Something About Nothing............ #14

Home repairs … ugh…
I feel your pain as we have to hire those things out
Mr Mac when it is electrical work, is all thumbs

It’s good your husband handled that work!
Sounds like a keeper..

Would love to see you when I go in September
I am still figuring out my dates for it
Ack Bobbie, glad DH could fix that repair as needed. Yeah, home repairs are no fun at all.

Taco Tuesday:

From that local restaurant. Yum!
I wish we could expand our closets, but sadly there is no room.
Did I mention that we got a quote from our contractor to build a closet under our stairs? The price was more reasonable than I expected, but we are going to wait until spring to have it done.

We`re very lucky as our rooms are all large so can do what we want really, I always say I`m not a shopper, but my husband points out, all those closets didn`t fill themselves!!

That`s a good idea you`re planning for extra space, we did the opposite when we moved into this house, there was a rather odd space under the staircase that was large and unused, so we opened it up and it looks great, and yes, didn`t cost what we thought it might.

Hi everyone, I just wanted to drop in for a minute and say :wave:. I am sorry I have only read a few pages don't have much time these days. I want to say thanks for the repsonse to my messages on here.

I know there are a few of us who have kids graduating in this spring, and I believe Charade might be too. I just want to say hope everyone has a great last semester, Liv is working on theirs also. Charlie has started school this week, will be doing morelike two or three classes will have to work more. Congrats to everyone!!

We are still in Orlando, we are enjoying our house very much. I really thought I would use the pool more in the cooler weather, but just can't get in it. The spa is very nice and helps with those old aches and pains. :laughing:

I have been using my crockpot more, I just bought a new one. It really helps with time and cooking. I am trying to learn more recipes!!

Our kitchen light broke and we had to rip open the ceiling and Brian had to install a whole new electric box, new sheetrock what a mess. It looks very nice and I am happy with it. I have sympathy for anyone doing any type of construction in their home. Good luck!

If anyone is going to be in town please reach out to me by a pm or if you have my cell number I would love to meet up. We try to find time to go to the parks as often as we can.

I am thinking of everyone and hope all is well. I am hoping soon to get more time to pop on and chat with you!

Stay safe and warm or cool, wherevery you are.:goodvibes

Hi bobbie, good to see you.

Home repairs … ugh…
I feel your pain as we have to hire those things out
Mr Mac when it is electrical work, is all thumbs

It’s good your husband handled that work!
Sounds like a keeper..

Would love to see you when I go in September
I am still figuring out my dates for it

Tom always said.....every man to his trade.....I agree, we hire out for everything. Tom doesn`t enjoy nor does he want to do all those jobs and quite right too, don`t blame him. I`m quite happy he shares the housework with me!!

We`re not quite at Californian rain levels right now, but holy has barely stopped for the last 24 hours, and more to come. Went a little milder last night, but not warm and much more rain forecast for the next few days. Getting colder again next week.

So, another day hibernating I think, so can do some more clearing of my and Tom`s closets, shifting through to one of the spare rooms and pop some stuff in boxes too, you don`t realise how much stuff you have till you have to pack it up, even temporarily.

Moussaka for dinner tonight, I think I have an aubergine (eggplant) so that`ll work, will only have a side salad with that as it`s so filling, BLT for lunch and fruit and a contintal ham for breakfast. Tried a new tea when I got up this morning, not for me, tasted like aniseed somehow, will pass on that one, went back to another choice.

Get some housework out of the way, then we might watch some movies today, best thing to do on a wet, cold January day.




Happy middle of the week 😊

Hehe, salty camel needing his coffee. LoL.

Yep, he’s here to remind all that it is indeed a Wednesday, and that mid week feeling is certainly a reason to celebrate. Means a most fabulous Friday is now two days away, and then a holiday weekend for us. And a bonus four day one for me. Woot!

Ah that clear overnight means we are still below freezing. Another 30 degrees said the outdoor thermometer, as I opened the front door. But to toss some trash out. Never thought I’d have a teleworking schedule, but I think this week day balance of places to do that week day routine is one that I’m now happy with. I can see never going back to that every day commuting.

