The Trip Where Nothing Really Bad Happened - The End 6/1, Bonus Features: Disney 100 Celebration, Mickey Minnie Runaway Railway queue 2/8

I prefer the sandwich too.
Love the Peoplemover! I hated it when they renamed it the Tomorrowland Transit Authority
I don't have the history, but I'm happy to join on the bandwagon!
I bet the majority of Disney fans have taken a pic like this at some point or another, LOL
I've heard it must be done!
This is one I can't wait till it's finished so I can go on. I'm not usually a roller coaster person but certain ones I can handle. I think this might be one of them
I'm very curious. I've heard so many great things about the Shanghai version. I can't wait to try it!
Love the Mine Train! well, truthfully I have only been on it once since I haven't been there since 2014, LOL but it was fun. My Dad and hubby weren't fans, LOL
Was it too mild for them or too intense?
Cute pic though :)
Oh, that's a nice group Picture
Thank you again!
Ooooh! I love a regular French Martini, I bet a frozen one would be really yummy
I do love a regular French Martini as well, this was good, but I think I like the regular one I get better.
I Have seen IllumiNations from that area, it's a nice Viewpoint
It was definitely a good spot!
That's crazy the outlets didn't work
I know, I don't understand why they shut them down. There are plenty of scooters and other such devices that could use them to charge.
These look yummy
It was very good. Second time having them this trip!
I have heard mixed reviews about this one
Yeah, it's technically brilliant but not so much on the heartstrings.
Nice nighttime snack...
Fran enjoyed it.
it's amazing how much you can fit inside!
Yes! I'm always thrilled with how much stuff I have in there. I have so many creature comforts that make me happy and are so silly, like a coffee mug that holds a decent amount of coffee, and a butter dish. I really think those are two of my favorite items in there. Those things make me really feel at home.

I love making breakfast in the DVC rooms. I never have time to make breakfast at home, like maybe 1 out of 100 days do i actually cook eggs, bacon and hash browns, or waffles or French toast, ir an omelet, or even something better, so I make it a point to do it in the room, cause it's so good and I don't have to pay $20 per person for it at the restaurant!
That is a lot of Disney stuff? Will you sell any of it?
We are constantly listing stuff on eBay, but she can't get it all she is reluctant to part with the artwork. Mostly we have figures and pins and stuff up right now.
Whoever is not paying for the trip, lol!
LOL! Sounds like you will have the King Size bed!
That sounds amazing! Did you do a TR for it?
No. I wasn't on the DIS back then. I joined two years later.
Ugh! So stressful! Hopefully she will be able to have the procedure down soon and it will be successful.
Well it's prcedure and then another surgery so crossing our fingers it all happens soon.
A Mickey ice cream sandwich and the People mover is perfection!
I love those French martinis.
I like the plan ones even more, but this hit the spot!
I still have mixed feelings about Harmonious. It is technically brilliant but it doesn't really have any emotional pull for me.
I think I feel the same way. It was technically great, but not so emotional. Also I didn't know a lot of the songs.
I'm often disappointed by creme brulee but I'm rarely disappointed by chocolate.

Speaking of that! I made this delicious dessert yesterday in my cooking blender.

Pots de Creme

These look delish, and of course adorable Mickey cups :)
do the "paint by numbers"
Funning enough I was thinking of buying a paint by numbers kit (not that I have any time) to try as a de-stress activity...I have 0 artistic ability

Turns out he even had some tasty popcorn inside!

Mmm nothing like some coloured popcorn!
This is what the entire wall was supposed to end up looking like.

Well that's cool, maybe someday I will actually see it.
Here’s Fran painting her squares.

How many squares do you do? (apologies if I missed it)
We got the Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese with bacon, apple and brie. This was pretty yummy! And the little can that the soup was served in was so cute.

Yum, I always love a good grilled cheese and tomato and that can is so cute!
Su-Lynn was trying to eat all the snacks to get the special prize (can’t remember what it was) so we ate the qualifying treat from the Donut Box.
I think I need to ask her what it is!
This was the Vanilla Donut with Strawberry Sugar, Strawberry Ice Cream, Fresh Strawberries, and Strawberry Gele. This was super good when you took a little piece of each component in one bite. The three of us polished it off easily.

