Debt Dumpers 2023

Another week, another disaster. Yet ANOTHER family member! This time it's a cancer diagnosis. However, they think they got it all, so she won't have any follow up treatments. They did mention it's hereditary, so now my mother will need testing, and I'll have to start getting tested in a few years.

1. Keep the credit cards empty - DONE! Still using them and paying them off before they start earning interest.
2. Figure out a way to put some sort of extra on the mortgage, even if it's the $100 minimum - DONE!
3. Get some things I NEED to have (rims/tires for the car, items that need replacing at home, etc)
-Nothing this week. I think I have to order some things, but at least one thing is going to require figuring out a way to transport. It probably won't be in the next week either, but we'll see.
4. Get a savings plan going for the big stuff that comes due in one lump sum payment (insurance, property tax)
-No progress this week

General stuff:
1. Make a will - DONE!
2. Continue to clear out the crap. I need to go through my clothes and that sort of thing. I got a pile done in 2022, but it really wasn't enough.
-92 items gone
3. Look for a new job. The reason nothing has been getting done is because I'm burned out from my existing job and I'm being severely underpaid for the work I do.
-Checked the email notifications and jobs sites every day. Nothing new to apply for this week. A local company laid off over 100 people in my sector, and they're all finishing up work over the next 2-3 weeks. The market here is saturated right now, so I don't expect to have any luck.
4. Get my passport.-DONE!
5. Knock some half-finished projects off the list. Everything from making a scarf to some jewelry. Lots of stuff has been started, but not finished. Enough already!
-Worked on one project, which is expected to take a long time to finish.
6. Get into better shape. I'd like to say 'lose weight', but I'd be happy to be able to run up my own steps without getting winded. The weight loss may or may not come, but it's not as important.
-Nothing this week. I've been busy and stressed. They say exercise helps with this, but I find the opposite. I'm hoping things will level out enough in the next week or two that I can get back to it.
7. Spend more time with loved ones. I don't see friends/family much. I guess I really need to do #3 in order to facilitate this one.
8. Organize my stuff!
-I went through some file boxes (some didn't even contain files! and some recipe books/magazines
Another week, another disaster. Yet ANOTHER family member! This time it's a cancer diagnosis. However, they think they got it all, so she won't have any follow up treatments. They did mention it's hereditary, so now my mother will need testing, and I'll have to start getting tested in a few years.

1. Keep the credit cards empty - DONE! Still using them and paying them off before they start earning interest.
2. Figure out a way to put some sort of extra on the mortgage, even if it's the $100 minimum - DONE!
3. Get some things I NEED to have (rims/tires for the car, items that need replacing at home, etc)
-Nothing this week. I think I have to order some things, but at least one thing is going to require figuring out a way to transport. It probably won't be in the next week either, but we'll see.
4. Get a savings plan going for the big stuff that comes due in one lump sum payment (insurance, property tax)
-No progress this week

General stuff:
1. Make a will - DONE!
2. Continue to clear out the crap. I need to go through my clothes and that sort of thing. I got a pile done in 2022, but it really wasn't enough.
-92 items gone
3. Look for a new job. The reason nothing has been getting done is because I'm burned out from my existing job and I'm being severely underpaid for the work I do.
-Checked the email notifications and jobs sites every day. Nothing new to apply for this week. A local company laid off over 100 people in my sector, and they're all finishing up work over the next 2-3 weeks. The market here is saturated right now, so I don't expect to have any luck.
4. Get my passport.-DONE!
5. Knock some half-finished projects off the list. Everything from making a scarf to some jewelry. Lots of stuff has been started, but not finished. Enough already!
-Worked on one project, which is expected to take a long time to finish.
6. Get into better shape. I'd like to say 'lose weight', but I'd be happy to be able to run up my own steps without getting winded. The weight loss may or may not come, but it's not as important.
-Nothing this week. I've been busy and stressed. They say exercise helps with this, but I find the opposite. I'm hoping things will level out enough in the next week or two that I can get back to it.
7. Spend more time with loved ones. I don't see friends/family much. I guess I really need to do #3 in order to facilitate this one.
8. Organize my stuff!
-I went through some file boxes (some didn't even contain files! and some recipe books/magazines

I’m sorry you’re going through all of this. :hug: It was that way in my family several years ago. It was crazy for a while.
At one point, dh was walking out carrying a plateful of marinated chicken to put out on the BBQ grill. He accidentally droped the whole plate on our dining room carpet. He was so mad at himself and just couldn’t get over it.
I finally told him, “Honey, no one is dying or has cancer. It’s only chicken. It’s replaceable.”

