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It appears that my original post on Patreon is being criticized by plenty of people including @Tonyz particularly, so let me clarify. Dustin and Pete brought me into this company as a freelancer in late 2012 before going part-time in 2013 and then full-time. When I say I found out about the allegations (Dustin's) the same way as others, it's because it's the absolute truth as Dustin has clearly stated. And I was truly shocked. The DIS was an abnormal place to work from day one and something like Pete and Dustin dating was presented to me as consensual and normal. There was plenty of fighting along the way that seemed like red flags to me, but I'm never going to be one to judge anyone's relationship. When Dustin chose to leave, I supported him doing what was best for him.

You can choose whether or not to believe me when I say I was not aware of what happened with Dustin before or during my time working with The DIS even with Dustin saying flat out we didn't know. You can choose to believe me or not when I tell you that John told me he knows Dreams needs a bigger presence on the show and that means he and Kevin returning but they need a new studio because the reality is it's impossible for Kevin to navigate into a narrow door and down a narrow hallway into an extra bedroom that was our studio.

Right now, I'm just trying to do my job to the best of my ability and I'm waiting to hear more the same way everyone else is.
You are fully supported Craig. You are a great guy and a consummate professional. Anyone who says or thinks otherwise is both misinformed and an ***.
I enjoy when John and Kevin are on, Sean Thompson was great, I love Teressa and Kathy too , production nook Craig, dolphin meat Corey, I miss those days so much

without naming names, some of the new hires and on air "talent" mumbling about politics and celebrating the destruction of splash mountain made me unfollow and leave patreon.
Couldn’t have said it better, myself. I agree with every bit of this.

In fact, I named names when asked why I was canceling my Patreon subscription a few months ago.
I miss Kevin's commentary. I especially loved his indifference to Star Wars. I was right there with him!
I also appreciate Erica's food reviews. She almost always orders what I would, and shares my dislike of very hot spice. It's refreshing to have a food review that reflects someone with food intolerances or other issues, especially when you share them.
Craig, I always had the impression that you didn't really want to be in front of the camera but he made you.
Why do some many people want to attack the team? Especially Craig and Ryno. Dustin said himself that they didn't know. He is friends with them and that they had their own trauma. But so many of you discount this part of what Dustin said.
I don't think it's so much that people are discounting what Dustin said about others not knowing. I think it's more that people are questioning the responses (or lack thereof) that are happening now.

Compare it to an abused child calling out not only the abusive parent, but the parent who failed to protect them. In many cases, that other parent didn't know about the abuse, or at least not the extent of it. That may be because they intentionally turned a blind eye to it. It may also be because they were consumed by their own trauma, and self-preservation.

Deciding whether to continue a relationship with the other parent often depends on their response to the disclosure. Do they believe the victim and acknowledge their failure, or do they double down on "I didn't know?" Time will tell which side each member of this team will choose.
Yes, I think you might be in the same boat as you, as you have posted this twice before here under a different name, and at least once under another on the other site.
You can look at my history. I’ve been on the site a long time. I’m not posting on any other sites. I don’t have a burner name (it would’ve been nice if I did because as people know, I’ve gotten into some pretty decent arguments here). I haven’t discuss this with anybody except for some family members- I have been talking to my DD who just finished her DCP and is home for the summer if it is ethical or not to keep my dreams agent and the single post you quoted.

Was there a double post somewhere? I literally found the other site last night and was up till 4 am reading- and as I’m sure you’re aware that other site is not allowing anybody to currently register.

I haven’t posted about this on Facebook, but I have definitely encourage people to use my travel agent in the past on Facebook. In fact, the only thing I posted on Facebook was frustration last night about signing up for cruise activities while the DCL page was down- then I came here saw some posts and googled and saw that other site and then … well late night.

ETA- I just change my privacy on this site so you can see my history of posts. Enjoy! and you will see I like to edit my post a lot. Eep!
I don't think it's so much that people are discounting what Dustin said about others not knowing. I think it's more that people are questioning the responses (or lack thereof) that are happening now.

Compare it to an abused child calling out not only the abusive parent, but the parent who failed to protect them. In many cases, that other parent didn't know about the abuse, or at least not the extent of it. That may be because they intentionally turned a blind eye to it. It may also be because they were consumed by their own trauma, and self-preservation.

