Something About Nothing............ #14

Prayers to all who were affected by the Tornados that touched down in Clarksville and the surrounds. Devastating loss of life and property.

Hi Robo, are you in the Nashville area? I saw some drone footage today. Some of the damage is pretty bad, buildings down to the ground. Did you see the power plant explosion? It was like something out of a movie, unreal. I feel so bad for everyone. The city was just now starting to recover from the March 3rd storms.

Still annoyed about the events of yesterday, but I have calmed down some. I went out this morning to view the damage in daylight and it’s worse than I originally thought. I thought I just had a few paint scrapes, but……..

And I really need to wash my car.

I have filed a claim with my insurance company and made arrangements to drop my car at a body shop on Thursday.

Hope everyone else’s day is going better than mine.

I hate driving at night, doubly so when it's rainy or wet. It is so hard to see especially when oncoming traffic blinds you. Don't be too hard on yourself. Streets need to be better lit and lanes marked more clearly. Glad no one was hurt and only minor damage.
Still annoyed about the events of yesterday, but I have calmed down some. I went out this morning to view the damage in daylight and it’s worse than I originally thought. I thought I just had a few paint scrapes, but……..
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And I really need to wash my car.

I have filed a claim with my insurance company and made arrangements to drop my car at a body shop on Thursday.

Hope everyone else’s day is going better than mine.

That is a little more than a few scratches, but should be easy enough to repair, so inconvenient though till it`s fixed.

Your week can only get better.

I blinked and it was Monday - and it's been a hot minute since I've stopped in!

Had a very busy couple days last week at my homecare job - then after work Friday - I tossed the suitcase in the truck and we hit the highway to head to the city for some shopping and spend some time with the kids!

We finished up our shopping on the weekend :cool1: I just have to stop and pick up gift cards yet for their stockings - but other than that - it's all done! I'll have a couple nights of wrapping - and finish up baking this week - and then I'll be done and ready for Christmas. I have one package I'll send out tomorrow to my family. I just have to pick up some lotto tickets for some Christmas cards for my sisters - then I'll mail that out tomorrow.

We finally decorated the tree last night after we got home from the city. Youngest ds was working out of town all last week - and left again today to work out of town again - so last night was the only night to get it done. I still have a few corners to decorate up - but it finally looks like Christmas in our home.

December ALWAYS flies by!!!

I'm thankful that you are both ok. The damage - as frustrating as it is - is minor in the big picture of things. If that were me and if you were both in a turning lane - the other person is EQUALLY as much at fault! I would fight what the police are stating as you were " at fault". But that is just me.

Your scenery pictures area always amazing! I hope your teapot is always full and hot today ::yes::

Well, I should go shuffle more papers. I need to be organized as I picked up quite a few shifts at the homecare job - with our full-time gal going on holidays.

Have a great day everyone!!!!!

Sounds like you`re very organised for Christmas now Pumpkin, it is a good feeling when everything is done.

Thank you we do live in a very scenic area and on a cold crisp day, it`s hard to beat and we are spoiled with different types of views depending which window we look out of or which direction we walk into. Won`t be veering out today though, miserable, rainy, windy and cool, so yes, there will be many teapots made today!!!

Have a good week Pumpkin....

We are having a cold spell of 37 degrees right now tonight.
December and January where we live can get go this low.
But will have a warm up soon.

When we lived in Chicago, 37 would have been considered as a heat wave.`ll be warm before you know it!! You have the best around where you are now, but yes, that is on the cool side.

As I mentioned last few days one of my goddaughters is in Orlando with her family, it`s too cold for them right now as they are used to June and late August, but her parents are joining them next week when it should warm back up again. That`s the friends that stay for 3 weeks every year over Christmas, but rarely go near a park on those busy days. They`ll have a blast as this is the first year the baby will be there!!

Stay inside where it`s nice and warm mac......:)

Yes, Tom did indeed share his bug with me, last night took two strong American meds and it knocked me out, broke the fever and although I stumbled about the bedroom like a crazy person when I got up for the bathroom, they are very good meds!!! Stronger than we can buy over here so they are popular.

