Something About Nothing............ #14

Quick hello before bedtime. This has been a good news/bad news kind of week. The bad - B did not get the library job. She’s quite disappointed. She may have to take a less desirable job just to get some work experience. Dh and I are trying to talk her into going to grad school. Tuition is free until she turns 26.

The good - dh’s book was released today. It’s a book about screenwriting. He won’t get rich from it, but it’s cool that he is now a published author.

I also booked a Disney vacation for next year. We will be going in March. Yea, spring break, but it’s either that or summer and I don’t want to go to Florida in the summer.
Quick stop in :wave2:

10 days and counting!!! actually 9 as we have tickets for Blake Shelton for Friday night before we fly out the next day!

Skies are brilliant blue here...but it's cold cold cold. It will slowly warm up this week to more normal temperatures. I hate that Mother Nature always comes and gives us a quick blast of cold weather - just to remind us that winter is meant to be cold :cold:

Quiet night last night. Youngest ds moved all the snow that fell within the last 36 hrs. AS payment I would make or buy whatever his heart desired for dinner last night. He picked monte cristo sandwiches and soup! That was an easy request.

Dh is on his way home, older ds is still working out of town. Not sure what is on the menu for tonight. I'm thinking a quick taco bowl - with chicken, rice, corn black beans pepper and onions.

Well heading out for lunch.

Have a great day everyone!!!!

We said similar yesterday, it had been exceptionally mild recently but this last week has reminded us it`s still February and in reality it`s not been as bad as it could be.

I`m so ready for spring to stroll along!

I know who Blake Shelton is, but have never heard him sing......not a fan of country music so that might be why. Didn`t he own restaurants, or maybe still does, I think there is one in Orlando.

tricky little devils, never really mastered them, or macaroons…something about their “feet” not being right. IDK, tasted Fine to me.

Well, just the hairs & nails cut today. Love him to pieces, didn’t realize how much grooming goes into that hair vs fur. There are days I spend more on his than mine, not kidding

Woot! I’m thinking he likely puts on a heck of a show.

lol.....I have never made macarons as we call them, macaroon is something entirely different here, it`s a love it or hate it thing, but pavlova is something I do easily and if I may so myself always turn out as they should, gooey and chewy in the middle. But one of my friends cannot make them for love nor money and I don`t know what she does wrong! Maybe she doesn`t add vinegar although she says she does!!

There was a girl who worked concierge in RP she made macarons for fun and sold them too, and they were the nicest ones I have ever tasted, beautiful!! She made some for us before we left one trip and honestly, couldn`t believe how perfect these little things were. She left as she was becoming a doctor, maybe no time for concierge anymore, lovely girl with a wonderful talent.

Quick hello before bedtime. This has been a good news/bad news kind of week. The bad - B did not get the library job. She’s quite disappointed. She may have to take a less desirable job just to get some work experience. Dh and I are trying to talk her into going to grad school. Tuition is free until she turns 26.

The good - dh’s book was released today. It’s a book about screenwriting. He won’t get rich from it, but it’s cool that he is now a published author.

I also booked a Disney vacation for next year. We will be going in March. Yea, spring break, but it’s either that or summer and I don’t want to go to Florida in the summer.

Congratulations to your husband, that is a wonderful achievement for him but I`m sorry your daughter didn`t get the job. She must be itching to get to work by now and something will be out there for her I`m sure. Yes, I agree they need to be doing something after graduating even if it`s not exactly what they want. Kyle was fortunate he got a job in Finanace as soon as he graduated, well he took a 6 week break before the job started and even with that he was just keen to get working.

And glad you have your trip sorted! We went in March twice and it was fine, little too cool for us which is why we extended the May trips after that, but I know you`re not fond of it being too warm.

I do need to pick up a few grocery items up this morning then lunch out with the girls today, only four of us but the husbands are going for a supercar driving experience day. The four of us ladies put together to book our husbands this experience as part of their Christmas presents which went down well, so they booked it for today and lunch is included for them too.

At least it`s dry for them so they should have fun.

We can snack later if we feel hungry as we`ll both be having a decent lunch but as usual starting the day as we always do with our morning pots of tea.....can`t beat a properly made pot of tea with breakfast.

Middle of the week again, days are flying past!!!



Have a super duper Wednesday!!​
Weather. Ah that damp feeling as I left the house. Wet streets from that overnight rain. And more rain to fall throughout the day and evening. At least it felt a bit warm, 56 out and was drizzling as I drove and walked into the building. But weather lady said, as this rain system leaves late in the evening today, the skies will clear. And you know what that means. A yes, below freezing 28 degrees in that early commuting last day this week tomorrow. But thankful to rock those sunglasses the next two days. Saying wall to wall sunshine on the last two days of the week days, where we start our new month on Friday, with full day sunshine. Woot!