Yum that looks totally delish!
They were really good, but much too spicy for Fran to have shared it with me. I was pleased that I got to try a few extra dishes with Su-Lynn and Steve.

dumplings on cucumber! Sounds like a great idea!
Then again I really love noodles of all kinds.

This looks super good too, love noodles in any form also
large order of spare ribs for everyone at the table. So tasty!

The first thing I saw was the cilantro and thought, oh good, Alison can pick it off easy!
So my first post on Insta was this video of breakfast in the room.
And have you posted since? I shall go check...
Yum, this looks perfect, especially the bacon!

So today we had a really special day ahead of us. One of our friends had invited us on a VIP tour, let’s just call her Chunkydust. The tour wasn’t going to start until later in the day, so we needed to start off with a good breakfast.
Woohoo! A day of fun ahead!
I couldn’t start with a drink

And we got the bread service with the sea salt butter.

Nom nom nom I love bread and butter!
their Signature Famous Cobb Salad with Chicken. So good! Both were nice and filling but yet not so much that I felt like we rolled out of there stuffed.

This always looks like just the right amount of each it item!
Ohh I really like that one!

Right now everything that I can find on it says that it’s coming in early 2023.
Well I will have to get back in 2023 it appears...

Our first ride was TSMM and she beat me yet again, and was ecstatic about that
Well that picture doesn't make sense, however I know I will be ecstatic when I finally beat Dorian on TSMM! I need to read up it... I will never forget kicking D's butt at Buzz after reading up
the guide pointed out to us was that all of the trash and recycling cans inside Galaxy's Edge say "trash to sector 3263827" in Aurebesh. Sector 3263827 is the number for the Death Star trash compactor where Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Leia Organa got stuck in the very first "Star Wars" movie.
That's super cool, I will tell Dorian about it
Su-Lynn knew about this really cool thing called “Chewie Mode”
Ohhhh I need to try Chewie mode!!
Our CM who put us in the capsule, pressed all the appropriate buttons to activate Chewie modie. Now I don’t recommend Chewie Mode for anyone who hasn’t been on the Falcon before, but when you’ve been on it a bunch of times like all of us in our party, it’s a hoot. Instead of Hondo egging you on it’s Chewie the entire time! You don’t understand a word he is saying, but I think at one point he keeps saying “Fire, fire, fire!” because he keeps repeating the same line in Wookie! It was so hilarious! I would totally do it again if I were with five other experienced riders.
I hope to do it again with you soon!
Our guide also showed us the Miniature Tai FIghter. Funny thing is that I have no idea where I took this picture, other than it was somewhere in Galaxy’s Edge!

Aww cute! Did he say if it's in DL?
Yummm I want all of this right now!
Jenny's daughter (who just graduated from culinary school) made me this cake. I got to try the recipe when she made it as one of her assignments and it immediately became a favorite. I googled the recipe yesterday and I think I could actually make it myself. It's called a Charlotte Cake and it's a traditionally French thing. Sometimes they are made with Raspberry mousse, but I like chocolate.