Feel a little better this morning, but sleeping for around 11 hours will always help.

No plans to go out today, will get Christmas cards written to post tomorrow, order the (hopefully) last of my gifts and they should all be here by the weekend and generally try to sleep some more. Lunch will be some snacks like egg rolls with dip and some bread with balsamic dip, no prep involved there, dinner will be chicken pot pie with a biscuit topping, one pot dish after I`ve made the sauce from a roux.

And be lazy......that`s my plan for the day!!

Time for a fresh pot of tea!



Have a wonderful Tuesday

13 more sleeps till Christmas :santa:
Yes, Tom did indeed share his bug with me, last night took two strong American meds and it knocked me out, broke the fever and although I stumbled about the bedroom like a crazy person when I got up for the bathroom, they are very good meds!!
Better living thru chemistry :). Good to hear the meds helped. For some reason, none of the cold/flu stuff seems to help Enough to counter the HBP effective of one’s hair standing on end after taking it For me.

i got quite sick three days off the cruise ship. No fever nor energy. Today, first day heading out to try to finish xmas shopping, planning on a short trip tho.

it was a real slog for me to get thru the pricey pre-paid WDW events. Even fell asleep standing up at the MK during the mickey party. Mr said he heard odd sound, looked over and realized I was snoring. :blush:

So many reported covid, flu; multiple hospitalizations on FB cruise group after disembarking. I’m still congested, no idea what bug got me.

congrats to those who have stuck a fork into their xmas gift lists. Woohoo to you!

Charade even a minor fender bender tends to shake most of us up. good to hear no injuries. Seems the way cars are designed now, anything more than a scratch tends to necessitate replacement of entire panels and a custom paint job to try to blend the paint to match the existing hue. Long waits here for body work at the better shops, at least 2 or 3 months, combo of popularity & still pointing finger at supply chain issues re parts.

Lynne unexpectedly cold or rainy weather does tend to put a pall on things when on any trip. even under unfavorable circumstances, it’s always a treat for us :). the MVMCP was decidedly a step down this year, including the cookies, FW & Parade. A shame, although I feel the same as to the other parks re their special offerings’ cut backs.

still awaiting the xmas wish list from one of my DSs, who waits until the week of to give me his xmas wish list. One of the family’s traditions. Lol. Decided not going to fret on that this year even if it turns out to be xmas in july for him lol

Gift to myself: have decided it’s time to flip things in general. just too many people out there that seemingly thrive on drama & creating chaos. :confused3 Life is far too short to accept that sort of stress that others want to place upon you.
Ooh, parked in preferred, small line to get in, and so appriate for this picture today:


Another cooler day, but one where tacos are on the menu. Hehe, Taco Tuesday is upon us. Thinking sone meal at DS instead of in parks or CW. Lower crowds so far. Loving this cooler weather. Party tonight for us.

Decor, I love seeing:
Train is down though.
Better living thru chemistry :). Good to hear the meds helped. For some reason, none of the cold/flu stuff seems to help Enough to counter the HBP effective of one’s hair standing on end after taking it For me.

i got quite sick three days off the cruise ship. No fever nor energy. Today, first day heading out to try to finish xmas shopping, planning on a short trip tho.

it was a real slog for me to get thru the pricey pre-paid WDW events. Even fell asleep standing up at the MK during the mickey party. Mr said he heard odd sound, looked over and realized I was snoring. :blush:

So many reported covid, flu; multiple hospitalizations on FB cruise group after disembarking. I’m still congested, no idea what bug got me.

congrats to those who have stuck a fork into their xmas gift lists. Woohoo to you!

Charade even a minor fender bender tends to shake most of us up. good to hear no injuries. Seems the way cars are designed now, anything more than a scratch tends to necessitate replacement of entire panels and a custom paint job to try to blend the paint to match the existing hue. Long waits here for body work at the better shops, at least 2 or 3 months, combo of popularity & still pointing finger at supply chain issues re parts.