I’m sorry B didn’t get the job, Charade. And congratulations to your DH for having his book published. Great accomplishment for him. And yay for March trip next year.

And so, that ever an early day for me. Quiet office, though the vent sounds a little noisy in this otherwise very quiet office.

But who do I see as I opened my door?


Yes, camel’s ready with his raincoat today. Here to wish all the homies, that get over this hump of a feeling day, then Friday is only a day away. Woot! Mid week already, and happy for that. Means ever so closer to that Fabulous Friday feeling and then enjoying a most Wonderful Weekend. Kid free one, mostly. They are mountain bound in two days.

So hope all have a most enjoyable Wednesday. Get ready. As with that sunny weather coming tomorrow, being thirsty then, needs to quenched. Get those drinking glasses, or mugs, ready.

Good morning. Tea in hand and sigh, in the office. Bottled water. Yes. And hot enough, I’m ready for round two.
Good morning everyone.





Sounds like a lovely visit with your granddaughter, it`s lovely when we get family to visit. I might pick your brains on good seafood restaurants in that area in general, we might have a wander there ourselves next time. And yes she would have seen huge changes since she was last at KSC!!
We had a wonderful visit with our granddaughter. I was sad to take her to the airport for her trip home on Sunday evening.

Carole would be happy to let you pick my brain on seafood restaurants in these parts.

Granddaughter really enjoyed her visit to KSC.

Sending all good wishes to your dad, yes, I hope the PT works for him and get back out more, they are still so independent at such a fabulous age! I hope I have half their zest for life then. I called my mum twice today, she`s she loves the new place, trying to work out when we can go up, seems the week we planned to go up for a few days, she`s decided to go on a four day trip with one of her friends......can`t keep a good woman down
Thank you, I spoke to him on Monday and he was very upbeat and he said PT is working wonders for him. Was good to hear him being so positive. He likes to get out and go and has not been able to do that. He is going to have some alterations done at his home at his home to help too.

nicest group of people in his office. It`s a relatively small group of around 13, and they all get along so well which is as it should be at work, and they all socialise too on occasion.
So glad to hear Kyle has a nice work place environment. It makes all the difference when you like your co-workers.

Yes, we are very proud of how he has come on in just over two years from not running at all. Being back in the office was the best thing that happened to most folks and it was through one of his friends at work he started running, we`re forever grateful to her. He certainly hated working from home as did most of his friends, the workplace is usually very social and so important when you are very socially minded and for that generation more so after lockdown.
I’am glad he is enjoying running. Its nice he has made friends with other folks to run with.

Foo foo at the spa, I like that one!!! Over here some use that as a description for something unmentionable, similar to the words the Tag fairy gave me under my I can say it on here!!!
Thats funny…….LOL….funny how certain words have different meaning depending on where you live.

I haven’t been there since B was 2 years old. I went up there for a photography project. We should go back sometime.
You would enjoy it. It is so different. They have added so many buildings and exhibits.

Hey all, busy day, middle DS was illin again, needed quick visit to ER. Seems on the mend now, phew.
Sorry to hear your son was sick again. Did they ever rescheduled his test that they canceled.

You are blessed with such a lovely family!
I’am so thankful for all our sweet babies.

Back on Thursday. Tried Cabana Bay and really wasn't as happy as at RP. Staff was good but the building seems as run down as the Disney budget hotels albeit quieter.
Got in 10 rides Tuesday and sightseeing and shopping on Wednesday. It was quite busy for midweek as it was a holiday Monday.
Mardi-gras fare was great and Mythos never fails.
Baking now. Quattro leches done. Chocolate chip cookie cheesecake bars baking.
Happy Saturday to all.
Have never stayed at CB, but they do have a nice Starbucks, Store and Halloween cocktails at the Lobby bar for HHN. They also have a nice HHN experience room on second floor during HHN.

Glad to hear you enjoyed Mardi Gras.

Your baking sounds yummy.

This year looking for spring for a quick trip.
Haven’t booked yet and need to set something up.
Book your trip Mac and go and have a good time.

a family of clothes horses :) here. We like to look stylish, a confidence lift for many. harkens back to my parents preaching the value of making a good, first impression We do donate to charity what has lost favor, yet still stylish/utilitarian, everyone wins and looks spiffy.
It’s always nice to find things you like when out shopping. Nice to do a good closet clean out makes room for all the nice new purchases.

managed to fish them out with the rack’s handles. Straightened out much better than I expected. Then broiled for 4 min, topped with my homemade sauce. Fall off the bone :) next time think i may put rub on the day prior vs 4 hours. Not too shabby if I do say so. Dinner for days lol
The ribs look yummy.

