Something About Nothing............ #14

Charade, Loch Ness is stunning. Very atmospheric and even better if you see the monster…..😉 We actually prefer Loch Lomond to spend time around, but any of the Lochs are stunning up there.

Yes, those emails are straight to trash now……guess I won’t be such a nice lady now!

Beautiful day here again……we are so lucky to live beside the sea and have this view every day.

We thought it might dull down as we got to the water, but once that cloud cleared it was stunning. And hot too!!



We walked 5 miles as it was just too hot to go further, there is no shade along the front, unless you go into one of the cafe`s or pubs.....but a little early for a pub though!!

Ended up going to a friends house for lunch, she had made us local crab sandwiches which were so simple but lovely....always nice when someone else makes you food!

We were going to sit out, but the breeze is back so it`s a little blowy.....but tea has been made, laundry has dried nicely and we`re in the kitchen with doors wide open enjoying the sunshine streaming in with an 80`s music channel up on the tv in here.....not a bad Wednesday.
Schumi hope you can get some relief from the PF. I had heel spurs and resolved with orthotics. And now there are some good cushioning in runners. I have a pair of NB and it really is like walking on air. Very good for my heel.
Oh that poor Count Schumi :rolleyes2 I wonder if anyone falls for that?

Just discussed with daughter. It’s been decided, pool day today and lunch at Drumclub. Those street tacos are calling my name!
Tonight we’re going for dinner with a local friend. Haven’t decided where yet!

Yes, they`re awful aren`t they. I wear custom orthotics fitted by my friend and they `re excellent, but flare ups can happen. I think the heel in the orthotics have flattened the soft cushioning of my walking shoes, so they counteracted each other as I need that height difference. Sorted now though, but will keep up the stretches they really do make a difference as well as quality walking shoes and trainers....I need excellent support.

Enjoy lunch and dinner.

We`re glad we can`t really sit out as the workmen have been trudging up and down from where the pond is, so wouldn`t have been very peaceful. But, they`re ahead of schedule so should be done next week.

Just made them their last mugs of tea for the day, they`ll be gone in under an hour.

Getting peckish myself now.....
Yay, a live Sue report. Hehe, not rushing August. It’s a birthdays month for us. Ooh tacos for lunch sound good. Enjoy pool time. Why not, as it’s always so hot there this time of year. Little one is looking forward to our trip. Actually, so am I.

Nice to share tea with your workers, Schumi. Should feel hungry as it’s certainly dinner time now. Beautiful pictures of the beach. And great you got your walk in.

Gloriously sunny here. DH is thinking of mowing grass. No one has lately. It’s been hot and not much rain. Some of it seems sunburn. None of us water our lawns though. Our grass is hearty, as it withstands our year round weather. Goes dormant and dies in the late Fall, and become green by Spring. A good rain will make it grow fast, and our next chance of rain is Friday night. Those pop up thunderstorms predicted. Yeah, I’m not going to wack that pop up. LoL
It's hump day stop in! I'm glad it's already Wednesday. It's nice knowing that after today - only 2 more work days.
Nothing much else is happening here.

I got home late last night from work as I slipped out early to get my hair dresser to fix the toner she used on my hair. It just wasn't looking right. It still isn't right...but it's better. So no baking last night. Maybe tonight. I guess we will see what the evening holds.

