“They gave us an extra trash basket!” A Surprise Trip 6 day POR. Nov and Dec 2014. Updated 2/8

My family frequented Stewart Beach for summer day trips growing up. I always said the water was chocolate milk. I think the murkiness comes from it being west of the Mississippi delta, so the sediment from the river flows to that section of the gulf. Louisiana beaches are even worse.

Looks like it's a nice beach trip!
Galveston Trip Conclusion

Day 3 - Tuesday

We woke up again and had breakfast at the hotel. Our goal today was to go to Moody Gardens. "Moody Gardens is an educational tourist destination, with a golf course and hotel in Galveston, Texas which opened in 1986. The non-profit destination uses nature to educate and excite visitors about conservation and wildlife."

We opted to do the rainforest pyramid (clear one) and it did not disappoint. I had read a lot about going here. (Bad and Good) We had a great time. It reminded me a lot of the Dallas World Aquarium. So here are some pics!

River otter in background sleeping :)


You take some stairs to get up in the rainforest canopy

Not surprising was the heat and humidity up there!

Looking down on some Macaw and Scarlet Ibis (What is the plural of both of these names? lol)


Butterflies getting ready to eat. A man was cutting up brown banana, oranges, and other fruits. They actually gather as many as they can in these 'cages' and place a plate of food in each.

They also have plant nectar too in the exhibit.

Fruit Bats

Leaf Cutter Ants


Poison Dart Frogs


Pitcher Plant

Komodo Dragon.... glass between him and that hand...

Mattie with an Ibis

Vampire Bats


You get the idea. I do recommend checking this place out if you ever find yourself in Galveston. Next time we will do the aquarium pyramid. After Moody we hit the gift shop and bought some stuff and then went to eat. This time Pizza buffet along the Galveston Seawall. After lunch we went back to the hotel and hung out an hour then got dressed for the beach.

I had heard tales of seashells on the west end of Galveston. So after a 20 min drive we were there on one of the many public beach access roads. It took me all of 2 minutes to find to a couple of Cantharus or Whelks (not sure which) that were fairly intact. The 2nd suprisign thing was the water was Texas-clear here. The crashing waves stirred no sediment or beach sand. This had the effect of clear water to about 10 feet of shore. After that 10 feet to farther out it was Texas-murky again. We got there around 3pm and stayed until 7pm. We dug we looked for shells we played in the ocean.


A mountain I was told...

Master of the hole she dug

So we got back to the hotel around 8pm and got everyone showered as best we could. However it was still 9pm and we were all hungry. Normally I would not take kids to dinner so late and I probably shouldn't have done it to them because we regretted it later... We went to Salsa's Restaurant.

This place is ALWAYS packed with sometimes a 2 hour wait. Well we figured this would be a perfect time to try it. We were greeted with ONLY a 35 min wait at 9PM! Wow... We got seated and ordered. I ordered 20 oz Margaritas for Jen and I... Had I known they cost more than a Lapu Lapu at Ohana I would have past! Anyways the kids were tired and were very subdued. Michael however was thirsty. He downed 2 glasses of raspberry lemonade while we waited and took a third refill with his chicken tacos... We made him go to the bathroom 2 times before we left! The meal was the best meal we had the entire trip! Such good texmex!

Yes Mattie is eating a corn dog in a tex mex place... I am ashamed.

Gross Out Alert.. You Were Warned!
We finished around 10:30 and got back to the hotel and everyone was in bed by 11p. 15 minutes later (right when I was somewhere between sleep ans awake) I heard Michael talking to Jennifer and the conversation escalating to 'Oh my gosh he is throwing up!" All of that lemonade and food had sat in his stomach and his body just rejected it. No trashcan around. Couldn't make it to the bathroom... just leaned over and projectile! he eventually got up and made it to bathroom for the rest of the devils work. EWWW!!!! Clean Up was NOT fun.

Day 4 - Wed

Last full day on island. We played it very casual. Breakfast at the hotel, some shopping, and beach. However the end of the beach day provided mega excitement!

