Something About Nothing............ #14

Hope Schumi is ready to go home today. Nice to have some extra days that you enjoyed due to the weather. Safe travels over the pond.

Ah yes, Mac back here in time to know today is Taco Tuesday. The day you can enjoy that Taco Bell meal. And all the homies, time to think about tacos today. Yep, those easy to eat, hand held, stuffed with choice of fillings. Though lettuce and tomatoes, and cheese should be included. LoL

And ugh, nothing like back to routine than a commuting day. That rude car blocking the road with your flashers on. Um, thankful the traffic is minimal in the early morning. The return trip, always lots of traffic. School is also in session, so even longer commuting back.

But tea for me. Water from a bottle, as the office tap water does not taste like my home’s water. Hence, no matter, water from that large bottle is steamy hot, so quick cup of tea. Yay. Jacket was on. 46 degrees and raining. Yeah, that leftover parts of that hurricane is giving us days of rain. Wet feeling coolness is not great weather. Not complaining, though, as our area had an usually drier Summer, so we need the rain, and I’m glad the temp is enough above freezing it’s not snowy. ::yes::

Thus, have a most terrific Taco Tuesday. Yay, the first one in October. :dancer:
We had a vote and I lost
No taco bell tonight

Mr Mac went to Publix and bought a perdue hen this morning

He said he wants real food tonight

Fine for me on a change of dinner tonight
I can live with it this time

Workers will be at our house soon
hope more progress will be made

Isn’t this is the day schumi goes back home?

Safe travels schumi!
I blinked...and it was Monday morning and time to head into work!

Weekend flew by too fast...but had some down time, putter and cleaning time. So all in all, it was a good weekend. I have a busy week ahead. Full of appointments (I have no idea why I seem to have scheduled so many appointments this week. We also have a couple of evenings that are booked up with activities as well. Plus still not sure if the kids are coming for Thanksgiving here this coming weekend. If they are, it will be a busy evening of getting things ready for their visit. Busy Week!!!!

Today is an eye appointment. I am hoping that this might help with the headaches. If not, it's time to go to a nurse practitioner who specializes in women's health for some help. The more research I am doing, it's pointing to hormones. My regular gp isn't much help in women issues :headache: so it's off to a nurse practitioner and I will pay out of pocket if they can help.

Hope you get some help with the headaches, yes, could easily be hormones……isn’t everything after a certain age……lol……

Headaches are miserable though.
To cure my post vaca blues, ordered a new inflatable for the front yard display. what was I thinking, it’s ginormous :hmghost:

Mac’s been missing here, hope not buried under a mountain of laundry;)

lol…..I can imagine the size of them, you do Halloween as it should be done!!

We had a vote and I lost
No taco bell tonight

Mr Mac went to Publix and bought a perdue hen this morning

He said he wants real food tonight

Fine for me on a change of dinner tonight
I can live with it this time

Workers will be at our house soon
hope more progress will be made

Isn’t this is the day schumi goes back home?

Safe travels schumi!

Yep, we‘re off today……after 5 weeks I think maybe it’s time……lol…..

Thank you, hope it’s a good flight back too.

Almost all packed up now…….making sure we have everything we need for the airport, mainly passports and GE number in case it’s not automatically entered. Means we get pre-check, so it’s worth checking.

Have absolutely loved our trip, it has been amazing and now we get to see Kyle and get back to normality again.

And get used to the cold again. But, back in our own bed!
Morning all. :surfweb:

Procrastinated long enuf, time to open the mail from last 2 weeks & pay dem bills. Too type A to use autopay lol

Charade -good intentions sent your way

Carole - speedy trip & calm skies. Tell Kyle to fluff up those pillows

Lynne -appears we have finally escaped the bands of rain from Ian & whatever storm latched into it

Pumpkin - are turkeys as scarce there this year as they are here. All I’m seeing is small anemic looking ones. If it’s not 23# not about to waste my time lol.