Lynne unexpectedly cold or rainy weather does tend to put a pall on things when on any trip. even under unfavorable circumstances, it’s always a treat for us :). the MVMCP was decidedly a step down this year, including the cookies, FW & Parade. A shame, although I feel the same as to the other parks re their special offerings’ cut backs.

still awaiting the xmas wish list from one of my DSs, who waits until the week of to give me his xmas wish list. One of the family’s traditions. Lol. Decided not going to fret on that this year even if it turns out to be xmas in july for him lol

Gift to myself: have decided it’s time to flip things in general. just too many people out there that seemingly thrive on drama & creating chaos. :confused3 Life is far too short to accept that sort of stress that others want to place upon you.
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Good to see you back posting M`lady......

Glad you`re over it for the most part now. It did sound nasty, especially when you fall asleep standing up!!! There is a joke there we`ll keep to

I am better today, and I don`t even remember sending you that email last night!!! I was zoned out on that stuff!! Tom is still a little like you, stuffed up but much better, no aches or chills. We said the same, all of us have had two colds this year and although only I`ve had covid, covid was easier to get over than these, some nasty stuff out there.

Your gift to yourself is a good one. There is too much stress around in general, and always usually caused by others who enjoy drama.....I speak from experience on our recent trip, no need for it, but yes.....there are folks like that!!


Let those who thrive on drama get on with it.

And your boy will get gifts I`m quite sure, you do well with those gifts every year for your family.
I did alright today catching up with ordering presents and writing Christmas cards, almost finished writing them out....almost!!! And fitted in a snooze!

Glad to see you back posting though!

Another lazy day, but I have an excuse.....meds that made me very drowsy.

I did however get through some stuff today and as a side matter, our lamps have been on all day as it`s been so dismal, but upside is all the trees have been lit up all day too, such a nice Christmassy look everywhere, so I had Christmassy music on all day too!

Chicken has been simmering all day on very low, so will pop it in the oven later when I`ll add the biscuit topping before baking, very warming and cosy dish for a dreary day like today.

Time for tea??
Good to see you back posting M`lady......

Glad you`re over it for the most part now. It did sound nasty, especially when you fall asleep standing up!!! There is a joke there we`ll keep to

I am better today, and I don`t even remember sending you that email last night!!! I was zoned out on that stuff!! Tom is still a little like you, stuffed up but much better, no aches or chills. We said the same, all of us have had two colds this year and although only I`ve had covid, covid was easier to get over than these, some nasty stuff out there.

Your gift to yourself is a good one. There is too much stress around in general, and always usually caused by others who enjoy drama.....I speak from experience on our recent trip, no need for it, but yes.....there are folks like that!!

Let those who thrive on drama get on with it.

And your boy will get gifts I`m quite sure, you do well with those gifts every year for your family.
I did alright today catching up with ordering presents and writing Christmas cards, almost finished writing them out....almost!!! And fitted in a snooze!

Glad to see you back posting though!

Another lazy day, but I have an excuse.....meds that made me very drowsy.

I did however get through some stuff today and as a side matter, our lamps have been on all day as it`s been so dismal, but upside is all the trees have been lit up all day too, such a nice Christmassy look everywhere, so I had Christmassy music on all day too!

Chicken has been simmering all day on very low, so will pop it in the oven later when I`ll add the biscuit topping before baking, very warming and cosy dish for a dreary day like today.

Time for tea??
Just wanted to say that you emailed me too apparently. You invited me and all our family over for Christmas!!!!
All 24 of us will be there Christmas Eve. You are sooooo nice to invite us. Talk later.... :rotfl2:
It was a little chilly this morning - 5F or -15C here. Still no snow here...which is extremely weird. But I did have to put on the mitts to drive this morning. There was a good frost on the window - but even these temps I'm loving as it's tolerable. So far - the forecast is still calling for these mild temperatures.

