The ABCs of Starting Over- OR to KY Roadtrip + WDW 50th Ann. Trip 9/28-10/4; Day 6 and REPORT COMPLETE!

Boy did you say a mouthful. :sad2:

But you can put your chickens in a basket and count your eggs.
Have you ever tried to wrestle a chicken?!

Oh, no! Talk about a last minute (mostly) bombshell! :faint:

It was pretty large. But I think it'll all work out great!
Hope that works out for you guys. Have a blow up mattress (with pump) or sleeping pads??

Yes, Greg and Marcia are lending us some and I'll return them in January.
But... you don't want to check your trailer?

Nah, it's just sitting there under Christopher's good care.

That's a bucket list item of mine. I'd love to travel the full length of Route 66. (Yes I know some of it's gone now.)

We'll see small parts, but not a ton. Enough to whet our whistles though!
Another bucket list item. See the Grand Canyon.

Any of it.

We are not going to the N. Rim after all. We've both seen the canyon and I have some other (better) stuff to see in Marble Canyon and a slot canyon tour all set up in Monument Valley. Pretty excited about my photo ops.

Really! No way! Still have it?

OH no, long gone.
I guess this is a dumb question, but... what's a cattle tank that you cool off in??

It's basically a hole in the ground that is filled (naturally or otherwise) with water for cattle to drink. Nasty things!
You certainly aren't lacking for things to do/see!

It's pretty jam packed for sure!
So you're bringing a tent, then? Or do you mean sleeping in the car?

We're just going to rough it in the car. I don't have time to set up or break down a tent, so we'll just throw the bags beside the car each night and settle in with bags, pads, and pillows. Easy-peasy. If my neck gets too painful, we'll ditch that routine and stay at more hotels.
Different times. Plus we all think we'll live forever when we're that age.

Fair point!
Just reading about your future plans. You do have a lot on your plate.
I saw this picture today and I thought of you. I guess you made that decision.
driving working.jpg
OH man!! This is me!! I"m going to clean out my locker today and it's just.. weird. But I'm only sad about saying good bye to my co-workers. The job had become a definite dead-end.
I love all your little known adventure places, cool sites that are off the beaten track. It sounds like fun and shouldn't be crowded. :)

VERY off the beaten path!! When we get up North of Flagstaff, we'll be in some very remote country where very few venture. I kinda love that. I have campsite/airbnb reserved on the Navajo land that comes with a Taco dinner but we'll be the only ones there. Pretty stoked about that one.

We went to Sedona twice and loved hiking in the canyon. Sedona itself had gotten a little too touristy for us, though, so we haven't returned. But it is very pretty there. :)
Oh you are absolutely right. Sedona is VERY touristy but our plan is to spend half a day or so hiking in some canyons outside of "town" (The Devil's Bridge Trail and maybe another) and taking some photos at the Red Rock State Park. I have a campsite reserved that has a hot shower (#1 priority!) and we'll not linger too long in that area. The better stuff is up north I think.
Have you ever tried to wrestle a chicken?!
I have!
He won. Best two out of three falls.
It was pretty large. But I think it'll all work out great!
Sounds like you're making the best of it. :)
Yes, Greg and Marcia are lending us some and I'll return them in January.
Nice of them. :)
We are not going to the N. Rim after all. We've both seen the canyon and I have some other (better) stuff to see in Marble Canyon and a slot canyon tour all set up in Monument Valley. Pretty excited about my photo ops.
Well... that's good too! :laughing:
It's basically a hole in the ground that is filled (naturally or otherwise) with water for cattle to drink. Nasty things!

And... :laughing:
We're just going to rough it in the car. I don't have time to set up or break down a tent, so we'll just throw the bags beside the car each night and settle in with bags, pads, and pillows. Easy-peasy. If my neck gets too painful, we'll ditch that routine and stay at more hotels.
Good luck!
That said, taking off East out of Barstow, we’ll stick to Old Route 66 and find some kicks in Amboy.

