on some I much prefer the one on the left... but in others, it's the one on the right. And by a lot, in some cases.

Both styles are really great and I had a hard time choosing as well. I guess both work very well for EPCOT in general.

Chalk art is something that makes me shake my head. In admiration. Not just of the end result, but of the willingness of the artist to pour forth the effort into a product that will rapidly disappear.
Kinda like ice or sand sculptures.

I also wondered that too. They just must enjoy their transitory art so much they are willing to do it for the mere pleasure of the admirers.

Really like this one. :)
I had so much fun with these!

Atta girl. And you look just fine, too.

Bumpkin comes to mind.

That's one that I don't think I would've been overly interested in.
I like to costume and dress up, so this was nice to see.

Satchmo's horn?!?!? How cool is that?!?!?!?
RIGHT!?! Amazing what authentic piece Disney comes up with. The Morocco Pavilion has (had?) a VERY special one, The Stave Church has some amazing on loan pieces, Boardwalk, etc... OH, and the AKL has probably the BEST collection of art in Florida.

It's perfect! I'm so glad you bought it. If I'd read "I didn't buy it and now I wish I had"... I would've been shaking my head.

I've done with a few pieces of jewelry before. One was ring of Oregon Sunstone. I'll always kick myself for not getting that one. ;(

Holy crap that's pretty.
I KNOW!! No wonder she was glowing when she came back to the room.

Docking Bay, ABC Commissary, wouldn't mind Baseline again, but my heart always wants a quick dip into HBD to say hi to Grandma.

I am a man of many locomotions.

Who says I'm not already doing that??
OH dear!!! You're like the Allstate Guy.

Sometimes. Other times I have to wait up to 2-3 minutes for a bus!

Same!! Well, the 2-3 part. Mine is measured in hours.

Okay, slight exaggeration, but only slight. Last trip it was literally up to an hour.

Ohhhh... I didn't even know that was a thing.


The memes, I've seen. Wondered if it was just a meme... or based on reality.

No, it's a real thing. And EXTREMELY annoying.
My daughter could only get a job in a nursing home at first but quickly got into the hospital but the psych unit.
I did that too for a bit. I learned SO much and adored my residents. The psych unit is always very entertaining. Days go by super quick there.

Once she got her BSN she was able to get to the ICU and now she is in the OR.

The BSN theoretically opens up loads more doors.

She has to work 5 days a week and rotates days and nights.
Yup, done that for sure. SUCKS!!

She also hates the "Mean Girl" attitude she gets from some of her co-workers.

VERY familiar with that one. Living it right now in fact.

She doesn't want to snag a doctor and some of them are hoping for that, they try to make some of the other nurses look bad.
Ohhhh, how I am familiar with this workplace crap. So much.

She has talked of getting a masters when the boys are a little older. Who knows? She also talked of quitting and going to the police crime scene unit.
I wonder if she'd be interested in S.A.N.E nursing. She really should look in to that certification. Tough but very rewarding.

((((Turns head to see if anyone else is around))))

<tap, tap>
:wave: I suck at piloting!


Practice makes perfect.

I need help and support....

:hug: Always here.

Yay you! Are they seating different parties together in rides in Florida?

Yes, they are now. On all rides.

OK. As long as you can get me in!

Well, of course!!! I'll even buy you a drink at the Cantina after we conquer the Order.

Hey! That's my lockscreen on my computer!
REALLY?!! I think it's actually a very pretty spot. Not quite like Pandora, but very oasis like in the rockiness of Batuu elsewhere.

I don't even know where I am!

Is the Cantina open in Florida? Ours is all closed up. So sad.

Yes, it sure is. And capacity is up too.
No idea. They are not even using the indoor queue. They are completely bypassing it. All the queue is outdoors and you go right from outside the mountain straight through the Rey preshow room and onto the spacecraft. You can't be inside on a ride for more than 15 minutes in CA. That may change a week from today.

Seriously? Come on! That's half the experience. I hope they change it as I really has not been backed up by data to show it's an issue.
I guess I missed a lot of the Festival last time we went. I need a redo someday.

Yes, you do!!! And when you go, let me know!
Didn't know about this either....

Pick up a booklet next time and thumb through it on the bus there. So much to do!!

I've never done any of those Animation Academy things either.

