~ °O° ~ Any Single Disney Men Out There?? ~ °O° ~ Part 2

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Whooo hoooo tomorrow is 21 days!!!!!:cool1:
Anyone have a few minutes and want to experiance a little Magic? If you go to Disney.com..seach backstage pass....they have some great videos...
Hey all, I've arranged for a Fairy Godmailer to send a post card to my brother in law a few weeks before our big June trip, but now I have no idea what to have them write! Most of the postcards are for kids, "Gee pal, can't wait to see you!" or something, but I want it to be a little more creative. But then again, maybe something a bit corny would be fun too. . . This is his first Disney trip ever (he's 27) and I thought he'd get a kick out of receiving a postcard, a little prelude to the magic that's to come. Also, any suggestions on who the card should come from? He's big into Sci-Fi and so something Star-Wars at HS jumps to mind, but then again a card with a picture of the MK and written from Mickey might be good too. . .I just don't know. I've got a month to figure it out, if anyone has suggestions I'd love to hear them! Thanks!

Sha....what the weather like in FLA today? Please pretty please....tell me its gonna be warm and sunny!!

Sorry, didnt read all the posts last night.. got 2 of my smaller papers written last night... 5-7 more to have done by and submitted by Wed. 9am Its was 81 yesterday... slight humid feel to the air but was nice! today should be too but they said some rain too... WHAT WAS that pic you sent me?! lol looks cold and aweful!

That is why you need to move to FL :woohoo:

I want to move to FL!!! oh wait... I want to move to WDW!!

I hope you plan on being the one to give him mouth to mouth

I dont want no boy cooties

Couple words for that: CPR mask... or ambu bag!
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