We have another Galveston tradition and that is to go to Murdoch's Bath House. It is a souvenir shop/pier overlooking the Gulf. I remember going there in 1984 after we moved to Texas with my parents, so every year we have been going we check it out. Hurricane Ike took it out in 2008 and it was rebuilt in 2009. It has been destroyed by hurricanes at least 4 times and rebuilt each time. I like to go there for the open air observation decks... and the strong pina coladas :)

Hurricane Ike also took out the Historic Flagship Hotel too. What they rebuilt on the old pilings was Pleasure Pier. You can see it in the distance from the deck.

Ice Cream.

Pina Colada for me

and some laughs....

After Murdochs we drove back to the west end of the island for more beach time. We chose a different area this time a bit further down. Unlike the previous days we had to park far away and walk to the beach rather than drive on it. No biggie besides the heat! We had a good last day on the beach. We got there as low tide was happening. Many tidal pools were formed. Tons of seashells were exposed. Michael caught a blue crab. We let him go :)

Nobody wanted to leave... We stayed until 8pm. We had such a good family time! However the reality was we had to get back to the hotel and get some dinner. We packed up and walked back across the bridge/walkover to the van. I was about 30 feet in front of my family and 30 feet to the van....

....when I heard the distinct sound of a rattlesnake rattling his tail. I froze and looked up to see what seemed like a 6 foot snake in the grass in front of the van! It was in the classic strike pose much like the photo below... he was not quite as coiled as this guy which made him appear so big to me. I was not close enough to be real scared but I was nervous Mattie might be running to get in the van so I turned around and yelled for everyone to freeze!


I told Jen "There was a 6 foot rattlesnake in front of the van!" She didn't believe me! I am known to be a prankster so they kept walking. I had to jump in front of her and say "No REALLY!" She looked over my shoulder and saw it! Funy thing is I had always heard that you never walk on Texas coast dunes because of rattlesnakes. I was never sure if it was true or not. I always picture rattlesnakes in west Texas and desert looking areas.

She wrangled the kids back about 10 feet and we watched it from about 50 feet away. I assumed he would be scared and would slither away after some time. Not knowing what to do really I did what everybody does these days... started taking photos of it! Here is the van from about 30-40 feet. This is about how close I got when I heard it and saw it in the grass. In this photo you cant really see but it had moved under the van and was inspecting the driver side front tire.

At this time another car pulled up 20 feet from the passenger side of my van. I motioned for the lady to roll the window down and I told her a Rattlesnake was under my van. She hung out for a while and then left :) By this time he coiled up right beside the driver side tire. You can see him in this picture. My wife was sort of laughing at me saying... I don't think it is 6 ft. it wasn't I told her... probably more like 5 feet! She thought that was the funniest part.


I had never encountered a rattlesnake before and was unsure of what to do. I grabbed one of the blue metal shovels and went up to the van and banged on the concrete thinking the noise would scare him away... nope. Just sat and rattled. I debated calling 911 and getting animal control but it was late and I wanted to go home at a reasonable hour.
I went around to the back side of the van armed with shovel and camera.

I then hatched the idea of remote opening the passenger side sliding door. Jumping inside and seeing if the engine starting would scare it away... nope Jen said it didn't move over the phone. I don't hunt, I don't like killing any animals. However this sucker had to die. I was not going to chance getting bit or one of the kids. Not to mention if there were more snakes in the tall grass 10 feet from where my kids were standing...

I cut the tire full left and backed over it... It didn't die. I tried again. It was still alive at this point or nerves were keeping it moving. I took the blue shovel and finished it by decapitating it. I wanted it out of its misery. I stretched it out and it was 50" from head to tail so not 6ft... but 4ft 2" is still a big snake in my books. I am fairly sure it was a Western Diamondback based on its markings. No need to show the post mortem photos cause it is gruesome. It was Michael that asked me to cut the head off in case it still was in pain. He has a more tender heart than i do when it comes to animals. When we got back to the hotel I read on wikipedia that they typically do not shy away from a fight and stand their ground which explains why I was not successful in scaring it I guess.