Quiet night last night. My back was killing me - so it was was meds and a heating pad last night. Today, is not faring much better. I might have to run home and bring in my heating pad. Going to see if I can get in to see my massage therapist. I am hoping that will help a bit.

Slower day at work here. All my papers are shuffled and in order for me to be working at my homecare job the rest of the week.

Went to an ugly sweater/ cookie decorating party yesterday and had a great time.
That sounds like it would be a great time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So many reported covid, flu; multiple hospitalizations on FB cruise group after disembarking. I’m still congested, no idea what bug got me.
That sucks you fell ill while on your holiday :sad1: Someone at my homecare job just came back from Orlando and caught whatever was going around. Her whole family was sick for 2+ weeks.
Yes, this time of year is my favorite to visit Orlando.
It really is beautiful!!!
Chicken has been simmering all day on very low, so will pop it in the oven later when I`ll add the biscuit topping before baking, very warming and cosy dish for a dreary day like today.
I hope you are on the mend now. It was sooooo nice of Tom to share his cold with you :rolleyes1 :laughing: They tend to share those icky bugs.

Your dinner sound delicious!!! I have chicken out defrosting right now. I'm probably making some spicy honey garlic chicken, vegs/salad and maybe some pasta or rice as well.

Finally a warm up to 52 in my area.
Just need to be patient for more temp rise this afternoon.
I hope it stays now!!!!

Well, I should's almost lunch time. I need to run an errand over lunch.

Have a great day everyone
Hi Everyone:
Just trying to catch up on all the SANs news:)

Pumpkin: You win the cold weather reward with -5 degrees. Our winter is starting weird too with NO snow until last week. Then we are getting into the 40's later this week so the snow will be gone. That is very unusual for us. I do hope we get some snow for a white Christmas. I hope your back is doing better. I had back pain all my life, and then I started doing hatha yoga and I haven't had that kind of pain for a long long time. I don't know if it was the stretching that helped or not. I do know that now I don't have that anymore. It is a slow, easy stretching type of yoga, not the "pretzel fast paced" type, LOL.

Mac: 52 sounds nice, but I still want snow for Christmas.:sad2:

Carole: It's good to hear you are doing better today! I came home with a cold and it is just now leaving! And the chicken soup sounds good. I've started reading your TR and I love the way you write so effortlessly, and of course, you have some nice new people to write about, LOL.:rolleyes2

LynneG: It looks like you are having a fun trip even with the cooler temps. Our temps were cool a couple of weeks ago, but we still had a great time. I made the mistake of bringing mostly summer clothes and only one pair of jeans.

Keisha: Sorry to hear that you were sick after your cruise! Hope you are better now. We always got sick after visiting Disney, and not just a cold either. So, I'm not too upset over this nagging cold. It is too bad that Disney is cutting back on their paid events.

Charade: I'm so sorry you had that car wreck and hope the car is getting taken care of now. So glad no one was hurt, and hope you are having better days now!

As for me, We finally put our decorations up and also our Christmas tree! It took all morning but it was fun. I always enjoy seeing old ornaments which mean so much to me. That's why it takes me so long to decorate, LOL. Every year, I end up missing a decoration. This year it is a snowman candle I made several years ago when I was into candle making. I have No idea what I did with it last year, but you can bet I will find it after Christmas!

We have snow but the warm weather we are getting tomorrow will take care of that. We have never had a Christmas up here in the northland without snow. I hope it doesn't happen this year.

It's been a very busy time of year, as always. It seems like Christmas is here before you know it.
I'm interested to hear of everyone's Christmas traditions, if you have the time to post them. I will start.

On Christmas Eve we always have sloppy joes, chips, veggies, and assorted Christmas treats after the Christmas Eve Church service. I love this beautiful service with the peace and solitude, and of course the last song holding the candles in a darkened church. There is just something about that that means Christmas to me.
Then Christmas Day we gather at my daughter's house which will be full to the brim with family and friends. We have plenty of food and goodies that everyone brings. We also play games and have a blast laughing through those. We have cut back on gifts this year. Of course the kids will get the usual gifts. We draw names for the adults and get a gift, so everyone gets one.