Deciding whether to continue a relationship with the other parent often depends on their response to the disclosure. Do they believe the victim and acknowledge their failure, or do they double down on "I didn't know?" Time will tell which side each member of this team will choose.
Toxic cultures are complicated, which is why they are able to survive for so long. Money, power, vulnerability, desperation. It's all very real, and you often don't know you're stuck until you are. Which is really what was the underlying themes in both of the whistleblower stories. It takes an incredible amount of bravery to come forward because so many times these stories get dismissed. Which is why I really do encouraged empathy towards the folks who are not in charge - we do not know their own personal experiences, what threats have been made or implied... it's their livelihoods at stake. Both Dustin and Sean have been incredibly forthcoming with their responses and answered every question tossed their way. I suspect they would have named any Dis employee they felt was complacent to the abuse. This is a leadership issue and it's time to clean house.
First let me say - I just want to voice my perspective.
We ALL want to be that person who STANDS FIRM against things. And we like to think we will be that person.

I always told my daughter she would never be in trouble with me if she got in trouble at school for standing against a bully.

But when standing might cost you a job, your house, your family’s security…. I want to think I‘ll stand by my principles regardless of cost. But should we really be judging others on this? Unless we personally have done it and sacrificed everything? Especially not knowing what trauma they may have personally experienced.
Blaming Craig is crazy.

Let’s say he somehow did know or highly suspected something was up. Both Dustin and Sean was clear they never told Craig in such detail. From Craig’s view (assuming he thought he knew the situation) it was he that was crazy as the people in the situation never mentioned anything nor did anything about it!

Sean and Dustin (and obviously Pete and John) “outrank” Craig even before assuming the complicated dating picture that was portrayed as Sean (with MTO) was Pete’s business partner and Dustin is literally the guy that built the studio and was treated as a founder of the show. Craig was just an employee, it was not his place to step between arguments of owners and founders (and lovers).

And even if he knew about Sean’s story by following the other board a year ago and put 2 and 2 together along with all the abrupt quitting and firing, who could he tell that would believe him? Without Sean or Dustin’s collaboration even if he went to John how can he prove it? And say John believes Craig, still without the victims speaking up they can’t do anything.

Now assuming Craig was absolutely certain this happened (which without Sean and Dustin telling or complaining to him about the details he can’t be sure) then maybe he can quit in protest and out of ethical considerations but from his perspective he has at best a hunch and at worst doubting his own judgement. It seems like the owners and founders just didn’t get along and while it might be Pete’s fault for being hard to work with or being unreasonable, that is not a crime.
You can look at my history. I’ve been on the site a long time. I’m not posting on any other sites. I don’t have a burner name (it would’ve been nice if I did because as people know, I’ve gotten into some pretty decent arguments here). I haven’t discuss this with anybody except for some family members- I have been talking to my DD who just finished her DCP and is home for the summer if it is ethical or not to keep my dreams agent and the single post you quoted.

Was there a double post somewhere? I literally found the other site last night and was up till 4 am reading- and as I’m sure you’re aware that other site is not allowing anybody to currently register.

I haven’t posted about this on Facebook, but I have definitely encourage people to use my travel agent in the past on Facebook. In fact, the only thing I posted on Facebook was frustration last night about signing up for cruise activities while the DCL page was down- then I came here saw some posts and googled and saw that other site and then … well late night.

ETA- I just change my privacy on this site so you can see my history of posts. Enjoy! and you will see I like to edit my post a lot. Eep!
Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! You literally are not the only one with this question, it just seemed super specific to me and I couldn't believe I kept seeing it. Let me do a little digging and see if the other person/people ended up with and answer/decent advice. So sorry I was a jerk, but the trolls are trolling around and I got a little wary.
It appears that my original post on Patreon is being criticized by plenty of people including @Tonyz particularly, so let me clarify. Dustin and Pete brought me into this company as a freelancer in late 2012 before going part-time in 2013 and then full-time. When I say I found out about the allegations (Dustin's) the same way as others, it's because it's the absolute truth as Dustin has clearly stated. And I was truly shocked. The DIS was an abnormal place to work from day one and something like Pete and Dustin dating was presented to me as consensual and normal. There was plenty of fighting along the way that seemed like red flags to me, but I'm never going to be one to judge anyone's relationship. When Dustin chose to leave, I supported him doing what was best for him.