And this! yum! are those ladyfingers around the edge?
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I know. I was both bored and felt detached from the ride experience since I was just watching the lights.
I have no clue what happened other than I think I pushed the buttons real good. :sad2:
Well if you just listen to Hondo and watch the screen he tells you when to do everything, so you can watch what's going on.
I want to try pilot. If the other people on the ride aren't happy with my driving... oh well, there's newbs all the time, and I'm one.
Go ahead! All you can do is hit stuff! I've had some really bad pilots.
I've always disliked those kinds of ice cream treats for just that reason.
Plus, the sandwich tastes better.
The chocolate on the Mickey bars is good, but the ones on the cruise line are better.
I've heard anywhere from end of this year to spring/summer 2023.
It looked more like end of the year to me.....
Ah. Gives me an incentive to go then, doesn't it? :)
There you go!
These look delish, and of course adorable Mickey cups :)
I try to eat tasty treats out of Mickey paraphernalia!
Funning enough I was thinking of buying a paint by numbers kit (not that I have any time) to try as a de-stress activity...I have 0 artistic ability
Yeah, for me I wouldn't even consider it. I know I have no time.
Mmm nothing like some coloured popcorn!
It was tasty and sweet!
Well that's cool, maybe someday I will actually see it.
Stranger things have happened.
How many squares do you do? (apologies if I missed it)
Yum, I always love a good grilled cheese and tomato and that can is so cute!
I think I may put that on the dinner rotation. I'm simplifying things right now.
I think I need to ask her what it is!
Yum that looks totally delish!
It was!
dumplings on cucumber! Sounds like a great idea!
It also cut the heat of the sauce.
This looks super good too, love noodles in any form also
And now I want Lo Mein. We're having Frozen Mexican appetizers tonight.
The first thing I saw was the cilantro and thought, oh good, Alison can pick it off easy!
I don't even remember. I think everyone else ate it up.
And have you posted since? I shall go check...
I haven't posted since Fran got injured.
Yum, this looks perfect, especially the bacon!
Woohoo! A day of fun ahead!
Tiring day!
It's hard enough to make it through a tour day, but drinking first would make me totally sluggish.
Nom nom nom I love bread and butter!
Especially that salted butter!
This always looks like just the right amount of each it item!
It is!

Sorry I beat you back here to finish your comments. :lmao:
Last day

So here we are on our last full day. Heck it’s truly our last day because the only thing we do on the last last day is get up and go to the airport. I started out today trying to finish up all of our breakfast stuff, nothing exciting, just cereal, english muffins and V8.

I also packed up some more of the stuff we wouldn’t be needing. What I didn’t mention when I unpacked at the BCV, or rather when I packed at BLT, I put all the things we wouldn’t need at BCV into one suitcase. That included souvenirs that we had purchased (although there weren’t a ton), clothes that we didn’t expect to need again, etc.

By the 2nd to last day, about the only thing I needed was clothes to wear for the plane trip home, toiletries, meds, and that’s about it! So at this point, I know I had done several loads of laundry and was packing the clean clothes back into the suitcase (at least with DVC it’s nice to come home with mostly clean clothes!). I believe when we left for MK that morning I had three suitcases packed and one left to fill up.

We arrived at 11:30AM according to the time stamp on my pictures. The park was pretty empty.

This was really our first chance to check out the 50th Anniversary merchandise at MK, the other times we were there were such rushed trips, we didn’t get to see much. Remember we were supposed to spend our first day here, but it rained all day?

We really didn’t find anything we couldn’t live without. Besides we had seen most the merch at other parks. There was definitely more things at MK, but none of it was super inspiring, until we got to the fancy jewelry, watch and purse shop. I had to have this dress! They didn’t have a fitting room so I made the best guess on which size to get and we bought it.

As we were exiting the store, this Cavalcade was passing by.

And our one obligatory shot of the castle for this trip!

We were kind of at a loss for what to do. I rode 7DMT and Pirates the day before, we rode HM, I don’t do Space and BTMRR in MK, so there wasn’t a lot that I wanted to ride other than the Carousel of Progress. That’s one of our favorite rides in MK.

So we did that. And then we got some special popcorn for the 50th.

Then we went to the Memento Mori shop and she found these Gargoyles. Don’t mind the cat in the picture…..she had two of them shipped home. I have no idea where they are going to go, I took them to storage when she was in the hospital and I imagine they will stay there for the duration.

On our way out of the park we stopped for a few Photopass Photos….

We stopped back into the expensive jewelry shop and I also found some other earrings and a necklace that I couldn’t live without. In hindsight I probably could have lived without them. Being at home mostly and only going out for runs to the Post office, grocery store, and doctor’s appointments, I haven’t been wearing jewelry at all. But when we get back to living, I’ll be sure to get use out of them!

And then on our way out of the park we ran into another cavalcade.

And then there were these guys saying goodbye to us….

And one last photopasss pic….