Well, it's back to work finishing up some of the decorations.

Just wanted to say that you emailed me too apparently. You invited me and all our family over for Christmas!!!!
All 24 of us will be there Christmas Eve. You are sooooo nice to invite us. Talk later.... :rotfl2:

lol.....I did wonder for a second if I had emailed you too!!!

I`m sure Scotland would welcome all of sister might get a shock though:rotfl:

Finally a warm up to 52 in my area.
Just need to be patient for more temp rise this afternoon.

You`ll be back to normal warm weather before you know it!!

I want to know what medication Carole used.

lol....the good stuff apparently. It might not be the best in America, but compared to what we have over here, it`s good! We used it in May when all got the be able to sleep when you`re as bad as we were was fabulous!

It was a little chilly this morning - 5F or -15C here. Still no snow here...which is extremely weird. But I did have to put on the mitts to drive this morning. There was a good frost on the window - but even these temps I'm loving as it's tolerable. So far - the forecast is still calling for these mild temperatures.

Quiet night last night. My back was killing me - so it was was meds and a heating pad last night. Today, is not faring much better. I might have to run home and bring in my heating pad. Going to see if I can get in to see my massage therapist. I am hoping that will help a bit.

Slower day at work here. All my papers are shuffled and in order for me to be working at my homecare job the rest of the week.

That sounds like it would be a great time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That sucks you fell ill while on your holiday :sad1: Someone at my homecare job just came back from Orlando and caught whatever was going around. Her whole family was sick for 2+ weeks.

It really is beautiful!!!

I hope you are on the mend now. It was sooooo nice of Tom to share his cold with you :rolleyes1 :laughing: They tend to share those icky bugs.

Your dinner sound delicious!!! I have chicken out defrosting right now. I'm probably making some spicy honey garlic chicken, vegs/salad and maybe some pasta or rice as well.

I hope it stays now!!!!

Well, I should's almost lunch time. I need to run an errand over lunch.

Have a great day everyone

That is cold Pumpkin. We are relatively mild right now which is nice, just a little dreary.

Yes, was good of him to share......dinner was lovely, chicken pot pie is something I don`t make very often, but we do enjoy it especially with the biscuit topping instead of pastry.

Spicy honey garlic chicken is always nice.....whatever it`s served with!!!

Hope you got your errands done!

Hi Everyone:
Just trying to catch up on all the SANs news:)

Pumpkin: You win the cold weather reward with -5 degrees. Our winter is starting weird too with NO snow until last week. Then we are getting into the 40's later this week so the snow will be gone. That is very unusual for us. I do hope we get some snow for a white Christmas. I hope your back is doing better. I had back pain all my life, and then I started doing hatha yoga and I haven't had that kind of pain for a long long time. I don't know if it was the stretching that helped or not. I do know that now I don't have that anymore. It is a slow, easy stretching type of yoga, not the "pretzel fast paced" type, LOL.

Mac: 52 sounds nice, but I still want snow for Christmas.:sad2:

Carole: It's good to hear you are doing better today! I came home with a cold and it is just now leaving! And the chicken soup sounds good. I've started reading your TR and I love the way you write so effortlessly, and of course, you have some nice new people to write about, LOL.:rolleyes2

LynneG: It looks like you are having a fun trip even with the cooler temps. Our temps were cool a couple of weeks ago, but we still had a great time. I made the mistake of bringing mostly summer clothes and only one pair of jeans.

Keisha: Sorry to hear that you were sick after your cruise! Hope you are better now. We always got sick after visiting Disney, and not just a cold either. So, I'm not too upset over this nagging cold. It is too bad that Disney is cutting back on their paid events.

Charade: I'm so sorry you had that car wreck and hope the car is getting taken care of now. So glad no one was hurt, and hope you are having better days now!