I always do a couple of breasts too to satisfy my horde. Have them safely ensconced in freezer at least

Workers will be at our house soon
hope more progress will be made

Sounds like they run on ‘island time’. hope u r paying them by the job, not the hour. ;)
It's taco Tuesday....and we might even eat tacos today - well a version of a taco in a bowl lol.

It's a crisp cool beautiful fall day here. Another amazing weather day here!!!! I did get out for a walk last night. It was warm enough yet, that I had to take off my thin hoodie and just wear my tank top it was so warm out. I was boogying along and was I took the hoodie off. Dumber was a little upset with me that I didn't take him out. It was hard enough to get myself out walking...and was tuckered out by the time I got back. Tonight he'll get a little walk.

Our appointments at the eye dr went good. I'll have some new glasses in about 2 weeks. We usually cheap out and I get my glasses online or at Costco, but since dh's company is footing the bill, we went for the high end expensive ones. I guess we will see if there really is a difference. I have a hard time justifying that amount of money for an item I can get at 1/4 the price elsewhere. It's a me thing.

But tea for me. Water from a bottle, as the office tap water does not taste like my home’s water. Hence, no matter, water from that large bottle is steamy hot, so quick cup of tea. Yay. Jacket was on. 46 degrees and raining. Yeah, that leftover parts of that hurricane is giving us days of rain. Wet feeling coolness is not great weather. Not complaining, though, as our area had an usually drier Summer, so we need the rain, and I’m glad the temp is enough above freezing it’s not snowy. ::yes::
My tea cup seems to have a hole again today lol.
I haven't pulled the jacket out yet....YET!!! I'm sure it will be coming out soon. I am appreciating each of these beautiful fall days we are getting. I still haven't put socks on yet and am still rocking my little flats/Toms shoes for work. I'm loving it!!!!! My feet are cold....but I'm NOT GIVING IN!!!!!! My feet silently scream when I put the socks on.
We had a vote and I lost
No taco bell tonight

Mr Mac went to Publix and bought a perdue hen this morning

He said he wants real food tonight

Fine for me on a change of dinner tonight
I can live with it this time

Workers will be at our house soon
hope more progress will be made
Welcome back home!!!! I hope your trip was good - even with Ian slamming in on the fun. I love a good chicken/hen for dinner. It is the most versatile meal that makes so many different left overs.
What are you getting done at your home? Hope the work goes quickly.
Have absolutely loved our trip, it has been amazing and now we get to see Kyle and get back to normality again.

And get used to the cold again. But, back in our own bed!
Have a safe flight home. It is always a great feeling to crawl into your own bed!!!!!!!!
are turkeys as scarce there this year as they are here. All I’m seeing is small anemic looking ones. If it’s not 23# not about to waste my time lol.
Not from what I seen grocery shopping on the weekend. They were everywhere we went - and they were decent sized. I always get ours from our local butcher who sources them from a local menonite colony. We were told their shipments start arriving today and everyday until the weekend. I think our area is well stocked. The bigger centers maybe not so much. Our grocery stores do a fantastic job of stocking items. Pasta is still hit and miss at times here - so weird.

We seen a clip on the news about turkeys for the weekend, and it was talking about a 10.00 turkey :rolleyes2 Those" would" feed a family of 4. That would be the size of a parakeet...and 10.00. NOPE...not happening here. I have NEVER seen a turkey be under 15.00 ( and that was a utility turkey - those are awesome if you brine them) . Where the heck are families who are on a budget (especially with inflation as high as it is) find a turkey for under 10.00. Sometimes I really hate the lying machine that the news centers are now.

Well, I should start and daily paper shuffle.

Have a great day everyone!!!!
It’s almost 5:30 now
Have had a screwy day and more to come

We are having home remodeling done which started the day I went to Orlando
The house is a mess as every thing is like living in an obstacle course

We have 3 bathrooms and only one is usable
Our bedroom, living room and kitchen have all our furniture in them

Workers just move things around for working in some sections

We had ceramic tile in the hallways, kitchen and one bathroom for that took many days to be removed

I came back home from UO on day 8 and floor replacement started in day 9

More work will be done but was told it will be another week
I am looking forward to that!!

