"Guess who`s back"...3 Return for 3 Weeks @ RPR. Parks, KSC with lots of good food and fun...A May 2023 TR

Oh, the watch feature is still there to select, it’s just that for some reason my selection disappears from this and other threads. Maybe in system updates of some sort?

i’m going to guess you aren’t the adventure of the hunt sort you have to be for outlet shopping. Often akin to looking for a needle in a haystack in those places.

I need to look out for the watch option, I usually just post on a thread I like to read and get the notifications that way, but even they have lacked some.

I`m a terrible shopper apparently, no adventure in me at all and sales are my worst nightmare......I avoid crowds like the plague. But, I know it`s an art form and you can get some fabulous bargains!
I always find this quite creepy too....but again, the detail in everything Potter is out of this world.


One of the managers we know from The Studios once told us he was approached by a couple who asked him to settle an argument as to whether the table and chairs beside the ice cream cone had always been there. They had apparently visited 5 years previous to this visit and the husband said the table and chairs were new, wife argued they had always been there.....they had been arguing about it all morning, D confirmed the lady was correct and they had always been there much to the annoyance of the husband. It`s funny what people remember and don`t remember from previous visits.

Hi Carole! One of the reasons I enjoy reading your TR's is because I always find something that I have never noticed before!

Like this dementor and the little table and chairs! Even after visiting the parks probably hundreds of times, there are still details to be enjoyed! I need to slow down and look around more! :-) -Melissa
Hi Carole! One of the reasons I enjoy reading your TR's is because I always find something that I have never noticed before!

Like this dementor and the little table and chairs! Even after visiting the parks probably hundreds of times, there are still details to be enjoyed! I need to slow down and look around more! :-) -Melissa

You are so fortunate to be able to have the time to visit so often for sure, but I agree, even at the slow pace we go at we still manage to find something new every single visit, which is lovely. And I genuinely think, how`d I miss that all these years!

I`m so glad you`re enjoying them Melissa and very good to see you :)
Hi Carole :wave2:
I am all caught up. Enjoying your adventures with Kyle!
I love how many people you know now from all your trips!
I feel the same way about Red Lobster, it just isn’t the same after the pandemic!
Our Red Lobster was always very busy and you could count on a good meal, now it is dead in there and the food is not consistent anymore, ugh!
I love all your pictures in the parks and wow the “boys” are really making use of the EP.
You will be proud of me, I actually went on the Mummy in April with my sister, I was nervous but in the end really liked it. We had the front row!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Hi Melissa!

Carole - I think you tour the parks optimally. Far too many seemingly rush thru the parks at breakneck speed…cluelessly pushing & shoving to get ‘er all done

I think so too.

I always think it`s a shame when folks visit for the first time and try to cram everything into one day and it`s just not possible to enjoy everything and the atmosphere too.....then sometimes say oh we didn`t enjoy it........that`s a shame.

We did giggle one morning at a man who was trailing his extremely fed up looking family behind him and he was repeating this over and over again as they moved along.....

" The slower we walk...the longer the lines"

And, he was repeating it like a mantra, and this was quite early in the day!!! I admit to doing a huge eye roll on that one, although I looked at my two and they were eye rolling too!!

Yep, slow and steady for us!
Hi Carole :wave2:
I am all caught up. Enjoying your adventures with Kyle!
I love how many people you know now from all your trips!
I feel the same way about Red Lobster, it just isn’t the same after the pandemic!
Our Red Lobster was always very busy and you could count on a good meal, now it is dead in there and the food is not consistent anymore, ugh!
I love all your pictures in the parks and wow the “boys” are really making use of the EP.
You will be proud of me, I actually went on the Mummy in April with my sister, I was nervous but in the end really liked it. We had the front row!
Have a wonderful weekend!

Glad you`re all caught up!

And congratulations!!! I`m so happy you did The Mummy and you liked it!! It is such an amazing ride....hopefully your next goal will be to do Velocicoaster......:duck:

We are very lucky to know some wonderful people really well after visiting for so long and we do cherish them so much. Some we have known for many years, one or two from 2009 which is lovely to be able to keep in touch between trips and keep those friendships alive.