I know that feeling all too well when you feel like you just can’t take one more thing. :sad::sad:
I hope things start getting better for you.
I’m sorry you’re going through all of this. :hug: It was that way in my family several years ago. It was crazy for a while.
At one point, dh was walking out carrying a plateful of marinated chicken to put out on the BBQ grill. He accidentally droped the whole plate on our dining room carpet. He was so mad at himself and just couldn’t get over it.
I finally told him, “Honey, no one is dying or has cancer. It’s only chicken. It’s replaceable.”

I know that feeling all too well when you feel like you just can’t take one more thing. :sad::sad:
I hope things start getting better for you.
Thanks for the sympathy ;) I think most people have been in similar situations so they know what it's like.

It's just frustrating because as soon as you think you have a handle on things something else pops up. And then (like with him and the chicken) you find yourself getting unreasonably upset over something small. I keep reminding myself that I'm not really mad about the <insert small thing here> ;)

It also throws off ALL my other plans, because suddenly emergency tasks/calls/travel/costs come up while dealing with everything,
I'd love to join in here for the rest of the year if that's okay! I was spending my time elsewhere on the internet and decided I had a need to be with like-minded Disney people ::MickeyMo::MinnieMo rather than scary Reddit ... I'm also part of a private budgeting forum but again Disney people seem to get it when we want to spend $10k on a trip to a theme park and that's definitely okay, and definitely normal ☺️

So last year we paid off $23k in credit card debt, during a very emotionally/psychologically difficult year, on a single income. And this year we've paid off $15k so far, with an estimated $15k left to go with expected income (again on a single income, DH gets backpay and a pay raise). And next year DH will increase his income by another 14%+ when his 6 month wait period on his promotion raise goes through (in March, when we hope to go to Disneyland).

I generally break my goal down in increments, last year we did $1k + $2k + $3k etc., so this year we're up to $9k right now ($2,210 out of $9k paid off so far) for this chunk of debt we're on. Then we just have $10k, $11k, and $12k left to go until we're 100% debt free! No credit cards, no student loans, no car loans, no mortgage as we rent. We use about $1450 in minimums and extra 'snowball' payments from DH's income, and my extremely variable income we add to debt payoff if we can, while still maintaining our normal budget expenses. We cash-flow a lot of emergencies, repairs, Christmas, car registration, etc. also as we go along during the year. We live off his income, and use mine toward debt payoff, cash-flow extra expenses, and future savings goals primarily.

I'll list my goals below (for 2023 and 2024 and beyond ...) and try to remember to update this thread monthly.

  • Pay off $9k in debt ($2,210/$9k)
  • Pay off $10k in debt
  • Pay off $11k in debt
  • Pay off $12k in debt
  • DEBT FREE! (my spreadsheet estimates Jan 2024 if I meet daily income goals, YAY!)
  • Invisalign for me
  • Phone and computer upgrades
  • Disneyland March 2024 $10k
  • 3 month emergency fund $15k
  • $5k Alaska cruise June 2024
  • $15k DisneyWorld with parents for their retirement celebration
That's it for now I think! Cars, house down-payment, extra sinking funds (baby/adoption, puppy/kitten, small business infusion, DH's brother's wedding, car repairs, etc.) to be saved later, we'll see how much I'm able to bring in and how our finances are after his raises and whatnot go through.

