November W.I.S.H. - Thankful is as thankful does.

I think I was 29 when I moved myself from Seattle to Washington DC. We were opening our first East Coast store and they were recruiting people to move there. I remember sitting at lunch talking to co-workers about it and casually saying something like "I think I might like to do that" and it was like Seattle just spit me out. I sold everything I couldn't ship via UPS and got on a plane about 4 weeks later.

I'm still kind of amazed that I flew half way around the world to London on my own. Well, more than half way around the world really, because I used a free ticket to get to New York which zig zagged across the US, then went on a purchased ticket from NYC, to Dublin to London. It was over 24 hours of traveling, including changing airlines. Part of the time I was in London I was doing a Rick Steves tour, but other than that I was on my own walking around London. Just checking it out.

My daily thankful... I am still in awe of the colors we're having this year. Coming down the hill in the block west of me all of the trees are red right now, including the gigantic elm. I've lived here 10+ years and I don't think it has ever been like that before.
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Crazysexykris posted this on IG this morning, and it really hit a spot for me, so I thought I'd pass it along:

"I had a flash of insight the other day and I want to slide it over to you… What if the missing ingredient to living your best life is trust?

Trusting yourself enough to listen to your life.

Trusting your body enough to listen to what it needs.

Trusting your heart enough to follow it.

Trusting your dreams enough to pursue them.

Trusting your decisions enough to leap (even if you make a so-called mistake).

Trusting the timing enough to allow life to unfold on its own schedule (not pushing the river).

Trusting that things will fall apart and come together.

Trusting that you matter, you’re worthy and it’s OK to want what you want — unapologetically.

If you’re like me, you’re always scouting for ways to grow because you want to feel better and live fully. But sometimes growth is simpler than we make it. More often than not, you (and I) don’t need to do anything but trust.

Sounds easy, right? Maybe this notion helps you exhale and release your shoulders. Then why is it so hard to do? Because trust can kick up old stories and even older wounds. And yet trust is the medicine — a double-edged sword.

If this topic resonates with you, then the only advice I can offer us is this: be brave.

Trust that, when you trust yourself, healing (and other goodies) will follow. Save this post for when you need a reminder, sweetheart.

Love you!"
A few years ago I was offered to go to Albuquerque for work. I would be going by myself. This was huge for me. I am not one to even go out to eat on my own let alone fly across the country, stay in a hotel and be around people I didn't know. I almost didn't do it. My fear and anxiety were all telling me no don't do it. A few co-workers and my DH talked me into it. The day I left I cried. I am not sure if it was because I have never been this far from my kids before or anxiety getting to me. I am thinking both. But I made it and figured out Atlanta's airport on my own. I even asked for help at the Atlanta airport. Big deal too because this makes me very nervous. I had a great week there and when I got home I was glad that I went. I even went to Minneapolis the next year for the same conference. This time with a bit more confidence.
Today has been such a crappy day and it is going to be a crappy week. Back when I was 19 I had pre-cancer cells on my cervix that I had cut out. Today, I had my yearly check up and she found a spot on my cervix that didn't look right. She did a biopsy while I was in the office. This is a new doctor for me. I switched to her because I really liked her after seeing her with my daughter back in July and she is only 5 minutes from my house instead of an hour for the one I was seeing. She told me this spot could be normal for me or it could be just changes from getting older but she didn't want to take any chances and didn't want to wait for the pap test to come back. I am glad that she did the biopsy today instead of having me come back. I should know by the beginning of next week but she thinks I will know by Friday. I ended up taking the rest of the day off. I just couldn't finish work after this. I am cramping and I got really worked up as well. I think between the both I made myself really sick to my stomach. So I didn't get my steps in and we will see how I feel tomorrow. I am just going to take it day by day and see how I feel. I might need to take care of me mentally rather then physically this week. I hate having to wait for results.

On top of all this Insurance had me do an external review of the ER claim that they denied for DD. It was denied and is binding. My only option is to get the hospital to do their 2 appeals that they have denied doing. I spent over an hour on the phone with insurance earlier this morning. It is so frustrating. They claim that it was not an emergency and that any lay person would know. She was coughing non stop for over an hour and couldn't catch her breath. They feel I should have called their nurse line first so they could tell me urgicares in the area to go to. They were all closed because it was a holiday and so was the pediatrician. So basically I needed to call the nurse line for them to tell me it was ok to go to the ER while my daughter couldn't breath when the ER is about 5 minutes away. SO as of right now I have call into patient relations at the hospital to see what we can get them to do. The most frustrating thing is that they covered it for the day before when we took her to the ER for the exact same thing. Both times were told it was asthma. The first visit they coded it as asthma but the second day a cough. Just so frustrating
A few years ago I was offered to go to Albuquerque for work. I would be going by myself. This was huge for me. I am not one to even go out to eat on my own let alone fly across the country, stay in a hotel and be around people I didn't know. I almost didn't do it. My fear and anxiety were all telling me no don't do it. A few co-workers and my DH talked me into it. The day I left I cried. I am not sure if it was because I have never been this far from my kids before or anxiety getting to me. I am thinking both. But I made it and figured out Atlanta's airport on my own. I even asked for help at the Atlanta airport. Big deal too because this makes me very nervous. I had a great week there and when I got home I was glad that I went. I even went to Minneapolis the next year for the same conference. This time with a bit more confidence.
Well done you!
Although I maintained a healthy weight all my life, I ended up gaining a lot of weight after my daughter was born. I must have joined and quit programs a dozen times over the years. Finally (when the baby was in high school!) something clicked and I slowly but steadily lost 70lbs and got back to a healthy weight. I have mostly maintained that loss for almost 20 years. I am so glad I didn’t give up and pretty proud of myself for keeping those pounds off all these years. As someone that likes to cook and enjoys food, it hasn’t always been easy!