You can choose whether or not to believe me when I say I was not aware of what happened with Dustin before or during my time working with The DIS even with Dustin saying flat out we didn't know. You can choose to believe me or not when I tell you that John told me he knows Dreams needs a bigger presence on the show and that means he and Kevin returning but they need a new studio because the reality is it's impossible for Kevin to navigate into a narrow door and down a narrow hallway into an extra bedroom that was our studio.

Right now, I'm just trying to do my job to the best of my ability and I'm waiting to hear more the same way everyone else is.
I’m always going to be in your corner, Craig. You do Disney the way I do Disney and you clearly love the place. Your wry sense of humour may be misunderstood by some, but I feel like you speak for me when you make your observations. You have brought a great deal of joy into my life through your reporting and I hope it continues.

Edited to say narcissistic abuse is real and recipients often do not realize when it is happening to them.
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This is so overwhelming. I love the Dis and all the current team. I hope it finds a future without Pete. As much as I’ve bloody adored Pete his behaviour has been unacceptable, possibly criminal, and in the very least he needs to go work on himself and let others grow outside of his commanding shadow.

But what’s the best guess on the future of Dreams Unlimited? I have a cruise in a couple weeks I booked through Dreams, I assume I’m still good, but moving forward? Should I still use Dreams to book my next trips? Or wait and see how all this plays out? I really hope as much as possible of these wonderful companies and the dedicated staff can be saved.
Is anyone else wondering- what now?
Thoughtful question - I don’t have any reservations in play and I stopped being a Patreon supporter a while ago. But I was hypothetically thinking about what would I do if I did?

I feel that even the show ends, those involved in the show are well known in this community and would probably be taken care of elsewhere in the long term. Still I’m sure they are worried. But, at this time I would cancel my Patreon support.

As far as the agents, they must be very worried. From what I understand, the agency doesn’t get paid until the trip is taken. I’d keep the reservation and not add to their anxiety at this point.

There is no good answer. But definitely a question to ponder.
@Teleclashter I've worked in toxic environments where things that initially make you think "huh, OK..." are presented as totally normal and fine and because nobody else is throwing up red flags you rationalize and think "OK, well that's just how it is here, I'm just going to let them do their thing and I'm going to do my job and not get involved in that weird stuff" And then just gradually weirder things are introduced and you just think "this is weird but I guess that's just how things are" and then weirder and weirder things get normalized. It's like the frog in the pot where the heat gets gradually raised until, out of nowhere, the frog is in boiling water.

I belive you that you are blindsided. And I believe Dustin and Sean. And none of that is incongruous. I'm sorry to all of the victims that this has happened to them.
It is true that the travel agent doesn't get paid until the trip is taken. I think that if a travel agency dissolves, the bookings would revert back to Disney but I don't know for sure. I would think that if DU books them with Disney directly, and your payment it made to Disney and not to DU, then it reverts to Disney. I haven't ever booked with DU because I've been DVC for nearly 2 decades. However, that said, before I was DVC, I booked my Disney vacations through AAA. And I believe payments went to AAA, not Disney. So I'm not sure which way DU operates. Anyone know? 🤔
It's always hard to tell the real person from the on screen persona vis-a-vis Pete, however when it comes to Craig he truly seems like a good hearted, well-meaning innocent guy who can be blunt about his views from time to time but is someone who doesn't look for the bad in people. I totally believe his story (to an extent) that things were just "weird" and it's very easy to fall into the "well it is what it is" trap. He probably didn't look for trouble or gossip. Doesn't mean others may not have been clued in or maybe people just had a hunch but again we all work in places where the rumor mill is churning constantly. We're not private investigators. But of course transparency is important especially when it comes to such nasty allegations. Hoping all that are innocent in this come away ok and even if the content isn't always the most engaging lately at least the team is good company for an hour or so a week. There's a lot of content out there and having the Dis among them is better. I hope the Disu nplugged can move forward in some capacity and hopefully even reimagine themselves and keep making better content AP (after Pete).
Craig seems like a very genuine believable young man to me. I believe what he stated. Ryno posted a cryptic comment on Twitter that I interpret to mean that they're in the process of ousting Pete and plan to go on without him. He probably can't say more. What he said was something like "Roseanne becoming The Connors".
Is anyone else wondering- what now?