I haven`t heard anyone say a good thing about RL since the pandemic, which is a shame really, to go into a place that used to be crazy busy and see a few folks now is quite disconcerting. It happened to us later in the trip in another restaurant too, I sometimes wonder if some places will ever feel the same as they were before again.

Yes, that EP was blitzed!!!

Glad you`re enjoying reading along Caroline ☺️
" The slower we walk...the longer the lines"
My translation: the more he talks, the stupider he sounds. nothing like making lasting family memories on vacation.:sad2:

We’ve all seen those families, one of the adults is leading the charge while the other tries their best to hustle a couple of small kids along to keep pace. I imagine they may be the ones wearing “the most expensive day ever” shirts in the parks.
We walked back home as there was no sign of a boat, that time of the afternoon is not peak time so you can wait a little longer, but we would be home in no time and while we walked there was no boat passed us, so I was glad we hadn`t waited.

That snooze was lovely.....Tom fell asleep on the sofa and I had that lovely big bed to myself!! I think we had about an hour before Kyle came back, I was glad as we didn`t want to sleep too long as we had plans to meet a friend of ours in the lobby later, so we both got showered and Kyle said he`d meet us in the Lounge later before we went out for dinner.

Samuel was someone we had known for several years, I think since 2017 and we always keep in touch between trips. We asked at the concierge desk if they could let him know we were here and a few minutes later he came out and gave us the best news....he had got engaged in NY at New Year!!! I actually let out such a yell of excitement and completely forgot we were in a public place......we were so happy for him and soon to be husband!!!

We went round to Orchids to sit and chat where it was much quieter and we got caught up on all our news.....and of course we asked when he was getting married and he really surprised us by saying it was this Saturday and a very small and personal service!!! Very exciting news for us. He hadn`t wanted to tell us in an email but in person and we were genuinely so happy to hear the news!

He got his little gift bag full of British chocolate and some Scottish goodies too and eventually he had to go back into the office but we`d see him more over our trip.

It was after 5pm by now so we headed up to the lounge to sit until it was time to meet our friend D to go have dinner with our very special friend. Some of you will remember our friend D as the lady with the Johnny Depp tattoo from a previous trip, well since meeting we have become very good friends and have met up for dinner with her and her husband as well as on our own, so we were looking forward to catching up properly over the next two nights.

I had a glass of red wine tonight in the lounge, and sadly no Alex tonight, we definitely loved when she was working as she is such a joy to be around and we love spending time with her having a good old chat and some giggles too, she has an amazing sense of humour as well as being the kindest young lady.

The usual crudite, cheese, salad and crackers were laid out and tonight the hot offering was a pasta with shrimp and some chicken pieces with all the fixings for fajitas including the wraps, the chicken was very nice but not shredded the way I thought they would be, but very tender and tasty. We did only have a tiny piece, Tom tried the pasta and said it was nice too.





Kyle joined us around 6ish and had one of those hot chocolates out of the machine he was becoming so fond of and then we headed down to lobby where we were meeting D before driving to the restaurant.

D had been to Disney the day before and had arrived at RP this afternoon and she was as prompt as ever and it was so good to see her again! Her husband was flying in tomorrow so we`d also be seeing them for dinner tomorrow night again too which would be fun.

Tom was driving, so him and Kyle walked down to get the car while D and I waited like Princesses for them to come and pick us up, it was only a few minutes to get to the restaurant which was Carrabbas.

We had never been to this place and I had several UK friends tell us for years to go to it as we`d like it, but it was Italian which isn`t my favourite type of foods...I don`t really eat pasta very often, but as I was reminded you can always get a good steak there!! True, but we had still never gone, however, we were looking forward to eating here tonight and not only for the food, but we were in very good company.

We were meeting our very good friend Raymond tonight, we absolutely adore him and I never posted much about him or even his name while he worked for Loews, but now he has left for pastures new, I feel ok about it. We first met him in 2012 and just after we met him he said he had planned to meet us due to everyone talking to him about us and also due to how long we visited for, but he is the loveliest of men and someone we are very happy to call our friend for so long. And D was also looked after by him too, so we ended up with two very special friends here.

