“Life is Grand, it Yacht to be, we are at Disney! 1/29 New TR link, a question, and this TR is complete!

The crowds were crazy that morning, I definitely see how it could have caused frustration for you and Ms. Sass! Sounds like you guys got a lot done despite the craziness. That incident at Starbucks was horrible, I'm so sorry you had to endure that! Sending hugs and hoping the evening was a bit better :hug:
The crowds at MK this whole trip seemed unbearable compared to the other parks! Andi sure had packed her sass that morning!
Thanks for the hugs, I almost wanted to cry, I was so taken aback and just done by that point!
The app barely worked for us this trip for bus times. It was kind of a bummer.
I agree! It was a bummer because we relied on it a few times and we were sorry we did that!
OH no! i sadly have expierence in my own Ms. Sass... And hormones are def part of the problem.
Andi is so mellow usually, I think college is stirring up a more radical Andi :hyper:
Ha I know! But it happens. I know I have had a morning of crabbiness trying to get everyone up and out of the room.
Andi is usually easy to get up and going in the am, this morning not so much!
love Nana too! Of course I always think about the fact that the parents are leaving the kids with a dog as the baby sitter.... questionable. ...
I would love Nana to be my babysitter :rotfl:
I didn't know. She was quiet, wihch makes sense. I am so glad the timing worked out.
She is quiet around people she doesn’t know.
I love this picture!!!!
I do too! It didn’t show up in DME and I had to get it recovered for me!
It really was! Sigh... Seems like whenever we go it is busy.
MK, this trip and our March trip was the worst park for crowds
was going to say that I would have done the same. WE have really only gone in that Starbucks a couple times. It is just always busy.
I should have just kept on walking and not have gone in Starbucks
Sorry that the morning was as magical as you would have liked. Hopefully things picked up after your rest.
It sure had its ups and downs!
My goodness, what a morning!! Too bad Andi (and everyone else, it seems!) was feeling crabby. Everyone had their days—I know I certainly do sometimes—but when you're at the happiest place on earth it's really not the best time for it! I can't believe that at Starbucks! I can see it being really busy, but 40 minutes for a drink you didn't even get?!? That's absolutely mad. I don't blame you for leaving! I would have been tempted to stop in to Guest Relations on my way out, but I'm sure you were just ready to leave and not wait in another line at that point. I really hope things brighten up soon for this day! And glad to see you managed to get in a good ride on PPF and some fun Dismeets to help balance things out a bit :)
Yes the cranky bug had hit several people this morning, including me by the time I left Starbucks! I knew I wasn’t going to get my refresher. I was surprised how many people were just waiting and getting upset! Some had been waiting longer than me!
I should have complained, I just didn’t have it in me by that point!
Oh my gosh, I will never be able to look at this the same again! :rotfl2: Bring's a whole new meaning to "Red's Revenge"!
I think we all have our crabby days at Disney, I hope it all improved quickly!
I know! It had me laughing so hard the first time I saw it!! Good call on the name. :lmao:
Crabbiness was running rampant this morning!
Crabby mornings in Disney are no fun but I've definitely been there lol. Seems like you still managed to make the best of your time though!

Ugh that Starbucks experience sounds like a disaster. I got a major attitude at Starbucks in AK in June when I asked for water too :confused3 :confused3
It was a crabby morning at times with Andi, it did improve!
The water thing at Disney kills me! I know it is free at any QS area, however, the way they make you order it and wait forever for it is so stupid and then attitude on top of that! We always try to go to the few places that actually have it prefilled and sitting out to take.
Hi Caroline,

I've enjoyed following your trip report. We love the BC/YC and Epcot, too. :)

It was really nice to be able to run into so many Dis-ers.
Hi and :welcome: Thank you for joining in! I loved the YC, right now I think it is my favorite resort! The room, the location, and the quietness won me over!
Where was the secret sitting area? It is nice to find quiet areas in the parks.
The area is across from the magic carpets, it looks like there are a few tables, however if you go further back there is a nice area with built in benches! I will definitely go back there again!
Oh wow, so sorry about your Starbucks encounter! How utterly ridiculous.
On another note, can I ask, where the secret sitting area is, that Ariella spoke of? Sounds nice :) Just love your TR, and can't wait to read more!!!
Also, we made a day trip to Duluth on Saturday, and I thought of you and Andi! Such a cool city - we ate at Grandma's! Hope you had a nice weekend :teeth:
The Starbucks incident did stink! 💩
The area is behind the magic carpets, there are tables in the open but further back is a nice quiet area with a few built in benches, it is hidden!
Oh I’m sorry you came to Duluth on Saturday, the fog and rain weren’t the best! Today was gorgeous here! I love the Canal Park area, I hope you had fun despite the weather!
I'm sorry Andi was cranky this morning! You can't tell by the photos though, at least she has a smile on her face!

Love the Splash ride photo- a whole DISboard crew in one log!

What a crappy experiene at Starbucks, I'm sorry! :(

Heading back to the room to recharge was probably a good idea!
Andi has the best picture face :rotfl:
It was fun to ride Splash with everyone!
Starbucks was really a bummer! The good thing is I didn’t have any experiences like that the rest of the trip!
I was so glad to get back to the room and once it cooled down it was heavenly!
Well, that certainly wasn't the way you were expecting your MK morning to go. The summer heat can bring out the worst in people, unfortunately, and I feel like it all builds. One cranky guest sets off two guests, etc etc. Still no reason for the Cast Member at Starbucks to be so rude to you, though.

