Minnie Mouse Maleified at Disney Paris?

It’s a somewhat unflattering but probably comfy pajama-like outfit, but calling it “maleified” in this day and age is a bit silly.
90% of the women I see at work or out in public wear pants. I’m not sure how anyone female-identifying wearing pants is even worth commenting on—the fact that the outfit was designed by Stella McCartney is interesting, not the fact that it’s pants.

And whose life is made any better by clinging to or being shamed into conforming to strict gender roles? Though with women in pants, that ship sailed decades ago.
90% of the women I see at work or out in public wear pants. I’m not sure how anyone female-identifying wearing pants is even worth commenting on—the fact that the outfit was designed by Stella McCartney is interesting, not the fact that it’s pants.

And whose life is made any better by clinging to or being shamed into conforming to strict gender roles? Though with women in pants, that ship sailed decades ago.

For real. I wear a dress MAYBE once a year. Maybe, if we are going somewhere extra fancy and my black dress pants won't cut it. I hate dresses. I am definitely not a male, though. Such a weird thing to be upset about. How about we get upset that it took them THIS long to let Minnie wear pants?
It's not personally my taste but it's more the color scheme. Blue is actually my favorite color and while I would prefer Minnie's classic colors I think if they were going to do blue and black there needed to be another contrast in there. As is it blends quite a lot. If you look at the other characters generally there's enough color contrast there. I feel like it's going for a modern look by doing that but I just sorta lose the whole thing. A poster may have a point about the pjs comment as it sorta ends up coming off like a matching set like that rather than a stylish pantsuit (YMMV on that stylish part).
Apparently it was moved from another board. Possibly the mod who moved it could have merged it.
I think it was moved I'm just going by the start date since you said a thread already existed. Technically this thread is the one that already existed. Reading both there's some overlap on opinions but certainly this particular thread is getting different tones of responses due to the OP's take on it along with the objection to the perceived gender.
“Maleified” is definitely not a word.
It's when they decorate merchandise to resemble Maleficent.

Check how Maleified this bag is:

This is what I was thinking - but would have spelled it Maleficized!
Had to open the thread to see what Maleified meant LOL

First there's alot of posters getting on the OP about being upset. Yes, it isn't something to be upset about but obviously Disney wants people to notice and talk about this or they wouldn't have hired a designer to come up with an outfit to put Minnie in for Women's History Month.
And of course there's all the usual Disney can do wrong so if you have anything negative to say it's you that has an issue.........
Anyway, the pant suit is ugly, the colors are drab and it look like pajamas.
Now all I will say if Disney wanted to do something for Minnie in order to honor women the least they could have done is not make it look like she's run off to work forgetting to get herself dressed for the day.
I think they are referring to making Minnie look like a male.
Well, that's pretty much what she always is, a Mickey with eyelashes, bow, dress, heels. Disney is not going to spend a lot of unneeded money making her detailedly special. She looks fine to me.


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