Anyways... we finally got moving almost at 9pm. So we picked up a box of Popeyes spicy chicken and headed tot he hotel for our last night on the island :)

Day 5 - Thursday

We woke up and had breakfast, packed and checked out, stopped on the seawall for one more look at the Gulf and drove back home. It was a good trip. The kids had a blast!

I should get back to Disney tomorrow evening! Thank you for indulging the off topic mini trip!
OMG....I am terrified of snakes! I keep thinking of what would have happened had you not heard it! So glad it turned out ok. I will say I laughed hysterically at the visual of you on the phone with your wife, all the while trying to pass over the snake!!!
Just caught up from page 1 or 2.

So Glad you made it to Disney and your family is having a great time, with lots of wonderful memories.
So thoughtful to stop and ride the resort monorail when Michael was disappointed. I have had a few of those just want to get there moments.

Looks like a good beach trip too, except for the rattle snake, that's scary!!!

I think we might be staying at Port Orleans Riverside in February, so I am glad to hear you liked it.
Looking forward to more of your report!
OMG....I am terrified of snakes! I keep thinking of what would have happened had you not heard it! So glad it turned out ok. I will say I laughed hysterically at the visual of you on the phone with your wife, all the while trying to pass over the snake!!!

Snakes don't bother me unless I know they are poisonous, yes it was a sight to behold.

Aaaaannnnnddd you just scared me off Texas for life!


Just caught up from page 1 or 2.

So Glad you made it to Disney and your family is having a great time, with lots of wonderful memories.
So thoughtful to stop and ride the resort monorail when Michael was disappointed. I have had a few of those just want to get there moments.

Looks like a good beach trip too, except for the rattle snake, that's scary!!!

I think we might be staying at Port Orleans Riverside in February, so I am glad to hear you liked it.
Looking forward to more of your report!

Thank you! I enjoyed POR. It captures the deep south perfectly!
Wrapping Up Magic Kingdom!

We got back to the Magic Kingdom 5 minutes before the Spectromagic show began. When we came in I just figured we'd plop somewhere and watch the parade at the entrance however I was waved off of EVERY place I tried to setup by cast members. I think it was the stroller. It was 10-15 people deep so the kids were not going to get a good view. I got frustrated by all of the friendly but stern cast members telling me to go elsewhere with the stroller. We ended up going down the bypass and ended up on the bridge to Tomorrowland and right as we approached the bridge they stopped all traffic on it... No parade...

We ended up waiting there to get a closer castle view for Holiday Wishes and Celebrate the Magic. I captured some photos of the Castle while waiting.

I got some distant photos of the parade.


I took some more photos of the night time lighting...



After the parade was over we made it over the bridge to the Hub and tried to get as close as possible but it was standing room only. The Hub was still under construction at this time and it was a mess. Sardines come to mind. My feet were KILLING me at this point and I thought I might have to just sit on the ground until Wishes started! Eventually things got underway. I tried to get the artsy fireworks photos again.


Almost got Tinker Bell :)

Soon the fireworks started.








Here is a video of the last few seconds.

So after that Celebrate the Magic was shown. I opted to video that. There are a million videos of that so no need to upload that. It was the version with Brave (and not Frozen :( ) along with the extra seconds of Holiday at the very end. It was very cool close up though.

The crowd leaving was tough... we went straight down main street and it was slow going. We finally left the Magic Kingdom and the Ferry was the least busy option. So we got on board and as we were talking about the amazing day we saw the lake parade from the ferry! A last bit of Magic as we left!





So we made it back to the room exhausted! The next day was our full day of Epcot, however we HAD to get some laundry done before we left. We were too tired to do anything so I agreed to do laundry at 7am and Jen would get everyone bathed and fed before we left the next day.
Sounds like you had a good meal at 'Ohana and good fun with friends. The Lapu Lapu's are definitely not cheap but I can justify one per trip as they are just fun to have, taste pretty good and while not crazy strong they do have a decent amount of alcohol in them

Bummer about the monorail being down - good think you talked with the group in the elevator and learned of the boat.