[Continued in Next Post]

[Continued from Previous post]

Then it was back to the room to finish packing. I decided that I probably better try on the dress just to make sure that it fit, and too my horror I was swimming in it! I put on my other clothes, grabbed a bag and I had just enough time to make it to MK, and exchange it before our dinner reservation. Except as I approached the bus station a MK bus was just pulling out of the bus stop. Now if I had to wait another 20 minutes to catch the bus, we would surely be late for our reservation. Then I had a brilliant idea. Chunkydust! There is a reason Su-Lynn gave her that name! I called her and she agreed to pick me a dress in one size smaller and mail it to me. I could return the larger one at the Beach Club Mercantile, and if there was still a smaller size at MK she would surely find it!

And then just a week after we got home, the new dress arrived. It’s still a little big, but that just means more eating room. If it were skin tight like a glove I would be afraid to eat anything while wearing it.

So back to the room, we still had a couple hours until our reservation and I was getting a bit peckish. I’d only had the cereal and English Muffin for breakfast, and the popcorn for lunch. So I served myself up a small helping of the leftover beef lo mein and had a glass of wine since I had finished the bulk of the packing. I had the Owner’s Locker all packed and ready to be sealed, including all my prized possessions like my Tigger Coffee mug, and butter dish. All that was left was to throw the things we needed to get ready in the morning into the suitcases.

Our final dinner reservation of the trip was at Beaches & Cream, conveniently located at our hotel. The place was not full at all. We were seated at a two top somewhat in the middle of all the traffic flow of the restaurant.

I asked if we could be seated at this empty table, which was right next to ours, but a little quieter.….I was told “No” that we were assigned to this table and they could not move us. What’s with this Disney? I thought you weren’t supposed to say the word No.

I ordered a glass of red wine (to go with the burger we were going to split, of course!)

Our burger was delivered.

And still the table remained empty.

We split the burger between us.

And sometime when we were eating, another couple was seated at the table. What would it have hurt for them to be at our table since they got there so late? Hmph! Still a little miffed about that one.

You might be thinking, that burger didn’t look like a whole lot of food, and it wasn’t. Be-cause…..

We had to eat THIS!

And we did!

We rolled back to the room, and I’m pretty sure that the dairy/sugar coma wiped me out and I went to sleep.

Going home

So on our last day I got up at 6AM (3AM our local time). I packed up all my final things, and got Fran to start waking up so I could pack her things. I made coffee at 7AM, and was eating this breakfast around 7:20AM.

We called Bell services at ten minutes to 8AM, which was the time we were supposed to be out waiting for our Not Magical Express. We headed straight for the island in the middle where the pick up area was located and started to wait. A gentleman approached us and asked “Are you Alison?”

I was a little stunned, but then he followed up with, “I’m your driver.” It took me a while to process what was going on, but evidently there weren’t enough folks going back to the airport at this time of the morning, so rather then send a bus, we got our own private van!

Because of our scooters, we have to go through the full service section of the Ticket Check in Counter and we had a bit of a wait before we sent our bags off and got the scooters properly tagged. The trip through security was uneventful, thankfully! Remember? Nothing went terribly wrong on this trip?

We changed planes in San Antonio, and somehow there was a problem with our second plane. Our departure kept getting pushed back half an hour and eventually they ended up finding another plane somewhere. It was about an hour overall we were delayed but nothing horrendous.

While we were waiting I found a pizza place and got two slices, one pepperoni and one mushroom. No pics, it hit the spot, but nothing super special. Finally we were on a plane towards home. I texted Jim as soon as we landed. Our scooters came off the plane super fast, they gave them to us on the Tarmac, and we were on our way to baggage claim immediately.

It was 17 minutes from landing to standing at the curb waiting for Jim. I think he hadn’t even left the house before we had our luggage. I can tell because we have a Ring doorbell that chimes when there is motion at the front door, and I remember being disappointed hearing it take so long for the ring that let me know he had left the house.

I believe that we were home within 45 minutes of landing. At LAX it takes me 45 minutes just to get the car from the remote parking lot. So we may be flying out of Long Beach more in the future! But it will be a while before we can plan anything involving air travel. But when we do we will have plenty of miles and a companion ticket to do so.