Thus, while that clear sky stays around for our sunrise, the rest of the day will be cloudy. But no rain in them. They are all to try to not let me rock wearing my sunglasses. But I might anyway. As long as it’s bright enough out, i wear them. I tend to squint in brighter skies, and who wants to see that? LoL.

Ack, to that atmospheric river dumping so much rain to CA. Another 10 inches to fall today. Oh my! And reading and hearing about all the lives lost, including a kid, from all that rain, is so very sad to hear and read such news.

And sorry to hear Schumi is having another rainy day. Yeah. Not a day to venture out much, unless you need to.

Finally, from this mid 40’s high temp, mostly cloudy day weather having homie, have a most comfortable and wonderful Wednesday. Hunker down. We are still in the Winter season. :thumbsup2 Not really, as I’m really ready for Summer. 😎
Good morning —- I guess all are busy. I am too, training at lunchtime. Sadly not walk. Oh well. At least tomorrow is my Friday. Woooot!
Another slow day today. Hoping things pick up a little. Had to go to 2 stores yesterday to get my cheese grater. Target’s website said they had 9 in stock but there were none when I got there. I ended up a Walmart.

I know there are a few of us who have kids graduating in this spring, and I believe Charade might be too.
Yes, B and I will both be graduating in May. I have 3 classes to complete and she has 2.
Our kitchen light broke and we had to rip open the ceiling and Brian had to install a whole new electric box, new sheetrock what a mess. It looks very nice and I am happy with it. I have sympathy for anyone doing any type of construction in their home. Good luck!
You are fortunate to have a husband who can do home repairs. Neither dh nor I have that talent.
Would love to see you when I go in September
I am still figuring out my dates for it
I am trying to figure out September dates too. I am thinking about one of the last 2 weeks.
We`re very lucky as our rooms are all large so can do what we want really, I always say I`m not a shopper, but my husband points out, all those closets didn`t fill themselves!!

That`s a good idea you`re planning for extra space, we did the opposite when we moved into this house, there was a rather odd space under the staircase that was large and unused, so we opened it up and it looks great, and yes, didn`t cost what we thought it might.

Hi bobbie, good to see you.

Tom always said.....every man to his trade.....I agree, we hire out for everything. Tom doesn`t enjoy nor does he want to do all those jobs and quite right too, don`t blame him. I`m quite happy he shares the housework with me!!

We`re not quite at Californian rain levels right now, but holy has barely stopped for the last 24 hours, and more to come. Went a little milder last night, but not warm and much more rain forecast for the next few days. Getting colder again next week.

So, another day hibernating I think, so can do some more clearing of my and Tom`s closets, shifting through to one of the spare rooms and pop some stuff in boxes too, you don`t realise how much stuff you have till you have to pack it up, even temporarily.

Moussaka for dinner tonight, I think I have an aubergine (eggplant) so that`ll work, will only have a side salad with that as it`s so filling, BLT for lunch and fruit and a contintal ham for breakfast. Tried a new tea when I got up this morning, not for me, tasted like aniseed somehow, will pass on that one, went back to another choice.

Get some housework out of the way, then we might watch some movies today, best thing to do on a wet, cold January day.




Happy middle of the week 😊
Hi Carole: Congrats on getting the closet, bedroom jobs started!
When we moved into our present home, we hadthat awful wooden flooring from the 70's. It scratched if you even walked on it. I hated it.
We decided to tear it out and have nice, luxurious carpet. I guess I am not the norm any more because I like carpet better than wood, so we have it everywhere we can:)

Roger is a great handiman. He does electrical, plumbing, house building, and all the little things that come up living here in the woods. I never knew he was so handy when I married him, but it's been great. I always say that because of him, I can't even change a light bulb:rolleyes: It's convenient and he saves us a lot of money. He also does alot of the work on our cars, but not as much as he used to do since everything is so complicated now.