Looks like a good family trip to the Galveston beach and hitting up some traditional places. Glad after the wait you were happy with the food at Salsa's .... sorry to hear Micheal got sick though

OMG - I would have freaked the heck out if I saw a snake like that by my car. I definitely would have called 911 or something rather than getting as close as you did to it and taking care of it. I got bit by a gardener snake when I was in kindergarten so snakes kinda still freak me out.


too bad about the crowds - it really does get crazy crowded for the night time shows. I hope the expanded hub really does help out with this. At least you were able to see celebrate the magic and holiday Wishes pretty well - and the electric water pageant too boot! :thumbsup2
Glad you got to see the fireworks. Wishes is so magical. Bummer about Spectro though but I think seeing the EWP pretty much makes up for it.
Sounds like you had a good meal at 'Ohana and good fun with friends. The Lapu Lapu's are definitely not cheap but I can justify one per trip as they are just fun to have, taste pretty good and while not crazy strong they do have a decent amount of alcohol in them

Bummer about the monorail being down - good think you talked with the group in the elevator and learned of the boat.


Looks like a good family trip to the Galveston beach and hitting up some traditional places. Glad after the wait you were happy with the food at Salsa's .... sorry to hear Micheal got sick though

OMG - I would have freaked the heck out if I saw a snake like that by my car. I definitely would have called 911 or something rather than getting as close as you did to it and taking care of it. I got bit by a gardener snake when I was in kindergarten so snakes kinda still freak me out.


too bad about the crowds - it really does get crazy crowded for the night time shows. I hope the expanded hub really does help out with this. At least you were able to see celebrate the magic and holiday Wishes pretty well - and the electric water pageant too boot! :thumbsup2

I imagine the expanded hub will be amazing!

Glad you got to see the fireworks. Wishes is so magical. Bummer about Spectro though but I think seeing the EWP pretty much makes up for it.

Very happy to have seen what we saw! THanks!
I remember Moody Gardens as a kid! The butterflies were so pretty. Rattlesnakes at the beach are no joke! I live about 15 minutes from Port Aransas and they are terrible around here, those suckers can swim, too! We were fishing on an island out of Port O'Conner when I was a kid that was only accessible by boat, when we tried to get back to our boat to leave there was a 5 ft rattlesnake blocking our way. Luckily we had some floundering gigs and were able to kill him, he was hanging out where all of the boats pulled up and someone would have definitely ended up getting bit if we hadn't.
I remember Moody Gardens as a kid! The butterflies were so pretty. Rattlesnakes at the beach are no joke! I live about 15 minutes from Port Aransas and they are terrible around here, those suckers can swim, too! We were fishing on an island out of Port O'Conner when I was a kid that was only accessible by boat, when we tried to get back to our boat to leave there was a 5 ft rattlesnake blocking our way. Luckily we had some floundering gigs and were able to kill him, he was hanging out where all of the boats pulled up and someone would have definitely ended up getting bit if we hadn't.

We almost went to Port A this year, but had a last minute change of heart when the much cheaper room in Galveston came up. I had always heard that you never walk in the dunes of a Texas beach for fear of rattlesnakes.
I love, love, LOVE your trip report, your family and your honesty!!!!! Love that you're including the 'not so magical' moments because that's what makes it real and amazing!!! Thank you for sharing with us!!! I'm also very interested in the 'traveling to and from' the parks. We're also driving BUT were planning to use disney transportation once we got there BUT then I've read that it can take FOREVER with the buses, etc. But I don't want to drive to all the parks and have to walk CRAZY distances just to get into the parks....I'm guessing the buses drop you off a lot closer than having to park, walk, take monorail/ferry, etc?
Thank you for your reply! I really can not tell you about the Disney Transportation. As soon as I found out parking in the parks was free for resort guests I never even wanted to try the bus. I have a nice 2013 Toyota Sienna minivan that is comfortable for my family of 5 :)
I couldn't imagine hauling everything we did to the bus stop, waiting on the bus, then getting it all on the bus, and hauling it all off when we got to the park. Not to mention when we left the parks we just walked to the van and leave. I use the Google Maps on my phone and GPS service to find my way. All of the parks seemed about 10-15 min from POR.