The good - dh’s book was released today. It’s a book about screenwriting. He won’t get rich from it, but it’s cool that he is now a published author.
Congratulations to your hubby on his book. Does he teach this subject in College? It would be nice if it was required for his class.

Quick hello before bedtime. This has been a good news/bad news kind of week. The bad - B did not get the library job. She’s quite disappointed. She may have to take a less desirable job just to get some work experience. Dh and I are trying to talk her into going to grad school. Tuition is free until she turns 26.
Tell B when one door closes it‘s because a better opportunity is around the corner.

I also booked a Disney vacation for next year. We will be going in March. Yea, spring break, but it’s either that or summer and I don’t want to go to Florida in the summer.
It will be nice weather in March. Typically you have warm sunny days in the mid 70’s.

Sun is shining here this morning it is supposed to be 82 today.

Took Granddaughter back to airport on Sunday. We had such a nice visit. She enjoyed a nice restful vacation with plenty of pool time for sunbathing.

Son and Daughter in law surprised me with a wonderful birthday gift Saturday evening, They hired a private Chef to come to our home and make dinner for us.
Granddaughter kept the secret until right before the Chef arrived.

The Chef was a lovely young man. The meal was delicious Surf and Turf. He sourced the Grouper locally and the filet‘s melted in our mouths. He prepared roasted potatoes and veggies to go along with the meal. We also had an app of sausage and blue cheese stuffed mushrooms. A tossed salad and Key lime pie for dessert. All the food he served us was delicious.

It was so sweet of them to do that. I called them after the meal and told them how wonderful the meal was and that it was the best birthday present ever.

Our granddaughter said the Chef had given son and daughter in law options for the meal and they picked what would be served and they did a excellent job.

Sunday received a nice surprise from our granddaughter in Kentucky and family. They sent a nice selection of fresh fruit dipped in chocolate.

Before I took Granddaughter back to airport on Sunday we all went out for a nice meal at beach front restaurant and she was able to get another look at the beach before heading home.

Monday on my actual birthday I received calls from lots of family members. It made the celebration complete for sure.

February is a month of celebrations for us. Our anniversary. I have been married to the most wonderful man ever for 37 years. My birthday, thankful for another year of life and looking forward to more. I have felt pampered and loved for sure.

My two friends that live next to me. One is next door V and the other across the street B. We are going out for dinner to celebrate our collective birthdays tomorrow evening.

Then after, we are going to Titusville to watch the SpaceX Falcon 9 Crew-8 go up. Hope it goes off without a hitch.

I nicknamed us the Rocket Sista‘s sometime ago as we all like watching the rockets go up. My next door neighbor V and I were lucky enough to have traveled up to see a number of the Shuttles go up before they were retired years ago.

While our granddaughter M was here we did go down to the beach and watch one of the SpaceX Falcon 9’s go up and Sunday after I dropped her off at the airport I saw another one go up.

I treated M to KSC AP and we made her a KSC necklace making her an official Rocket Sista too. She is planning on bringing her hubby to KSC as he as never been on their next vacation.

I did some housekeeping chores yesterday. Need to run out and pick up a few things for birthday gift bags for my friend's.

Picture of M at KSC

M surprised me and bought this for me for my birthday.
I have a few nice space ornaments and this will be a nice addition. It was so sweet of her.

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone doing whatever makes you happy.
Slow day at work today. I’m trying to find things to keep busy.

Congratulations to your husband, that is a wonderful achievement for him
Thank you. He’s very excited about it.

but I`m sorry your daughter didn`t get the job. She must be itching to get to work by now and something will be out there for her I`m sure.
She is having the worst time. There doesn’t seem to be many entry level jobs for history majors who don’t want to teach. I really wish she has studied something like accounting.

but the husbands are going for a supercar driving experience day.
Is that where they get to drive a race car?

Weather. Ah that damp feeling as I left the house. Wet streets from that overnight rain. And more rain to fall throughout the day and evening.
Same here. I’m ready for some sun again but I see lots of rain in the forecast.

I’m sorry B didn’t get the job, Charade. And congratulations to your DH for having his book published. Great accomplishment for him. And yay for March trip next year.
Thank you.

Congratulations to your hubby on his book. Does he teach this subject in College? It would be nice if it was required for his class.
It is one of the subjects he teaches. I’m not sure if he is going to make it a required textbook.

Tell B when one door closes it‘s because a better opportunity is around the corner.
She’s trying to stay positive, but unfortunately not many doors are opening for her.

It will be nice weather in March. Typically you have warm sunny days in the mid 70’s.
My kind of weather.

Son and Daughter in law surprised me with a wonderful birthday gift Saturday evening, They hired a private Chef to come to our home and make dinner for us.
Happy belated birthday! What an awesome gift.