On the flip side, you managed to get an awesome Splash Mountain photo! Look at all you DISers having a blast. How fun!

Good to know about the balcony door; sometimes those doors can be tricky to close completely.
So true! It does build and causes a chain reaction. I’m surprised Starbucks didn’t turn into an all out riot in there! I was glad to get out even without my refresher!
Splash was a wonderful highlight of the morning!
Make sure the balcony door clicks or the air doesn’t work. Our door seemed like it was closed and actually wasn’t!
That looks good! I don't think I knew about this new treat at all. I love Dole Whip, but a change is nice too.
You all nailed the Splash picture! Looks like you had a lot of fun, despite some crabbiness in the air.
Thanks, we really did! I think the heat and crowds made Andi more of a sass!
Ugh Starbucks. I have to be honest, I just avoid it entirely, either at home or on vacation. I'm not a coffee drinker and there's really nothing on the menu I feel like spending 5 or 6 bucks on. My wife and daughters like it though, so we ended up in the Starbucks in the parks almost every day. It was always crowded, but not as bad as your experience.
It was bad, uncalled for actually. The CM’s unfortunately had no clue what was going on in there and it showed! I normally didn’t care for Starbucks until Andi got me to try the refreshers there, yum! I won’t be going back to the one in MK any time soon!
Following along.
I was there last week, and was a bit surprised at how crowded it was. I barely did MK because of the high levels (lots of ride breakdowns too). I of course made it for a few laps on the PM. Instant bliss.
I stayed at WL, which was great! Thinking of YC for next spring and your pics sold me on it.
Looking forward to reading more
:welcome: :wave2: Thank you for joining in! I agree with you, MK was the worst! Ahh isn’t PM blissful! I love it.
I think you will love YC if you stay there, we sure did! The rooms are so nice and feel so big!
Hi! I am checking in to follow this report! I actually booked our next trip already - next Sept. at Beach Club! So I'll be interested to read the YC notes from you. I was at WDW the same time as you - we were there 8/19 to 8/24. We stayed at AKL and had a great time! We did the free dining (and we went with my parents and sister). Prior to this trip, the last time I was at WDW was Dec. 2015. A lot of the meals had so much food, my mom and I would comment that we could share it, etc. I told my mom about your trip reports and how you say you do share things, etc. - and how I thought in my head I must eat more than you, I would be hungry, etc. but now I realized we really could split the meals! Haha.
Hello and :welcome: Thanks for joining in! You will love BC, the area is so nice! There is so much to do in the Boardwalk area and walking to Epcot and HS is really nice! I’m so glad you had a great time! We stayed at AKL in January and really loved it! Yes, I think sharing at most places works well! We did the DDP a few times in the past and it is a lot of food. It is nice when it is free!!
Oh haha I forgot somehow that I agreed to run the Princess Half Marathon with my sister & cousin so we will be there in Feb. for two nights, too. I don't even know if we will have time to visit the parks or what.
Good Luck with the marathon. We use to go in February when Andi was in high school because this was her winter break time and it always was around the marathon time. Weather is usually really nice!
I will never unsee that chocolate hat :rotfl: .

Good thing my mom does not really go on the internet let alone any sort of forum, or she would probably be calling me Ms. Sass too!

I am always too scared to brave the Starbucks lines at WDW. I waited with my friend at DLR in July since she needed caffeine, and we probably waited at least 20 minutes and it wasn't even busy. I worked at Caribou in college and I don't get how it could get that backed up when they have so many people working!
This morning was not without some really frustrating moments.

Nooo, and on the first full day!


What a beautiful picture!

It was Andi’s first time with the photo and I didn’t say where it was, she looks fine and I don’t know what I am doing, of course! The laughable HM photos continue!:laughing:

You're thinking Ms. Sass belongs there with all the ghosts and ghouls!

I thought I would go into Starbucks for a refresher, not a good idea!

That Starbucks can be such a madhouse

She made me wait at least 10 minutes, glared at me and finally gave me an ice water!

What? Her behavior is just awful! Sorry you experienced that and that you didn't even get your drink in the end.

Stay tuned for a fun evening without crabbiness :thumbsup2

Can't wait to hear about a better evening!
The Starbucks incident did stink! 💩
The area is behind the magic carpets, there are tables in the open but further back is a nice quiet area with a few built in benches, it is hidden!
Oh I’m sorry you came to Duluth on Saturday, the fog and rain weren’t the best! Today was gorgeous here! I love the Canal Park area, I hope you had fun despite the weather!
You bringing up the Starbucks incident just reminds me why I prefer Caribou ;---)
Thank you for the tip about the nice quiet area, sounds peaceful! I'm SO itching to get back to "The World", it's not even funny.....I even crave the whole planning aspect. Hopefully soon!
Yes, we had a blast in Duluth--we try to get up there once a year, love looking at the leaves on the way up. Canal Park area was fun; the rain slacked off for awhile and we were able to venture around by the rocks, saw a cool ship come in and wandered through the gift shops. Very fun!
Looking forward to more TR! It was fun thinking of what you and "Ms. Sass" were doing every day, thanks to your pre-trip report plans.


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