Thanks for following along! I’ll be back with bonus features from our adventures at DL, including our last weekend of fun before our lives were changed forever.
Ohh I really like that one!
It's a cute one!
Well I will have to get back in 2023 it appears...
I think you definitely will!
Well that picture doesn't make sense,
I think you meant to quote the next picture.
however I know I will be ecstatic when I finally beat Dorian on TSMM! I need to read up it... I will never forget kicking D's butt at Buzz after reading up
The thing about TSMM, is that to score really high you have to work together not against each other.
That's super cool, I will tell Dorian about it
What did he think, or did he already know that?
Ohhhh I need to try Chewie mode!!
Yes! Next time we go to the park together!
I hope to do it again with you soon!
Me too!
Aww cute! Did he say if it's in DL?
He didn't know much of anything about DL, but if I remember correctly we were standing at the Falcon when he pointed it out.
Yummm I want all of this right now!
I'm glad you thought it looked good!
And this! yum! are those ladyfingers around the edge?
Yes, Chloe baked them herself. I would just buy them if I attempted to make this, and I plan on it.

We really didn’t find anything we couldn’t live without. Besides we had seen most the merch at other parks. There was definitely more things at MK, but none of it was super inspiring, until we got to the fancy jewelry, watch and purse shop. I had to have this dress! They didn’t have a fitting room so I made the best guess on which size to get and we bought it.
Those 50th dresses are really pretty but I know people in the Disney Dress group said the fit was tricky. How did you find it?
This was really our first chance to check out the 50th Anniversary merchandise at MK, the other times we were there were such rushed trips, we didn’t get to see much. Remember we were supposed to spend our first day here, but it rained all day?
It's nice to have a chance to really look rather than just quickly browse.
We were kind of at a loss for what to do. I rode 7DMT and Pirates the day before, we rode HM, I don’t do Space and BTMRR in MK, so there wasn’t a lot that I wanted to ride other than the Carousel of Progress. That’s one of our favorite rides in MK.
One of my very favourites too!
Then we went to the Memento Mori shop and she found these Gargoyles. Don’t mind the cat in the picture…..she had two of them shipped home. I have no idea where they are going to go, I took them to storage when she was in the hospital and I imagine they will stay there for the duration.
Cute cat!
We stopped back into the expensive jewelry shop and I also found some other earrings and a necklace that I couldn’t live without. In hindsight I probably could have lived without them. Being at home mostly and only going out for runs to the Post office, grocery store, and doctor’s appointments, I haven’t been wearing jewelry at all. But when we get back to living, I’ll be sure to get use out of them!
Those are so pretty and you will love wearing them when the time is right.
And then there were these guys saying goodbye to us….
The best goodbye!
Then it was back to the room to finish packing. I decided that I probably better try on the dress just to make sure that it fit, and too my horror I was swimming in it! I put on my other clothes, grabbed a bag and I had just enough time to make it to MK, and exchange it before our dinner reservation. Except as I approached the bus station a MK bus was just pulling out of the bus stop. Now if I had to wait another 20 minutes to catch the bus, we would surely be late for our reservation. Then I had a brilliant idea. Chunkydust! There is a reason Su-Lynn gave her that name! I called her and she agreed to pick me a dress in one size smaller and mail it to me. I could return the larger one at the Beach Club Mercantile, and if there was still a smaller size at MK she would surely find it!
That's awesome! Nothing better than help from a great friend!
I ordered a glass of red wine (to go with the burger we were going to split, of course!)
Yum! I love the grilled cheese and tomato soup there!
We had to eat THIS!
Of course you did. :)
We called Bell services at ten minutes to 8AM, which was the time we were supposed to be out waiting for our Not Magical Express. We headed straight for the island in the middle where the pick up area was located and started to wait. A gentleman approached us and asked “Are you Alison?”
Perfect service!
I believe that we were home within 45 minutes of landing. At LAX it takes me 45 minutes just to get the car from the remote parking lot. So we may be flying out of Long Beach more in the future! But it will be a while before we can plan anything involving air travel. But when we do we will have plenty of miles and a companion ticket to do so.
Hopefully you will be back to your travels as soon as possible. :)
Thanks for following along! I’ll be back with bonus features from our adventures at DL, including our last weekend of fun before our lives were changed forever.
Thinking of the two of you and hoping your lives can get as close to "back to normal" as possible. 🥰
Well if you just listen to Hondo and watch the screen he tells you when to do everything, so you can watch what's going on.
And I will... as the PILOT.
Go ahead! All you can do is hit stuff! I've had some really bad pilots.
And I'll be one of them! :laughing:
The chocolate on the Mickey bars is good, but the ones on the cruise line are better.
Really? I wonder why? You'd think they'd be the same. Huh.
Heck it’s truly our last day because the only thing we do on the last last day is get up and go to the airport.
So... you're saying we can stop reading at this point?
nothing exciting, just cereal, english muffins and V8.
Those muffins with melted butter look good. :)
(at least with DVC it’s nice to come home with mostly clean clothes!).
Ah! I should be able to do that too, in August. I presume you have to provide your own laundry soap?
Remember we were supposed to spend our first day here, but it rained all day?
Actually... I forgot.
I had to have this dress! They didn’t have a fitting room so I made the best guess on which size to get and we bought it.
That's a really nice dress. I like it. :thumbsup2
And our one obligatory shot of the castle for this trip!
I like the 2nd one better. Fewer people and they're not so close.
I don’t do Space and BTMRR in MK
Space I understand. Little surprised about BTMRR... but I do know why.
I wanted to ride other than the Carousel of Progress. That’s one of our favorite rides in MK.
we got some special popcorn for the 50th.
Colourful. How was it?
Then we went to the Memento Mori shop and she found these Gargoyles.
Love that store. Cute gargoyle(s) too.
Don’t mind the cat in the picture
That's the best part! :laughing:
I like how your pose mirrors Chip & Dale's.
We stopped back into the expensive jewelry shop and I also found some other earrings and a necklace that I couldn’t live without.
:laughing: But of course!
In hindsight I probably could have lived without them.
Being at home mostly and only going out for runs to the Post office, grocery store, and doctor’s appointments, I haven’t been wearing jewelry at all.
But when we get back to living, I’ll be sure to get use out of them!
See? You need them. ::yes::
And then on our way out of the park we ran into another cavalcade.
Did that hurt?