I should get back to work. Thankfully lunch is only 30 minutes away.
Robo, belated happy birthday. Sounds like some wonderful gifts. And hope your anniversary was as nice. Busy February you have had. Glad to hear nice weather there for March.

Rainy still, but at least quieter outside now. Not inside, as all are back today, and tomorrow.

Payday Friday. Yay for that. And my shortest of week day routine days is this Friday. Just have to get over these next two days.

Talked to little one, said she feels stuffy. Told her to get on the drugs now, and hope she kicks any not feeling well by Friday morning.

Lunchtime, but no walk for me outside. Not getting wet, thank you. Phone just said moderate rain coming in 20 minutes. See, I’d be out and then be drenched on the way back. So, packed soup, so zapping it soon.
Good morning everyone.
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We had a wonderful visit with our granddaughter. I was sad to take her to the airport for her trip home on Sunday evening.

Carole would be happy to let you pick my brain on seafood restaurants in these parts.

Granddaughter really enjoyed her visit to KSC.

Thank you, I spoke to him on Monday and he was very upbeat and he said PT is working wonders for him. Was good to hear him being so positive. He likes to get out and go and has not been able to do that. He is going to have some alterations done at his home at his home to help too.

So glad to hear Kyle has a nice work place environment. It makes all the difference when you like your co-workers.

I’am glad he is enjoying running. Its nice he has made friends with other folks to run with.

Thats funny…….LOL….funny how certain words have different meaning depending on where you live.

You would enjoy it. It is so different. They have added so many buildings and exhibits.

Sorry to hear your son was sick again. Did they ever rescheduled his test that they canceled.

I’am so thankful for all our sweet babies.

Have never stayed at CB, but they do have a nice Starbucks, Store and Halloween cocktails at the Lobby bar for HHN. They also have a nice HHN experience room on second floor during HHN.

Glad to hear you enjoyed Mardi Gras.

Your baking sounds yummy.

Book your trip Mac and go and have a good time.

It’s always nice to find things you like when out shopping. Nice to do a good closet clean out makes room for all the nice new purchases.

The ribs look yummy.

Congratulations to your hubby on his book. Does he teach this subject in College? It would be nice if it was required for his class.

Tell B when one door closes it‘s because a better opportunity is around the corner.

It will be nice weather in March. Typically you have warm sunny days in the mid 70’s.

Sun is shining here this morning it is supposed to be 82 today.

Took Granddaughter back to airport on Sunday. We had such a nice visit. She enjoyed a nice restful vacation with plenty of pool time for sunbathing.

Son and Daughter in law surprised me with a wonderful birthday gift Saturday evening, They hired a private Chef to come to our home and make dinner for us.
Granddaughter kept the secret until right before the Chef arrived.

The Chef was a lovely young man. The meal was delicious Surf and Turf. He sourced the Grouper locally and the filet‘s melted in our mouths. He prepared roasted potatoes and veggies to go along with the meal. We also had an app of sausage and blue cheese stuffed mushrooms. A tossed salad and Key lime pie for dessert. All the food he served us was delicious.

It was so sweet of them to do that. I called them after the meal and told them how wonderful the meal was and that it was the best birthday present ever.

Our granddaughter said the Chef had given son and daughter in law options for the meal and they picked what would be served and they did a excellent job.

Sunday received a nice surprise from our granddaughter in Kentucky and family. They sent a nice selection of fresh fruit dipped in chocolate.

Before I took Granddaughter back to airport on Sunday we all went out for a nice meal at beach front restaurant and she was able to get another look at the beach before heading home.

Monday on my actual birthday I received calls from lots of family members. It made the celebration complete for sure.

February is a month of celebrations for us. Our anniversary. I have been married to the most wonderful man ever for 37 years. My birthday, thankful for another year of life and looking forward to more. I have felt pampered and loved for sure.

My two friends that live next to me. One is next door V and the other across the street B. We are going out for dinner to celebrate our collective birthdays tomorrow evening.

Then after, we are going to Titusville to watch the SpaceX Falcon 9 Crew-8 go up. Hope it goes off without a hitch.

I nicknamed us the Rocket Sista‘s sometime ago as we all like watching the rockets go up. My next door neighbor V and I were lucky enough to have traveled up to see a number of the Shuttles go up before they were retired years ago.

While our granddaughter M was here we did go down to the beach and watch one of the SpaceX Falcon 9’s go up and Sunday after I dropped her off at the airport I saw another one go up.

I treated M to KSC AP and we made her a KSC necklace making her an official Rocket Sista too. She is planning on bringing her hubby to KSC as he as never been on their next vacation.

I did some housekeeping chores yesterday. Need to run out and pick up a few things for birthday gift bags for my friend's.