Most are usually a 1, but the last one that hit close to me, was a 3, that did see 1 person killed from tree hitting her home. What does the most damage is usually the nor’easters that bring flooding rain or feet of snow. Our Summers though, usually don’t see tornadoes, but drenching, flooding thunderstorms. And this month in particular is the hottest in the calendar. Like today, no rain, but sticky icky feeling out. Hair is tied up, or it would look so puffy.
That's more of the weather we tend to get here too...usually really mild and never get hail that is bigger than tiny little pebbles. I guess the hot weather and cold coming over the mountains made for the perfect mix of wild weather. The south part of the province can get wild - as they did with tennis ball size hail that hit on the highway. The videos and pictures coming out are scary to watch.
I had a long nap today and probably will be on the night shift here
You must have needed it. It's what your body needs to recover. I know I sleep more when I'm sick or recouping from something more serious.
A hot one in the parks today. But did ride Hagrids! My oldest dd hasn’t rode it yet! Actually neither dd has! My youngest was here just before it opened. Got to IOA by 7:15 am ugh. Posted wait was 90 min but we got ion in 60. Ate lunch at Thunder Falls then back to hotel for a nap!.
Dinner tonight was with with Bobby and her husband. Had a great time.
Went to Toothsomes.
Today is a lazy day! I told daughter, let’s not set alarm. May just have a pool day! Haven’t decided. May just go to water park! Or just go into Studios to see Horror Makeup show, Bourne and Animal show.
Yay!!! A live park report. Enjoy the pool day!!! It sounds like the perfect way to spend your day. I hope you stop in to report more of your trip. I am (in the coming weeks) living vicariously through all of your stop ins and trip reports.
well, we won`t melt if it does rain and it`s warm.
Well, I went for a walk and tried to beat the rain...I lost lol. I was a little wet once I got home. I don't like getting wet unless I'm doing something that involves water - swimming, sitting at the beach, fishing, water ride. I'm made of cotton candy...and yes I melt darn-it :rotfl: I think it's the hair dresser in me. I hate when my hairstyle gets messed up when it gets wet. As I have to style it a certain way to make it look good - curly or straight.
Still too early to start getting ready. I think I will wander over to YouTube and see if I can find a walk through video of Cabana Bay.
I hate when I can't get back to sleep...especially when you know you have to get up to get out the door. I hope you find some good videos. Molly with AllEars and Tim Tracker have done some great videos on Cabana Bay.
Beautiful day here again……we are so lucky to live beside the sea and have this view every day.

We thought it might dull down as we got to the water, but once that cloud cleared it was stunning. And hot too!!
That is beautiful! I sighed when I seen your photos :lovestruc I love beach and water. It is my favorite place to be. I am at peace when I am near water and beaches.

Little one is looking forward to our trip. Actually, so am I.
I will live vicariously through all of you! I am desperately wanting to do a little get away. but don't think we will be doing anything now that is a fun get away until fall.

Well, I should start the paper shuffle. I could use another tea. Might have to brew one up

Have a great day everyone!
It's hump day stop in! I'm glad it's already Wednesday. It's nice knowing that after today - only 2 more work days.
Nothing much else is happening here.

I got home late last night from work as I slipped out early to get my hair dresser to fix the toner she used on my hair. It just wasn't looking right. It still isn't right...but it's better. So no baking last night. Maybe tonight. I guess we will see what the evening holds.

Well, I went for a walk and tried to beat the rain...I lost lol. I was a little wet once I got home. I don't like getting wet unless I'm doing something that involves water - swimming, sitting at the beach, fishing, water ride. I'm made of cotton candy...and yes I melt darn-it :rotfl: I think it's the hair dresser in me. I hate when my hairstyle gets messed up when it gets wet. As I have to style it a certain way to make it look good - curly or straight.

That is beautiful! I sighed when I seen your photos :lovestruc I love beach and water. It is my favorite place to be. I am at peace when I am near water and beaches.

Well, I should start the paper shuffle. I could use another tea. Might have to brew one up

Have a great day everyone!

I hate my hair getting wet too....I spend too long drying and straightening it in the morning to enjoy it getting out of sorts with weather. I love my hair straight, so yes, I`m with you. Only when we walk do I have it up in a scrunchy so it doesn`t damage my hair, so many use those ones that look like an elastic band and it does so much damage when used regularly. And of course in Orlando when in the parks.

As a hairdresser you must have seen some damaged and dry hair over the years!! And hope you`re happy with your hair now.

We love living beside the sea....always have done except for when we lived abroad on several occasions. Although I don`t swim, I do love being near the sea or Lochs when we go to Scotland, yes, there`s something very calming about it.

Hope you get some baking done tonight......I have my old faithful rosemary and black pepper bread in the oven right now, smells gorgeous....hope we can leave it till tomorrow!!

Workmen stayed a little later, so plenty of tea was served for them and, offered them bacon sandwiches as they must have been starving, they eat lunch around 11.30! Only two of them took me up on it and they did enjoy them.

Doesn`t look like they`ve caused any damage to the lawns, they`ve put down boards and so on. But, we have the greenest and lushest grass in the UK all year round....thanks to all the rain we get. Everything around was a little yellowish during our mini heatwave, but back to greener than green again now.....and yes, they confirmed they`ll be done by Wednesday next week.

Pulled pork was lovely, I made the sauce a little too spicy, but tasty!!