As for me, We finally put our decorations up and also our Christmas tree! It took all morning but it was fun. I always enjoy seeing old ornaments which mean so much to me. That's why it takes me so long to decorate, LOL. Every year, I end up missing a decoration. This year it is a snowman candle I made several years ago when I was into candle making. I have No idea what I did with it last year, but you can bet I will find it after Christmas!

We have snow but the warm weather we are getting tomorrow will take care of that. We have never had a Christmas up here in the northland without snow. I hope it doesn't happen this year.

It's been a very busy time of year, as always. It seems like Christmas is here before you know it.
I'm interested to hear of everyone's Christmas traditions, if you have the time to post them. I will start.

On Christmas Eve we always have sloppy joes, chips, veggies, and assorted Christmas treats after the Christmas Eve Church service. I love this beautiful service with the peace and solitude, and of course the last song holding the candles in a darkened church. There is just something about that that means Christmas to me.
Then Christmas Day we gather at my daughter's house which will be full to the brim with family and friends. We have plenty of food and goodies that everyone brings. We also play games and have a blast laughing through those. We have cut back on gifts this year. Of course the kids will get the usual gifts. We draw names for the adults and get a gift, so everyone gets one.

Well, it's back to work finishing up some of the decorations.


Hey Ruth.....having a bad back is miserable, glad you`ve found some relief from it.

Your Christmas sounds wonderful, I love the sound of your Christmas Eve service, I miss that from childhood. Glad you got your tree up, the house always feels more cosy and festive when it`s decorated for Christmas. And I always enjoy hearing about everyone`s Christmas Eve/Day traditions.

Since we are in Scotland we take my mum and anyone else who wants to join us out for dinner to a fabulous little pub, it`s always booked up and you have to book weeks in advance. Then we drop mum at home, have a cuppa and we go back to the hotel where we go to the bar and have some bubbly or drop into visit my oldest friend and her family if they`re home. If we were at home it would vary depending on what friends joined us, but doesn`t matter what you do, as long as you are with friends or family, that`s enough.

Christmas morning at home is always smoked salmon and prosecco......but at the hotel, we have breakfast there....with prosecco of course!!

And thank you for the lovely comments about the TR.....I do enjoy writing them, and yes I certainly have met some lovely folks...this trip too!!!! Thank you, I`m doin gok, glad you`re better too!

Enjoy the rest of your day decorating.....

It has been another lazy day, but I have managed to achieve a few things overall. Chicken pot pie was lovely, a little rich so it was enhanced by some nice veg too.

Watching Die Hard 2 tonight, but think it`ll be an early night for us.
Very quiet day at work today.

Got all my work done - so shredding and doing some research to maybe do a small bedroom refresh in Jan. Something to focus on for the coldest month of the year.

I started doing hatha yoga and I haven't had that kind of pain for a long long time. I don't know if it was the stretching that helped or not. I do know that now I don't have that anymore. It is a slow, easy stretching type of yoga, not the "pretzel fast paced" type, LOL.
I'll have to look into that!

Well, it's almost home time. I'm glad we are only 9 days away from winter solstice! I hate feeling like a mole that only sees the sunlight when I leave at lunchtime.

Have a great evening everyone!
Good dent made in that gift list today. Grabbed a large turkey for Xmas Togo with thr to be secured ham. Probably make another turkey breast jik

ToMoorow being held to making ‘big’ late breakfast (their words, not mine lol) for 2 of my DS.

Then off to do first big holiday grocery order. Hoping to find phyllo dough, need to make my baklava Couldn’t find pre thAnksgiving for some reason

Keisha, well….getting ill on vacation stinks.
Just means you need to do a make up trip again.

