To Go or Not To Go

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Nah, they’re the same, they aren’t worried about it happening to them because they think never in a million years will they end up on a vent. “The risk is low, I’ll be just fine if I get sick, I’m not scared… won’t happen to me”. They aren’t worried about it happening to them because they don’t think it’ll happen to them. They think if they get sick they’ll have it mild and they’ll be just fine in a week, and maybe they will….and maybe they won’t.

At what point will it be worth the risk to go. That is the million dollar question. We cancelled two trips last year. You would think a year later it would be better. It's looking the same for this one. I'm okay with a check your expectations experience, but should I pay all this money when I am trying to constantly avoid crowds during the 50th. Making it harder is my sister is coming and the airfare she booked. She would end up with a credit. We have until Monday to decide. If we don't cancel, shorten the trip and pull my DH off the reservation. He has been working from home since this began due to his underlying health condition. This was suppose to be a retirement trip. The working from home has been one of the few positives that has come out of the Covid mess. So he plans to just sit up stairs, continue to work, and delay retirement. I'm seeing more and more resort availability, if anyone is interested.
At this point it’s less of a “check your expectations” trip and more of a “check your risk assessment”, and everyone has a wildly different risk assessment. More and more is opening up, and it is true that more and more people are canceling, but how many will it take for you all to feel comfortable?
So, our original plan was to go in February 2020, but then I had a "brilliant", last-minute idea based on stupid crowd calendars, to postpone until May 2020, because I was hoping that crowds would be lower. Well, crowds sure were low in May 2020...:(

We attempted to re-schedule for September 2020 (before we knew how chronic this thing was going to be), but then canceled again due to more Covid restrictions than we were comfortable with.

We have now re-scheduled again for October 2021 and are debating whether to cancel again or not.

The problem - if we postpone until 2022, how do we know that another variant won't pop up next spring? Or next fall?

At this point, we are going in a month unless lockdowns or restrictions get worse, because nobody knows what's going to happen in the future.
But, the risk IS low. The vast majority of Covid cases will recover without medical intervention, even with Delta. It's not that "it won't happen to me", it's "it's unlikely to happen to me but I understand the risks, and it's worth it to me".

I think that you are minimizing other people's risk-tolerance by assuming that they are not smart enough to understand your point-of-view.
I worked in crisis and risk management for a healthcare system through this pandemic , the reality is that we don’t know who is likely or unlikely to be at high or low risk so we must all conduct ourselves in a manner which says “I know I probably won’t end up in the ICU, but there is the possibility i or someone I know COULD, so let me take proper precautions to prevent that.” I never said I thought anyone wasn’t smart enough to understand anything, just a large portion or people fail to realize that there is a lot about who gets hit hard and who doesn’t that we just don’t know yet.
Nah, they’re the same, they aren’t worried about it happening to them because they think never in a million years will they end up on a vent. “The risk is low, I’ll be just fine if I get sick, I’m not scared… won’t happen to me”. They aren’t worried about it happening to them because they don’t think it’ll happen to them. They think if they get sick they’ll have it mild and they’ll be just fine in a week, and maybe they will….and maybe they won’t.
I worked in crisis and risk management for a healthcare system through this pandemic , the reality is that we don’t know who is likely or unlikely to be at high or low risk so we must all conduct ourselves in a manner which says “I know I probably won’t end up in the ICU, but there is the possibility i or someone I know COULD, so let me take proper precautions to prevent that.” I never said I thought anyone wasn’t smart enough to understand anything, just a large portion or people fail to realize that there is a lot about who gets hit hard and who doesn’t that we just don’t know yet.

Those two sentences seem contradictory to me...
I think that you are minimizing other people's risk-tolerance by assuming that they are not smart enough to understand your point-of-view.

Well, some people do a great job of proving that they are not very smart about it.

For instance, if someone tells me, "Hey, I prefer to drive from New York to Orlando because I enjoy the drive and like having control so I can stop when I where I like. I know it's a somewhat higher risk to drive than to fly, but that's what I prefer" then sure, AOK. That's you. You do you.

Same with this. If someone says, "hey, I know the risks, I understand the risks, and I'm OK with them," who am I to disagree? (Though I have strong opinions about how your choices affect me, but that's another discussion.)

If, on the other hand, someone says "There was a plane crash last year, and I saw it on TV. So, I'm not flying. I don't care what those stupid engineers say, planes are super dangerous. Way more dangerous than cars. I don't care what the 'authorities' say, I know better and driving is safer."