I can send him to England and get him to work, LOL. The relatives and friends keep him pretty busy and he always is glad to help. He just helped our son finish hardwood flooring and put on a front porch. There's always something and I sometimes feel like I am the last on the list. Whine, whine:)

Hope your weather clears up. I feel so bad for those folks in California. It's a real disaster out there. We have friends who live in N. Cal. and they are doing okay for now.

Charade, I’ll be there 17 to 30 September. Might change, but already have my hotel booked for those dates. Hope we can meet up, if you are there at the same time. Hate when a slow day. I’ve been busy, meetings and training. Hoping my later afternoon is quiet. And yeah, I also hate when Target won’t let me pick up, and says limited stick. Go there, none to be found. At least Walmart had one for you. I tend to not go into a Walmart unless I absolutely need to.
Hi Carole: Congrats on getting the closet, bedroom jobs started!
When we moved into our present home, we hadthat awful wooden flooring from the 70's. It scratched if you even walked on it. I hated it.
We decided to tear it out and have nice, luxurious carpet. I guess I am not the norm any more because I like carpet better than wood, so we have it everywhere we can:)

Roger is a great handiman. He does electrical, plumbing, house building, and all the little things that come up living here in the woods. I never knew he was so handy when I married him, but it's been great. I always say that because of him, I can't even change a light bulb:rolleyes: It's convenient and he saves us a lot of money. He also does alot of the work on our cars, but not as much as he used to do since everything is so complicated now.

I can send him to England and get him to work, LOL. The relatives and friends keep him pretty busy and he always is glad to help. He just helped our son finish hardwood flooring and put on a front porch. There's always something and I sometimes feel like I am the last on the list. Whine, whine:)

Hope your weather clears up. I feel so bad for those folks in California. It's a real disaster out there. We have friends who live in N. Cal. and they are doing okay for now.


lol.....Tom can actually do all these things, he is an Engineer too, but just chooses not to, and like you, I`m spoiled and can barely change a light bulb either.....I really should learn!

I love wooden floors, tiles, flagstone and`s hard to choose which is my favourite, but I do like a bedroom carpet, so it`s still being discussed. We have beautiful original wooden floors in this house, apart from the kitchen/utility/laundry room which are all flagstones, but bedrooms...I`d choose carpet.

Cars he won`t touch. We change our cars every couple of years, so they don`t really get the chance for anything to go wrong, but if it did.....he`d call the of my brothers is the guy you always want around, he can do anything and does everything well. Very talented guy, shame he`s 6 hours away from us.

Weather is dreadful, we`ve had torrential downpours all day, and it`s still on. Some areas are very badly flooded acoss the UK too, fortunately we`re high up so it doesn`t usually affect us here. Glad to hear your friends are ok, hope it stays that way Ruth.

And yes, I`m glad I used the ignore button again!!!

As just said, it has been dreadful today, we did go out before the heavens opened again for a swift walk, and it was swift as it was blowing a gale, freezing and rain was threatening the whole time.

But, our house is lovely and warm, drapes are closed in most rooms, so it`s cosy.

Made a moussaka for dinner, it really is a filling dish, so we couldn`t finish it, but it was lovely and side salad seemed quite innapropriate seeing it was so cold, but it was nice.

Off out tomorrow, so hope it`s not as torrential as it has been and milder, I need wrapping paper for gifts and a couple of sympathy cards, my best friend in Scotland lost her dad on Monday, so will get them sent off tomorrow. And some shopping......

And got good news, pick up our new car on Monday.....finally!!!

Quite moving to watch the coverage today. Unthinkable our area’s third officer on end of watch in just a little over a decade, due to out of town criminals.

Probably a cliche in Carole’s neck of the woods, having the pipers is very popular here at services
The horse drawn carriage is rare

That was quite heartbreaking Janet.

It did look a beautiful send off for a much admired officer. But, such an abhorrent and heinous murder. God love his family and friends after this.
Quite moving to watch the coverage today. Unthinkable our area’s third officer on end of watch in just a little over a decade, due to out of town criminals.

