I'm so disappointed and I don't know what to do

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It got me thinking, what are people doing on the last day of their vacations, which is possibly when exposure occurred?

Fireworks, of course.

I agree the crowds for HEA are horrific,just as they always have been for the fireworks at the MK. However, your assumption that people watch fireworks on their last day is probably wrong. I don’t think you can make that leap.

We aren’t allowed to get into discussions on covid as far as how it spreads, transmission rates etc, so I’ll refrain from that, but I don’t believe it’s true that the last day of a trip = watching fireworks.

And honestly, the only way not to have those crowds is not to have fireworks.
I agree the crowds for HEA are horrific,just as they always have been for the fireworks at the MK. However, your assumption that people watch fireworks on their last day is probably wrong. I don’t think you can make that leap.

We aren’t allowed to get into discussions on covid as far as how it spreads, transmission rates etc, so I’ll refrain from that, but I don’t believe it’s true that the last day of a trip = watching fireworks.

And honestly, the only way not to have those crowds is not to have fireworks.

You're right about the Disboards policy. I think I'll delete that part of my comment so this thread doesn't get locked.
Myself and 2 sons are scheduled to go to Disney at the end of August. Just saw this announcement today:

Starting July 30th, Disney World will require all guests, regardless of vaccination status, to wear masks in an indoor locations. This includes upon entering and throughout all attractions, either indoor or outdoor.

Does this mean that we have to wear masks in outdoor lines as well? (Slinky Dog Dash for example) I'm just not sure we are willing to pay that much $ to stand in the August Florida heat with a mask on.

Assuming I'm reading the new directive correctly? I think we would still go if it just meant indoors because air conditioning makes a big difference, but in outdoor lines, I'm not so sure.

Do I need to call Disney to see about cancelling? I've already paid my full balance. Will I get that back? And I bought Boo Bash tickets. Ugh. I know I'm sounding like a whiney baby, but I'm so over wearing masks!
I understand your frustration 110%…I HATE the mask and my trip is in 2 weeks. I said it from the beginning that if they still required them outdoors I would cancel, indoors I didn’t mind as much because of the AC. I was spoiled at the idea of not having to wear it at all—-only transportation. Now that they’ve scaled back again I am right there with you—-disappointed!! I guess we with find out today about the ride queues. A ride like 7DMT for example, where most the queue is outside, and the wait time is generally always long, I find it barbaric to wear a mask outside in 98 degrees, it’s literal torture and borderline offensive to be down people’s throats for it. I have fainting spells and get nauseous in heat when I can’t breath. That doesn’t sit right with me. You can cram people together like sardines for fireworks but standing in line you have to wear it? I REALLY hope that not the case and they have the common sense and consideration for people’s health in other aspects than covid! Not to mention, touching your mask all day putting it on/off, on/off 50 million times in a day!! 🤮
I think the part that has me feeling the most blah; is that I continue to feel taken advantage of by them. In the past it was one of the things I liked most about Disney; I always felt they'd figure out a way to make me feel good about spending my money, but it keeps getting less and less. This isn't even totally about the masks per say; it's about the fact that they seem perfectly happy to inconvenience their paying guests in the name of "safety," yet aren't doing a darn thing if it takes away from their revenue. If it was even a tiny bit about safety; they wouldn't have lifted the cap on attendance so rapidly (or at the VERY least everything should have turned red once they knew the "new" dangers) they should have left rope drop the way it was, gone back to social distancing etc...but nope, just inconvenience the guests into something that's really going to do next to nothing to protect them in the grand scheme of things.

