US to lift travel ban for foreign air travellers who show proof of vaccination

Yes, all of the press coverage regarding the upcoming change for international travelers arriving by air to the US needing to be vaccinated includes Canadians in that change - i.e. it will also apply to Canadian residents.

The US government has indicated they want a standardized set of rules instead of different rules for different countries. I read that as: if your country is on the list that is allowed to travel to the US by air, there is one set of rules re: vaccination, testing, quarantine. And some countries will not yet be allowed to travel by air to the US yet [but as additional countries get added to the "allowed to fly to US" list, they would follow the same rules the others do].

We are set to be in Florida from November 3-14 but still haven’t purchased airfare as we really want to see what the new rules are as we are double mixed Az+MRNA vaccinated. I have heard Nov 7 would be the effective date but can’t recall where I heard that and don’t see anything specific yet about that date. The good news is that US news channels are talking about mixing and bringing up the fact that countries like Canada are sharing their data. I’m wondering if we do fly down on November 3 with current rules and then they change while we are down there and don’t accept our mixing status on November 7(or whatever “early November “ date they implement) is there any risk to us flying back on 14th? I feel at this point with no news that I might just tell my son and his friends to go down and use the timeshare as they are double vaccinated with Moderna and wouldn’t have an issue either way!
We are set to be in Florida from November 3-14 but still haven’t purchased airfare as we really want to see what the new rules are as we are double mixed Az+MRNA vaccinated. I have heard Nov 7 would be the effective date but can’t recall where I heard that and don’t see anything specific yet about that date. The good news is that US news channels are talking about mixing and bringing up the fact that countries like Canada are sharing their data. I’m wondering if we do fly down on November 3 with current rules and then they change while we are down there and don’t accept our mixing status on November 7(or whatever “early November “ date they implement) is there any risk to us flying back on 14th? I feel at this point with no news that I might just tell my son and his friends to go down and use the timeshare as they are double vaccinated with Moderna and wouldn’t have an issue either way!
I don't know where you heard Nov 7 because I have never seen a specific date mentioned ever. So who knows what "early November" really means. If you go on the 3rd as planned and get in then you are fine. They let you in 🤣 Getting home is no problem. We are booked Nov 10-14 and have hotel and air (booked on credits) but no park tickets so we are still waiting it out....sigh.
The only place I saw a specific date was through a UK news article and they said it would launch between November 8th and 15th. And not sure how reliable their source was anyway since no other news report has cited a date that I have seen.
What is the situation with health insurance coverage these days. I know government advises against unnecessary travel, but do we need any extra health insurance coverage (over and above the regular insurance that I normally travel with pre Covid) if we choose to travel across the border?
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We are set to be in Florida from November 3-14 but still haven’t purchased airfare as we really want to see what the new rules are as we are double mixed Az+MRNA vaccinated. I have heard Nov 7 would be the effective date but can’t recall where I heard that and don’t see anything specific yet about that date. The good news is that US news channels are talking about mixing and bringing up the fact that countries like Canada are sharing their data. I’m wondering if we do fly down on November 3 with current rules and then they change while we are down there and don’t accept our mixing status on November 7(or whatever “early November “ date they implement) is there any risk to us flying back on 14th? I feel at this point with no news that I might just tell my son and his friends to go down and use the timeshare as they are double vaccinated with Moderna and wouldn’t have an issue either way!

We are due to fly down Nov 10th, and my wife has the mixed double dose. We've booked our airfare, as there are no change fees going with AC/WJ.

I had heard the Nov 8th-13th rumour initially, but there have been reports from the UK media that things are moving slower than expected. We are very interested to see what they come out with as well.
What is the situation with health insurance coverage these days. I know government advises against unnecessary travel, but do we need any extra health insurance coverage if we choose to travel across the border?

It is generally universally recommended that Canadians travelling outside their home province, but especially outside Canada, have at least travel emergency medical insurance. For travel to the US the recommended coverage level seems to be $5 million to $10 million.