Probably a cliche in Carole’s neck of the woods, having the pipers is very popular here at services
The horse drawn carriage is rare
My beloved son in law had his end of watch several years ago. His sons were 3 and 5 y/o and Robin was heartbroken. Prince William came over as a surprise speaker to our COPS event in Washington DC. The wonderful bobbies volunteer to come here and help out. They are amazing and it was all very much appreciated. COPS is an organization that has a yearly event in DC for families and loved ones of those who were killed in service with law enforcement. I will never forget how wonderful the Bobbies were and the fact that Prince William came over here without any fanfare at all. It was all done secretly and never made the news.
So sorry to hear of your officer's passing.
A proper send off, and such a senseless death. Thanks for sharing Keisha.

Neither kid is interested in what for dinner. I’m thinking pasta. They may have to settle, though almost all pasta is a happy meal for little one.
My beloved son in law had his end of watch several years ago. His sons were 3 and 5 y/o and Robin was heartbroken. Prince William came over as a surprise speaker to our COPS event in Washington DC. The wonderful bobbies volunteer to come here and help out. They are amazing and it was all very much appreciated. COPS is an organization that has a yearly event in DC for families and loved ones of those who were killed in service with law enforcement. I will never forget how wonderful the Bobbies were and the fact that Prince William came over here without any fanfare at all. It was all done secretly and never made the news.
So sorry to hear of your officer's passing.

That`s so tough to read Ruth, but the Police community sounds a wonderful one all over when it comes to holding together in times like that.

You must be so proud of your daughter and grandsons as they got through the worst experience for them ❤️

And always good to hear Prince William again was doing things without the fanfare of publicity, so many of the Royals do similar and it`s only much later you hear about it, but not always, as it should be.
Almost half way through January already........

Going to warm up to around 50F today, but the wind, which is still right now will be back this afternoon, so we`ll get out this morning and hope we get what we need.

Thinking of dinner tonight, one of my friends is planning to do a meat free day one day a week :eek:......what is she thinking!!! I think she`ll last about 3 weeks and it`ll be over, her husband has resolutely said she`s on her own there, we told him to drive over here that night, so he txt Tom last night to say he`ll be round tonight as she`s planning a veg curry...not for me, we love curry, but not one with just veg. She thinks it`s hilarious he`s actually coming over here instead of making his own dish. He might not in the end.

Chicken in honey mustard tonight, will have some veg with that and I do like little parmentier potatoes with that, so we`re sorted. Shrimp or turkey sandwiches for lunch and plain old toast and marmalade for breakfast.

Bit of shopping, bit of housework and a bit of catching up with some friends on the phone and make sure I have all the birthday gifts for this month I need. Hope it`s not as dark a day as it was yesterday....lamps on all day.




Happy Thursday :-)

Ah, glad the weather improved for you to get out today, Schumi. Sounds busy today. We have one birthday still in January. I think we will celebrate it in the weekend, as it’s a mid week birthday. Hope you had a nice cup of tea before heading out.

Ah yes, that early bird here, and alarm has been turned off. So happy about that. And I’m doing that part of being thirsty first thing in the morning. Particularly since it’s a Thirsty Thursday today. Yay, lots of tea for me.

Ah at least the rain and wind will start in the wee hours of tomorrow, and will end in Friday morning, then to have Friday drying us out. Good thing 56 the high on Friday, as 36 the high on Saturday. Should hopefully have all dry by Friday night, given that warmer temp and a bad hair windy, and sunny afternoon on Friday. May be some icy conditions early Saturday morning if any thing is wet, as with only a high not much above freezing, the temperature will certainty drop in Friday’s overnight. Eh, I’m not going to be moving out in the early mornings for the next 5 days.

Today, there is still that chance of a light rain in the next hour. Then another cloudy ☁️ day, I guess getting is ready for the rain to come very late in the night. 53 the high, so I’m definitely doing my lunchtime walk. And still taking my shades.