Quiet night ahead....some emails and music is our evening ahead. Both of us on opposite sofa`s with laptops and a glass of wine.........not the most romantic of evenings, but nice all the same :hyper2:
Quiet night ahead....some emails and music is our evening ahead. Both of us on opposite sofa`s with laptops and a glass of wine.........not the most romantic of evenings, but nice all the same :hyper2:
Sounds like a perfect evening to me!

Slow day at work. Trying to stay awake. Not much to do. Not even any shredding to do. I guess it's dreaming and youtube watching.
Howdy SAN’rs!
Quick drive by to see how my extended DNA group is doin’.
Hugs-n-Prayers to y’all needin‘ a bit of those. Mac and Mister Mac, and Charade and crew…challenging times I know. 😕 Thinking of y’all.

Busier than a Dentist after Halloween here…All these shirt orders…you’d think school was about to start! But hey…job security… USO and WDW ain’t gonna be givin’ away those Pizza Fries & Dole Whips this October! 🤗😎😍
Sorry Buckeev but you weren’t here when I returned home so i ate the taco i was going to give you

I do tend to pig out when it comes to taco bell food

Bet you will be eager for your October trip to the Motherland!

Next trip have your people call my people so we can be at the same park at the same time

Sending a hey to Gage..
Sounds like a perfect evening to me!

Slow day at work. Trying to stay awake. Not much to do. Not even any shredding to do. I guess it's dreaming and youtube watching.

Yep, it kinda is our perfect evening together. I`m glad we still love each other`s company so much.... ☺️
Howdy SAN’rs!
Quick drive by to see how my extended DNA group is doin’.
Hugs-n-Prayers to y’all needin‘ a bit of those. Mac and Mister Mac, and Charade and crew…challenging times I know. 😕 Thinking of y’all.

Busier than a Dentist after Halloween here…All these shirt orders…you’d think school was about to start! But hey…job security… USO and WDW ain’t gonna be givin’ away those Pizza Fries & Dole Whips this October! 🤗😎😍

Good to see you buckeev......glad to hear you`re so busy and nice you have your trip to look forward to!!!

Keep well......

It`s so mild here today, a bit dull and grey but we won`t need a jacket going out.

We had booked our fun drive round the test track to keep up our Advanced Driver Certificates, but they cancelled it a week ago, still waiting to get our new date for that. It doesn`t get you anything having that certificate, we just like doing it.

So, no idea what we`ll do today.....maybe nothing. We do have to go choose some colours for our decorator. He`s coming the week after we come home from our September trip and we still haven`t chosen colours for the hallway, staircase, main family bathroom and one of the spare rooms. And we need to go choose carpeting and flooring too. I`m guessing we might need to order that soon. Decisions.

Our village butchers pork and apple sausages for dinner tonight, love them!! Lunch is still to be decided and a little bit away from breakfast yet, but some tea first.

Workmen will be here in 10 minutes, so will make them a load of tea first. When they say they`ll arrive at 7.30am....they mean it!

Thursday already........




Happy Thirsty Thursday 🍸
Ah yes, a thirsty Thursday is here. And with this heat of the day, good to have a cool drink in my hand. A try to break the record, 98 degrees is our high today. And while it’s a beautiful sunny morning so far, those clouds will arrive in the afternoon. But those rain chances are tomorrow night, so those clouds trying to block the sun, are more for show. And the humidity, while low now, will increase to that oh so sticky feeling afternoon, when feels like will be 104 or 105 degrees. Certainly my tea may be iced or will drink those bottles of water in our refrigerator.

But as an early riser and day starter, tea is hot and plentiful. I do feel thirsty, given I almost always end my get ready routine, pouring myself a cup of hot tea.

Hope Schumi decides the colors she is choosing for her decorator. At least will be nice to look forward, after your Fall birthday and anniversary trip. In time for the holidays, will be pretty to have updated colors in your home.

And yay, a Buckeev lost. Good to be busy, so can totally enjoy that October fun. Hope you are doing well, as also are family and friends.

Thus, a most terrific Thirsty Thursday wish. And just get that hand ready, to raise a drink today, to salute that it will be a fabulous Friday feeling tomorrow. Woot! Ending of the week day is getting close. Even nicer? I get a little bit shorter Friday than normal shorter Friday, and little one said, well why don’t we go in the pool after you’re done? Sounds good to me. Still will be over 90 degree tomorrow. Heat wave does stop tomorrow, but if ever a day to enjoy the pool in the later afternoon, before the rain chances are, is tomorrow.
So bored at work today. I wish I could work on schoolwork, but my boss refuses to get WiFi.