And then there were these guys saying goodbye to us….
Well at least one of them looks suitably crestfallen.
And one last photopasss pic….
Like that shot. :)
I decided that I probably better try on the dress just to make sure that it fit, and too my horror I was swimming in it! I put on my other clothes, grabbed a bag and I had just enough time to make it to MK, and exchange it before our dinner reservation. Except as I approached the bus station a MK bus was just pulling out of the bus stop. Now if I had to wait another 20 minutes to catch the bus, we would surely be late for our reservation. Then I had a brilliant idea. Chunkydust! There is a reason Su-Lynn gave her that name! I called her and she agreed to pick me a dress in one size smaller and mail it to me. I could return the larger one at the Beach Club Mercantile, and if there was still a smaller size at MK she would surely find it!
I'm glad that got worked out. Would've been such a shame. I really like it!
It’s still a little big, but that just means more eating room.
If it were skin tight like a glove I would be afraid to eat anything while wearing it.
I get that! I've had pants like that.
Our final dinner reservation of the trip was at Beaches & Cream
The place was not full at all.
Really! It's usually so hard to get in.
I asked if we could be seated at this empty table, which was right next to ours, but a little quieter.….I was told “No” that we were assigned to this table and they could not move us. What’s with this Disney? I thought you weren’t supposed to say the word No.
That's... strange.
Unless the people coming had specifically requested that table?
Our burger was delivered.
How was it?
And sometime when we were eating, another couple was seated at the table. What would it have hurt for them to be at our table since they got there so late? Hmph! Still a little miffed about that one.
We had to eat THIS!

No Way Jose????
We rolled back to the room, and I’m pretty sure that the dairy/sugar coma wiped me out and I went to sleep.
:laughing: I bet!
We headed straight for the island in the middle where the pick up area was located and started to wait. A gentleman approached us and asked “Are you Alison?”