Thanks for reading! I'm looking forward to participating on these boards for the foreseeable future ::MickeyMo::MinnieMo
I'd love to join in here for the rest of the year if that's okay! I was spending my time elsewhere on the internet and decided I had a need to be with like-minded Disney people ::MickeyMo::MinnieMo rather than scary Reddit ... I'm also part of a private budgeting forum but again Disney people seem to get it when we want to spend $10k on a trip to a theme park and that's definitely okay, and definitely normal ☺️

So last year we paid off $23k in credit card debt, during a very emotionally/psychologically difficult year, on a single income. And this year we've paid off $15k so far, with an estimated $15k left to go with expected income (again on a single income, DH gets backpay and a pay raise). And next year DH will increase his income by another 14%+ when his 6 month wait period on his promotion raise goes through (in March, when we hope to go to Disneyland).

I generally break my goal down in increments, last year we did $1k + $2k + $3k etc., so this year we're up to $9k right now ($2,210 out of $9k paid off so far) for this chunk of debt we're on. Then we just have $10k, $11k, and $12k left to go until we're 100% debt free! No credit cards, no student loans, no car loans, no mortgage as we rent. We use about $1450 in minimums and extra 'snowball' payments from DH's income, and my extremely variable income we add to debt payoff if we can, while still maintaining our normal budget expenses. We cash-flow a lot of emergencies, repairs, Christmas, car registration, etc. also as we go along during the year. We live off his income, and use mine toward debt payoff, cash-flow extra expenses, and future savings goals primarily.

I'll list my goals below (for 2023 and 2024 and beyond ...) and try to remember to update this thread monthly.

  • Pay off $9k in debt ($2,210/$9k)
  • Pay off $10k in debt
  • Pay off $11k in debt
  • Pay off $12k in debt
  • DEBT FREE! (my spreadsheet estimates Jan 2024 if I meet daily income goals, YAY!)
  • Invisalign for me
  • Phone and computer upgrades
  • Disneyland March 2024 $10k
  • 3 month emergency fund $15k
  • $5k Alaska cruise June 2024
  • $15k DisneyWorld with parents for their retirement celebration
That's it for now I think! Cars, house down-payment, extra sinking funds (baby/adoption, puppy/kitten, small business infusion, DH's brother's wedding, car repairs, etc.) to be saved later, we'll see how much I'm able to bring in and how our finances are after his raises and whatnot go through.

Thanks for reading! I'm looking forward to participating on these boards for the foreseeable future ::MickeyMo::MinnieMo
Hi, welcome!
I love reading people's wins on this thread as it helps keep me motivated to keep chugging along.
Great job on your progress!
Update time. As much as I had being a downer, we got bad news about the family member still in the hospital. He doesn't look like he's going to make it. The doctor was talking about end of life decisions (what happens when you flat-line, etc), which obviously means they expect to need that info. I'd been expecting this, so it's not a shock, but it's always sad.

1. Keep the credit cards empty - DONE! Still using them and paying them off before they start earning interest.
2. Figure out a way to put some sort of extra on the mortgage, even if it's the $100 minimum - DONE!
3. Get some things I NEED to have (rims/tires for the car, items that need replacing at home, etc)
-Nothing this week. I need to do some prep work (measuring, figuring out how to transport things and so on)
4. Get a savings plan going for the big stuff that comes due in one lump sum payment (insurance, property tax)
-No progress this week. I need to pay a fair bit for some #3 stuff, and need to determine how much that'll cost me before throwing money into savings.

General stuff:
1. Make a will - DONE!
2. Continue to clear out the crap. I need to go through my clothes and that sort of thing. I got a pile done in 2022, but it really wasn't enough.
-1 item gone
3. Look for a new job. The reason nothing has been getting done is because I'm burned out from my existing job and I'm being severely underpaid for the work I do.
-Checked the email notifications and jobs sites every day. Nothing new to apply for this week. A local company laid off over 100 people in my sector, and I was talking to several of them this week. They're mostly all having trouble finding permanent full time positions. Their end dates are staggered between now and the end of the month.
4. Get my passport.-DONE!
5. Knock some half-finished projects off the list. Everything from making a scarf to some jewelry. Lots of stuff has been started, but not finished. Enough already!
-Worked on one project, which is expected to take a long time to finish.
6. Get into better shape. I'd like to say 'lose weight', but I'd be happy to be able to run up my own steps without getting winded. The weight loss may or may not come, but it's not as important.
-Two short walks
7. Spend more time with loved ones. I don't see friends/family much. I guess I really need to do #3 in order to facilitate this one.
-A family member came to town and spent the weekend at my place. Also partly why I didn't get much done.
8. Organize my stuff!
-Nothing this week, but I did move stuff around the shed to fit the patio furniture in there. It's mostly hurricane prep, but I'll count it :D
Just wanted to let others aware …
The hospital. does not automatically approach you to ask about Organ Donations … You must be the one to inquire otherwise it will be too late .