I’m sitting here with my giant water bottle trying to increase my water intake. Thankfully my desk is just a few steps from the restroom.


Regular water bottle for scale.

We are staying our first night at CB in 10 days. I can let you know our thoughts after we stay there.
Thanks. I looked at some videos and have decided that if something with a similar price opens at Aventura I will switch. It looks like the rooms in Cabana Bay don’t have much desk space.

Charade I enjoyed my night at CB I was in the Continental Building with inside halls. I don’t like the Disney style outside hall ways where everyone passing by can look in your room.
Right now I have a poolside room, but I’d rather not. I wonder if they would think it was weird if I asked to downgrade.

I hate when my hairstyle gets messed up when it gets wet. As I have to style it a certain way to make it look good - curly or straight.
Mine just turns to frizz when it gets wet.

Howdy SAN’rs!
Hi buckeev!

A try to break the record, 98 degrees is our high today.
It’s going to be hotter there than here today. I am ready for some fall temps.

I need to go see if I can find something to do.
I am very happy it's Thursday! I know it was a short week to begin...but I'm glad tomorrow is Friday. I must be needing some vacation time. Good thing we are heading to my visit my family for my sister's wedding mid August. We won't be there long, as dh is super busy at work and can't take much time off then, but the break will be good.

I did nothing last night :laughing: I made some supper, and then whipped up some nanner bread but that's about the extent of my evening. It was a tv, play on the laptop kind of night. It was raining, so no walk for me. I was too tired anyways. I lead such an exciting life :rotfl:

We do have to go choose some colours for our decorator. He`s coming the week after we come home from our September trip and we still haven`t chosen colours for the hallway, staircase, main family bathroom and one of the spare rooms. And we need to go choose carpeting and flooring too. I`m guessing we might need to order that soon. Decisions.
Those for fun decisions to make!!!!
I get a little bit shorter Friday than normal shorter Friday, and little one said, well why don’t we go in the pool after you’re done? Sounds good to me. Still will be over 90 degree tomorrow. Heat wave does stop tomorrow, but if ever a day to enjoy the pool in the later afternoon, before the rain chances are, is tomorrow.
Sweet! That sounds like the perfect way to spend a Friday afternoon in the summer! How fun!
So bored at work today. I wish I could work on schoolwork, but my boss refuses to get WiFi.
I did work on some assignments at work. I had to take a microsoft class, and I would work on those assignments during slow times at work. It was the only way I would have been able to take the amount of classes I did, and get all my assignments completed on time.

Well, I should probably start the daily paper shuffle. I foresee another slow day here. Another day of Youtube and dreaming I guess.

Have a great day eveyrone!
Big news at our house today. B finally decided that she was ready to take her driver’s exam.
She passed!
Tomorrow I will call our insurance agent and have her added to our plan.

Quiet night tonight. Dh has a late theater rehearsal, so I will probably do some work on my final photoshop project.

I did nothing last night :laughing: I made some supper, and then whipped up some nanner bread but that's about the extent of my evening. It was a tv, play on the laptop kind of night. It was raining, so no walk for me. I was too tired anyways. I lead such an exciting life :rotfl:
Sounds like a nice evening to me.
Yay, three drivers in the house now, Charade. I’m glad, this year, older one turns 25, so my car insurance should finally go down some.

Such a warm night. Older one says he saw lightning in the sky on way home. Thinking it was heat lightning. No rain to be seen. But glad he’s coming home. Said he visited friends that just came home from FLA. Hope they did not bring that virus home with them. But at least older one, as all four of us, are boosted.

Heat Advisory issued. And so much for heat wave ending. Evening news said heat wave will continue until later next week. Ugh. But this is August.

A dozen. Yep, countdown still double digit. But getting that much closer. Yay!
You are getting closer Lynne to your August trip

How long will you be home before your September trip?

I am way behind in who is going when …

It’s stupid hot here
High heat brings out more fire ants

We treat the areas where they are in our yard
but they keep popping up
Mr Mac treated 24 sections of them today
It’s like having a full time job

For our big news in our town, Taco Bell is bringing back the mexican pizza !

We are counting the days for its return

Porch light is on so no skinned knees tonight!
I’m awake way too late, but I have been hit with some inspiration for my final photoshop project. Now if I can just get the ideas from my head onto the computer.

I want to get up and continue working on it now, but I really should be sleeping.
I am very happy it's Thursday! I know it was a short week to begin...but I'm glad tomorrow is Friday. I must be needing some vacation time. Good thing we are heading to my visit my family for my sister's wedding mid August. We won't be there long, as dh is super busy at work and can't take much time off then, but the break will be good.