To cook in my kitchen is not going to happen
Tired of digging through boxes to find pots and pans

No taco bell tonight but bbq ribs from the Choo Choo in our area

I do believe it would have been better to sell our house and buy another one

Timing is so off for what we expected
And I am sure anyone that has remodeling done, would say… damn what were we thinking to have this project done….

We lost our internet this morning and Mr Mac dealt with that

Only a 25 minute drive to get a new what every it was box so we could get tv and internet back up

Had planned to make a roasted chicken dinner
Then thought why even bother as the house is a disaster zone and don’t want to wash dishes in the bathtub

No taco bell as we ate there yesterday

I had two doctor appointments set up but had to cancel them as my flight out of Orlando were canceled

Took me 4 days to get a flight home and had to cancel both appointments again

Now I will have a minor surgery on another cyst tomorrow for that and day after having a root canal done
Both were scheduled in advance and I got lucky I was able to be rescheduled

I have no idea why I am thrilled getting two procedures done this week
I don’t like surgery as it is but I will be so much better after them

I am looking forward to doing laundry later this week
I hate washing clothes by hand.

My whine is now over…

Never got out the 50s today. Have been wrapped up in a sweater coast all
Day. A reprieve the next two days, should hit low 70’s :flower1:

:hug: Charade, sorry for your loss

have a hard time justifying that amount of money for an item I can get at 1/4 the price elsewhere. It's a me thing.
When it’s ‘a like’ item, I agree 110%. Read an article ages ago that stuck with me. It stated that a large majority of millionaires & billionaires are selectively frugal when it comes to expenditures.

They credit that characteristic with helping them become rich in the first place. So, where did I go wrong?;)
Not from what I seen grocery shopping on the weekend. They were everywhere we went - and they were decent sized. I always get ours from our local butcher who sources them from a local menonite colony
Oh I’m so jellie. The avian flu in my state is still
making for quite the shortage. Only ones I’ve seen are frozen breasts no bigger than 6#. That’s mostly bone :bitelip:
Now I will have a minor surgery on another cyst tomorrow for that and day after having a root canal done
Both were scheduled in advance and I got lucky I was able to be rescheduled
Good to hear that worked out for you. Props for dealing with workmen in the house. I avoid that like the plague whenever possible
Sigh, more rain to come tomorrow too. Hoping the winner of the week weather day, is to be Thursday. I hope they are right. I’m getting tired of this 50 degrees with rain all day and night, and supposed to end late tomorrow. Better.

Yuck to living in a home during a large remodel. Feel for ya, Mac. And hope surgery and doctor visit goes well. Hugs to ya. And was nice meeting up with you during our joint stays.

Hot tea, as house does feel a bit cool. Not much to view, but that’s okay. At least no more commuting the rest of this week, and very much looking forward to my four day weekend. Car goes in for service on Friday. Just routine service, as tired of my car reminding me service needed.
Good Tuesday evening everyone.

It’s 27 days until Halloween.

I couldn't live my life as a Debbie Downer.
Me either.

It's good to hear that your family is safe.
Thank you Pumpkin hope you and your family are doing well.

I saw the sharks in the street!!! How scary……..glad your sister is ok and no damage for them. Hope it’s the same for you.
Thank you Schumi. Just some large palm limbs in the yard. We were lucky.

Praying for you all to have a safe journey back home across the pond this evening.

And was nice to one of the first in Diagon Alley.
Wow.…That was an empty Diagon Alley. Good to hear you got home safely.

Today is an eye appointment. I am hoping that this might help with the headaches. If not, it's time to go to a nurse practitioner who specializes in women's health for some help. The more research I am doing, it's pointing to hormones. My regular gp isn't much help in women issues :headache: so it's off to a nurse practitioner and I will pay out of pocket if they can help.
Pumpkin I hope you can get to the bottom of you headache issue.

To cure my post vaca blues, ordered a new inflatable for the front yard display. what was I thinking, it’s ginormous :hmghost:
What kind of Halloween inflatable was it?