You are correct the buses do drop you off closer at all of the parks. However the walks from the parking lots only seemed long on the way out of the parks. They do have Trams if you feel like waiting on them... I just wanted to get in to the parks so we walked.
Day 4 - Dec 2nd

Casual Morning - Full Epcot Day

(I may add more pictures tonight. I forgot to look at Jennifer's photos from this morning)

We took it easy this morning and slept in after our big day yesterday. I think we woke up around 9AM I woke up before everyone else and took a shower and fixed coffee. I think this was the first day that I started getting that feeling in my stomach that we had only today and tomorrow left... It made me sad while drinking my coffee looking out the window of the hotel room. It didn't stay long. I still had a full Epcot day today and another full day at Magic Kingdom tomorrow. We would not see Chad and Leslie today as they wanted to go back to Hollywood Studios.

I think we all got ready around 10:30. While I waited I grabbed a few shots of the grounds of Port Orleans and building 38.


As we left... Michael was not happy I took picture with pink bag!


In short order we made it to "The Big Gold" as Mattie likes to call it!

One of my children... I let you decide which... likes to have their picture taken.



Right as we got up to the Monorail loading area it started to rain. So we waited it out.


The kids... apparently starving from not having ate for 1.5 hours devoured a can of pringles we had while we waited. Mattie still has that balloon! No sign of air escaping!

Lets Have Lunch! But We JUST Got Here!?!

We got in to the Park. All we saw the first night of Epcot was the Meet n Greet, Seabase/Coral Reef area, Test Track, and Illuminations from Mexico/Future World bridge. Our plan was to visit a few things we did not see in Future World. Innoventions, etc and then do the World Showcase.

However since the kids had not had anything to eat since oh... 10 minutes ago (Y'all remember, right? The entire Pringles can) the questions of when will we eat lunch started to pop up.... It was 11:45 ish so we ditched the center of Future World for lunch at Sunshine Seasons. It is a good thing because right as we got there it really started to rain. We parked the stroller and ran inside.

We got down to the dining area and we all tried to figure out what we wanted. Michael was determined to try new foods on this trip. He was happy he got to pick from the adult menu at Disney. Nathan is my most picky eater (pizza, chicken strips, fries plz) and Mattie loves starchy foods but eats vegetables well and is funny about eating meat.

We got our food and found a quiet area and sat down. This meal reminded me a lot of the previous day at Columbia Harbour House. A nice relaxed lunch!

Michael and I opted for the Mongolian Beef. Too his credit he it all.. including MOST of the vegetables in it.

Nathan had the Drumstick and got Potato Wedges which he was convinced were not fries. Apparently if you put ketchup on them they eat ok!

Mattie had Mac and Cheese... which she barely ate.

Jennifer had the Turkey and Cheese sandwich on ciabatta bread I believe.

Desert was good... Jen and I shared whatever this was... It did NOT suck!

After we wrapped up a nice lunch we headed over the Living with the Land. I am not sure how beloved this ride is but it was a must ride for me and I am not exactly sure why. I think a little probably has to do with it being right up Michael's alley. He loves watching nature shows and animal shows. There was not really much of a line. Maybe 5 minutes.

I didn't have much luck with photos on the ride. Dark sections were too dark and the boat motion killed a couple of close shots.



I guess not all of Thanksgiving decorations were down yet...

Not to worry... Christmas was well represented.



Look at all of those tomatoes! YUM!

Soon the ride was over. We didn't ride Soarin. I am not sure how I would have done on that ride and I don't think Mattie was tall enough. So we skipped that and headed out of The Land to the nice (now sunny and humid!) day.



Up next we head to World Showcase!

