UK-US travel, 2021/2022

I've just looked on the Randox site. There is a testing centre in the back of the Radisson hotel on Bath Road ( a bit further up than the Premier inn) so if it does have to be a PCR we will use that one. There is also a drop box there, so will use that when we arrive home for our day 2 PCR tests.

I wonder what time Pres Biden is speaking. I can't find any confirmation anywhere
Multiple news sources are now reporting about the changes due to be announced today by Biden

The main focus is on things for Americans in America.
  1. The mask mandates on public transport, airports, planes etc to be extended to March 18
  2. 50 million at-home tests to be sent to 20,000 federal sites around the country to be handed out for free.
  3. People can claim back cost of antigen test from their health insurance
  4. Covid test for arriving into USA changed from 3 days to 1 day before flight.

All the things that people were stressing about, the 7 day quarantine, the 3 to 5 day tests after arrival, PCR tests only before flight ARE NOT ON THE PLANS
Multiple news sources are now reporting about the changes due to be announced today by Biden

The main focus is on things for Americans in America.
  1. The mask mandates on public transport, airports, planes etc to be extended to March 18
  2. 50 million at-home tests to be sent to 20,000 federal sites around the country to be handed out for free.
  3. People can claim back cost of antigen test from their health insurance
  4. Covid test for arriving into USA changed from 3 days to 1 day before flight.

All the things that people were stressing about, the 7 day quarantine, the 3 to 5 day tests after arrival, PCR tests only before flight ARE NOT ON THE PLANS

That looks in line with what was expected and seems sensible enough.
Multiple news sources are now reporting about the changes due to be announced today by Biden

The main focus is on things for Americans in America.
  1. The mask mandates on public transport, airports, planes etc to be extended to March 18
  2. 50 million at-home tests to be sent to 20,000 federal sites around the country to be handed out for free.
  3. People can claim back cost of antigen test from their health insurance
  4. Covid test for arriving into USA changed from 3 days to 1 day before flight.

All the things that people were stressing about, the 7 day quarantine, the 3 to 5 day tests after arrival, PCR tests only before flight ARE NOT ON THE PLANS

Testing one day before the flight makes things logistically more difficult for us now. We will be travelling from Aberdeen to London the day before we fly, so doing a test as well as travelling the same day will be a right pain in the backside. At 3 days we could have done it before setting off. Would also mean if we tested positive, we wouldn't be able to use public transport to get back home again.
I agree, its not great is it, only some of us are travelling this trip so we will give it a try at one day testing but not going to book a trip for all of us for a while as day before travel we always have so much to do for leaving the house and pets and Ireland want us to test in Orlando before flight and again much more stressful if no one is able to get home for pets
This from the BBC a few minutes ago:

Travellers heading to the UK will now have to take a Covid test before their departure in an effort to limit spread of the virus, the government has said.

Health Secretary Sajid Javid said the tightened requirements would come into force from 04:00 GMT on Tuesday.

Travellers will be required to submit evidence of a negative lateral flow or PCR test to enter.

Hopefully it won't last long.
This from the BBC a few minutes ago:

Travellers heading to the UK will now have to take a Covid test before their departure in an effort to limit spread of the virus, the government has said.

Health Secretary Sajid Javid said the tightened requirements would come into force from 04:00 GMT on Tuesday.

Travellers will be required to submit evidence of a negative lateral flow or PCR test to enter.

Hopefully it won't last long.

I just checked the UK.Gov page , it hasn't been updated yet, last update was November 30. I'm waiting to see if this applies to the Common Travel Area or not. Me and mum are travelling to England for Christmas with my sister and her family. None of the previous testing requirements applied to the Common Travel Area so hopefully this wont either.

Over on the Dibb its crazy, people in Florida at the moment who have to figure out where to get tests before they fly home and others who are flying in the next few weeks trying to figure what to do.
We are supposed to leave January 2nd. This is the second rule change in a week… I’m nervous about our trip. If they introduce quarantine measures (beyond the on or before day 2 on here, I can handle that), our trip is going to have to be cancelled. But we can only cancel up to 8 days prior!
Does anyone know what it means for EU citizens who are only transiting via an UK airport on their way home?
This page gives info, but ... they've just thought this up AND it's the weekend, so it's probably (damn well oughta) going to get updated next week: Coronavirus (COVID-19): safer air travel for passengers

You need to look at the Transiting through England section and note that "There are different rules for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland." So it also depends which airport you are using ... because of course that makes sense :confused3


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