Whenever somebody mentions Barstow, I always get the Route 66 song stuck in my head.

The Johnson Railroad Tunnel. Here is a description for you if you’re interested! Looks GREAT!! I love that it’s easy and only takes about 3 hours. And I think it may afford some cool photo ops!

Hiking through a railroad tunnel! I am so in! That sounds very cool.

I’m ridiculously excited about this, but I think since I was there last it looks like it’s taken a turn for the “touristy”. Ugh. 35 years ago, you could amble as you might going into the old buildings and exploring. Still, I love a good old mining town.

Well, you are a tourist now, so that makes it ok.

No trip to the area would be complete without showing Zach Montezuma’s Castle Cliff Dwelling ruins!

Hey, I've been there! Neat little spot.

Traveling north from there, the obvious next stop is Red Rock Canyon near Sedona. This may be the most beautiful spot on the planet.

Sedona is so gorgeous. The town has really grown and been built up over the years, though. Beware the traffic in town.

and then a stop at the Vermillion Cliffs for a breather.

There's one place we didn't manage to get to.

The goal of this day is only 3 sights- Monument Valley (which will require a paid fee of $20), the Goosenecks State Park, and Canyon de Chelly (pronounced de SHAY).

More gaps in the resume! I need to go back!
E is for: Everything is Fluid

Whelp, with a little extra time spent fine-tuning the itinerary, I found some additional amazing things I can’t pass up. So, with a bit of tweaking, here is the revised Day 8 along with Days 9-11:

DAY 8-

I heard wind of a 3-hour Slot Canyon Tour that takes off from Page, AZ and includes jeeps and hiking to 2 locations. This is your iconic red-walled, smooth wavy lines you are probably familiar with and it’s been on my bucket list to experience for… ever. One of my errands today is to drive the half hour to our local camera shop to learn how to use/mount/fiddle with my tripod. I’ve always shot handheld and it seems to work, but this subject matter is too precious and remote to have 2nd chances anytime soon. Unless I’m extremely lucky and get to go back. Which I would in a heartbeat.


After our 8:00AM tour (early, hence the reason I chose to head for Page to sleep the night before instead of Flagstaff) we’ll head to Monument Valley and just take our time driving through with LOADS of photo stops along the way. There are some very beautiful looking pullout stops to pause at. The Goosenecks is north of there and that stop hasn’t changed.

When I called to inquire about camping inside the Tribal Areas, they refereed me to a camping AirBnb that comes with a hot shower AND a Navajo Taco Dinner. HELLO!!!! We’ll spend the night there and star-gaze a bit. That whole area is known for this.


DAY 9-

As I was mapping things out and looking at best routes to get to Las Cruces, it took us right past Canyon de Chelly, so this is the day we’ll most likely visit that National Monument area. There is a scenic route that skirts the edge of this canyon (Hwy 7) that IS open (I’ve made a ton of calls to the Navajo Headquarters) so we’ll use that to make our way to Gallup for the night. I don’t know what we’ll find along the way, as this is the point my research begins to peter out. I’m far less familiar with this area and moving east from there. Also, I don’t want to lock us into reservations or hard timeframes this far out as we may get delayed along the way with sight-seeing or unforeseen circumstances for fear of losing deposit money.

DAY 10-

Leaving Gallup, we’ll head to Las Cruces by way of Hwy 180- the far more scenic route than the Freeways. Again, I have no idea what to see or stop at along the way. It’s wholly untraveled territory for me, but I AM hoping to see armadillo and maybe we’ll get extremely lucky and see some javelina/peccary. I’ve seen those before while camping as they traipsed through our campsite in a big pack, and it was quite possibly one of the coolest wildlife sightings I’ve ever had in my life. That, or the gila monster in Eastern Arizona.



DAY 11-

Day 11 is now a bunch of Freeway driving unless someone pipes up and has a better idea. This will take us from Las Cruces to San Antonio. Hopefully we’ll get to S.A. in time to do the River Walk and have dinner at a place Marcia suggested called the BBQ Station. I supposed at some point soonish I should find a hotel. Clearly, from this point forward, the trip is sketchy because I am so unfamiliar with what there is to see. I am a bit more interested in the Mission San Jose than the Alamo should we have time to do any sight-seeing. Game time decision on this one.

