“Dreams Come True Momma!” A 2 year old’s first trip ~ May 2015~Complete {NEW TR LINK!}

Okay...back and caught up. Great introductions. Sorry about the Little Miss getting sick in the car a couple of times. And there is nothing wrong checking into a resort with a bathing suit cover up on...it's Disney. Thank God for the save of Lammie.
I'm here!

Great start, Little Miss is the cutest!
:thanks: I certainly think so! :thumbsup2

Sorry your drive there was filled with puke, lol, but yay, you made it to Disney!! :jumping1:
My mom would tell me its parental karma! ::yes::

Hello! I'm over from your PTR.

What a great and happy family picture! Also, I just love your tank top!
:thanks: We ended up with a few really good shots. I'm glad to have them.

how very sweet!
Its even sweeter when you hear it in context.

What a magical photo of your daughter!
More where that came from!

My son loved Figment at five and hopes to see Figment again at 10. :)
Gotta love Figment. ::yes::

great attitude! :thumbsup2
Gotta find the positive in things right?

evry parent has been there at least once
I'm sure!

I think I even said that out loud too! Never have I been happier to see a hooded towel ever. And hey at least it was still disney themed! :rotfl2:::yes:::wizard:

I think you both handled the situation with grace. :goodvibes
It was a either laugh or cry moment. I may have done a bit of both in that parking lot.

I'm so happy this happened for her!
It really was a nice way to turn things around. It was some magic that we all needed. :wizard:::yes::

Okay...back and caught up.

Great introductions.

Sorry about the Little Miss getting sick in the car a couple of times.
Meh, My mom would call it Parental Karma.

And there is nothing wrong checking into a resort with a bathing suit cover up on...it's Disney.
I had to remind myself of that a few times.

Thank God for the save of Lammie.
::yes:: Indeed!
Hi there, just finding your report but I'm all subbed in. First trips are magical, especially when they are "free". We were able to sneak two of those in. Despite your trip clearly started out rough, Hoping it can only go up from here.
Except we are only a family of 3.

I know! :laughing:

I didn't really account for puke time though. At least I know for next time.

One must always factor in puke time.
This is a truism.

I knew as soon as I saw her look around and realize it was Disney day she wouldn't be going back to sleep easy.

Can you blame her!
Hello! Disney!

Nothing like burning off the face of your child's beloved toy to get you going right?



Motion Sick Safe toys are toys that can entertain her but don't strongly encourage her to keep her head focused on her lap instead of up. (You can see some foam shapes she likes to hold and play with that are a motion sick safe toy in one of the pictures.) The problem with books and coloring pages is that it encourages her to keep her eyes down. That is when motion sickness gets you.

Ah. So they're not labeled as Motion Sick Safe... they just are.
Hi there, just finding your report but I'm all subbed in. First trips are magical, especially when they are "free". We were able to sneak two of those in. Despite your trip clearly started out rough, Hoping it can only go up from here.
:wave2: Hi! Glad you found me! :welcome:

:P I was proud of my compact packing I'll have you know. I even got Little MIss and Myself into 1 shared suitcase!

One must always factor in puke time.
This is a truism.
Very true. I'll know better for next time. ::yes::

Can you blame her!
Hello! Disney!
No I really can't. And it was actually really kinda neat to see the look of excitement pass over her face.

Ah. So they're not labeled as Motion Sick Safe... they just are.
he day before the trip I went in for my Post Op appointment with crossed fingers. Thankfully I was given the all clear to eat pretty much what I wanted except chips and anything with Small loose particles that could get stuck in the still freshly recovering site. (I’m telling you that the chick fil a sandwich I had for lunch after that never tasted so good ever!:lmao:

Chick fil a always tastes soo good so i can only imagine what its like after not being able to eat any real food for a length of time.

Car Tetris
:rotfl2:love it, i would fail, i fail Dishwasher Tetris on a daily basis

Phase one was pulled off without a hitch.

In an instant she was wide awake. :headache:


All parents anytime there is an 'accident'


In the last hour she starts to get restless and the motion sick safe toys and the movies are no longer cutting it. With about 40 minutes to go I finally cave and let her have her sticker book. A move I am strongly kicking myself for now

SO adorable!

At this point it looks like Little Miss will be checking in naked. And then I see the pool Bag.

I can only imagine, checking in naked... POOL Atire to save the day (which was an adorable 'outfit' BTW)

FINALLY we were seeing this beautiful site and like magic Little Miss went from a little miserable to feeding off my excitement.


Magic time!party:

And this is where the magic of being at Disney really kicked in. Because while our room wasn’t ready I was informed that they were able to grant all our room requests and by the time we had reached the check in desk it was 2:45pm so letting Little Miss run around in a pool towel for 15 minutes wouldn’t kill her. Then to amp up the magic in the moment the girl checking in stops us as we are about to leave and calls out, “ Oh wait! I almost forgot!” then turning to Little Miss said, “Tiana stopped by this morning and left this for you. She wanted me to be sure that you got it.” She then pulls out a scroll and hands it over to Little Miss.