In that case, I feel on pretty solid ground saying that they're making an uniformed choice. I'll let you decide if making uninformed or poorly supported decisions qualifies as "stupid."
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Those two sentences seem contradictory to me...

I think what Sarahslay is saying is pretty clear, and I also think she/he is trying hard to be civil instead of speaking more plainly.

In any event, I don't take her/his point to be about being too stupid to understand. It's about being smart and nonetheless making a leap of faith that it won't happen to them.
Florida's overall positivity rate last week was 19.8%, and the rate for children under 12 was 23%. So, yes, more people won't get it than will (which should tamp down paranoia), but that's still a heck of a lot of people who will, which puts a lot of pressure on the healthcare system. The odds are still in the average vaccinated traveler's favor, but they are not nearly as good as they were even a few weeks ago. It's all about the level of risk you are willing to assume.

My entirely vaccinated family spent 3 days in the parks the first week of August. However, my DD is back in school now and around kids with younger siblings all day, so I'd be a wee bit more hesitant now. Probably would still go, but I'd be extra-careful about masking.
Those two sentences seem contradictory to me...
Nope, you’re just trying to pick a fight. Just people have that thought process doesn’t mean they aren’t smart, it just means they have a different level of risk assessment that may put them at risk if they aren’t more careful. I’m not trying to put anyone down or belittle anyone, I was just stating the thought process that some have that I have witnessed first hand in my profession on a daily (actually, hourly or more) basis. This has zero to do with anyone’s intellectual capabilities.
Nope, you’re just trying to pick a fight. Just people have that thought process doesn’t mean they aren’t smart, it just means they have a different level of risk assessment that may put them at risk if they aren’t more careful. I’m not trying to put anyone down or belittle anyone, I was just stating the thought process that some have that I have witnessed first hand in my profession on a daily (actually, hourly or more) basis. This has zero to do with anyone’s intellectual capabilities.
Yes, I agree, but the point that I was making is that having a higher risk-tolerance than you doesn't mean those people are in complete denial that they will possibly be seriously affected by Covid. Which is what you were implying.
Yes, I agree, but the point that I was making is that having a higher risk-tolerance than you doesn't mean those people are in complete denial that they will possibly be seriously affected by Covid. Which is what you were implying.
That’s not what I was implying, but you’re going to keep poking holes in everything I say so oh well. I actually have a really high risk tolerance which is why I’m going for a week next week and have already been 6 times already. There is just a big difference in saying “I see there are risks but that will never happen to me so I don’t need to take precautions” and saying “I’ve evaluated the risks, am aware of them, and will still go but take proper precautions” Proper precautions being different for everyone. For some that may be no indoor dining, wearing masks indoor and out, driving themselves and no Disney transportation, and no fireworks or shoes where they can’t distance. For others that may just be following Disney’s guidelines of wearing a mask indoors and using hand sanitizer (that’s where I am). BUT you completely twisted everything I said previously I read in to things I said, misconstruing it all to heck and I expect you to do nothing less with this. I know exactly what I said and it’s 100% not what you keep insisting I said.
Just a heads up for those still going and are N95 wearers . I have been to four different stores here in Orlando and nobody seems to carry N95 masks. Or they are sold out. I’m kicking myself because back at home I have boxes and I seem to have not brought enough for our trip. I had assumed that we would be wearing our surgical masks more outdoors but in the end we found that it wasn’t that miserable wearing those outside ( still wasn’t fun but we did it). I even went to a Publix pharmacy and ask the pharmacist and he looked at me like I was crazy when I said do you guys carry N 95‘s.
So if you’re planning on wearing these while here make sure you bring enough. We are now at universal and I’m curious how things are here. All I can say, and it’s OT, is that Portofino Blows any Disney Deluxe away that I’ve been out. I actually feel like I’m being served here.
Just a heads up for those still going and are N95 wearers . I have been to four different stores here in Orlando and nobody seems to carry N95 masks. Or they are sold out. I’m kicking myself because back at home I have boxes and I seem to have not brought enough for our trip. I had assumed that we would be wearing our surgical masks more outdoors but in the end we found that it wasn’t that miserable wearing those outside ( still wasn’t fun but we did it). I even went to a Publix pharmacy and ask the pharmacist and he looked at me like I was crazy when I said do you guys carry N 95‘s.
So if you’re planning on wearing these while here make sure you bring enough. We are now at universal and I’m curious how things are here. All I can say, and it’s OT, is that Portofino Blows any Disney Deluxe away that I’ve been out. I actually feel like I’m being served here.
Those aren't a regular thing that stores tend to carry. Usually need to be specially ordered. I wouldn't wear any old N95 without being fit tested for it anyway. Well, i would never consider wearing one to a theme park at all, but that's just me, after having to wear them for work quite often. KN95s are a different story.
So I just got back from a 10 day WDW trip and the next day took a test and it came back positive for covid. The others in my party then got tested and we’re 2 out of 6 positive. We’re all vaccinated adults, 23-35 years of age.