As I look at the map one more time as I’m writing this, it seems like a WAYYYYY too long a drive for us. A stop in Sheffield seems a bit more our speed with a detour to see Fort Lancaster. We do love our history!



And that’ll wrap this day up. Or days. We just don’t know!
Want to make sure I pop in here before your adventure begins.
To think 5 years ago your "October" PTR caught my eye because we were planning a Disney trip around the same time.
Back THEN (during nursing school) and NOW( moving across the country ) I have and always will wish you the best in everything you do.
I will following along to see what will be some beautiful photos I'm sure, and also to find out what other "mischief" you may try.
Good Luck!! Safe Travels!! :drive:Take Care!! :)
I have!
He won. Best two out of three falls.

So no feather for your cap?

Whenever somebody mentions Barstow, I always get the Route 66 song stuck in my head.

I need to build a playlist.
Hiking through a railroad tunnel! I am so in! That sounds very cool.


Well, you are a tourist now, so that makes it ok.

As long as I'm not a touron.

Hey, I've been there! Neat little spot.

Fascinating to me how they did that!

Sedona is so gorgeous. The town has really grown and been built up over the years, though. Beware the traffic in town.

OY! Thanks for the heads up! We've agreed to be early risers, so hopefully the RD Strats will work.

There's one place we didn't manage to get to.

More gaps in the resume! I need to go back!

I'd say so!! I never tire of the whole area!!
Want to make sure I pop in here before your adventure begins.
OHhh, thanks, for stopping in to wish me well. :goodvibes: I know you don't post often, but I do think of you when I think back to my early DISDays!

To think 5 years ago your "October" PTR caught my eye because we were planning a Disney trip around the same time.

Yes, and we even got to hug and say hi for a short meet in person. :yes: And then I was a doofus and called you the wrong name here. I think I'd just replied to someone else and had them in my brain and used her name. I still feel soooo badly about that. :blush: :flower3::flower3::flower3::flower3:
Back THEN (during nursing school) and NOW( moving across the country ) I have and always will wish you the best in everything you do.
I will following along to see what will be some beautiful photos I'm sure, and also to find out what other "mischief" you may try.
Good Luck!! Safe Travels!! :drive:Take Care!! :)

A lot of water under the bridge since then for sure! Seems there is always a new twist to life but I try to stay positive and take it all as it comes. I hope there are a lot of good photo opportunities as well. I've really tried to set it up so that I have the best chance for a lot of pretty scenery staying off the main highways as much as possible. I hope you check in often and say hello!! :D
I heard wind of a 3-hour Slot Canyon Tour that takes off from Page, AZ and includes jeeps and hiking to 2 locations.
That sounds really cool. I could see doing that, too.
This is your iconic red-walled, smooth wavy lines you are probably familiar with
ooooohhh... I've wanted to photograph those forever, too.
we’ll head to Monument Valley and just take our time driving through with LOADS of photo stops along the way.
::yes:: I bet!
When I called to inquire about camping inside the Tribal Areas, they refereed me to a camping AirBnb that comes with a hot shower AND a Navajo Taco Dinner. HELLO!!!!
Okay, that's pretty cool too. :)
That whole area is known for this.

Dang... I mean, just... wow!
I’m far less familiar with this area and moving east from there.
Don't look at me! I've never been in that neck of the... desert.
maybe we’ll get extremely lucky and see some javelina/peccary.
I've heard of peccary, but not javelina.
I’ve seen those before while camping as they traipsed through our campsite in a big pack, and it was quite possibly one of the coolest wildlife sightings I’ve ever had in my life.
Huh! I presume it wasn't as scary as it would be if it was wild boar?
That, or the gila monster in Eastern Arizona.
Are you saying you've seen one? Or hoping to see one? Or both?
A stop in Sheffield seems a bit more our speed with a detour to see Fort Lancaster.
Is that the Fort in the next photo?
That sounds really cool. I could see doing that, too.

ooooohhh... I've wanted to photograph those forever, too.
Dang... I mean, just... wow!