Love that pool 'outfit' And love some pixiedust: to start the trip!

Overall off to a good start, some misshapes but that's traveling with a child isn't it!

Hugs to you after a rough day:hug:
Looking forward to reading all about your adventures. I love the photo of you and your DD on the bench.
I'm here! I remember your PTR and the Lambie saga, haha. Glad to see Lambie made the trip. ;) Little Miss is just so darn cute! What an eventful car ride, but you made it.. can't wait for more!!
I can relate to the horrible car ride. As a kid, I was the one who had motiion sickness so barfing in the backseat was a common occurance. And my own son continued the tradition, thankfully those days are behind us but your story brings them back. I am glad you were able to take it all in stride and Lambie was saved! Not once but twice! impressive!
Chick fil a always tastes soo good so i can only imagine what its like after not being able to eat any real food for a length of time.
Heaven that is what it tasted like after a week with no real food! ::yes:::littleangel:

:rotfl2:love it, i would fail, i fail Dishwasher Tetris on a daily basis
DH is the Car Tetris King! :thumbsup2

All parents anytime there is an 'accident'

I can only imagine, checking in naked... POOL Atire to save the day (which was an adorable 'outfit' BTW)
I have to say, I am pretty impressed with myself at pulling off an adorable look like that. Thank goodness for cute Hooded Pool Towels right? :rotfl:

Magic time!party:
It really is amazing how driving under the arches changed the atmosphere in the car from tense and stressed to overjoyed and happy in a blink.

Overall off to a good start, some misshapes but that's traveling with a child isn't it!
Truer words were never said! ::yes::::yes::::yes::

Looking forward to reading all about your adventures. I love the photo of you and your DD on the bench.
Looking forward to sharing them. And Thank you.

I'm here!

I remember your PTR and the Lambie saga, haha. Glad to see Lambie made the trip. ;)
:rotfl: Not a story soon forgotten that is for sure.

Little Miss is just so darn cute!

What an eventful car ride, but you made it.. can't wait for more!!
Eventful is a good word for it.

I can relate to the horrible car ride. As a kid, I was the one who had motiion sickness so barfing in the backseat was a common occurance. And my own son continued the tradition, thankfully those days are behind us but your story brings them back.
Same here. My mom would call this Parental Karma! :rotfl:

I am glad you were able to take it all in stride and Lambie was saved! Not once but twice! impressive!
There were a few rough patches in the moment but we recovered well I think.

Joining in! We are hoping to bring our little one as close to his 3rd birthday as well!
:wave2::welcome: Thanks for joining in! It really is a special age to take them to Disney.
Yay! By the way, You didn't by chance ride Soarin right at close on the 13th did you? I ended up doing single rider next to someone who looked like I should know them but I didn't recognise anyone that it looked like she was with. I didn't think to ask about the disboards till way later.
Nope it wasn't me. I didn't get to ride Soarin this trip. I was disappointed we couldn't meet up but you will see how off the rails my plans went in my TR.
Joining in! Aren't adventures with toddlers/preschoolers so eventful? Can't wait to read more! Your DD is adorable!!
Joining in!

I'm sorry the travel day was so rough! That is just not the way you want your Disney vacation to start!

It seems like that little pixie dust scroll at check in made Little Miss feel better though!

I had to laugh at her running around in a pool towel. I've had a few of those "is this it the only thing I have to put on my kid? oh well" situations too!
Joining in!

I'm sorry the travel day was so rough! That is just not the way you want your Disney vacation to start!
It was rough that's for sure!

It seems like that little pixie dust scroll at check in made Little Miss feel better though!
It was actually the magic of driving under the arches that started making everyone perk up and feel better. by the time we had parked she was her happy self.

I had to laugh at her running around in a pool towel. I've had a few of those "is this it the only thing I have to put on my kid? oh well" situations too!
Actually, I had forgotten that the hooded towel was even an option. I went to the pool bag to at least let her wrap up in a towel. There was much relief in in finding that she would have SOMETHING on. ::yes:::rotfl2:

Can't wait to read the rest of your TR!
I'm joining in!
I'm sorry your trip didn't quite go as planned :/ But I'm sure the magic of Disney will wash all that away!
I have to say your Lambie story reminds me of the commercial with Dax Shepard and Kristen Bell frantically trying to clean their baby's stuffed animal. It's pretty funny.
Can't wait to read more!
I'm joining in!

I'm sorry your trip didn't quite go as planned :/ But I'm sure the magic of Disney will wash all that away!
Meh, when traveling with 2 year olds you learn to expect the unexpected.

I have to say your Lambie story reminds me of the commercial with Dax Shepard and Kristen Bell frantically trying to clean their baby's stuffed animal. It's pretty funny.
Yeah I can laugh now. In the moment not so much. But Now, the whole thing was kinda hilarious!

Can't wait to read more!


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