So all do your part, and enjoy some beverages today. Why of course, a Thirsty Thursday is here.
Last night’s excitement here. The driver had left his rig running without engaging his air brakes. I’m marveling at the video, check out the SUV. Driver was on the money, I’d have probably fainted on the spot and been smushed.o_O

My beloved son in law had his end of watch several years ago. His sons were 3 and 5 y/o and Robin was heartbroken.
I don’t have words, so sorry to read.:sad1:
Thinking of dinner tonight, one of my friends is planning to do a meat free day one day a week :eek:......what is she thinking!!!
Define “meat”. Are we talking eggs/cheese, fowl & fish too?

being raised on the old no meat on Friday edict, often do make just a pasta or salad of some sort at least weekly (subbing in one or more of the aforementioned alternatives even if just an accent for flavor). I usually do so after an especially heavy meal the day before, when I’ve decidedly overindulged.

Now, if they said no sweets or salty tweets I’d have gone over the wall long ago

PS i hate mangos, unless crushed and swimming with vodka or rum:joker:, great memes as usual!
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Last night’s excitement here. The driver had left his rig running without engaging his air brakes. I’m marveling at the video, check out the SUV. Driver was on the money, I’d have probably fainted on the spot and been smushed.o_O

I don’t have words, so sorry to read.:sad1:

Define “meat”. Are we talking eggs/cheese, fowl & fish too?

being raised on the old no meat on Friday edict, often do make just a pasta or salad of some sort at least weekly (subbing in one or more of the aforementioned alternatives even if just an accent for flavor). I usually do so after an especially heavy meal the day before, when I’ve decidedly overindulged.

Now, if they said no sweets or salty tweets I’d have gone over the wall long ago

PS i hate mangos, unless crushed and swimming with vodka or rum:joker:, great memes as usual!

LOVE that meme......yep Friday the 13th is coming..........

Nice Video!!! Holy moly that was lucky not to have been a disaster!!

Well, she`s making a veg Thursday she plans ratatouille.......she`s on a health kick, well more like a health shuffle 😉 I told her she`s flaky and if she turns veggie, she`s out!!

Her Dry January lasted till the 4th!! She doesn`t even need it, she`s healthy and very slim, but she gets these great ideas in her head for about 35`s like us, she eats a lot of meat and fish, but it`s healthy....lean steak, pork, chicken and lots of good fat fish like salmon as well as white fish. The rebel in me makes sure I eat a lot of meat on a Friday.....just

I love mangos!!! Yes, especially in margaritas.....but it`s a fruit I enjoy a lot......I do hate bananas

Wind is getting up here, wild and woolly. No rain right now, but it`ll be here later. We`re in for the rest of the day and evening now. I doubt our friend will appear for dinner now, he hasn`t txt to say he`s coming later. I`ll make enough for 3 anyway, just in case.

Got all we needed for the weekend this morning and all the wrapping paper I need, got everything wrapped and cards written. Apart from Kyle, we have 3 other birthdays this month.

I`m ready for dinner, but couple of hours to go yet..........
Not stopping. Yeah, one time, we were in LV, and stopped at a red light. Guy came fast I guess thinking light was green, and plowed into our car. Good thing, our kids, who were toddlers at the time in the back seat, were strapped well in their car seats. Other than some soreness, and a wrecked rental car, we were fine. And that was coming from the airport to our hotel on the strip. Accident was just outside the airport. Also years ago now, sadly, truck didn’t stop ahead of slowed highway traffic and killed the good friend of my my nephew, who was stopping his car ahead of the traffic, and left a pregnant wife and their young son. His crash was all over the news. Very scary video, Keisha.

Yeah we eat meat most days and sometimes just not, like pasta with cheese or grilled cheese sandwiches. We do eat a fair amount of chicken. I don’t like mango as a fruit either, but I do like mango salsa made by a Mexican type place. I have a vegan in our extended family, so when we do get all together, we always have no meat choices, so we all have something to eat.

Eh, now have meeting at lunchtime, so should be a later stroll now. Looks bright enough out, so shades are at the ready,


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