Good to read you were able to have some good time and enjoy the trip.
I think another one anytime soon would do me in TBH
Finally a warm up to 52 in my area.
Just need to be patient for more temp rise this afternoon.
My car insisted it was 47 degrees, felt colder. Was sunny at least!
It was a little chilly this morning - 5F or -15C here.
That’s the understatement of the week lol
Going to see if I can get in to see my massage therapist. I am hoping that will help a bit.
Ow, good luck. I asked for a new heating pad for Xmas (the glamorous life & all). It’s made to go over shoulders & neck & all the way below tail bone.
I had back pain all my life, and then I started doing hatha yoga and I haven't had that kind of pain for a long long time. I don't know if it was the stretching that helped or not. I do know that now I don't have that anymore. It is a slow, easy stretching type of yoga, not the "pretzel fast paced" type, LOL
Good for you! I wear the pants/leggings, probably should take a class
On Christmas Eve we always have sloppy joes, chips, veggies, and assorted Christmas treats after the Christmas Eve Church service

My mr has never eaten a sloppy joe. He doesn’t know what he’s missing. That sounds Like a great idea for a busy evening such as Xmas Eve to me.

I’m trying to figure out how to get out of doing the feast of the fishies that night
Been checking what eateries will be open for Christmas day in our town and found 3.

Glad I got this task done as I am not cooking just for the Mr and me.

We have the choice of the hamburger joint, chicken local joint or Arby’s.

I am leaning to the fast food place.
Quick post before I go to bed. Nothing new to report here.

We finally decorated the tree last night after we got home from the city.
We still haven’t put ours up yet. We were going to do it this week but decided it would be a bad idea to leave a bored Caspian home with it for 3 days. I don’t want the sitter to have to deal with the potential mess.

I hate driving at night, doubly so when it's rainy or wet. It is so hard to see especially when oncoming traffic blinds you. Don't be too hard on yourself. Streets need to be better lit and lanes marked more clearly. Glad no one was hurt and only minor damage.
Same here. I don’t like driving at night or in the rain. Put them both together and I really hate it. Oddly enough, today I read a news story that a study is being done about how to improve that intersection.

That is a little more than a few scratches, but should be easy enough to repair, so inconvenient though till it`s fixed.

Your week can only get better.
Thanks. Thankfully I can use B’s car while mine is in the shop. My insurance also covers a rental car if I should need it.

Yes, Tom did indeed share his bug with me, last night took two strong American meds and it knocked me out, broke the fever and although I stumbled about the bedroom like a crazy person when I got up for the bathroom, they are very good meds!!! Stronger than we can buy over here so they are popular.

lol....the good stuff apparently. It might not be the best in America, but compared to what we have over here, it`s good! We used it in May when all got the be able to sleep when you`re as bad as we were was fabulous!
Glad you are feeling better. Sounds like you got some good stuff. That reminds me of when Tylenol PM first came out. The directions said to take 2, so I did. I had trouble waking up in the morning. Mow if I ever have to take something designed to make me drowsy I will only take one.

i got quite sick three days off the cruise ship. No fever nor energy. Today, first day heading out to try to finish xmas shopping, planning on a short trip tho.
Sorry to hear that. Hope the pre- holidays won’t be too stressful for you.

Long waits here for body work at the better shops, at least 2 or 3 months, combo of popularity & still pointing finger at supply chain issues re parts.
Hopefully it won’t be too long. I’m thankful that we have an extra car to use.

Quiet night last night. My back was killing me - so it was was meds and a heating pad last night. Today, is not faring much better. I might have to run home and bring in my heating pad. Going to see if I can get in to see my massage therapist. I am hoping that will help a bit.
Hope you are feeling better. Dh swears by his chiropractor, but I have never been to one.

Every year, I end up missing a decoration.
We have managed to misplace a 9 foot lighted garland.

Little one made the board. Yay for her. I’m not a very good shooter I guess.
Congrats to her. I am terrible at the shooting games.

My mr has never eaten a sloppy joe. He doesn’t know what he’s missing.
Wow. I’m not particularly fond of them, but dh loves them. We once ate at Sloppy Joe’s in Key West.

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Christmas fireworks. It’s cool out. Getting ready to watch the parade. Then ready for bed.
Great picture.

Time for me to get some sleep. Good night all.


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