10/26 Convention Update


Aug 14, 1999
10/26 Convention Update

1. Event Only Folks can buy convention rate passes by showing their DIS Lanyard that you receive at registration. I will also be providing a list of all attendees to each Convention resort in case you arrive before registration – Event Package – you are all set if you arrive early as your room reservation is prepaid and registered as a convention room. If you are event only I recommend buying your passes at the Yacht Club as they will be most in sync with our convention and you’re less likely to have any trouble.

2. Park Hours – good news on this, so far Conventions is not showing any major cuts in park hours. The parks are only confirming hours through October so I don’t plan on moving any mini meets till I have the new confirmed hours. So far changes are as follows:

a Fantasmic is now scheduled for 6:00 pm, both nights the dessert party will be held from 5:30-6:30pm, we will then have an escorted walk through the Osborne Lights from 6:30-7pm, on Thursday Tower of Terror will follow from 7:15pm to 9:15pm. We will set up a meeting spot for those not attending the Fantasmic party on Thursday.

b. Illuminations is now scheduled for 9:30 PM – that’s right they made it later even with the park hour cuts… this time is confirmed as of today but things are changing on a day to day basis. The dessert party will be from 9-10pm

3. Opening Reception – we have moved this from Atlantic Dance to the Yacht Club Convention Center – 5:30 to 7:30 pm, reception will feature international and domestic cheese and crackers and bread, vegetables and dips, fresh fruit and berries and dips, kids table with child friendly options, pretzels, that very fancy fruit punch which has caused so much ruckus… and a cash bar

4. Character breakfast will have a holiday theme to it (I thought that would be fun), since picture are included you may want to dress in your holiday attire – I have asked the characters to do the same.

5. So far those blocked at the Yacht and Beach are staying on the Yacht Club side, please check in at that resort.

6. Tours – I’m thinking about not offering the Yuletide tour, I have received more information on it, some not so hot reviews and you only tour the parks and Wilderness Lodge decorations, they will not customize it unless you want to pay about $150 per person…yikes! - Scripting costs. Please give me some feedback on this below. However the Keys to the Kingdom is still a go. It lasts about 5 hours and will start at 9am, cost $40 (no meal) I can have a meal coupon added for an additional $10 (trying to find out what type of meal coupon fast food most likely, like Columbia Harbor House, entrée, drink, dessert – I’ll get the details Monday) if we add the meal coupon then you take a break about 3 hours into the tour for lunch – again I need some feedback on this – should we or shouldn’t we? Tours need to be paid by cash or check at convention registration but I need a list of all those attending very soon, I have been guaranteed that we will have one of WDW’s best tour guides.

That’s it for now, things are just about all set and I’ll update the itinerary the beginning of November to reflect changes in park hours.

Have a great weekend :)
Thank you so much, Linda. It all sounds great. I do have a question about the Keys to the Kingdom tour. BTW, I agree, the Yuletide tour doesn't sound that great-I really wanted to be able to see all the resorts with this tour, not the parks. So, on that note, if I were to do the Keys tour, would I get back to the GF in time to host the tea? I don't want to be late for my assignment. ;) I've always wanted to do the Keys tour, but didn't know if I would have time.
Thanks Linda. :) Sounds encouraging! :) Don't worry about the Yuletide Tour for me...no biggy! I can do 'that' tour on my own....LOL

I'm leaning towards the Keys tour now though. ;) What day would this tour be, Thursday or Friday?

Thanks again Linda. :)
Thanks Linda - I cannot wait to get to DIS CON!!!!
Livia, Can we fit it in? :) If so, I'm all for it. :)
Thanks Linda! Everything sounds great so far.... :D :D

i think it would be great to do the Keys to the Kingdom tour. If we skip the lunch, does that mean we get to tour more stuff, or the tour is shortened? Just wondering. I am for skipping it, but that is just me....I would rather see more stuff.

Can't wait to get there.
Livia & Tia, I think Friday is when they are doing the Keys tour, because it's the same day as the tea. But, if you weren't going to do the Thrill Ride Tour on Thursday, you could do it then. I won't be able to join you 'cause I'm thrill ridin' it that day. :)
Linda, we can organize our own Yuletide Tour.. my brain is working right now and also skip lunch on Keys to the Kingdom Tour.
Oh my...I really need to take another look at my scratched out itinerary. Thanks for the update.
Question: Is the tea still scheduled at 3:00pm? Is there any way to do that EARLIER since the dessert party is at 5:30? Or is that a 'set' time?

Question: On Saturday, is our dinner time for EPCOT still around 5:00pm, even though Illuminations has been moved out by an hour?

Question: (sorry if I've already asked this.....if I have, I haven't updated my itinerary :rolleyes: ;) ) What day would the Keys tour be?

If the Keys tour is on Friday, I think I would want to skip the lunch part since I'm planning on attending the tea at 3:00...then dessert party at 5:30. :rolleyes: :D :D :D

This is all sooooooo exciting!!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Tia - I think you'll be well sugared after the tea and dessert party on the 30th! ;)

Linda said the Keys tour would be Friday morning at 9:00.
Thank you Linda for all your hard work!! I know that we tell you, Marsha, and Pete this all the time, BUT we really do mean it and can't say it enough!
Now for the question :)

Since the opening ceremony is scheduled for 5:30 to 7:30 now, is Illuminations scheduled for 9:15 that night too?

If so, our 8:15 time to go to the bridge (did we ever figure out which bridge that was?) would have us cooling our heels both before going to the bridge, and waiting for the Illuminations.

Sorry that I always have questins, I guess it's just the commando in me :)
Gerri - IllumiNations is at 9:30 - at least at this time. I mentioned before that Marlee Matlin is scheduled to be the narrator for the Candlelight Processional that night. Perhaps those of us with AP's or who have been in a park that day can catch the 8:15 CP show - then join the group (inside or outside) at 9:30.
Friday morning at 9:00, thanks Nancy. :)

I don't think I can do that......that is just too much for this ole girl! ;)

Okay, Linda, please remove me from both tours.....I'm exhausted just thinking about them. ;)
Darn it..I was all excited about hosting the Osborne Lights Meet :(...now I will have to find something else to host. Can I host the Resort hopping meet on the 27th?
Since the Osborne Lights tour is escorted from Fantasmic Desset Party, Will only those doing the Dessert Party that night be able to do it?

I am going to update the Itenerary today...lots of changes folks so time to break out the printers again :-)


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