100 Day Cheat-Free Challenge!

Hi, cam! Thanks so much for the encouragement! I did have a wonderful time! I'm not beating myself up too hard today. Last night I was, but I have had some time to think about it. I maintained my 100oz of water a day but it was HOT and I probably needed to drink more. I also had fries more often than not which probably had lots of salt. I'm sure that it will go away. I'm just excited that I made it through without cheating. Of course I had to guesstimate points but I tried to be as accurate as possible! The pounds will disappear again. :)

I just counted and I think my 100 days will be up on June 29 or so. I will have to get through a family reunion weekend, but if I can do Disney, I can do that.

You're awesome, Cam! Thanks for your encouragement! I'm following the other 100 days thread, waiting for the day that I can join in!
Jana--welcome back! :banana: Only 1.5 pounds is AWESOME! I hope I can do that well while we are gone! You're right--once the salt leaves your body, the 1.5 pounds probably will, too! I'm impressed!

I'm sorry that little craphead ;) said that to you. Teenage boys are so wonderful, huh?? :rolleyes: I bet he was no where near smart enough to make it into the top 10, though!

I am through day 55. . .almost there! Cam, I will be joining you on the new 100 day thread too--just as soon as we get back from WDW! :banana:

Have a great Wednesday, everyone! :cool1:
I made it through days 63 and 64! Yesterday I did some 'stress eating' due to the storms we had. However, I chose Twizzlers instead of a candy bar. I suppose it was a better choice. :)

The good news is that the 1.5lbs are gone! I am very happy about that! I'm now back to where I started and I should be able to make my five for May (if I eat well over the weekend!)

Stitch--the bad part about what that kid said was the his parents just sat there and didn't say anything to him!!!! I couldn't believe that adults would sit there like that! I didn't let it ruin my trip though. I'm glad it happened on the first day and I could ignore it from then on out! I hope things are going well with you!

Cam--Would it be easier for you if I 'start over' and join the other thread? I could always start over, but note that I had 64 days under my belt already!

64 down, 36 to go!
Hi everyone!

Jana--64 days AND the 1.5 pounds gone??? Awesome job! :sunny:

I made it through days 56 & 57--I am 90% of the way through! That means we're that much closer to WDW and to my goal!! I am so excited! :wave:

Thank you, everyone, for being so very, very supportive! I know 63 days is not as long as 100 (duh!), but you all have kept me going through this!

Have a great Friday, everyone! It's our last day of school, so I am very excited! :smooth:
Hi, Jana & Stitch! I am so happy you guys are still going strong here. I love checking in and updating your progress. No need to move to the other challenge yet. Enjoy this! You guys are doing so great.
Have a wonderful night!
I've made it through day 67! I'm getting into the tough part of my year--summer. I never think it is too hot to eat and always think it is too hot to exercise. I gained six pounds last summer (pre wish) so I'll really have to buckle down this year!

The good news is that the 1.5lbs from vacation and the 2lbs from the previous weekend when I had company, are gone, plus an extra!!! I've now met my May goal (at least temporarily) and am 2.6lbs away from ONEderland. Yay! I'm not sure how I did it, but whatever works.

Stitch and Cam--I hope you are having a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!

67 down, 33 to go!
Yeah, Jana! Great job on losing all that and being so close to ONEderland. It is an amazing place to be -- to say "I will never see a '2' at the beginning of my weight again"! I can't wait to hear you've achieved that!
Hugs, guys!
Have a wonderful day!
Hi! As of today, I have made it through day 60. Just 3 more days to go! Jana, I am like you--summer is the hard part for me!

Congratulations on getting the weight off, Jana! You're almost to ONEderland! What a terrific accomplishment!

Everyone have a great Memorial Day tomorrow! :cheer2:
Hi! I am so excited! Today is day 62/63! Just one more day to go! I can so do this. . .even though my co-workers tried to tempt me with french fries today! :rolleyes:

I hope everyone is doing well! Just one more day of work for me, and then it's off to WDW on Thursday! :thumbsup2 Have a great evening everyone! :teeth:
Way to go, Stitch! You made it! Have a great time at Disney!

I just finished day 70! This is about the time I messed up last time around, but I'm not going to mess up now!

70 down, 30 to go!
I MADE IT!!! 63 days! Not as impressive as 100, but I'm pretty excited! :banana: That means I am now ready to leave for the World tomorrow! :cheer2:

Jana--70 days--that's AWESOME! You can do this! I know you are going to make it! :thumbsup2

Everyone have a great rest of this week and next week! :sunny:
I am now at 72 days! I attended a bridal shower yesterday and ordered a grilled chicken sandwich with fruit (instead of fries) and only had a tiny piece of cake. It was hard, but I did it!

Also, I bought a dress online for a wedding I will be attending next week. I was so worried that it would be too small, but, it's actually too big! If I can find a cheap rate, I'm going to get it altered! :cool1:

72 down, 28 to go!
I finished day 74 today! I also started back to they gym this week-so far so good! I can't do much, but I'll get there.

74 down, 26 to go!
I'm not sure where my counting got off, but I think I should be at day 76 today.

76 down, 24 to go!
Great job, Jayna! You must be so proud of yourself! How is your quest for ONEderland going? I have been thinking of you a LOT and cannot wait to hear that you have seen that amazing "1" at the beginning of the number on your scale. NEVER to see the "2" again! :cool1: :thumbsup2
Last night was day 79! This last 25% is dragging by! Of course, summer is hard for me because I just want to eat and eat. Top that off with the fact that I am tired of the frozen meals in my freezer. I'm going to do some actually cooking this weekend. I hope that helps.

My quest for ONEderland is stuck! I need to drop to 24 points and I am struggling with that. It's only two points! It shouldn't be that hard! Apparently my body just wants food! But, I'm trying. And, I have returned to the gym which will help eventually. I am determined to lose this summer rather than gain!!!

79 down, 21 to go!
Thanks, Cam!
Today I finished day 80! Tomorrow I have to get through a wedding (thank goodness I don't really like store bought cake) and in two weeks I have to get through a family reunion. If I can make it through all that, I can make it to June 29!

80 down, 20 to go!

I keep thinking that, besides two days in March, I've had almost 150 days cheat free!
Hi, Jayna! How did the weekend go? Can you believe you have gone more than 80 days cheat-free? Awesome going, kiddo! :cool1: :cheer2: :thumbsup2

Can't wait to hear what you think of the awesome place called ONEderland! :love:
I'm currently at 83 days! Unfortunately, the scale showed a two pound gain this week. I'm going to blame it on three things:

1. I had to go out to eat three times this week. No matter how hard I
try to be good, it doesn't always work when eating out.
2. I had two of my "big" meals in the evening, which always causes
me to gain.
3. I started exercising again after close to six weeks off. When I first
started exercising I gained so that's what this could be too.

I'm going to have to readjust my water to account for exercise and summer heat. I'm also going to have to drop to 24 points a day. I think these two pounds should come off relatively easily--if I don't get frustrated and give up!
My goal for next week is to stay at 24 points for 4/7 days. I will also only use half of my flex points. Those are my personal goals. Keep your fingers crossed!

83 down, 17 to go!


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