I was a little stunned, but then he followed up with, “I’m your driver.” It took me a while to process what was going on, but evidently there weren’t enough folks going back to the airport at this time of the morning, so rather then send a bus, we got our own private van!
Ooohhh... Look at you gals. All fancy with your private wheels.
The trip through security was uneventful, thankfully! Remember? Nothing went terribly wrong on this trip?
It was about an hour overall we were delayed but nothing horrendous.
So not terribly wrong.
While we were waiting I found a pizza place and got two slices, one pepperoni and one mushroom. No pics, it hit the spot, but nothing super special.
So not terribly bad.
I texted Jim
Do you mean Naked Jim?

It was 17 minutes from landing to standing at the curb waiting for Jim.
Whoa! Did they toss you bodily from the plane? Quick!
I believe that we were home within 45 minutes of landing. At LAX it takes me 45 minutes just to get the car from the remote parking lot. So we may be flying out of Long Beach more in the future!
And then no long commute, either.
Love the dress!
Love the jewelry!
Love the kitty!

Thanks for sharing your adventures with us!:hug:

A bit worried about your closing statement!
Hopefully you and Fran will be traveling again soon, but I am glad this trip went well. I can’t wait to read your next adventure!

Next time in SAT, I hope you can enjoy some of our local restaurants who have spots at airport:flower1: They actually try to showcase our food and not simply depend on HMSHost. My son’s favorite coffee shop has a space as do our “local” bbq spot and bagelry. One of the things that impressed us almost immediately when we moved here 10/2020 is the fantastic food scene in San Antonio, and the airport tries to reflect that as best an airport can.
Those 50th dresses are really pretty but I know people in the Disney Dress group said the fit was tricky. How did you find it?
I think the cut is similar to a couple of the other dresses that I have. It works for me, but I couldn't wear the Tiki dress you wore to TS in your monorail crawl update. That cut doesn't work for me.
It's nice to have a chance to really look rather than just quickly browse.
We didn't even have a chance to browse on our previous trips!
One of my very favourites too!
Cute cat!
She and her orange brother are the youngest in our herd. I even witnessed their birth. Her other brother and sisters gave away mama's location with their little mews, so I got down on the floor and watched her birth the last two, as she hid in the bottom of one of our many kitty trees.
Those are so pretty and you will love wearing them when the time is right.
I did wear them at our concert last Sunday.
The best goodbye!
That's awesome! Nothing better than help from a great friend!
Yum! I love the grilled cheese and tomato soup there!
We have had that before, it's a lot of food! We split it and it was still filling.
Of course you did. :)
It's a must!
Perfect service
Hopefully you will be back to your travels as soon as possible. :)
I sure hope so!
Thinking of the two of you and hoping your lives can get as close to "back to normal" as possible.
I'm hoping by the end of July, we can start having plans.
Catching up here as well...

Now I know you’re wondering why we are going to the same park three days in a row.

Hey Alison, why did you go to the same park three days in a row?

We had planned on meeting Pam and JJ at AK, and on Saturday asked them to see if we could get into another park that day, and they were all taken. So AK it would be!

Stupid park reservations. Ugh.

This is how Fran likes to help me out with pictures, she shows me where I should be shooting.

:rotfl2:It's like the photography version of backseat driving.

I know this is just the Wild Africa Trek group, but it struck me as funny all of them standing there with all the crocodiles below.

No! Don't do it! Your life is too valuable!

This one was just trying to get some relief?
We took the Skyliner home, and went back to the room. I was just too full and tired to take a tub. Besides, it’s not a Jacuzzi.

The nerve! Dinner looked pretty tasty, though.
It seemed that there was a pick-up window from 9:55 to 10:25 and it was around 9:47 right now! So with just a few clicks of the buttons, I would be picking up my own personal figment in about 10 minutes. I went on to check the paint by number location, but it was closed. So back to pick up my happy purple dragon!
Nice work! I read the horror stories about people trying to get those things.

That's a fun one!

This time I paid a little bit more attention to the “workings” of the ride instead of just being awed by the experience. I always like to figure out how they “accomplish” some of the effects not just be “wowed” by them. By the end of the trip, I had a good idea how some of the things worked, but now two months later and a ton of experiences that I would wish on no one, I don’t remember a thing of what I deduced.
Well, it's hard to blame you there. I'm just glad the new ride is fun.

That should be cool when it's finished in 25 years!