On arriving, the restaurant wasn`t overly busy and initially I wasn`t sure, but the staff were lovely and we explained there was another joining us, so they put two tables together as a booth might have been a little cosier than it should be!!


I forget what Kyle ordered, I think it was a strawberry lemonade although we did jokingly ask if he wanted a rum given his latest appetite for tasting alcohol!! I was glad he declined......:) I ordered their Sangria and D ordered a Peach Sangria, their drinks are very nice and I must admit to eyeing up a few of them for future visits.

The bread and Olive Oil were very nice, particularly the oil, you could taste the fruit in it and I much prefer an Italian Oil to a Greek one some places offer, but we did try to not eat too much bread as we had been told portions are large!


Raymond arrived just as we got our drinks and it was an emotional hello for us, it was very strange not running into him in the hotel every day, but again, keeping in touch is always lovely, but nothing beats seeing each other in person. And as always he looks so good and he was doing so well too which is all that matters. And he is the coolest guy ever!!

I did like the look of his drink too!!


Me and my (according to Tom) favourite man in the whole world!!!

He`s not wrong.......🥰


We did apologise to the waiter as he asked us three times if we were ready to order......oops.....we were so busy chatting and at one point D and I were giggling hysterically about a previous meeting we`d had and we hadn`t even glanced at the menu, but eventually we managed to have a peruse and all made our choices.

The menu is very nice and you can get a meal if you don`t like pasta very much which was what I was looking for.

The salad was nice enough, but I do wonder why they put full slices of raw carrot in any salad, grated works so much better than huge chunks....but I`m being picky as the dressing was very nice and it was fresh.


Kyle`s arrived first and he had opted for the filet with brocolli and garlic mashed potatoes, I don`t think any of us were surprised by his choice tonight, he is a real steak lover.


Raymond chose the Chicken Parm and had a rather delicious looking spinach as a side, I did think if we came back here I`d opt for the spinach too.


Tom`s dish was identical to Kyle`s, both medium rare.


D ordered the Lobster Ravioli and declared it beautiful, it did look gorgeous I have to say.


I was torn as I did feel like a steak, but worried how it would turn out as I didn`t know the place, but ended up ordering a dish I do love and that was Chicken Piccata which was gorgeous and probably one of the nicest Piccata dishes I`d eaten over here.


The food was very good and everyone enjoyed what they had, I will say though I wouldn`t get the mashed potatoes again as they were incredibly filling and although they tasted nice, they didn`t have a very strong garlic flavour which might be a good thing!! The chicken was a huge portion and I couldn`t finish this one tonight.

No one had any room for dessert, although Raymond and I did partake in another cocktail.......D had enough with two drinks I think but I knew she was going to be up very early for the parks with her husband coming in early, so we forgave her.......☺️

Of course Kyle had room for dessert....for someone so slim he always has room for dessert amazingly, and although none of the desserts really stood out for any of us, Kyle opted for the Chocolate Dream which was a very rich fudge brownie with chocolate mousse, whipped cream and a chocolate sauce and he absolutely loved it!


And of course, several group pictures, and many pictures throughout the evening including one I won`t post where I look positively pickled early in the evening and I`m leaning into Raymond for a hug as D took another picture, but I look as if I`m falling into him :rotfl:Definitely a trick of the camera as I certainly wasn`t pickled!!


This had been a wonderful evening...although we hadn`t realised till we were leaving, we were actually last to leave and they were waiting to clear up around us!! Ooops again.....the bar was still open but we were in the restaurant, but they were very good and didn`t say a word as they said we all seemed to be having the best time, which we were.

We headed out and said our goodbye`s which took a long time as you can imagine, and it was already very late, but you know when you have an evening you just don`t want to end, this was definitely one of them.

But, we did say goodnight and eventually headed home, Tom dropped D and I off at the door and we waited in the lobby for them to come back and we said our goodnight to D and arranged a time for dinner tomorrow night, I`d send Fernando a txt in the morning to let him know what time we`d be over.

We chatted for a time in our room before going to bed about what a lovely evening we`d had and how good it was to see Raymond.