Picture of M at KSC
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M surprised me and bought this for me for my birthday.
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I have a few nice space ornaments and this will be a nice addition. It was so sweet of her.

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone doing whatever makes you happy.

lol....yes, you don`t say fanny pack over here, especially in front of a group of 12 year olds.....haha!

Glad to hear your dad is doing so well and hopefully the alterations will make life a lot easier for him going forward.

You had some lovely visits from family Robbie, and what a wonderful gift with the chef!!! That is very considerate and so thoughtful of them, you must feel very blessed with your family Robbie.....enjoy your next couple of days too, I do like the idea of extending celebrations!!

And again, belated Happy Birthday and Happy Anninversary to a lovely lady and her equally lovely mister :)

Slow day at work today. I’m trying to find things to keep busy.

Thank you. He’s very excited about it.

She is having the worst time. There doesn’t seem to be many entry level jobs for history majors who don’t want to teach. I really wish she has studied something like accounting.

Is that where they get to drive a race car?

Same here. I’m ready for some sun again but I see lots of rain in the forecast.

Thank you.

It is one of the subjects he teaches. I’m not sure if he is going to make it a required textbook.

She’s trying to stay positive, but unfortunately not many doors are opening for her.

My kind of weather.

Happy belated birthday! What an awesome gift.

I should get back to work. Thankfully lunch is only 30 minutes away.

Yes, they drove 3 different race cars each and they loved it. Tom and I when we were younger used to drive raleigh cars for fun....we were both a lot slimmer then!!! But we adore that kind of experience and those three friends were all the same, he`s not long back in and they all had a blast!!

Is there any other field she could go into with that degree? The reason I ask, is that Kyle graduated with a Masters Degree in Chemical Engineering, but that degree is highly sought after in the world of Investments and Finance, so that was where he ventured and loves it. So maybe there is a pathway into something else for her. I hope she doesn`t feel too bad for too long, I can see why she is frustrated bless her.

The trees are really starting to change already, apple blossom is coming out and although the evergreens don`t change much, there are buds on the regular trees too especially our fruit trees!



Since we had time we did head down to the beach for a short walk, but it was a little too chilly so we didn`t stay long and we both had plans, so we`ll keep the beach for another day.

Lunch was ok, wouldn`t go back to that pub, food was good but I don`t think the staff were the best and the owner wasn`t friendly at all, so we didn`t stay afterwards, none of us were drinking anyway as we were all driving, maybe that`s what they were grumpy about, no overpriced alcohol sales. Not something we usually experience over here though, so maybe not.

So no cooking tonight, but I`ve just made some tea and we have some scones I baked with butter, preserves and clotted cream, perfect for late afternoon tea.
Is there any other field she could go into with that degree?
I’m not really sure what is available for someone with a history degree. She would like to work in a library or museum, but most of the jobs she has found listed want people with experience. I also think her ASD is holding her back. She is perfectly capable of holding down a regular job, but is not ready to move away from home yet. I think if she goes back to school she would be eligible for a student job. It wouldn’t pay much, but at least she could get some work experience.
A good afternoon homies.

In case anyone has not noticed, I got booted out of the disboards many days ago.

It’s been a struggle to get back in the boards.

I wasthiscloseof packing up my bags and running away from home.

Playing catch up now on reading what all has been posted.

Many thanks for schumi for finding the key to get me back home here!

Rest of this day will read up and see how everyone is doing.

I missed all the homies and felt like I was in the middle of a divorce trying to reconnect on the Disboards.

Right now I am clicking my red shoes and saying, there is no place like home.

Just a short note so no one gets confused on the set up rules on the disboards.

All moderators have to reregister every 30 days to hold their positions.

We are held at a higher standard.

Quite a few times my re-reregistering, gets a glitch and I repeat all required documentations.

It’s very time consuming.

I only use my Iphone for all that is required as my computer died years back.

(I am wearing my red shoes and clicking my heals as there is no place but home here for me! … worth repeating twice)
That can get annoying fast, Mac. Glad you found your way back here. Hope all is well, and you are getting ready for that later Spring trip in May.

Still raining on and off here. Soup was tasty and laptop just said installation complete. Guess the updates are done for now. Who knows. As long as it works. In the morning, some were reporting latency, but IT said remedied right after lunch. Thankful it wasn’t me, though did get the blue circle a few times while trying to download from the web application I was working on. Glad to be done sooner than later. Sigh. Another hour here. And the walls are not that thick. lol
I’m not really sure what is available for someone with a history degree. She would like to work in a library or museum, but most of the jobs she has found listed want people with experience. I also think her ASD is holding her back. She is perfectly capable of holding down a regular job, but is not ready to move away from home yet. I think if she goes back to school she would be eligible for a student job. It wouldn’t pay much, but at least she could get some work experience.