I think for us, we understood the risks but we didn’t want to bring it back, so we test right away. I think that’s the least you can do if you’re going to Florida.

For what it’s worth, my symptoms after getting tested were a few hours of chills, runny nose, and maybe two days of not being able to smell. I never lost my sense of taste.
Those aren't a regular thing that stores tend to carry. Usually need to be specially ordered. I wouldn't wear any old N95 without being fit tested for it anyway. Well, i would never consider wearing one to a theme park at all, but that's just me, after having to wear them for work quite often. KN95s are a different story.
In Germany they are mandated so everyone wears them and sold everywhere in all sizes. So I was a bit shocked how hard they are to get here. Fy Kids under 14 can wear surgical. Germany said no to self-made cloth last year. I just assumed knowing the situation here they’d be more available everywhere. At least we are at the end of our trip. We did self test 2x this week and all sofar ok.

You seem to have to wear them for work so correct me if I’m wrong but the message over here in Germany is that if they are fitting correctly when you breathe in and out the mask suctions in and out and If you blow in your mask and you feel the air on your eyes it’s not sealed. That’s our test to make sure they fit it right
Just a heads up for those still going and are N95 wearers . I have been to four different stores here in Orlando and nobody seems to carry N95 masks. Or they are sold out. I’m kicking myself because back at home I have boxes and I seem to have not brought enough for our trip. I had assumed that we would be wearing our surgical masks more outdoors but in the end we found that it wasn’t that miserable wearing those outside ( still wasn’t fun but we did it). I even went to a Publix pharmacy and ask the pharmacist and he looked at me like I was crazy when I said do you guys carry N 95‘s.
So if you’re planning on wearing these while here make sure you bring enough. We are now at universal and I’m curious how things are here. All I can say, and it’s OT, is that Portofino Blows any Disney Deluxe away that I’ve been out. I actually feel like I’m being served here.
We are also at Portifono today and agree!
For people cancelling I’m curious when you think it will be “safe” because all indications are that it’s not going away anytime soon. We are already at 1.5 years with no end in sight.

The global COVID pandemic created unprecedented restrictions, disruptions and changes to our travel, work, shopping, schooling, social interactions and so many other aspects of our lives since the beginning of 2020. We’ve all been affected, and we have been inundated with news, information, mis-information, frustrations and opinions. We’ve heard them, we’ve shared them, we’ve argued about them.

The discussions, debates and arguments about the virus, distancing and masking policies, various politicians’ statements and actions have been overwhelming and divisive. Many threads on the DISboards have been derailed or devolved into arguments due to this topic. We understand the passion, but feel that we’ve let the discussions run their course. We are sure there are better places on the WWW to learn about and debate scientific, medical and political issues. The mission of the DISboards is to be a great travel resource and a friendly community.

Now that travel is opening up again, it’s time to refocus on that mission!

From this point on, we will welcome information on COVID policies RELATED TO TRAVEL. Things like the vaccination policies issued by venues or destinations, the cleaning or distancing procedures in use, practical tips for travelers or things they might need to know that are different from location to location are all valid topics. Any official policies issued by Disney, other travel destinations, cruise lines, airlines, etc. regarding requirements for visiting parks or cruising can be shared. This information needs to be on-topic for the specific forum and thread where posted.

We will NOT welcome debate or opinion about medical, scientific, or political aspects of the pandemic. There are a few often repeated trigger items that won’t be allowed: No statistics about infection rates, no ranting about individual rights, no “face-diaper” comments, no debate about whether vaccinations or masking are effective, no discussions about which governor or politician or news personality did or said what.

In summary: COVID related discussion should be limited to actual policy and practical application, and NOT veer into opinion or debate.

We understand that you may be passionate in your opinions on this topic and want to discuss or debate them, and appreciate your understanding that there are more appropriate places than the DISboards to do that.
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