We got the Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese with bacon, apple and brie. This was pretty yummy! And the little can that the soup was served in was so cute.
I do have to give major points for the soup can. And I say this as someone who usually doesn't care about presentation.

Unfortunately our car didn’t register on most of the “tests”, so we didn’t get to really see how it did on the individual ratings. Not my best car score, but pretty decent.
I do appreciate the efficiency score.

We also got the large order of spare ribs for everyone at the table. So tasty!
That looks like a very heavy meal! (but yummy)
And I will... as the PILOT.
Hopefully you can be part of a crew where they dub you pilot or someone is willing to swap. Maybe for one of your DISmeets you can ride with friends and agree on who gets what beforehand. They randomly assign teams of six, and usually the first two in the group get pilot, second two get gunner and last two get engineer. If I had the pilot spot, I'd trade with someone in a heartbeat.
And I'll be one of them! :laughing:
The controls are very sluggish, and I think they might be backwards of what they actually tell you, not sure because pushing up on the lever really didn't seem to make the ship go up.
Really? I wonder why? You'd think they'd be the same. Huh.
I think the cruise line gets theirs from a different supplier. The chocolate coating is thicker on the ones I've had on board.
So... you're saying we can stop reading at this point?
It's a free willed trip report, you can exercise your own judgement.
Those muffins with melted butter look good. :)
My friend Leonard has told me that I am extra skilled with buttering toast and such things.
Ah! I should be able to do that too, in August. I presume you have to provide your own laundry soap?
Well yes, and no. In the one bedrooms they give you one bottle of laundry soap when you check in, I've been able to get two uses out if it. If you're in a studio, laundry in is a common room and not sure if they have any complimentary laundry soap available. I throw half a dozen Tide pods and some Bounce in a baggie in my suitcase.
Actually... I forgot.
That's OK, it's been a while since I started this.
That's a really nice dress. I like it. :thumbsup2
Thanks! I can't wait to have somewhere to wear it!
Space I understand. Little surprised about BTMRR... but I do know why.
They redid our BTMRR almost 10 years ago, all new track and everything. It's so smooth that I couldn't stand riding MKs version after riding ours.
Colourful. How was it?
Very tasty!
Love that store. Cute gargoyle(s) too.
I hope we can find a spot for them!
That's the best part! :laughing:
She's always got to get up in yer business!
I like how your pose mirrors Chip & Dale's.
They might have told us to do that. I don't remember.....
But of course!
Sometimes I'm very picky!
See? You need them. ::yes::
I did wear them for my concert last weekend.
Did that hurt?

Well at least one of them looks suitably crestfallen.
Like that shot. :)
I'm glad that got worked out. Would've been such a shame. I really like it!
Yes, I'm glad too!
I get that! I've had pants like that.
I don't anymore. Everything I own has a stretchy waist, much more comfy in my aging condition.
Really! It's usually so hard to get in.
Have you been there since they made it like 4 times bigger.
That's... strange.
Unless the people coming had specifically requested that table?
Who knows? :confused3
How was it?
It was good. Not the best burger I've eaten, but I think we were both craving a burger. I don't think we'd had one all week.
No Way Jose????
No, I'm not a giant peanut butter fan. I think it might have just been the three scoop sundae with hot fudge and maybe caramel sauce.
Ooohhh... Look at you gals. All fancy with your private wheels.
Better getting it instead of the bus ride than paying for it. I've done that before.
So not terribly wrong.
So not terribly bad.
Hence the title of the TR!
Do you mean Naked Jim?

But of course!
Whoa! Did they toss you bodily from the plane? Quick
Nope. It's just a very small airport.
And then no long commute, either.
Nope. I even saw my house on the approach. I forgot to put that in the actual TR.
Love the dress!
I'm looking forward to an event where I can wear it!
Love the jewelry!
I've been able to wear it at least once, on this past weekend.
Love the kitty!
She follows me around everywhere.
Thanks for sharing your adventures with us!:hug:
You're welcome!
A bit worried about your closing statement!
I mentioned a while back that Fran was hospitalized with a serious internal injury. We're still waiting on a final procedure to wrap things up.


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