I 100% know I cannot even come close to this, but it'll be fun to see what I DO get. :)

Don't look at me! I've never been in that neck of the... desert.

There's a lot of US to see!
I've heard of peccary, but not javelina.

Both wild pigs. Not sure there's a difference- just in name?
Huh! I presume it wasn't as scary as it would be if it was wild boar?

I suppose! We were not scared at all, they were just ambling/snorting/rooting their way through the campground...
Are you saying you've seen one? Or hoping to see one? Or both?

I have seen one, in the wild, yes. Well, it was in someone's yard, but still, not in captivity. Pretty cool!! I'd love to see both!
Is that the Fort in the next photo?
Yes, and the 2nd is the San Jose Mission.
F is for: Finally Nearing the End

We left off finding us deep in the heart of Texas.

Let’s tackle Days 12-16…

Day 12-

We last left off in either Sheffield or San Antonio, Texas. Depends on how burned out we are with travel. By now we may be saying to ourselves or each other, “When will we get there?” Because no one has ever said that at some point on a road trip. Since I posted my last chapter about San Antonio my mom piped up and thought we would enjoy an area called King William Historic District with fun shops and the Pioneer Flour Mill. Apparently, the Guenther House offers a very nice breakfast. We’ll see if the timing of things works out. Nice to have options.

Day 13-

No time to dilly-dally too terribly much; the Bayou beckons! With no stops, it’s a 4-hour drive from San Antonio to La Fayette, the goal of the day. If we arrive in time, we’ll head to Pat’s Fisherman’s Wharf for some authentic Cajun grub. I worked at the Blue Bayou for a spell and while it was a great setting, it was anything but authentic. My mouth is watering for crawfish, jambalaya, etouffee, etc… I have no idea where we’ll lay our travel-weary heads, but I’m sure we’ll find something.
Day 14-

I made a phone call today to Kim with: He will get back to me tomorrow or “soon” about a custom Swamp Tour. My Friends, of all our travels, I think I may be most excited about this. I am obsessed with finally seeing a wild alligator and some snakes in their natural habitat. It’s pretty much impossible that I won’t while on this tour, I was assured when talking with Kim. Moreover, he says the water is pretty low right now and they are seeing a ton of HUGE (up to 50 lb. he says!) carp that have been jumping up and even OVER the boat. I don’t know if this the swamp version of a tall tale but this is some lore I’m willing to see for myself! He said, “It’s a bit terrifying, but super cool!”. Sold!


From there I am super hoping to visit with Vanessa and/or Michelle in Baton Rouge who are in Disney right now. I am amazed at their resilience having just endured Ida and its aftermath. Hope you’re having a well-earned vacation, @vamassey ! After our visit, our trail heads north and lands us in Vicksburg. But not by way of boring old Freeway. How about a historic highway, and one of America’s most famous at that? Word has it that Hwy 61, known as the Blues Highway, is as iconic as Route 66. Sadly, the Juke Joints that it is famous for, and where it got its reputation from, are few and far between now. This makes me sad to see such a piece of our heritage disappearing. Nevertheless, my research leads me to Leland for the night, where there is still a Juke Joint holdout known as Boss Hall’s Juke Joint. There is live music 7 days a week, so arriving any evening shouldn’t be a problem. If the timing isn’t right for here, there are a few more in Clarksdale further north.


Day 15-

Leaving Leland, we’ll push on to Paducah with few, if any, stops other than lunch. Boring-ish sort of day.

Day 16-

On the last stretch home we’ll wind through Land Between the Lakes Recreation Area since my folks say it’d be well worth our time. If we feel like we’re just “done” it’s nearby to “home” so I don’t feel quite as pressed to squeeze this bit in.