Also for those that want to donate & plan to cremate ,
the organization that I chose when my husband was in intensive care and decisions were made to stop treatment , takes over all responsibilities with remains .
I was out of town and no car , etc … I did not have to contact funeral home or figure out how to handle everything by myself.
Fortunately my husband had chosen to be an organ donor on his drivers license which helped with the legal decisions , etc.

Are you a Donor on. your drivers license ?
It really is important to make that decision
Dont delay if that is your choice.
I'm so sorry.
Update time. As much as I had being a downer, we got bad news about the family member still in the hospital. He doesn't look like he's going to make it. The doctor was talking about end of life decisions (what happens when you flat-line, etc), which obviously means they expect to need that info. I'd been expecting this, so it's not a shock, but it's always sad.
Just wanted to let others aware …
The hospital. does not automatically approach you to ask about Organ Donations … You must be the one to inquire otherwise it will be too late .

Also for those that want to donate & plan to cremate ,
the organization that I chose when my husband was in intensive care and decisions were made to stop treatment , takes over all responsibilities with remains .
I was out of town and no car , etc … I did not have to contact funeral home or figure out how to handle everything by myself.
Fortunately my husband had chosen to be an organ donor on his drivers license which helped with the legal decisions , etc.

Are you a Donor on. your drivers license ?
It really is important to make that decision
Dont delay if that is your choice.
I'm not sure how that works in Canada. We used to have to opt in, but they were talking about making it automatic at one point. You'd have to opt out instead.

I'm so sorry.
Thanks. I'm just hoping it doesn't drag on too long if he's going to go. I have a harder time watching someone suffer than just letting them go.
Just wanted to let others aware …
The hospital. does not automatically approach you to ask about Organ Donations … You must be the one to inquire otherwise it will be too late .

Also for those that want to donate & plan to cremate ,
the organization that I chose when my husband was in intensive care and decisions were made to stop treatment , takes over all responsibilities with remains .
I was out of town and no car , etc … I did not have to contact funeral home or figure out how to handle everything by myself.
Fortunately my husband had chosen to be an organ donor on his drivers license which helped with the legal decisions , etc.

Are you a Donor on. your drivers license ?
It really is important to make that decision
Dont delay if that is your choice.
I’m sorry you were faced with making that decision for your husband. :sad1:
Hello everyone,

Checking in for the first time since July, I think. Everything is finally finished with my father-in-laws estate. It was messier and longer than it should have been, though there was nothing any of us could have done to change that. - his trust was not set up correctly.

My husband's inheritance made a huge difference in our financial goals for this year and retirement- I am grateful but would much rather have my father in law back. :(

1. Emergency fund - funded for 8 months. :yay:Eventually, I hope to increase to 12 months but it's not a top priority at the moment.

2. Debt Focus - we were able to pay off the last two student loans and my car! Our only debt now is our mortgage. By the end of this year I want to have paid $2000 extra. $0/2000.

3. Vacations 2023/2024 - Have funds saved fully before we go.
  • Utah in November $1923/4000
  • Adults only trip to Disney? My husband turned 45 this year and I will turn 40 next. So maybe? Probably January/February 2024
  • Cruise Fall 2024 - Budget depends on which cruise we ultimately pick, Alaska in Sept or Western Caribbean in November, but for now $15,000 (I hope I am being extra cautious with this one :rolleyes:)

4. IRA - $5000 by the end of the year added to mine. I am hoping to max out the $6500, but it depends on how much subbing I am able to do in the next few months. I plan to add this in December.