Ah, that could add some challenges I guess for her.

Sounds like maybe going back to school would be good for her and yes a job too would be ideal, she must be very frustrated not to be working after graduating. All good wishes for her finding something.

A good afternoon homies.

In case anyone has not noticed, I got booted out of the disboards many days ago.

It’s been a struggle to get back in the boards.

I wasthiscloseof packing up my bags and running away from home.

Playing catch up now on reading what all has been posted.

Many thanks for schumi for finding the key to get me back home here!

Rest of this day will read up and see how everyone is doing.

I missed all the homies and felt like I was in the middle of a divorce trying to reconnect on the Disboards.

Right now I am clicking my red shoes and saying, there is no place like home.


Glad to help mac....glad you`re back posting again!! Don`t pack that bag just yet :)

Just finished a bag of spicy Doritos and we shared a garlic dip too......nice and all we really wanted tonight.

Watching junk on tv while Tom rubs my favourite job!!! I have nice feet :)
Big afternoon at our house. Copies of dh’s book arrived today and we also had the new toilet installed.
Dh couldn’t stay awake tonight so he has gone to bed early. I am watching classic Doctor Who - 2nd Doctor.

That must have been exciting to see the book in print! And happy new toilet......classic Dr Who is something Tom would watch especially the original few Doctors.

We went to bed early last night too, it was one of those nights we just kept yawning, and slept solidly all night.

50F most of the day for us, but 15mph winds and it`s going to be on all day according to a very happy sounding forecaster! So, we do have to post a large parcel this morning, so we`ll head into the next town to use their post office as I don`t like the women that work in ours, very rude and not helpful most of the time, the other one is much smaller but so much friendlier. That won`t take long, will pop into a couple of shops while we`re there and then back home again. There`s a beautiful old book store I love there so I`ll pass some time in there, I always love getting new books!

Got our hotel booked for a few nights in Scotland next month, mainly to see mum and her new place but will see my siblings too. Short visit but will be nice. Managed to get a sea view in the hotel which isn`t always available as it fills up quickly, beautiful hotel.

Poached egg on toast this morning, turkey slices with a salad on an open sandwich for lunch and we`re getting fish and chips from the chippie tonight!

Thirsty Thursday once again and that last extra day in February!

Time for more tea 🫖



Happy Thirsty Thursday 🍸

Ah that car reminder icy conditions out there. Yes, below freezing we are. A little brr from me as went from into and out of car. And ice on windows, but lazy, and put defroster on high. At least not too much ice, and quick enough car windows were clean of ice. Love having heated seats. So nice when still having those cold enough days.

Laptop has been fired up for some time now. Always so dark when I go to the office, but glad so little traffic when I arrive. On the other hand, so many of us are glad to get out of the city, so more then double the time spent commuting in the late afternoon. Glad two days of teleworking before that mid week day commuting days. Laptop will be packed up today. Yay!

Tea as water bottle seems fuller this morning. Last of the mini donuts and brought oatmeal with me, will nuke it later, as office feels a little cool. And oh my, newer building, and with the rain yesterday, roof leaking seen in the hallway outside my office. Sigh. Finding teleworking has more pluses than office time. Never thought I’d say that. But change should be embraced. Like I hope to do 6 years from now.

Ah Thirsty Thursday is upon us, hope you stay hydrated, and have a terrific day.

Round two of tea. Thirty I guess I am. So fitting. Hehe.
Well, I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

Had a respite due to a loved one being very sick, but he is on the mend now, finally. I don't have to worry all the time about him now:) I won't get into what he had, but he lost over 30 lbs in 2 months,, and he is tall and thin to begin with, plus trying to handle a very difficult illness.

I wont' be able to catch up with all that's been going on so forgive me if I miss some important things that have been said.

Charade: Congratulations on your husband publishing a book! What a wonderful accomplishment.
I'm sorry your daughter didn't get the library job that she wanted. It seems everyone wants someone who has experience, but some aren't willing to give anyone the chance at that experience! She isn't interested in teaching history? I hope something comes up for her that she will enjoy.

Mac: Glad to see you back:) I didn't realize moderators had to register every 30 days. What a pain if your computer doesn't want to cooperate.

Robo: OMGosh, you had a personal chef cook for you???!!!! I would love to have that because I really don't like to cook all that much. I always tell my husband that if we win the lottery, I would hire a cook, LOL. It was a wonderful gift for your birthday. And a Happy belated Birthday to you in sunny Florida!

I haven't seen anything recent from Pumpkin, but just a shout out to you!

LynneG: Sounds like your new office building needs more work! Leaking already? I sure can understand you wanting to work from home more often. I always enjoyed going into work when I worked in an office, but things have changed now.