I did nothing last night :laughing: I made some supper, and then whipped up some nanner bread but that's about the extent of my evening. It was a tv, play on the laptop kind of night. It was raining, so no walk for me. I was too tired anyways. I lead such an exciting life :rotfl:

Those for fun decisions to make!!!!

I did work on some assignments at work. I had to take a microsoft class, and I would work on those assignments during slow times at work. It was the only way I would have been able to take the amount of classes I did, and get all my assignments completed on time.

Well, I should probably start the daily paper shuffle. I foresee another slow day here. Another day of Youtube and dreaming I guess.

Have a great day eveyrone!

Any break is usually nice Pumpkin.....and your sister`s wedding will be lovely. And yes, doing nothing some nights is a good thing, recharge those batteries!!

I can`t get into the mindset of choosing colours right now....not sure why. He called me a week ago to remind me I hadn`t picked anything yet and he had to know before we left for our trip.....I said I`d definitely have a decision by then! I think my mind is elsewhere right now :)

Big news at our house today. B finally decided that she was ready to take her driver’s exam.
She passed!
Tomorrow I will call our insurance agent and have her added to our plan.

Quiet night tonight. Dh has a late theater rehearsal, so I will probably do some work on my final photoshop project.

Sounds like a nice evening to me.

Congratulations to your daughter! She`ll love the freedom of having her own vehicle and that extra independence it brings.

It’s stupid hot here
High heat brings out more fire ants

We treat the areas where they are in our yard
but they keep popping up
Mr Mac treated 24 sections of them today
It’s like having a full time job

For our big news in our town, Taco Bell is bringing back the mexican pizza !

We are counting the days for its return

Porch light is on so no skinned knees tonight!

I`ve been reading about your heat in the South!! Add in that humidity and wow........hotter than Hades! Least you have your aircon!!!

lol....we aren`t hard ladies to please are get your Mexican pizza back....our favourite Thai restaurant has brought back the shrimp lettuce wraps.......celebrations all round!!!

I think we had hordes of Canadian Geese flying over us this morning....heck they`re noisy!! Between them and the seagulls who were unusually loud this morning, we were awake extra early!

Weather is really pleasant right now, no need for jackets and not blisteringly hot which isn`t fun day to day when you`re not on vacation.

Tom is heading out to pick up some friends and take them to the train station in the biggest town near us, they`re heading off on their trip for a month, so we won`t see them now till October.

Then not much planned today at all.....might get out for a while as the workmen said it`ll be noisy for the morning. We might head out some shopping then.

Have no idea what`s for eating today, will play that by ear too. And our Gin of the Month box has being sent out, might arrive today or tomorrow 😁

Still haven`t opened last month`s to try it yet!

But, it`s Friday.........




Have a wonderful Friday and weekend ::yes::

Ooh, we have those geese here, some year round, some only here in the warmer weather. Their poop is our biggest issue. Hope your home did not get poop bombed, Schumi. Thankfully, here they stay more where the open areas around me area. I rarely hear them, but I’m glad they missing my car. LoL But I do like hearing our local birds. Some mornings I hear loud ones, sometimes not.

Mac, about a month. We get back the 20th this month, leave the18th next month. Ack to fire ants. Yeah, down Southern areas, most have yearly bug exterminator contracts. Our biggest ant issue are carpenter ants. They can make sawdust of your wood in your home. Yep, heard that Taco Bell pizza will be back in the Fall. It is great when a favorite item comes back on the menu. Since the fries have left the menu, little one is not eager to make a Taco Bell run. Though I think she did order that pizza before it was not off the menu. For us, there are more mom and pop or chain places we tend to hit more than Taco Bell lately. Last time we we were at one, food was eh.

Ah, that almost yawning time, as an early bed going, restless overnight bed mate I had. Sigh. What I just heard was the train.

Back to not below 70 in the overnights, and heat advisory issued again today. Joining Mac in that sticky hot weather. With it so hot feeling, 105 or so is what it will feel like today, we get this thunderstorms warnings for the evening. Hence why I’m so happy for that little bit earlier done today, so pool time before any lightning seen as did last night. Nothing like pool time on a hot feeling day.

But as today, it’s a Friday. Woot! Friday feeling happiness homies. Embrace that the weekend is loaded and ready. Yep:




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