Living with the Land is one of my favorite things in all of WDW! It is a must do on every trip! My DH and I actually did the behind the seeds tour last time and it was amazing! I hope the kids enjoyed seeing all of the fun mickeys shaped foods!

I was always really scared to ride Soarin and didn't think I would like it. I'm afraid of heights (sometimes) but it was the dangling feet/feeling I may fall out that scared me the most.

But I finally took the plunge and road it earlier this year. I have to tell you that it is amazing!! It was even better the 2nd and 3rd time! I was much more relaxed on those rides and was able to enjoy it. I found that if it ever gets to be too much - just look left or right at the people in the glider with you. You realize that it is an illusion and you are totally safe! :)
Living with the Land is one of my favorite things in all of WDW! It is a must do on every trip! My DH and I actually did the behind the seeds tour last time and it was amazing! I hope the kids enjoyed seeing all of the fun mickeys shaped foods!

I was always really scared to ride Soarin and didn't think I would like it. I'm afraid of heights (sometimes) but it was the dangling feet/feeling I may fall out that scared me the most.

But I finally took the plunge and road it earlier this year. I have to tell you that it is amazing!! It was even better the 2nd and 3rd time! I was much more relaxed on those rides and was able to enjoy it. I found that if it ever gets to be too much - just look left or right at the people in the glider with you. You realize that it is an illusion and you are totally safe! :)

I had no idea they had a behind the seeds tour! I will probably do Soarin next time. I am just prone to motion sickness. I had a really bad experience at an iMAX theater one time.
Epcot Day 2 Part 2 - Wandering Around the World

Gosh so sorry for the delay. It has been a BUSY couple of weeks. Chad and I are planning the next trip right now. I read up on renting DVC points and we are trying to find out what the catch is to renting DVC points. It seems too good to be true. Anyways.. we left off leaving The Land and heading to World Showcase which is one of the things I was MOST looking forward too! It did not disappoint! Our dinner ressie was for 6ish at Akershus. It was about 1PM.

It had just finished raining and the sun came out. Even for Dec 2 it was pretty humid. A final look back to The Land.

I wish I had more time to linger. I need a SOLO trip!


Didn't get a chance to see any of this....

I love the upside down fountain ( I am sure it has an official name) I wish I had gotten a night shot.

Moving closer to World Showcase...


Wish i would have gotten THIS photo at night too!

Want to take a boat!

We went counter clockwise so Canada was our first stop.

Outside of le Cellier I really had no concept of the attractions available. Maybe next time? I do love a steak!

Didn't go up the steps..

Got obligatory totem photos


The End of the Balloon!

After Canada we moved to the UK... The first thing we spied was the Red Phone Booth. My poor little children had no idea what that was. I had to explain it to them. So anyways they all got in there and I pretended to hold them in.

When I opened the door.... POP! The balloon got pinched in the door, Mattie was sad about it but she got over it. We started to explore the UK at this point.


We eventually made it to the back and caught Father Christmas. We listened for a while and got photos.

Mattie not really listening...

Not a single photo out of 15 where everyone was looking at camera and smiling... (like herding cats)

We played in the hedge maze for a bit and headed to the bridge to France. Some Christmas on the way out...

Photo op

When we get to France I make Jen cry! C ya next time!
The snake nearly did me in but I'm happy I stuck with it! I'm enjoying your family and your report although I'm sad to see the crowds during what is my favorite week to visit.
Been catching up on your trip report. So fun to hear about all of you experiencing everything for the first time!

Your story of the incident with too much 5-Hour Energy and caffeine on the drive down cracked me up because it reminded me of the time my husband had the brainchild to drive straight through from our home in Colorado to his mom's in Tallahassee on the way to one of our Disney trips. There was some sort of turn taking schedule involved but he didn't take into account that I can't sleep in the car and wasn't able to get my scheduled catnaps in, so he ended up driving probably 20 of the 24 hours it takes us, and he OD'd on 5-Hour Energy and wigged out at a Cracker Barrel somewhere in Georgia. Good times, good times. :sad2:


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