And that wraps up one heck of a Road Trip Plan.

About 60% of my stuff is loaded into the semi-truck trailer and the movers come either tomorrow evening or Monday morning to load the remaining stuff- almost all of it the furniture and some remaining boxes. We’re down to shopping for our road trip snacks, topping off the gas tank, and packing up my bedding and such. Small things in the grand scheme of things. My camera gear is ready, and I’m stoked to be setting out on this epic adventure.

The goal is to post a photo or two each evening as highlights of the day’s events. It is equally as conceivable I go dark for a bit. It wholly depends on cell reception, internet, and my attitude. 😉
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I 100% know I cannot even come close to this, but it'll be fun to see what I DO get. :)
I dunno. With your eye for unusual detail, I'm very much curious to see what you produce.
There's a lot of US to see!
Oh, I know!
Both wild pigs. Not sure there's a difference- just in name?
From Google:
Javelina (pronounced have-a-LEEN-a) is the common name for the collared peccary. ... Instead, they are part of the Tayassuidae family, while pigs belong to the family Suidae. Many physical characteristics distinguish the two families of animals. Peccaries have small ears and their tails are not easily seen from a distance.
I have seen one, in the wild, yes. Well, it was in someone's yard, but still, not in captivity. Pretty cool!! I'd love to see both!
By now we may be saying to ourselves or each other, “When will we get there?”
The correct expression is "Are we there yet?"
Repeated, ad nauseum, constantly until arrival.
my mom piped up and thought we would enjoy an area called King William Historic District with fun shops and the Pioneer Flour Mill.
Sounds interesting.
we’ll head to Pat’s Fisherman’s Wharf for some authentic Cajun grub.
I looked at the menu... Holy smokes. I'd need a few days there!
My mouth is watering for crawfish, jambalaya, etouffee, etc…
I had never heard of etoufee before. Now I want some! Wow!
custom Swamp Tour.
I am obsessed with finally seeing a wild alligator and some snakes in their natural habitat.
Gators I've seen, but not snakes (other than harmless garters).
they are seeing a ton of HUGE (up to 50 lb. he says!) carp that have been jumping up and even OVER the boat.
::yes:: Invasive species.
I don’t know if this the swamp version of a tall tale but this is some lore I’m willing to see for myself! He said, “It’s a bit terrifying, but super cool!”. Sold!
Oh, it's all too real. Keep a lookout or...
I am super hoping to visit with Vanessa and/or Michelle in Baton Rouge
Awesome! I'd love to meet them some day.
Word has it that Hwy 61, known as the Blues Highway, is as iconic as Route 66.
Huh. And I've never heard of it.
And that wraps up one heck of a Road Trip Plan.
Pretty amazing all right! I am very impressed... and quite envious!
About 60% of my stuff is loaded into the semi-truck trailer
Semi truck trailer???? Really!
The goal is to post a photo or two each evening as highlights of the day’s events. It is equally as conceivable I go dark for a bit. It wholly depends on cell reception, internet, and my attitude. 😉
Hope you can post. Would love to see some shots as you travel. :)
If I've learned anything this past year and a half it's that changes are now normal and nothing can really be predicted.

Yeah, ain't that the truth!

My basket was upset yesterday when Greg and Marcia called and said they just aren't comfortable with travel right now and don't want to go. I am not upset per se realizing that everyone must do what they feel is best for them. However, it did mean some re-thinking on how we're gonna do some things.

I'm sorry that you had such an upheaval of your plans at such a late date.

1) We'd planned on sharing a lot of the hotel rooms along the way which is now going to result in my spending twice as much on those.

Solution: I'm going to propose to Zach that some of our nights we'll camp along Forest Service Roads or other safer places here and there. My Nissan Rogue has fold-down seats so that we can easily sleep in the car. Unfortunately, it will require a bit of extra planning to find suitable places.

I used to do that with one of my exes 30+ years ago. I'm not sure at my advanced age I could go without a bed or a bathroom. Then again you are a bit tougher than I.