Now, I don't disagree with that statement - but my sense is that this is true at both parks. Yes, Universal has the benefit of the Express Pass when staying at a Deluxe Resort, which means you spend less time in line (and the reason why we have booked Deluxe for an upcoming trip). But whether in a short line or long line, the ability to distance in either park with the capacity that they have is problematic. From the pictures that I have seen, the fairly narrow Diagon Alley can still get pretty backed up and maybe it is not as bad as watching fireworks at MK, but it appears crowded nonetheless
I understand your frustration 110%…I HATE the mask and my trip is in 2 weeks. I said it from the beginning that if they still required them outdoors I would cancel, indoors I didn’t mind as much because of the AC. I was spoiled at the idea of not having to wear it at all—-only transportation. Now that they’ve scaled back again I am right there with you—-disappointed!! I guess we with find out today about the ride queues. A ride like 7DMT for example, where most the queue is outside, and the wait time is generally always long, I find it barbaric to wear a mask outside in 98 degrees, it’s literal torture and borderline offensive to be down people’s throats for it. I have fainting spells and get nauseous in heat when I can’t breath. That doesn’t sit right with me. You can cram people together like sardines for fireworks but standing in line you have to wear it? I REALLY hope that not the case and they have the common sense and consideration for people’s health in other aspects than covid! Not to mention, touching your mask all day putting it on/off, on/off 50 million times in a day!! 🤮
How are you taking your mask on and off? You should touch the ear strap not the front, that would be nasty. Also, when we were there in May/June they didn't require the mask until you got up to the official line (where you would tap in for FP and what not) so a majority of the outside part with no fans/breeze was maskless and it was easy to use a handheld fan and umbrella (which you would need anyway, because it's August on your trip). What I found last August, when I had to wear a mask 100% of the time.....I was sweating like mad like I would any August, I felt no worse than i normally do during an August trip. As I prepare for yet another August trip I keep asking myself why I continue to go in August because it's ugly hot, mask or no mask. However, as someone who has medical issues with heat myself I strongly suggest rethinking this trip if you think that just wearing a mask is going to be what pushes you over the edge for having issues. Not saying that to be mean and doing a "well then just don't go then!!" kind of way, I have just been MANY times in August and I know it's tough without masks and I wouldn't want you having problems unnecessarily. I've had to seek medical help in the parks in August before myself, pre-covid, it's nothing to mess around with.
Illbe I'll honest; our extended family trip intended to start next week has started thst discussions too. We have some that really want to go to Universal anyways and after running the numbers we could stay at a "deluxeish" resort with express pass for basically the same price, could even end up being a bit lower than doing Disney. We have til Sat. night to make a final decision. I'm more of the Disney pusher, usually, but man they make it hard sometimes (not just this.) I'm kinda hoping they reverse course after the disaster that will be tomorrow. but part of me is also kinda feeling better to just say forget it.

I think the part that has me feeling the most blah; is that I continue to feel taken advantage of by them. In the past it was one of the things I liked most about Disney; I always felt they'd figure out a way to make me feel good about spending my money, but it keeps getting less and less. This isn't even totally about the masks per say; it's about the fact that they seem perfectly happy to inconvenience their paying guests in the name of "safety," yet aren't doing a darn thing if it takes away from their revenue. If it was even a tiny bit about safety; they wouldn't have lifted the cap on attendance so rapidly (or at the VERY least everything should have turned red once they knew the "new" dangers) they should have left rope drop the way it was, gone back to social distancing etc...but nope, just inconvenience the guests into something that's really going to do next to nothing to protect them in the grand scheme of things.
I’ve been trying to find the words to say how I feel lately about all that Disney has done during this pandemic and this sums it up pretty nicely. They have continually let me down recently. And like you said it’s not just about the masks. It’s about packing the parks, doing nothing about the insanely long lines (no fastpass), charging the same price for an extremely watered down experience and now playing mask theatre while continuing to pack the parks when the rest of the Florida parks are only still recommending masks. I have a trip next week also and if I didn’t have a young child who can’t experience much at all at Universal, I would have given them all my park dollars in a heartbeat. And this is coming from a Disney parks fanatic for 20 years and a DVC member.
Now... is it just me, or reading all the replies and comments, a Disney Cruise, even with all the restrictions and conditions, is starting to look like a much better deal/experience than a visit to any theme parks?
Myself and 2 sons are scheduled to go to Disney at the end of August. Just saw this announcement today:

Starting July 30th, Disney World will require all guests, regardless of vaccination status, to wear masks in an indoor locations. This includes upon entering and throughout all attractions, either indoor or outdoor.

Does this mean that we have to wear masks in outdoor lines as well? (Slinky Dog Dash for example) I'm just not sure we are willing to pay that much $ to stand in the August Florida heat with a mask on.

Assuming I'm reading the new directive correctly? I think we would still go if it just meant indoors because air conditioning makes a big difference, but in outdoor lines, I'm not so sure.