5. Food Budget/Planning
- I'm removing this because there is just too much going on that failing at this every month just hurts and I need to prioritize. I still want to do it but my husband just had major surgery (5th in 5 years) and my father recently found out he had cancer. My brain is elsewear right now and I don't need addtional guilt right now because my focus is elsewhere.

6. Finish Trust - Finally done!!!!!! This has been in limbo for years :rolleyes::sad2: but we've signed and the final filings are happening. The problems we had with my father-in-laws trust was finally the kick in the butt we needed. No way do I want to leave that burden to my son or my brother down the road. It was so frustrating and stressful.

7. Christmas - new goal. Want to put about $1150 aside in addtional to what we should have by the end of the year. Giving presents and donating are my favorite things about Christmas.
Well, home from vacation and Vegas was VERY nice to us. We went with $6k and came home with $11k.

Paid off our small loans with some of our winnings!

We have 6 weeks til our 2 week Disney trip with hubby's son and his family. They're struggling just a little financially since they just had a baby a few months ago, so when they get there, we're going to hand them $5,000 to enjoy themselves and splurge on the kids. We've already got the house/tickets/groceries taken care of, so all they needed was fun money and eating money (as well as money to get there and home). They know we're giving them some, but have no idea how much.

We ordered a 1/2 beef that should be ready around January. I'm anticipating that to be around $1500. I've already got that tucked away.

Christmas is funded at $1,000. I've found quite a few things on clearance so far and we've decided the kids each get one big item and then a few smaller ones. We're also going to try and get tickets for the Polar Express in Branson and do an overnight stay there, possibly going to SDC.

We're waiting on one more piece to come in stock so we can finish our pantry build in the kitchen. We changed which pieces we were using and it's going to cost almost half of our original estimate.

Overall, I think we're doing well with budgeting lately. I'm really loving making dinners at home and seeing how inexpensive I can get our meals down to. I finally bought a canner and think I'm gonna try my hand at some salsa, pickles, and cowboy candy next week.
Friday again, and this week was status quo. But that means no new disaster, and that's a win right now.

1. Keep the credit cards empty - DONE! Still using them and paying them off before they start earning interest.
2. Figure out a way to put some sort of extra on the mortgage, even if it's the $100 minimum - DONE!
3. Get some things I NEED to have (rims/tires for the car, items that need replacing at home, etc)
-Nothing this week. It feels like I've been super busy, even though I don't seem to have much to show for it. My "help" for this was also away, and it rained all week, so I'm not sure I'd have been able to do anything anyway.
4. Get a savings plan going for the big stuff that comes due in one lump sum payment (insurance, property tax)
-No progress this week. I need to pay a fair bit for some #3 stuff, and need to determine how much that'll cost me before throwing money into savings.

General stuff:
1. Make a will - DONE!
2. Continue to clear out the crap. I need to go through my clothes and that sort of thing. I got a pile done in 2022, but it really wasn't enough.
-9 items gone
3. Look for a new job. The reason nothing has been getting done is because I'm burned out from my existing job and I'm being severely underpaid for the work I do.
-Checked the email notifications and jobs sites every day. Nothing new to apply for this week, but I did get a rejection letter from something I'd applied for before.
4. Get my passport.-DONE!
5. Knock some half-finished projects off the list. Everything from making a scarf to some jewelry. Lots of stuff has been started, but not finished. Enough already!
-Nothing at all
6. Get into better shape. I'd like to say 'lose weight', but I'd be happy to be able to run up my own steps without getting winded. The weight loss may or may not come, but it's not as important.
7. Spend more time with loved ones. I don't see friends/family much. I guess I really need to do #3 in order to facilitate this one.
-Nothing this week
8. Organize my stuff!
Also nope

I felt completely overwhelmed this week, and work is just killing me. I wound up in tears 3 times at work, and I'm just plain exhausted. Next week is a new week, I'll start over.

Edit to add that I was also without power for a couple days due to the storm, so that also put a crimp in progress.
Last edited:
Friday again, and this week was status quo. But that means no new disaster, and that's a win right now.