Today I am thankful for my husband. 41 years together and he makes me laugh every day. He’s the best.:love:
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Although I maintained a healthy weight all my life, I ended up gaining a lot of weight after my daughter was born. I must have joined and quit programs a dozen times over the years. Finally (when the baby was in high school!) something clicked and I slowly but steadily lost 70lbs and got back to a healthy we. I have mostly maintained that loss for almost 20 years. I am so glad I didn’t give up and pretty proud of myself for keeping those pounds off all these years. As someone that likes to cook and enjoys food, it hasn’t always been easy!

Today I am thankful for my husband. 41 years together and he makes me laugh every day. He’s the best.:love:
Yah for being persistent at taking care of yourself! And congratulations on 41 years together.
Had a conversation with my Counselor yesterday about how most of what we "know" about nutrition comes from diet culture and food industry advertising campaigns (and isn't actually true or accurate), and today this popped up on an new IG account I'm following called Amen!

I studied abroad as a college student. You know, back in the days when there were no cell phones or internet and we wrote letters! The other thing I can't believe I did is take in someone else's children. Can't believe DH and I did that for our niece.

I'm thankful for sick leave. I woke up with a headache and was able to use some sick leave until the meds kicked in!
I am not very woohooy this week. I am happy though that I found such a great doctor. The amount of time she took with me to answer my questions and give me all the possibilities for issues that I have (not the cervix stuff) was amazing. The last 2 just wanted to put me on an IUD to fix the issue and would not even entertain anything else. This one gave me all the option, all the pros and cons of each. She did tell me which one she thought would be the best but told me she would do what ever I felt was right for me. I feel like she is the first one to actually listen to me. And then to top of it she moved right into action when it came to a spot that she didn't like on my cervix. Most doctors would have had me come back for the biopsy or even just waited for the Pap to come back and move forward from there. She told me the possibilities of what it could be and that she didn't want to wait and prolong knowing for sure.
I studied abroad as a college student. You know, back in the days when there were no cell phones or internet and we wrote letters! The other thing I can't believe I did is take in someone else's children. Can't believe DH and I did that for our niece.

I'm thankful for sick leave. I woke up with a headache and was able to use some sick leave until the meds kicked in!
Studying abroad is such a big choice, and such a formative experience!
I am not very woohooy this week. I am happy though that I found such a great doctor. The amount of time she took with me to answer my questions and give me all the possibilities for issues that I have (not the cervix stuff) was amazing. The last 2 just wanted to put me on an IUD to fix the issue and would not even entertain anything else. This one gave me all the option, all the pros and cons of each. She did tell me which one she thought would be the best but told me she would do what ever I felt was right for me. I feel like she is the first one to actually listen to me. And then to top of it she moved right into action when it came to a spot that she didn't like on my cervix. Most doctors would have had me come back for the biopsy or even just waited for the Pap to come back and move forward from there. She told me the possibilities of what it could be and that she didn't want to wait and prolong knowing for sure.
A good doctor is so important, I'm glad you've found one.
Woohoo... for some reason I had thought that Not Ester (still can't figure out her "real" name) might not need to be on the urinary support food, but after a couple bags of regular it became obvious that she does. A couple days back on the special diet and she's a different cat, so woohoo for that.

Woohoo... I started to get myself together yesterday and got quite a few household chores taken care of.
Sorry I haven't been on much. I've been having some pop-up problems just on this site. Thankfully (fingers crossed) they seem fixed for the moment, so I'm catching up on reading several threads.

...Not Ester (still can't figure out her "real" name)...

Feel free to post a pic if you'd like us all to make to make some guesses! The DIS loves cute pet photos!! :D

I won't try to catch up on all the questions, but for a daily thankful, I'll say:
Vaccines are approved for kids 5-11!!
Sorry I haven't been on much. I've been having some pop-up problems just on this site. Thankfully (fingers crossed) they seem fixed for the moment, so I'm catching up on reading several threads.

Feel free to post a pic if you'd like us all to make to make some guesses! The DIS loves cute pet photos!! :D

I won't try to catch up on all the questions, but for a daily thankful, I'll say:
Vaccines are approved for kids 5-11!!

Not Ester:
I studied abroad as a college student. You know, back in the days when there were no cell phones or internet and we wrote letters! The other thing I can't believe I did is take in someone else's children. Can't believe DH and I did that for our niece.

I'm thankful for sick leave. I woke up with a headache and was able to use some sick leave until the meds kicked in!
That was a beautiful gesture on your part. I enjoyed following your stories about the twins, but I know you and your husband are happy to be empty nesters again!
I am not very woohooy this week. I am happy though that I found such a great doctor. The amount of time she took with me to answer my questions and give me all the possibilities for issues that I have (not the cervix stuff) was amazing. The last 2 just wanted to put me on an IUD to fix the issue and would not even entertain anything else. This one gave me all the option, all the pros and cons of each. She did tell me which one she thought would be the best but told me she would do what ever I felt was right for me. I feel like she is the first one to actually listen to me. And then to top of it she moved right into action when it came to a spot that she didn't like on my cervix. Most doctors would have had me come back for the biopsy or even just waited for the Pap to come back and move forward from there. She told me the possibilities of what it could be and that she didn't want to wait and prolong knowing for sure.
It so important that we feel comfortable with those providing our health care. She sounds like a very good listener. :hug:


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