Do I need to call Disney to see about cancelling? I've already paid my full balance. Will I get that back? And I bought Boo Bash tickets. Ugh. I know I'm sounding like a whiney baby, but I'm so over wearing masks!
Just curious.....why would you cancel your trip over having to wear a mask indoors?
Now... is it just me, or reading all the replies and comments, a Disney Cruise, even with all the restrictions and conditions, is starting to look like a much better deal/experience than a visit to any theme parks?

We love cruising, and even pre-pandemic I would say we prefer taking a Disney cruise over a trip to Disney. Cruising with Disney is just so dang expensive! Disney is expensive too, but cruises are even pricier.
If you decide to go, wear the surgical disposable masks and use a neck fan for the outdoor queue. However, I have a feeling that CMs at SDD might not reinforce the new rule as everything is outside with multiple giant fans blowing simultaneously, plus the plexiglass dividers are still up at some places. That was my favorite queue, despite the 80 minutes wait, during my trip in July.

Have an awesome trip if your family decides to go!!
I was there in October 2020, when the mask policy was in place everywhere (indoor and outdoor) and it was in the high 90's every day. I agree, go with the surgical masks if you need to. Those cotton Disney masks are very cute, but less breathable and bearable in the heat. Another thing we did (and this was my friend's idea) was to bring cosmetic wipes to clean off our faces in the restrooms. That actually helped a lot in as far as having sweaty face under the mask. It was not preferable by any means to have to wear a mask, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
I’ve been trying to find the words to say how I feel lately about all that Disney has done during this pandemic and this sums it up pretty nicely. They have continually let me down recently. And like you said it’s not just about the masks. It’s about packing the parks, doing nothing about the insanely long lines (no fastpass), charging the same price for an extremely watered down experience and now playing mask theatre while continuing to pack the parks when the rest of the Florida parks are only still recommending masks. I have a trip next week also and if I didn’t have a young child who can’t experience much at all at Universal, I would have given them all my park dollars in a heartbeat. And this is coming from a Disney parks fanatic for 20 years and a DVC member.
Well put. This is me as well. I have a 3 year old who is only about 38/39 inches tall. Not a heck of a lot to do at Universal. Otherwise I would be switching my upcoming trip. As it is, we will just be cancelling, provided Disney doesn't backtrack on this nonsense.
Just curious.....why would you cancel your trip over having to wear a mask indoors?

Because nobody wants to spend thousands of dollars to have a bad time. Not the person you responded to, but I picked Orlando because I wanted to go to Disney- now I'm awkwardly stuck waiting on news hoping it changes while double booking a half trip to Daytona.
Because nobody wants to spend thousands of dollars to have a bad time. Not the person you responded to, but I picked Orlando because I wanted to go to Disney- now I'm awkwardly stuck waiting on news hoping it changes while double booking a half trip to Daytona.
I'm sorry you feel wearing a mask part-time equates to a bad time.
Now... is it just me, or reading all the replies and comments, a Disney Cruise, even with all the restrictions and conditions, is starting to look like a much better deal/experience than a visit to any theme parks?
Disney cruise will have reduced capacity but reduced offering but not a REDUCED price.
Like everything you have to weigh value to price. We cancelled our cruise but I am looking to
rebook once I see a couple months of real life reviews come back.

That being said I am rethinking of taking a WDW trip in Sept ahead of our Nov Dec trip simply
because if a lot of people cancel I want to go to avoid as much crowd as possible.:)
I'm sorry you feel wearing a mask part-time equates to a bad time.

When it involves spending the whole time in line keeping a mask on a small child or someone with special needs that either just can't handle it or don't understand why it does make it miserable. Especially for those people that started to plan and book trips once masks were gone so that wouldn't be an issue.
Well....this pandemic is an ever-changing living thing for sure. But, until we're completely out of this, which at this point feels like another year or so, CDC guidelines will continue to change, vaccination mandates may come and go, infection rates will go up and down. If we want to try to get through this with a smidge of sanity, we all need to be flexible with the changes that come our way and go with the flow. This may be one of the reasons we're all on edge, especially with one another. Get out there and try to look at the positives, rather than the negatives, and destress a little. I work in a hospital and haven't been able to take my mask off for 18 months. I'm actually fine with only having to put it on indoors during my August trip to Disney.
I know it's early in the day but I would love to see reports about signage and compliance/enforcement. I really feel for the CMs that will have to deal with any blowback from guests who are there now and don't like the change.
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