1. Keep the credit cards empty - DONE! Still using them and paying them off before they start earning interest.
2. Figure out a way to put some sort of extra on the mortgage, even if it's the $100 minimum - DONE!
3. Get some things I NEED to have (rims/tires for the car, items that need replacing at home, etc)
-Nothing this week. It feels like I've been super busy, even though I don't seem to have much to show for it. My "help" for this was also away, and it rained all week, so I'm not sure I'd have been able to do anything anyway.
4. Get a savings plan going for the big stuff that comes due in one lump sum payment (insurance, property tax)
-No progress this week. I need to pay a fair bit for some #3 stuff, and need to determine how much that'll cost me before throwing money into savings.

General stuff:
1. Make a will - DONE!
2. Continue to clear out the crap. I need to go through my clothes and that sort of thing. I got a pile done in 2022, but it really wasn't enough.
-9 items gone
3. Look for a new job. The reason nothing has been getting done is because I'm burned out from my existing job and I'm being severely underpaid for the work I do.
-Checked the email notifications and jobs sites every day. Nothing new to apply for this week, but I did get a rejection letter from something I'd applied for before.
4. Get my passport.-DONE!
5. Knock some half-finished projects off the list. Everything from making a scarf to some jewelry. Lots of stuff has been started, but not finished. Enough already!
-Nothing at all
6. Get into better shape. I'd like to say 'lose weight', but I'd be happy to be able to run up my own steps without getting winded. The weight loss may or may not come, but it's not as important.
7. Spend more time with loved ones. I don't see friends/family much. I guess I really need to do #3 in order to facilitate this one.
-Nothing this week
8. Organize my stuff!
Also nope

I felt completely overwhelmed this week, and work is just killing me. I wound up in tears 3 times at work, and I'm just plain exhausted. Next week is a new week, I'll start over.
I hope things start getting better for you.
So, now that the bathroom was done with $9000 left over, I put that toward dh's new truck loan. That left a balance of $5000. I couldn't stand to have even that much debt, especially at 8.5%, so I "borrowed" $5000 from his slush fund and paid it off. I have borrowed from it in the past and I always pay it back as promised. That will be done by the end of the year, possibly by Thanksgiving. Then it's time to build up a fatter emergency fund and put more into our retirement funds.
Life is just so much easier without debt. I only wish I listened to my dad back in my 20s when he tried telling me that. Back then I wanted everything I saw. :rolleyes:
For all of you paying down debt, don't give up! Stick to the plan. :thumbsup2 You CAN do it. If I can, anyone can. :goodvibes
So, now that the bathroom was done with $9000 left over, I put that toward dh's new truck loan. That left a balance of $5000. I couldn't stand to have even that much debt, especially at 8.5%, so I "borrowed" $5000 from his slush fund and paid it off. I have borrowed from it in the past and I always pay it back as promised. That will be done by the end of the year, possibly by Thanksgiving. Then it's time to build up a fatter emergency fund and put more into our retirement funds.
Life is just so much easier without debt. I only wish I listened to my dad back in my 20s when he tried telling me that. Back then I wanted everything I saw. :rolleyes:
For all of you paying down debt, don't give up! Stick to the plan. :thumbsup2 You CAN do it. If I can, anyone can. :goodvibes

it is so much nicer to be able to do these projects/repairs by cash flowing them and not questioning yourself if you would'nt be better served to throw that cash at existing debt.

our bathroom project was last year-still loving it (gotta say-frameless shower doors are SO much easier to keep clean). this year, actualy today, our unplanned for but so glad for deck freshening and tweak was completed. it needed to get stripped and refinished and we thought it could wait another year but when we had to get a support beam repaired we asked the contractor what he would charge to do it and 'just for the heck of it' what would it cost to replace all the spindles with cables thinking we might do it next summer. price came in WAY lower than we anticipated (in large part to the cable supplies being priced at 60% off b/c the home improvement stores are trying to move out their summer stock). we bit the bullett and did it! opens the view up SO MUCH, deck looks like new. LOVE IT but we will also be working on building back up the 'emergency fund' (it normaly would have more in it but i could NOT resist when a local credit union offered a 5 year cd at 5.25% so a good chunk is sitting there).

happy fall one and all!


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