See and (note the CBC article was written in 2019 before covid).
This is just a thought DH and I were talking about as we are planning a Florida trip...BUT...could this all be media spin and sparking? Let's be honest about the media and everything that they do to keep news generating. Canada is not the only country that has mixed vaccinations. I want to believe that the US wouldn't want to shut out those people who are willing to travel to their country (where vaccination rates are poor and active case counts are high) to spend their hard earned dollars to boost their economies.

We all know that the media tends to spin and skew news stories to create more views and traction.

Again...this is just us wondering what the CDC's final verdict will be. Given the information that the WHO has collected, what Canada and other countries have sent them. I have a feeling (very hopeful like many of us others here) that mixed vaccinations will be allowed and that it will be mute as to what vaccinations you received.
This is just a thought DH and I were talking about as we are planning a Florida trip...BUT...could this all be media spin and sparking? Let's be honest about the media and everything that they do to keep news generating. Canada is not the only country that has mixed vaccinations. I want to believe that the US wouldn't want to shut out those people who are willing to travel to their country (where vaccination rates are poor and active case counts are high) to spend their hard earned dollars to boost their economies.

We all know that the media tends to spin and skew news stories to create more views and traction.

Again...this is just us wondering what the CDC's final verdict will be. Given the information that the WHO has collected, what Canada and other countries have sent them. I have a feeling (very hopeful like many of us others here) that mixed vaccinations will be allowed and that it will be mute as to what vaccinations you received.

Cruise lines such as RCL and Celebrity were not letting those with mixed vaccinations board at first. They have since change their tune for those with 2 does of mRNA. They are still not accepting those with 1 AZ/1 mRNA, and they are basing that off the CDC.

Very interested to see what happens next month.
Canada is not the only country that has mixed vaccinations. I want to believe that the US wouldn't want to shut out those people who are willing to travel to their country (where vaccination rates are poor and active case counts are high) to spend their hard earned dollars to boost their economies.
Personally I wouldn't want my country to use economics as a determining factor. Would you? Hasn't it been mentioned over and over about the data and how there are other countries out there with mixed vaccinations with the data collection to review? That's what you want a country to use and what is understandable regarding the frustration others are experiencing because they are included in data regarding mixed vaccinations. My husband and I were talking and it would make sense unless the CDC gives the go-ahead for approval given on mixed uses of vaccines that are not available in the U.S. where data cannot be obtained on such vaccines but we obviously have nothing to do with what the CDC advises. That wouldn't help most of the posters here because they received mixed vaccinations with a vaccine available in the U.S.

Tourism is important to many other countries but people at least intrinsically know that doesn't mean it's the best course of action to allow tourists. We have seen many countries who survive off of tourism go back and forth on who they let in, what restrictions they have, quarantine rules, use of vaccination status, etc and it's been changing on the dime. There were several places we were considering (mostly tropical) but rules changed. The U.S. and Canada and various other countries are not tourism dependent.

Honestly the comment in bold is rather off-putting and contradictory to the discussion regarding data surrounding success of protection with mixed usages. It also takes the thread into a different type of discussion rather than focusing on proof of vaccination, rules surrounding vaccination for travel, etc.
I hope something is announced soon. I want to book a weekend cruise on Virgin Voyages for January but they state they are firmly following cdc guidelines. I'm AZ/Pfizer so won't book until it's changed.
I’m feeling optimistic about it all today. I’m starting to think it will just be a matter of time until the data is reviewed and a decision is made that allows for AZ mixing and travel.

On a personal level I will not be getting a booster unless deemed medically necessary for the efficacy of my vaccine. So I hope that our current AZ/MRNA mix will be deemed acceptable once the research is reviewed.
I’m feeling optimistic about it all today. I’m starting to think it will just be a matter of time until the data is reviewed and a decision is made that allows for AZ mixing and travel.