Tomorrow we had been invited to have breakfast in Amatista with two of our favourite ladies and then a non park day for us.
My translation: the more he talks, the stupider he sounds. nothing like making lasting family memories on vacation.:sad2:

We’ve all seen those families, one of the adults is leading the charge while the other tries their best to hustle a couple of small kids along to keep pace. I imagine they may be the ones wearing “the most expensive day ever” shirts in the parks.

lol......did you see the same guy!!!!

They all had on Disney shirts except one who had some kind of angry serial killer looking guy on his shirt! And their faces matched it.....we felt so sorry for them. Mother looked completely disinterested and I think they were all ignoring him.....we did laugh about it after our eyes could roll no more!

But, yes, he was the classic "I`ve paid a lot of money you`ll darn well enjoy it" type of guy. Kids were all teens so you can imagine their face knowing their father looked so imperious. Yes, he absolutely did sound stupid.
We have become devotees of the afternoon nap. We take one whenever possible, particularly on vacation. It is so nice to avoid the afternoon heat and cranky meltdowns and slide into the air conditioning. Ahh, bliss 🥰

What a wonderful meet up you had and so nice to share it with 2 friends! I love the pacing of your trip. Taking your time and noticing all the special details makes for a wonderful experience!

I’m loving every moment, and I know you did, too! ❤️🧡💛💚💙
We have become devotees of the afternoon nap. We take one whenever possible, particularly on vacation. It is so nice to avoid the afternoon heat and cranky meltdowns and slide into the air conditioning. Ahh, bliss 🥰

What a wonderful meet up you had and so nice to share it with 2 friends! I love the pacing of your trip. Taking your time and noticing all the special details makes for a wonderful experience!

I’m loving every moment, and I know you did, too! ❤️🧡💛💚💙

I can`t even remember the last time we did a full day in the parks, especially since they started getting more and more crowded since Potter arrived, too hot and too busy! So yes, afternoon naps are a godsend at times!

Some of the trip highlights for us are meeting up with folks we adore and last night was one of the nicest, can`t beat time with friends.

I`m so glad you`re enjoying it Maria, yes were having so much fun. :wave2:
a great update to the TR. As always, the pictures are lovely.

Have to say, I had to go back and double-check the name of the restaurant. The food looked amazing, especially the piccata. Almost fell over when you said Carrabbas! Must have a great front & back house staff.

They have disappeared from our area, just too many independent restaurants; combined with those of that heritage who could start a war over what constitutes a perfect marinara

glad you had enjoyed a lovely night out there.

This morning was another hot and sunny one, yes, no real surprise there but for us waking up to almost guaranteed wall to wall sunshine is wonderful. It`s not the norm for us in the UK, we`ve just had a heatwave over here for a week and it`s been gorgeous for UK weather, but as with us, it never usually lasts long and certainly never the temps that Florid gets. Completely unheard of and we never get the humidity either, we can get it humid now and again, but never to the same degree.

So, Kyle`s morning sunrise shot as always is beautiful, we much preferred this side of the hotel now and it`s much quieter for that all important afternoon nap if we took one!


Once we were all showered and dressed we walked over to Sapphire Falls for our breakfast date in Amatista.

We were meeting Marian and Andrea, we have known Marian for almost as long as we`ve known Raymond and she was his assistant when we first met her many years ago, now she was doing the job he used to do and Andrea who we met just over a year ago was working with Marian but based in Sapphire. They are both the nicest of ladies and it was a joy to get them know them both much better this trip.

Amatista is one of the nicest of the hotel restaurants that offer breakfast, it is incredibly light, bright and the view over the lagoon and onto the water feature is beautiful. We`ve eaten here lots of times for lunch, dinner and breakfast too, the buffet is very good but their regular menu is enticing too.


We had arranged to meet at 8.30 and as is usual we were a little early, so Tom headed out to take a couple of pictures. It really is so gorgeous out here.




Both ladies joined us spark on time and it was so lovely to see them, we sat and chatted away and once again, our waiter came back twice as we were so busy chatting we hadn`t really looked much at the menu and it is a lovely menu with many choices, we were spoiled for choice.