I think you and Fran would really like them. ::yes::

I like thise, unfortunately we only got one of them in when we were there.
I only got two. Can't even find the other one. I think MEK took it, but I never got it.
I was so lucky with that shot. NO idea how I did it to get the dark shadowed background. LOVE IT, though, and it has very minimal tweaks.
Really! I thought there'd be quite a bit. Even better!
You can't win them all. That's what makes the Festivals fun; something for everyone.
No, but I do wonder if they adjust the number depending on use/popularity?
I can see that.
Bored CM: "Here, paint 100 squares."
Mikki did that one - she got her Dad's side of the family's talent.
So it seems. :)
I has skilz.
Bumpkin comes to mind.
RIGHT!?! Amazing what authentic piece Disney comes up with. The Morocco Pavilion has (had?) a VERY special one, The Stave Church has some amazing on loan pieces, Boardwalk, etc... OH, and the AKL has probably the BEST collection of art in Florida.
I did not know that!
Docking Bay, ABC Commissary, wouldn't mind Baseline again, but my heart always wants a quick dip into HBD to say hi to Grandma.
:) I like that you do that.
<Insert Locomotion video here>
Nope! Gotta be Little Eva or nothing.

Little Eva - Loco-motion(1962) - YouTube
OH dear!!! You're like the Allstate Guy.
Same!! Well, the 2-3 part. Mine is measured in hours.

Okay, slight exaggeration, but only slight. Last trip it was literally up to an hour.
I've been hearing horror stories. I fear that even I would be waiting.
No, it's a real thing. And EXTREMELY annoying.
While I love all of the EPCOT Festivals, I hold a special place in my heart for the Festival of the Arts, affectionately known as FArts. I have the sense of humor of a 5-year old, so that makes me giggle. I appreciate that it includes so many of the art forms from performing to culinary, classical to modern.

I really enjoy this one too. I've only had 2 small chanced to enjoy it.

Mik wanted to grab a Figment Scavenger Hunt game, which we did. I just tossed the sticker card yesterday because I don’t need it as miscellaneous stuff to move with, but suffice to say, she is a completist like her mother and all 11 Figment Art Pieces were found with much glee and excitement. Honestly, for $6.99 it’s a pretty great little game and a really nice souvenir they give you at the end. I still have my little puzzle from a couple of years ago. I’m a fan. It’s one of those little ways to get you to look a little harder and dig a little deeper in the park.

I love the scavenger hunts too. I agree it's a great way to get you to look harder.

Next up were all the little additional painted characters you could hunt for around the World Showcase. I had a blast with this one- moreso than the Framed Art Hunt as I’d done that one before. These are sometimes super easy, and other times... man, it was like hunting for the truth in a news story. All were as charming as prince giving a wake up kiss. Hardest to find? Italy’s Jiminy Cricket.

Loved these too.

Here is a bona fide photo of us pretending to be artists in a couple of different places:

Y'all did great!

the chalk art was incredible to admire. I

Yes they are!

By now, I’m sure you’re sick to death of “Butterfly Selfies”, but here are my renditions from FArts. I confess, I’m kinda in love with the butterfly wings to play with. It’s a really nice souvenir that’s there for a quick taking. Did I mention the word “free”? I like free.

These look so fun. I'm tired of them at all and you look fabulous.

One is located in the France Pavilion which features props and costuming from French productions.

I really liked this exhibit.

The other new exhibit is in the American Showcase and is dedicated to the history of jazz music in America. Highlighting jazz origins from New Orleans, New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and Puerto Rico it was fun to read of the jazz greats who birthed a uniquely American style of music. I loved the movie Soul and this seemed like such a seamless, appropriate addition to that pavilion riding on the coattails of the film.

Enjoyed this too, but I thought it would have been bigger.

Here it is, Folks, the piece that screamed “Take me Home!!” I obeyed and now this beauty is waiting to be moved across the country and framed appropriately. Huzzah!


Somehow I missed the update. I would love to bring my granddaughter down for the FArts one day. I do like that abbreviation. She goes to a High School for the Arts and is an amazingly gifted artist. I actually have one of her pictures framed and ready to be hung when I am done remodeling the downstairs. Not only is she a gifted artist she is also an amazing photographer. I gave her one of my old cameras and lenses when she started High School as she also takes photography. It is a passion we both share so that is also fun.

I love the Figment "Scream" pic. The Scream is actually a favorite piece and I used to have a print in my bedroom. I wish this festival and Flower and Garden overlapped a bit, or were at least closer in time. I usually have to make a choice and F&G always wins.
Somehow I missed the update. I would love to bring my granddaughter down for the FArts one day. I do like that abbreviation. She goes to a High School for the Arts and is an amazingly gifted artist. I actually have one of her pictures framed and ready to be hung when I am done remodeling the downstairs. Not only is she a gifted artist she is also an amazing photographer. I gave her one of my old cameras and lenses when she started High School as she also takes photography. It is a passion we both share so that is also fun.

I think she'd REALLY love it, being the artist she is. You must be so proud of her!! I wonder if she'd apply to Disney one day and pursue a career there. And isn't it awesome having something in common with our kids/grandkids? How fun!! Feel free to showcase her work here anytime; I'm sure many of us would love to see it!