On a personal level I will not be getting a booster unless deemed medically necessary for the efficacy of my vaccine. So I hope that our current AZ/MRNA mix will be deemed acceptable once the research is reviewed.
I’m with you why do we need to get another vaccine unless it’s medically deem necessary especially when other countries still don’t have enough vaccinations for their people just so I can travel that seems ludicrous. I am confident the CDC will be changing the rules because Canada did this UK Germany plus a whole bunch other countries. Our Prime Minister has one of each are they really not gonna let our Prime Minister in I doubt it.
Personally I wouldn't want my country to use economics as a determining factor. Would you? Hasn't it been mentioned over and over about the data and how there are other countries out there with mixed vaccinations with the data collection to review? That's what you want a country to use and what is understandable regarding the frustration others are experiencing because they are included in data regarding mixed vaccinations. My husband and I were talking and it would make sense unless the CDC gives the go-ahead for approval given on mixed uses of vaccines that are not available in the U.S. where data cannot be obtained on such vaccines but we obviously have nothing to do with what the CDC advises. That wouldn't help most of the posters here because they received mixed vaccinations with a vaccine available in the U.S.

Let me clarify, I/We are hopeful that the CDC WOULD consider mixed vaccinations as fully vaccinated based on information given to them from the WHO, Canada and other countries and not completely rule us as not fully vaccinated. Hopefully they give clear definitions as to what/how they will see as fully vaccinated if people have mix vaccinations and that when it comes time for our boosters that we will be considered fully vaccinated then. If we are mixed vaccinations, when/how are they going to consider them to be " fully vaccinated"?

All I meant by that was that it will leave a portion of people out that could help generate revenue for a sector that is struggling - that's all I meant it to mean. I didn't mean that the CDC should base a whole health and safety issue over $$$. I would expect them to make a decision based on science - just as our health officials did.
I’m with you why do we need to get another vaccine unless it’s medically deem necessary especially when other countries still don’t have enough vaccinations for their people just so I can travel that seems ludicrous. I am confident the CDC will be changing the rules because Canada did this UK Germany plus a whole bunch other countries. Our Prime Minister has one of each are they really not gonna let our Prime Minister in I doubt it.
The US has a glut of unused vaccine. They throw out thousands of doses every day.
Let me clarify, I/We are hopeful that the CDC WOULD consider mixed vaccinations as fully vaccinated based on information given to them from the WHO, Canada and other countries and not completely rule us as not fully vaccinated. Hopefully they give clear definitions as to what/how they will see as fully vaccinated if people have mix vaccinations and that when it comes time for our boosters that we will be considered fully vaccinated then. If we are mixed vaccinations, when/how are they going to consider them to be " fully vaccinated"?
This is exactly what the thread is trying to keep up to date on totally agree. Being left in limbo bites. For the world it's going to be very important when guidance is made fully clear regardless of which direction that goes (either not accepting or to accept or even to accept but with limitations). As more time goes on sorta makes everyone sit even more on pins and needles just hoping a decision will be made.
All I meant by that was that it will leave a portion of people out that could help generate revenue for a sector that is struggling - that's all I meant it to mean.
That's saying the same thing as you did before respectfully just worded slightly differently :flower3: I just felt the comment was off-putting (and didn't make much sense when in the context of wanting to visit said country) but honestly totally an agree to disagree moment I'm thinking :) No harm no foul here
I’m with you why do we need to get another vaccine unless it’s medically deem necessary especially when other countries still don’t have enough vaccinations for their people just so I can travel that seems ludicrous. I am confident the CDC will be changing the rules because Canada did this UK Germany plus a whole bunch other countries. Our Prime Minister has one of each are they really not gonna let our Prime Minister in I doubt it.
But why should CDC accept mixed doses as fully vaccinated just because some Canadians and Europeans wouldn't be allowed entry? Canada doesn't accept sinopharm or sinovac even though that excludes millions from entry. I don't think that the CDC cares that Gord and Betty from PEI can't go to Palm Springs this winter because they have a mixed dose. I agree none of this is logical but it is what it is. As for the PM, I reckon exceptions are made for diplomatic purposes.
But why should CDC accept mixed doses as fully vaccinated just because some Canadians and Europeans wouldn't be allowed entry? Canada doesn't accept sinopharm or sinovac even though that excludes millions from entry. I don't think that the CDC cares that Gord and Betty from PEI can't go to Palm Springs this winter because they have a mixed dose. I agree none of this is logical but it is what it is. As for the PM, I reckon exceptions are made for diplomatic purposes.
You're quite right of course. Why hasn't the GOC allowed those into Canada who have been vaccinated with Sinopharm or Sinovac? If they are WHO approved then what is the issue?


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