Glad to hear you got home safely.

Hi everyone. It's over. Mom passed this morning.
My wish now is that we can avoid family drama at her funeral.
Charade my sincere condolences to you and your family. I hope there is no family drama at the funeral.

I have no idea why I am thrilled getting two procedures done this week
I don’t like surgery as it is but I will be so much better after them
Mac hope all goes well with your procedures tomorrow. Glad to hear you got home.

Not much going on here in my neck of the woods. Weather has been great. In the 70’s during the day and low 50‘s at night.

Hubby had class reunion festivities we attended Friday and Saturday evening. We had a nice time.

Had been tinkering in the garden everyday until Sunday. I like being outside.

My back went out early Sunday morning. Been on my back in bed for past few days. This isn’t my first rodeo with this, but its been awhile since it has been this bad. I know the disc is bulging on the right side as my right leg is affected.

My back had been bothering more then usual for past few weeks. Just so thankful it did not happen on vacation. On needed medications to help.

Been watching a few movies on my IPad, catching up with emails and working on Trip report. So trying to keep busy within reason.

I saw some things on social media about the thousands of utility trucks that had mobilized form all over the US arriving in Florida to help with the power outage issues. It is so good to see people helping others in need.

Made me think of Tinyd. I remember she and her family had rental property on the Gulf side. I hope they are all ok.

Shout out to Tink and all the other Sans family who don‘t post anymore. Hope all are well.

Have a good rest of the evening.

Ah, a Wednesday is here. The mid week happiness day that means Friday is that much closer. A very hump feeling kinda day. And hehe, camel saw Robo’s post counting down to Halloween, so he got in that holiday spirit with his vampire inspired outfit for this Wednesday reminder.

And ugh, not done with the rain, or the cool feeling day. Sigh. But a high weather system is arriving in the wee hours of tomorrow, and some glorious sunshine with 70 degree days finishing the week days. Well, until a cold front arrives to make another not as nice weather weekend. Well, that’s our October and November, having more cool feeling days, but some great sunny perfect weather Fall days.

Robo, glad your home in the South was okay, and glad to her sister’s is okay too. Sending gentle well wishes good thoughts your back and leg have no pain soon. My garden now has mums starting to grow. They’re great as not a lot of care they need. Time of year our gardens are turned over, ready for the Spring to plant again. No lawnmowers heard lately either, as while not many turning those gold, brown and orange colors yet, but our greens are slowly turning.

And so, a hope that Pumpkin figures out the remedy to not have those nasty headaches. Sending good thoughts you have no more of them. Enjoy your Thanksgiving weekend, nice to be with family.

Tea for me. Routine day homie, one of the first to wish all that wonderful Wednesday.

And hope Schumi had a good flight and is enjoying seeing Kyle and having that English tea with the right water.
Morning all. moving at a snail’s pace for some reason today.

Really not feeling getting my teeth cleaned today. Keeping the appt tho as it now takes 8-9 months to reschedule one here since so many put off treatment during the pandemic. other than aspen, few Dentists taking on new patients. So many dentists & doctors here closed their practices/retired over the last few years..

Mine keeps plugging away. ventured that soon, independent practices may go the way of the dinosaur if the doctors coming of out of dental school have no small practices to join as ‘journeymen’.

What kind of Halloween inflatable was it?
I forgot to take a pic, note to self
Hubby had class reunion festivities we attended Friday and Saturday evening. We had a nice time
Oh, that sounds like such fun. I’ve never attended one. Here they do a picnic :confused3over the 4th of July weekend that’s more of an all year’s sort of thing.
My back had been bothering more then usual for past few weeks. Just so thankful it did not happen on vacation. On needed medications to help.
ouch, sorry to hear. a real nightmare if it happened on your trip. have similar issues, it’s odd how you can just feel it coming on when it decides to act up again. Slow down and rest up. hopefully, soon will be back at it!
I saw some things on social media about the thousands of utility trucks that had mobilized form all over the US arriving in Florida to help with the power outage issues
it’s heartwarming to see that sort of mutual aid. I was driving on a 2 lane country short cut to the turnpike a few years ago. Was behind a convoy of local power company trucks that were heading out to help an area impacted by storms. The road was one of those up & down the hills route. Was floored to see how very many of them were being sent out.