We had just placed our order when the lovely Mr Beiderman popped down to say hello to us, Marian had told him we`d be there and it`s always lovely to see him, he is such a nice man and very easy to chat to and always a pleasure to have him take the time to come see us. We chatted for a time and he set off back upstairs.

At that our food arrived and it did look good as everything usually does here.

Marian and Andrea both had the avocado toast with an egg and the eggs looked perfectly cooked.


Tom of course went for bacon, with sunny side up eggs and it came with the breakfast potatoes and we had asked for a side of those gorgeous and peppery little sausage links, they are lovely!



Kyle had cereal, he only really ever eats cereal for breakfast and doesn`t really vary from that although he does enjoy toast and occasionally a bacon roll, but we were all a little amused when the milk came in a teapot....hadn`t seen that before, but it did keep it cold.


I opted for the avocado toast with smoked salmon and no onion although that onion on Marian`s and Andrea`s looked gorgeous!!


Everything was beautiful and we all enjoyed our breakfast a lot and we had such good company, we never stopped chatting through the morning.

We ended up sitting all morning with them and Andrea mentioned to Kyle as she knows he is a runner, that there was a run on Saturday in the Metro West area which is only 10 minutes away. She was doing it with her friends and told Kyle he`d be able to sign up if he wanted to. Well, he absolutely did want to do a run if possible while he was here, that was one of his goals, so he couldn`t thank Andrea enough for mentioning it. Kyle can do a 5K without breaking a sweat but we did wonder with the heat how he`d manage, it was at 7pm so shouldn`t be too bad.

I think it was around 11.30 we finally got up to head out, we had no plans for the day so we were in no rush either but we were very grateful to them for taking the time with us this morning as we know how busy they are.

And of course we couldn`t leave without a picture or two.


We thanked them very much for treating us to breakfast this morning, it had been lovely and again, spending time with both ladies was so lovely and we`d had such a nice time chatting the morning away.

We walked back to RP and chatted about what to do for the rest of the day and finally decided we`d head down to Andretti so they could do the Karting and probably bowling too.

Again, they went down to the parking lot to get the car as I waited and it was really quiet at this point. Usually this area is always filled with cars and folks checking in and out, so it`s unusual to see it so empty.



From here you can hear the roar of The Hulk when the ride first shoots you off on that incline and you can very clearly hear the screams of folks on Dr Doom.....


And when the car came up, Kyle was driving.....another of his goals for this trip.....



For his first drive over here he did fabulously! I think it helps he knows the roads so well and the drive down to Andretti is a fairly easy one, but he is a confident driver, and we felt as completely confident with him driving over here as we are at home and more important, he enjoyed it.

It takes us about 10-15 minutes to get down there, it`s down Universal Blvd more or less adjacent to the Convention Centre, so not far at all. The parking lot was fairly quiet as we expected on a Thursday at this time of day, we`d been lucky on our previous visits it had been really quiet too.


You used to just go to the pay line and you filled out your waiver with them, now you have to go to one their online machines and do it electronically.....but they don`t tell you that before you go line up and pay!! Again, glad there weren`t many people in line, but it`s a faff....however, they paid for the Karting which I think from memory was around $28 for one race, I think they bought two each and then we`d pay for bowling later.


I was really just a guest at this venue, so I had found the bar and I planned to sit there with a glass of wine and read my ipad while they enjoyed the karting......that was more my style!



They do have an awful lot to do in here if you like that sort of thing, many different games to choose from and styles, but as I`m not a game fan in any shape or form, this place wasn`t somewhere I`d normally go, aside from the karting and bowling of course.



It`s a decent little track and it is well run, they did a 10 minute safety talk before getting on and today I didn`t watch as I had a glass of wine calling me, but I knew they`d have fun.


They did enjoy it and had a lot of fun, both of them are quite competitive so they do try to beat each other on most things.......I think that`s why I don`t really enjoy gaming and things like that, I am not competitive and don`t really care who wins in things like that so I`m happier watching. I actually forget who did win between the two of them now.....