I absolutely believe Sean and Dustin. I discovered all of this yesterday, and I applaud them both for coming forward. I always felt something was off with Dis-unplugged as far as the revolving employees. I remember several of my favorites just disappearing or leaving including Dustin. I kind of figured Pete was a ‘my way or the highway’ kind of guy, but I had no idea any of this was happening.

I’ve been a Patreon member (not anymore) and I actively have used and promoted Dreams Unlimited, especially the agent I have worked with over the years who has been nothing short of fantastic to me.

That being said, I’m really uncomfortable with the financial state of dreams unlimited, and more than that any money potentially going to a man that I do not want to support.

I have three cruises currently booked with DU and I was likely to pick up a placeholder on my September cruise… I love my agent, but I just don’t know if I can support Dreams with Pete as a partial owner- on the flipside, I don’t want my agent losing out because of the actions of somebody else. Anyone else in the same boat?

As for the question of Ryno and Craig, and how much they knew or didn’t know… I personally hope they’re both OK. I especially worry about Ryno right now- I might not agree with all of his views, but I have noticed his struggle since Covid hit and I really just want him to be OK and Craig and Julie and all of them (minus one and I even want him to be ok just held accountable for his actions).

This is a sad day- much love to Dustin, Sean, and the team.
Very much in the same boat. It is all beyond disappointing.
@Teleclashter - I'm sorry that y'all have to go through this. I don't come on the boards any, but after reading all this, felt that I needed to comment. I've been through what you are experiencing now - being blindsided by the secret actions of a co-worker/boss. It took time and the support of those close to me to start to recover. I think - no, I know - there will be way better days ahead for you and the team. I'm sending prayers and positive thoughts your way.

However, I still have misgivings on how you treated the roasted Mexican street corn from your channel about a year ago...
Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! You literally are not the only one with this question, it just seemed super specific to me and I couldn't believe I kept seeing it. Let me do a little digging and see if the other person/people ended up with and answer/decent advice. So sorry I was a jerk, but the trolls are trolling around and I got a little wary.
It is ok. I can see how we could all be a little on edge right now.

I think it’s a question that might keep coming up because most of us don’t know what to do. We want to support Sean and Dustin. We also don’t want to hurt those members of the team not involved in any wrongdoing and some of us have Dreams agents that have done amazing things for us that we don’t want caught in the crosshairs either. But we also don’t want to support the type of behavior that Pete has engaged in.

Right now I think I’m not going to cancel any of my reservations with my agent because she has done the work at this point and I want her to get credit but I’m not sure how I feel about booking any future trips with her (even though I adore her) if some of that money is going to Pete. If Pete parts ways with Dreams Unlimited I will be happy to return, and use my agent again and continue to recommend her to everyone.

I can see how John might not be able to make a statement but the silence, especially with the Amex lawsuit and the allegations makes me a little wary. I would be much more likely to continue to book with DU if I knew where they stood in regards to everything going on, but I understand for legal reasons they probably cannot speak.

As I said, I’m wishing the best for everyone. I even hope Pete’s going to be ok though he’s going to have to take accountability and deal with the consequences of his actions that he had gotten away with for too long. Some of the posts on the other site are particularly awful to Ryno and I cringe every time I read one because I know he’s had a hard time since covid. I also want Craig and his darling family to be able to weather this storm- along with other members of the team. I would be happy to support them in endeavors not associated with Pete.

And if there’s anyway for me to support Sean and Dustin, I am more than happy to do it. If they start a Patreon podcast, I will happily subscribe. In the meantime, the best support I can offer them is my absolute belief in their statements.

I don’t know about you guys, but this whole thing has really shaken me. I have been blessed to meet some amazing friends from this board and have those relationships translate to off-line. Honestly, I spent part of the day debating if it was even ethical to post on this board with everything going on. I really hope Corey or somebody is able to take charge of it. I would hate to have to leave it.

I love our community here. I love our discussions even when we don’t see eye to eye. I just don’t know what the right thing to do is anymore. I don’t want to hurt anyone, and it feels like this fallout is going to unfortunately impact more than Pete.
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