i did catch an odd news story on local TV channel while in FL during the storm. Appears people were quite upset to see utility trucks parked with workers inside and were taking out their Frustration by pounding on the truck doors.:oops:

They were advised that the workers literally have to sleep inside their trucks between working double shifts and to please not harass those who were doing their best to help get the power restored.
What a crazy story from Florida, Keisha. Somehow the just why would they bother those workers is beyond me. I’m so glad to see so many willing to help. Those from my area left last week too. Yeah, I find most service providers have a longer we can take you then, medical appointments in particular. Hope dentist visit goes well, and quick. Very okay to be in that lazy mode start to the day. I’ll be doing that on Friday, as yay for my 4 day holiday weekend. Hehe, the one Federal holiday my kids were in school and I was off. Mom got to play while kids were in school.

Yeah, still raining. Thinking another soup lunch. Did pick up a loaf of a French baguette, so real butter, perfect side to soup. And a walk around the house. Too icky to want to walk outside for lunchtime today.

The joys of waking and ready for the day before sunrise. Makes the morning feel like it’s crawling.
It's that hump day again!!!! Mini dance happening as I can see the weekend is near...and it's a 3 day weekend for us here ;)

It's another crisp fall day. No weather records to be broken today, but I still haven't pulled out the jacket and no socks on my feet yet. I'm holding out as long as I can lol. It's definitely cooler and can feel that the " heat" is out of our warmer days now. But I will take each amazing fall day we get!!!!!!!!!! I am NOT a winter lover, so all this amazing weather is find for me.

Now I will have a minor surgery on another cyst tomorrow for that and day after having a root canal done
Both were scheduled in advance and I got lucky I was able to be rescheduled
I hope you recover from both of them quickly. Neither of those would be a walk in the park. And then to recover while your house is turned upside down with renovations! You are a brave lady! Renovations are not easy to get through, but once they are done, you will love the end result! I am a procrastinator on holiday laundry. I hate laundry - it's my most despised chore. I hope you get it done soon.
They credit that characteristic with helping them become rich in the first place. So, where did I go wrong?;)
I'm frugal as well, and I"m not rich either. It's not like I'm, living in the lap of luxury of being a pampered princess lol. It hasn't worked for us either :laughing:
My back went out early Sunday morning. Been on my back in bed for past few days. This isn’t my first rodeo with this, but its been awhile since it has been this bad. I know the disc is bulging on the right side as my right leg is affected.

My back had been bothering more then usual for past few weeks. Just so thankful it did not happen on vacation. On needed medications to help.

Been watching a few movies on my IPad, catching up with emails and working on Trip report. So trying to keep busy within reason.
Ugh. I have back problems, but I have never experienced that! I hope it heals quickly. That is not fun. I watched my Dad on our recent trip to visit them struggle with his sciatica. It was horrible.
And ugh, not done with the rain, or the cool feeling day. Sigh. But a high weather system is arriving in the wee hours of tomorrow, and some glorious sunshine with 70 degree days finishing the week days. Well, until a cold front arrives to make another not as nice weather weekend. Well, that’s our October and November, having more cool feeling days, but some great sunny perfect weather Fall days.
I can relate to not liking those days. I know it's on it's way here. Hopefully it doesn't last too long for you.
They were advised that the workers literally have to sleep inside their trucks between working double shifts and to please not harass those who were doing their best to help get the power restored.
Why would people harass those who are working. Are people really that entitled to think that their needs should be met before others :rolleyes2 I am soooooooooooo done with entitled people. I just can't even imagine - especially in that situation!!! Wow...that's mind blowing.

Well, I should get this spreadsheet completed and get more papers organized and shuffled.

Have a great day everyone!!!!!


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