2) We won't be having to stop in Ridgecrest so we'll be able to make it to Barstow on night 4(?). Also, it completely cuts out the stop in Tucson shaving off at least 3 days.

Well that's a bonus!

3) Two fewer people to have to please with eating and stopping.

Given the difficulties you've been reporting on the other TR

Nevertheless, my 10 or so boxes of clothes, knick-knacks, kitchen items, bedding, etc.... will make its way there. Very sweet of them!

That's very nice of them.

That said, taking off East out of Barstow, we’ll stick to Old Route 66 and find some kicks in Amboy.

With previously mentioned ex, we visited Amboy Crater on one of our many jaunts.

My ex did his Masters work in that area collecting research and data for his Geology Thesis.

Did I know he was a geologist? Mine was/is too!

After that we’ll need a hotel, so I’ll try to book one in the next few days in Flagstaff. Phew!! What a beautiful, fun-filled few days we’ll have had until now!

We stopped in Flagstaff on our Southwestern road trip quite a few years back.

The goal of this day is only 3 sights- Monument Valley (which will require a paid fee of $20), the Goosenecks State Park, and Canyon de Chelly (pronounced de SHAY).

So I'm curious about Monument Valley, stayed at the hotel overlooking the park and paid a guide to take us around. Will you drive your own car through the various sites?
I heard wind of a 3-hour Slot Canyon Tour that takes off from Page, AZ and includes jeeps and hiking to 2 locations.

A friend of mine from Australia did one of these and got some incredible shots.

When I called to inquire about camping inside the Tribal Areas, they refereed me to a camping AirBnb that comes with a hot shower AND a Navajo Taco Dinner. HELLO!!!! We’ll spend the night there and star-gaze a bit. That whole area is known for this.

Wow that sounds great! I love fry bread tacos.

I’m far less familiar with this area and moving east from there.

I don't know a thing about that area.

Again, I have no idea what to see or stop at along the way. It’s wholly untraveled territory for me, but I AM hoping to see armadillo and maybe we’ll get extremely lucky and see some javelina/peccary.

I didn't even know what those were, but in reading the comments I've discovered they are types of pigs.

This will take us from Las Cruces to San Antonio. Hopefully we’ll get to S.A. in time to do the River Walk and have dinner at a place Marcia suggested called the BBQ Station.

There are TONS of great places on the River Walk!

By now we may be saying to ourselves or each other, “When will we get there?” Because no one has ever said that at some point on a road trip.

You're going to be on the road for quite a while. I would imagine the sleeping in the car will have become really old by now.

it’s a 4-hour drive from San Antonio to La Fayette,

I'm not even sure where La Fayette is. I know we drove nearly four hours from San Antontio and got to The Woodlands, TX.

I made a phone call today to Kim with: He will get back to me tomorrow or “soon” about a custom Swamp Tour.

Cool! We did a Swamp Tour, but it wasn't custom.

From there I am super hoping to visit with Vanessa and/or Michelle in Baton Rouge

I hope that they have power and services by then.

On the last stretch home we’ll wind through Land Between the Lakes Recreation Area since my folks say it’d be well worth our time. If we feel like we’re just “done” it’s nearby to “home” so I don’t feel quite as pressed to squeeze this bit in.

I think by day 16 I would be "done", especially with the Sleeping in the car thing.

And that wraps up one heck of a Road Trip Plan.

That's one heck of a Road trip!

About 60% of my stuff is loaded into the semi-truck trailer and the movers come either tomorrow evening or Monday morning to load the remaining stuff- almost all of it the furniture and some remaining boxes.

wow! This is really happening! And soon!

We’re down to shopping for our road trip snacks, topping off the gas tank, and packing up my bedding and such.

Important things to do!

The goal is to post a photo or two each evening as highlights of the day’s events. It is equally as conceivable I go dark for a bit. It wholly depends on cell reception, internet, and my attitude. 😉

And we'll understand if you don't feel up to it after a long day of driving.

Safe travels!


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