Carole: A quick trip to Scotland sounds wonderful. I just finished watching Rick Steves and he had 2 shows on Scotland. It looks like a beautiful place, but pretty desolate in some areas. I would love to visit there one day, and it's Roger's "homeland".

Sounds like Tom had fun driving race cars, and You, Carole, are a daredevil to actually drive a race car! I admit I am a big chicken and couldn't even ride the Velocicoaster at Universal.

Our trees and my mock orange bush have started to bud in this 50 degree weather. But they had a rude awakening a couple of days ago with sub zero wind chills of minus 40 degrees. It was COLD, and we stayed in our warm house then. It is just starting to get warmer again, and up to 50 degrees tomorrow. I hope the trees and flowering bushes don't have problems from budding too early. I always worry about that. It's so nice to see the photos of your flowering trees, so beautiful.

I have been busy sewing a baby girl quilt in pinks, browns, and white. No new grandchild, just pretty fabric. It's fun to get back into sewing again. I haven't been in my sewing studio for about a year. I just lost interest for a while. I'm still crocheting the huge afghan from He**. It will be pretty long and wide. It's for Robins birthday this July, and I hope I get it done. I'm not the fastest crocheter, but enjoy it. Roger and I have been doing puzzles and relaxing, and going out to eat at our favorite restaurants. Just taking it easy:) Tonight is left over roast beef and home made noodles, mashed potatoes, and home made french bread. No shortage of carbs for us, LOL.

I'm going to sign off for now. It's good to be back, and if I missed anyone, I claim old age, LOL.

Well, I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

Had a respite due to a loved one being very sick, but he is on the mend now, finally. I don't have to worry all the time about him now:) I won't get into what he had, but he lost over 30 lbs in 2 months,, and he is tall and thin to begin with, plus trying to handle a very difficult illness.

I wont' be able to catch up with all that's been going on so forgive me if I miss some important things that have been said.

Charade: Congratulations on your husband publishing a book! What a wonderful accomplishment.
I'm sorry your daughter didn't get the library job that she wanted. It seems everyone wants someone who has experience, but some aren't willing to give anyone the chance at that experience! She isn't interested in teaching history? I hope something comes up for her that she will enjoy.

Mac: Glad to see you back:) I didn't realize moderators had to register every 30 days. What a pain if your computer doesn't want to cooperate.

Robo: OMGosh, you had a personal chef cook for you???!!!! I would love to have that because I really don't like to cook all that much. I always tell my husband that if we win the lottery, I would hire a cook, LOL. It was a wonderful gift for your birthday. And a Happy belated Birthday to you in sunny Florida!

I haven't seen anything recent from Pumpkin, but just a shout out to you!

LynneG: Sounds like your new office building needs more work! Leaking already? I sure can understand you wanting to work from home more often. I always enjoyed going into work when I worked in an office, but things have changed now.

Carole: A quick trip to Scotland sounds wonderful. I just finished watching Rick Steves and he had 2 shows on Scotland. It looks like a beautiful place, but pretty desolate in some areas. I would love to visit there one day, and it's Roger's "homeland".

Sounds like Tom had fun driving race cars, and You, Carole, are a daredevil to actually drive a race car! I admit I am a big chicken and couldn't even ride the Velocicoaster at Universal.

Our trees and my mock orange bush have started to bud in this 50 degree weather. But they had a rude awakening a couple of days ago with sub zero wind chills of minus 40 degrees. It was COLD, and we stayed in our warm house then. It is just starting to get warmer again, and up to 50 degrees tomorrow. I hope the trees and flowering bushes don't have problems from budding too early. I always worry about that. It's so nice to see the photos of your flowering trees, so beautiful.

I have been busy sewing a baby girl quilt in pinks, browns, and white. No new grandchild, just pretty fabric. It's fun to get back into sewing again. I haven't been in my sewing studio for about a year. I just lost interest for a while. I'm still crocheting the huge afghan from He**. It will be pretty long and wide. It's for Robins birthday this July, and I hope I get it done. I'm not the fastest crocheter, but enjoy it. Roger and I have been doing puzzles and relaxing, and going out to eat at our favorite restaurants. Just taking it easy:) Tonight is left over roast beef and home made noodles, mashed potatoes, and home made french bread. No shortage of carbs for us, LOL.

I'm going to sign off for now. It's good to be back, and if I missed anyone, I claim old age, LOL.


Good to see you back posting Ruth!!! You were missed and it`s wonderful to know how much progress he is making!!!

Carbs are good for you in winter, will do you the power of good!!! Although....noodles and mashed potatoes together......???? Roast beef though.....lush!!