I finished my wine and Kyle wanted to go on the race simulator, Tom can`t remember what it cost, but thinks maybe around $15 for 7 minutes. There was a man went in the car next to him and remarked to Kyle they could race each other, well, the other guy thought that might be the case :rotfl:


Kyle excels in things like this, yes, I`m a self admitted "mum bragger" and I do believe I have a lot to brag about with our son......but he really is fabulous at things like this and he blew this guy out the water.....we sat at the bar and watched and the other guy was always back to front or just generally slower all the way round......we were laughing as the guy stepped on so confident, and left with his head down when Kyle`s score throttled his.......lol......


Up next was bowling, and this costs $28.95 for an hour, but you can get up to 6 people within that price which is excellent value.


I do enjoy bowling, but haven`t bowled for years and today I had a dress on, so I didn`t plan to play, but always enjoy watching them while glancing at my iPad.....I did however get into trouble at one point from Kyle for not watching them and paying too much attention to what I was reading......


Duly admonished!!!

It was fun though and they had a blast playing for the hour, there were a few groups around us by now and one was very obviously a group of folks who work together and were there for a "bonding" session!!! Yes, one of those.......and there`s always one who stands out as loud and obvious and plainly, the others do not want to bond with this guy. But, they did seem to be having a decent time. But I don`t think I know anyone who ever enjoyed these bonding times whether it was a meal or a course or heaven forbid, several days away!!! It`s fine if you have nice work colleagues and you do really like them, but for most......bleurgh!!


This had been fun, and it`s nice to do something a little different from the parks. I wouldn`t like to come here at night or on the weekends as I imagine it will get really busy, but for a weekday, it was ideal.

Back out into the sunshine, my goodness our eyes had to adjust to the light as it is very dark in the building, the car park was slightly filling up compared to earlier so I was glad we were leaving.

Someone was enjoying driving..... :car:


As we still weren`t hungry we did think about doing the Orlando Eye now, but we decided to leave that for another day and maybe have some lunch in that area too.

So, we headed for home and thought we might grab a quick snack to share from Tuk Tuk as it would be a while till we had dinner tonight, we were meeting D and her husband J in Strong Water Bar at 8pm, I doubt we`d last till then without eating something.


More to come :)
a great update to the TR. As always, the pictures are lovely.

Have to say, I had to go back and double-check the name of the restaurant. The food looked amazing, especially the piccata. Almost fell over when you said Carrabbas! Must have a great front & back house staff.

They have disappeared from our area, just too many independent restaurants; combined with those of that heritage who could start a war over what constitutes a perfect marinara

glad you had enjoyed a lovely night out there.

Thanks Janet.

Yes, they`ve been around for years and we had been told we should go years ago but never did. There are a fair few around Orlando and beyond and yes, staff were very nice and they know how to cook a medium rare steak!

I do laugh as I know what you mean about Italians and what constitutes Italian food....I have Italian American cousins who physically quiver with disapointment when I told them Kyle and I enjoy a BBQ sauce base on our pizzas......lol.....makes their head swivel!!!

We did have the best night!!
Loving your TR as always:) The meet ups looked like a fun time too! I'm kind of with Kyle in that I could have eaten that scrumptious looking chocolate brownie dessert! (and I don't really drink alcohol). I also only eat cereal for breakfast, usually cheerios and blueberries. That's it!
Today was special since it's Father's Day, and my daughter and son took us out for breakfast. I honestly dont' know what to order because I never eat a "regular"breakfast, but ended up with a small pancake. At least it had lots of butter and syrup on it, LOL.

Roger enjoyed his presents and a fun time laughing at breakfast. My daughter and I showed up wearing the same pink top and light blue capri's!!! She had a black and grey and white flannel shirt on, and I also had one, so I wore it too. We looked kind of like twins (I wish) and had a lot of laughs about it. We stopped and had a couple of pics taken downtown, so I will send one to you. They were kind of funny.

We have never been to the racing place, Andretti's?, but it looks for fun for the guys. I'm with you. I would find a nice place to get a coke and check out my phone.