I love the Figment "Scream" pic. The Scream is actually a favorite piece and I used to have a print in my bedroom. I wish this festival and Flower and Garden overlapped a bit, or were at least closer in time. I usually have to make a choice and F&G always wins.

Pretty creative. I'm not sure I could pick a favorite Festival as they are all so special in such different ways. I almost wish they'd add one more Festival, so there's one year-round, so every time I go I could experience one.
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T is for: Tow Mater Takes Us in

When I originally planned our trip, I wanted to keep costs down as best I could. Sometimes trips need to be on the cheap, and this was one such occasion. So, I gathered up some girly roommates to split the cost of a basic Little Mermaid room at AoA. NOT my favorite area by a long shot, but ya do what ya gotta do. I wasn’t looking forward to the seemingly miles-long walk to the ‘Liner every day, sometimes multiple times a day. They are super cute rooms, but they are NOT a suite. And for 3 ladies, while do-able, they can get a little cluttered and yucky. I rest best in a picked up space. Nevertheless, I was a willing sojourner Under the Sea.

Arriving a bit on the early side, with a tailwind in our favor, we did not dilly-dally and found favor with ME so we could make the most of our evening of unabashed debauchery. We checked in and, to our delight and surprise, the friendly CM told us that we’d been upgraded to a Family Suite! Beast! Best part? It was exactly the building/location/section etc… I had hoped for. Cars, Building 3. My favorite section for sure and, bonus, the closest one to the ‘Liner. The landscaping combined with the hardscaping characters really make you feel like you are in the Cars movie. It’s super creative and just plain fun.

After the usual check-in process (we didn’t do online as we knew we’d have to get Mikki’s band and credit card set up) we skeddadled to our room and instantly feel in love with the size and décor of the suite, and the fact that we had 3 beds. Both the sofa bed and the Murphy beds were super easy to pull out/down, and no, we did not stow them each morning. Yes, my daughter is a "messy" and yes, she is a bad influence on me. And yes, I wish Mousekeeping would come back.

What else was groovin’ about our room? MEK gave a little tender loving care to the coffee machine (filter pods only, not a Keurig, but she drinks it for her addiction, not the taste); we adored having 2 bathrooms; and it was so close to the ‘Liner. Also, it was quiet!! <Ominous foreshadowing of my next TR....>

Enjoy the few photos I took of our little racy hideaway.

(The Murphy bed is there)

(I was highly amused by this for 2 reasons. Ask me what they are!)

I didn’t use the laundry in the Cars section on this trip but did during my April trip. It’s at the Cozy Cone pool which we also didn’t enjoy as it was just too darn cold really. I must say, if one must do laundry on vacation, and let’s face it, there are times it can’t be helped <Sanaa bread service on shirt fronts happen>, the laundry at the Cozy Cone pool is a very quiet, convenient place to do the most expensive load of laundry on the planet. Protip: Take a little bit of laundry detergent powder in a doubled baggie. It’ll save you a couple bucks. It’s got a quiet bathroom too. #mostimportantthings

The most magical moments though? I ADORE a good thunderstorm and, in fact, is it’s one of the more minor reasons I am moving to Kentucky. I miss the less monotonous weather that Oregon oppresses me with most of the year. Anyone who’s ever traveled to Florida knows the spectacular nature of the thunderstorms and squalls that sweep through on a fairly regular basis May-late October. Every single trip I hope so hard for a beautiful display of nature’s fireworks and almost every single trip I am disappointed. On my last night at AoA I sadly realized one just wasn’t going to happen.

Until about 4 in the morning.

The comforting rumble of thunder- which instantly brings back distant memories of time spent with my grandparents in Ohio, an epic childhood roadtrip to Oklahoma with my best friend, and summers at my old college stomping grounds in Flagstaff, Arizona- grew closer and demanded I grab my phone and head outside to immerse myself (safely) in a display that reminds me just how mesmerizing and cathartic a storm can be.

They aren’t the most professionally filmed clips of the pre-dawn downpour, but it was thrilling, and I hope you enjoy the few seconds of grandeur I was able to get, knowing that there is no possible way to capture the power and creative workmanship of a Force greater than us.

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We checked in and, to our delight and surprise, the friendly CM told us that we’d been upgraded to a Family Suite! Beast! Best part? It was exactly the building/location/section etc… I had hoped for. Cars, Building 3.
You were incredibly lucky to escape the Little Mermaid room. ::yes:: Who was lucky enough to sleep in the bedroom?

I ADORE a good thunderstorm and, in fact, is it’s one of the more minor reasons I am moving to Kentucky. I miss the less monotonous weather that Oregon oppresses me with most of the year.
One of the things my daughter missed when living in Colorado was the Midwest thunderstorm.


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