Yes, we`ve always been car people and I`ve driven many a sports car myself on track days outside of raleighing when we were younger (and slimmer) lol.....race track is the place to let fly when driving. Raleigh cars were a massive amount of fun to drive, even if you did end up the wrong way guys all had a wonderful day, I said to the ladies, we have to do it too....I think I`m on my own there, one or two of my other friends might go with me though.

It`s lovely seeing the trees flowering and budding, we shouldn`t get any awful weather now, maybe just cold, but all the daffodils in the village are out in full bloom, so hope they don`t get hit with your type of weather now!! I like the sound of a mock orange bush???

Robin will love what you`re making her, it sounds beautiful and yes just chilling with your lovely husband is the perfect way to spend evenings, nice and cosy Ruth, as it should be!!!

Turned out a better than expected day. Never believe a weather forecast, turned out nice in the end.

Got our parcel popped off, quite the queue in the Post Office, but moved fairly quickly, book store was practically empty so I got to wander without anyone getting in my way, Tom sat with a cup of tea while I perused the walls. Picked up several books and Tom was smiling when one of them was another copy of A Christmas Carol, one version I`ve never seen before, so I was pleased with my purchases.

Went up into the woods behind us a walk after that, it wasn`t too bad, cold but sunny. We came across a spot known locally for deer hanging around, they call it Bambi`s Rest......still haven`t managed to see any deer up there, not even a glimpse.


Beautiful during the day but very creepy when darkness falls.

Nice lazy afternoon when we came home, several pots of tea later I fell asleep for an hour, I blame all that fresh air. Tom went out for the fish and chips from the chippie and they were still sizzling when he got home, freshest chippie ever and they were gorgeous, fish are always like whales, we should really share one.....:rolleyes1.

Some tv tonight I think and another fresh pot of tea.
I’ve been on a roll, and donuts & cookies :rolleyes1

bought another treadmill yesterday. Wheee. We’ve burned thru a couple over the years. This one smaller, does incline, that’s the devil for me. No excuse not to get those miles in even when weather not cooperating

Today I bought a new, smaller vanity for main bath. Liked the bowl, speckled sort of finish. This time went with solid surface top & white wood which I’ve never had. Will need to
Update the mirrored cabinet to match down the road after I find one I like.

Kitchen still coming along, will be on tap next. We are on a roll lol

She may have to take a less desirable job just to get some work experience. Dh and I are trying to talk her into going to grad school. Tuition is free until she turns 26.
Nothing wrong with any work experience IMO.

Can she also volunteer in local library?

I’d not pass on free tuition. Perhaps take library sciences coursework/minor over the summer?
I have never made macarons as we call them, macaroon is something entirely different here
Macaroons are made on the moon lol

I make a point of referring to them that way To
Annoy the pseudo Francophiles

Same way we would use “wah-la” spelling here lol

But who do I see as I opened my door?
Eek I’d shut that front door quick and call the cops. One scary looking camel there
Sorry to hear your son was sick again. Did they ever rescheduled his test that they canceled.
They did I forgot to pencil it it in on calendar. Thanks for that reminder!
Son and Daughter in law surprised me with a wonderful birthday gift Saturday evening, They hired a private Chef to come to our home and make dinner for us.
Granddaughter kept the secret until right before the Chef arrived.
Oh that is amazing! Such thoughtful family


Good to hear your father is doing well in his recovery.

She is having the worst time. There doesn’t seem to be many entry level jobs for history majors who don’t want to teach. I really wish she has studied something like accounting.
Rule in our house, major in something that will pay the bills. Feel free to pull a double major while you’re at it & minors in the fun stuffs
lol....yes, you don`t say fanny pack over here, especially in front of a group of 12 year olds.....haha!
Ah, go ahead, put a smile on their faces lol
In case anyone has not noticed, I got booted out of the disboards many days ago.
You were lost & now you are found, again. Hooray

2FA is becoming very common, especially on financial, government and work platforms. Two-factor authentication really does provide a helpful layer of security for online logins.

I can see just using a phone might be tricky if not used to the process. Treat yourself to an iPad or laptop.
Big afternoon at our house. Copies of dh’s book arrived today and we also had the new toilet installed.
I’m admittedly tired but, that sentence made me smile.

Congrats to the mr on his book!
Well, I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
Welcome home!
Hope y'all stay warm. Misty 60 here with rain expected 5 of the next 7 days. I lived close the Alps, Rockies and Urals and in Chicago for two years. Met my lifelong tolerance for snow a long time ago.
Trades have become a better option than most degrees in FL.
Even Buc-ees pays cashiers as much as some degrees earn.
I left electrical engineering with a BSEE 30+ years ago to start a wallpapering business and cannot imagine still being stuck in an office all that time.
Got busy weekends including a Circue traveling show and birthdays til late March.


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