I enjoyed reading about your nice meet ups and dinners with friends. What a lovely way to have a non park day:)
Tom's photos were really beautiful and thank him for that. BTW (I think the "spam" is acting up again).

Looking forward to more fun TR!
Loving your TR as always:) The meet ups looked like a fun time too! I'm kind of with Kyle in that I could have eaten that scrumptious looking chocolate brownie dessert! (and I don't really drink alcohol). I also only eat cereal for breakfast, usually cheerios and blueberries. That's it!
Today was special since it's Father's Day, and my daughter and son took us out for breakfast. I honestly dont' know what to order because I never eat a "regular"breakfast, but ended up with a small pancake. At least it had lots of butter and syrup on it, LOL.

Roger enjoyed his presents and a fun time laughing at breakfast. My daughter and I showed up wearing the same pink top and light blue capri's!!! She had a black and grey and white flannel shirt on, and I also had one, so I wore it too. We looked kind of like twins (I wish) and had a lot of laughs about it. We stopped and had a couple of pics taken downtown, so I will send one to you. They were kind of funny.

We have never been to the racing place, Andretti's?, but it looks for fun for the guys. I'm with you. I would find a nice place to get a coke and check out my phone.

I enjoyed reading about your nice meet ups and dinners with friends. What a lovely way to have a non park day:)
Tom's photos were really beautiful and thank him for that. BTW (I think the "spam" is acting up again).

Looking forward to more fun TR!

lol...that`s funny with you and your daughter! You must both have very good taste! Yes, please send any pictures you like always enjoy seeing them.

Glad Roger had a good Father`s Day too. Kyle was running this morning so when he appeared around midday Tom got his gifts which were very thoughtful as always and included a set of chocolate coins you usually see at Christmas, but they has Best Dad on them....cute!! We didn`t want to go out today so just a nice dinner here with Kyle.

I do love pancakes for breakfast!!! Maple syrup and bacon are my preference. But, like you I do love blueberries too 🥰

I do love things like Karting, but it`s nice to let them do somethings on their own too, we`re so lucky he enjoys still doing these things with us and it`s nice to watch them have fun together just dad and son.

Our meets with friends are always a hightlight of our trips for sure.

I found you in Spam again!!!! I honestly don`t know why that happens, you and another lady always end up in there for some reason, after last time I made sure I put not spam on both emails!! Will try again....... :wave2:
You had another wonderful day! A fantastic start with that lovely breakfast — it is wonderful when you just get chatting and don’t even realize time is passing 🥰

The Andretti place does look like fun for the guys. I think guys are generally much more competitive than I am. I love they had multiple things to do together 🎉 Like you, i’d be all over an adult beverage 🍷

And I love that Kyle enjoyed driving here! I would be terrified to try driving on the other side of the road. I know I would cause an accident 😚
lol...that`s funny with you and your daughter! You must both have very good taste! Yes, please send any pictures you like always enjoy seeing them.

Glad Roger had a good Father`s Day too. Kyle was running this morning so when he appeared around midday Tom got his gifts which were very thoughtful as always and included a set of chocolate coins you usually see at Christmas, but they has Best Dad on them....cute!! We didn`t want to go out today so just a nice dinner here with Kyle.

I do love pancakes for breakfast!!! Maple syrup and bacon are my preference. But, like you I do love blueberries too 🥰

I do love things like Karting, but it`s nice to let them do somethings on their own too, we`re so lucky he enjoys still doing these things with us and it`s nice to watch them have fun together just dad and son.

Our meets with friends are always a hightlight of our trips for sure.

I found you in Spam again!!!! I honestly don`t know why that happens, you and another lady always end up in there for some reason, after last time I made sure I put not spam on both emails!! Will try again....... :wave2:
LOL, I figured that's what happened. No problem. I just wait a little bit and contact you! But I didn't want you to think I was ignoring you. Hopefully it's fixed this time:)
And I love that Kyle enjoyed driving here! I would be terrified to try driving on the other side of the road. I know I would cause an accident 😚
Lol I’ve thot the same thing, would be a nervous ’wreck’.

Another great installment Carole. Will say, those sunny side up eggs look perfectly cooked, usually more of a miss than a hit in restaurants.


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